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a649f9f If Clay snarled and raged, he was a proper werewolf. If I did, I was a hysterical woman. Kelley Armstrong
5f1738a And then it will rain. Kelley Armstrong
7258c67 There's one you don't see in the movies. Nothing says 'I love you' like 'I tracked down this guy for you to kill. Kelley Armstrong
2f8958e Normal.Un cuvant atat de simplu,banal.Ciudat cum stralucea acum,ca un inel de alama pe un carusel, sclipind de promisiuni,atat de aproape,dar cu neputinta de atins. Kelley Armstrong
2d2b8d2 His red-haired companion wore a similar outfit but without the tattoo and piercings, lacking the courage--or the idiocy--to turn a fashion statement into permanent disfigurement. They Kelley Armstrong
c996891 Right." A soft, choked laugh. "Kind of ruins the dramatic effect if I'm storming off in the wrong direction, doesn't it?" humor Kelley Armstrong
a649897 The strong know that free will is all. What I want, I must take. I Kelley Armstrong
69959a7 I started rubbing my temples and she suggested I don't really get headaches. It just hurts me to think. lol sarcasm Kelley Armstrong
c825f23 After this, he'd probably be going to zoos, climbing the enclosure, saying, 'Here, watch this...' Famous last words, as yet another unfit human is removed from the gene pool. Kelley Armstrong
55348dc all that mattered was that she was with you and she was happy and you were off on some grand adventure together. Kelley Armstrong
42fff23 The muse is a fickle bitch. Woke me at five. You're Kelley Armstrong
3a6e833 I believe you are conflating your fantasy worlds." "You" Kelley Armstrong
0cae166 She shrugged for a word. I blurted, then felt my cheeks heat. She reclined on her bed. brooding-spot chloe tori nice Kelley Armstrong
ec632a9 But that's what dreams are for--to weave reality and fantasy and memory and stitch together something you can't hope for in waking life. To fulfill that little part of you that wants something so bad. Kelley Armstrong
fcd641d This is the dilemma, the contradiction we cannot resolve. We do not want to be them. Yet we are fascinated by them, because every detail tugs at a buried memory. Kelley Armstrong
1c24db5 Simon kissed me and I just stood there like someone had cut the cord between my brain and my muscles. Finally, the connection caught and I did kiss him, but awkwardly, some part of me still holding back, my gut twisting, like I was doing something wrong, making a huge mistake, and-- Simon stopped. For a moment, he hovered there, face above mine, until I had to look away. he said, his voice so soft I barely caught it. He eased back, and his.. kiss simon Kelley Armstrong
bcb1901 Jeremy shifted to the left, blocking my view of Clay, as if we were Siamese fighting fish that wouldn't attack if we couldn't see each other. "Come" Kelley Armstrong
4208888 Jeremy shifted to the left, blocking my view of Clay, as if we were Siamese fighting fish that wouldn't attack if we couldn't see each other. Kelley Armstrong
6a1db58 We did as we were told, staying outdoors, and not bothering Jeremy and Peter. Yet that could be done while sitting outside the study window, where we could listen to the conversation within. Kids who don't eavesdrop on adult conversations are doomed to a childhood of ignorance. Of what I heard that afternoon, I understood only one key point: that Peter was leaving the Pack. Why he was leaving, what that meant for his life, how difficult tha.. Kelley Armstrong
2ac7d98 Too much of anything reduces the overall effect of happiness and satisfaction. Kelley Armstrong
18c45ef Not exactly true. I'd briefly met the ghost of one, but he hadn't been much help. A moment of silence as she studied me through the mirror. my stutter fell away. She drove for a minute, the silence heavy. Then her gaze rose to the mirror again, meeting mine. she whispered, staring at me. Hearing her words and seeing her expression, I knew Derek had been right last night. I'd just done something worse than raising the dead--I'd confirme.. raising-the-dead chloe summoning margaret blame Kelley Armstrong
4e5cd9d The door slapped shut, sound echoing as Derek marched across the yard, dead on target. I looked around, desperate for an escape route, but there was none. Go forward and deal with Derek, or run back toward Simon and have to deal with both of them. I kept walking. he snapped. Relief washed through me. I didn't trust myself to speak, so I just pointed back to the woods. I mumbled, trying to get past him. Without a sound, he was right in fr.. where-is-he derek crying Kelley Armstrong
f89ffbc According to Cortez, the Cabals had strict policies against employing any supernatural being that might mistake them for lunch. Kelley Armstrong
73d83d9 Derek) He shook his head. said a voice behind us. We turned to see Simon step out of the doorway. Derek said. He swore. He picked his way across the roof. don-t-tell simon Kelley Armstrong
6fddd0d Simon was smiling as he said it, but Derek glanced away with a gruff Simon lowered himself on my other side, so close he brushed against me, hand resting on mine. Derek said. I said. chloe derek jealous simon Kelley Armstrong
58a4c2c I make the choice because it is one I can live with. vampire Kelley Armstrong
95db7da I called. No answer. I took a few more steps, then called a little louder, A branch snapped in the woods. I pictured Derek, in the middle of a Change, unable to respond, and hurried toward the forest's edge. The noise stopped and I paused at the end of the path leading in, peering into the dark woods, listening. Another snap. Something like a groan. I stepped in. It took only a few paces for the morning light to fade and darkness to envelo.. looking-for chloe derek Kelley Armstrong
5c8507c Other parents warn their kids not to talk to strangers. I had to warn mine not to eat them. Kelley Armstrong
e457318 Tori) (Simon) (Tori) Tori waved at the woods behind our rented house. tori real-world simon self-defense Kelley Armstrong
1a30714 An exhale, relieved that I understood. I turned. He put his fingers under my chin. His mouth opened. Shut. I lifted onto my toes, put my hands around his neck, and pulled him down. When our lips met, that first jolt...It was everything I hadn't felt with Simon, everything I'd wanted to feel. His hands went around my waist, pulling me closer-- Simon's footsteps thudded through the hall. We jumped apart. Derek grumbled. kiss lousy-timing worth-it derek Kelley Armstrong
f6af9d9 You were outside?" I said. "Making reindeer tracks." I lifted my brows. "Did you hear the kids earlier, talking about reindeer?" Kate had been concerned that the chalet roof was too steep for the reindeer to touch down on, and Logan insisted they didn't really fly. [...] "So you made reindeer tracks?" I said. "I did. Not on the roof, of course. That wouldn't work. But they landed in the middle of the yard, then walked over to the house. I f.. Kelley Armstrong
d5d7c72 We ran to the others--it was clear Derek wasn't accepting a leisurely stroll. I took the lead so this huge guy wouldn't come barreling down on them. That wasn't the way anyone needed to wake up. It was still chaos. Derek barked orders. Chloe tried to calm him. When he didn't listen, I snapped that he wasn't helping matters. He snapped back. Ash jumped to my defense, snarling like an alley cat. Daniel intervened to mediate. Derek turned on h.. ordering snapped chloe derek maya Kelley Armstrong
c5491fc Chloe) (Derek) friendship derek Kelley Armstrong
8e60dcb Simon appeared at the doorway behind Tori and Derek. He waved to me and mouthed Not a bad idea. I snuck around them and zipped out the door to where Simon waited. Then I glanced back at Tori. he said. He led me into the next room. Derek called. Simon took my elbow and steered me at a jog through the house as Derek's footsteps pounded behind us. run-away derek simon get-away Kelley Armstrong
e07394a I used to think that once we started going out, Derek would change. When I admitted that to Tori, she nearly laughed herself into an aneurysm and gave me a lecture on the stupidity of expecting to change a guy. Maybe I didn't have her dating experience, but I knew you didn't go out with someone because you thought you'd change him. That wasn't what I'd meant. I liked Derek the way he was. I'd just hoped getting closer would mean landing on .. chloe tori derek dating Kelley Armstrong
430b2c2 Rafe said again. tragedy helicopter rafe maya fall Kelley Armstrong
5e7b419 she said. Daniel winced. Corey lifted his brows. Rafe only sputtered a laugh. insult corey rafe sam daniel Kelley Armstrong
f950be7 Sam) Rafe grinned. humor rafe sam Kelley Armstrong
6b877ba Daniel murmured to me. Chloe gave a soft laugh. A wry smile. The wolf growled, but she only laughed and gave him a pat, then tugged him away as we went to retrieve my clothing. skin-walker human-form derek maya clothing daniel wolf Kelley Armstrong
4a86d18 Daniel said, his voice low. Rafe sputtered a laugh. She glowered at him, then at Corey, who'd joined them, grinning as he heard. Even Daniel had to wipe away a smile. she said. Daniel said. I said. She glared at Corey, who was cracking up behind Rafe. Derek said. Sam sighed. Daniel's roar made everyone stumble back. He climbed the steps and stopped in front of Sam. Corey said. insult corey rafe maya sam daniel Kelley Armstrong
65d1ac5 She looked at me again, and the sweet and shy Nicole disappeared. Her eyes blazed. she said. As Nicole raged, the hair on my neck prickled, because in her eyes, I saw madness. Obsession and madness. You're crazy, I thought. Did they do this to you with their experiments? Or is this just you? I started inching back. she said. She screamed, a long drawn-out shriek of feigned terror. madness insult nicole rant maya obsession Kelley Armstrong
89a1f08 I said, barely able to open my jaw enough to get the words out. Rafe looked surprised at first but seeing my face, that melted away and his own face hardened. He turned to Nicole. he said. she squeaked. Her blue eyes rounded and she flinched, like a whipped puppy seeing a raised hand. Hayley said. I clenched my fists tighter and my face started to throb, as if I was about to shift. I took a deep breath and tried to find clam so I could.. truth nicole rafe sam reveal Kelley Armstrong
fa3b8a7 You ever get into that shit again? Lotta trees behind Stonehaven. I'll string you up from one." "And let the crows peck at my corpse?" "Nah. Doesn't hurt if you're already dead." Kelley Armstrong
9437371 Nicole crumpled--just let her legs give way and fell to the floor, hunched and sobbing. Hayley looked at me. Even Rafe did. Uncertain looks from both of them. I had to admit, Nicole was a good actor. If I hadn't seen her switch from "sweet Nicole" to "raving lunatic Nicole" in a heartbeat at the campsite, I might have believed her myself." nicole rafe unsure hayley believing maya Kelley Armstrong