The word maybe was beginning to annoy me, because the only thing that was fixed was that maybe would be with me for ever. Maybe
Markus Zusak |
El silencio no era quietud o calma, y desde luego no era paz.
Markus Zusak |
I realize that nothing belongs to her any more and she belongs to everything. She
Markus Zusak |
I'm ready now." If he'd intervened, it might have"
Markus Zusak |
Soy idiota. [...] Y amable. Lo que me convierte en el mayor imbecil del mundo.
Markus Zusak |
A mosquito sings in my ear, and I almost feel grateful for the company. I'm even tempted to sing along. It
Markus Zusak |
Que hijos de puta, penso. Que adorables hijos de puta. No me hagan feliz. Por favor, no me calmen y me dejen creer que algo bueno puede salir de todo esto. ?No ven los moretones? ?No ven esa raspadura? ?No ven la herida que tengo dentro? ?No ven como se extiende y me corroe ante sus ojos? No quiero volver a tener esperanzas. No quiero rezar para que Max este vivo y a salvo. O Alex Steiner. Porque el mundo no se los merece.
Markus Zusak |
Este chico puede conmigo. Siempre. Es lo unico malo que tiene. Me rompe el corazon. Me hace llorar.
Markus Zusak |
god bless the man with the beard, the missing teeth and the poverty Ritchie
Markus Zusak |
Clearly , you're an idiot but you're our kind of idiot
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I'm pretty much just hoping to live decent. I hope that's enough.
Markus Zusak |
No mezclo nada, solo repito lo que tu dijiste. Lo que uno cuenta y lo que sucede de verdad no suele coincidir, Rudy, sobre todo contigo.
Markus Zusak |
The bombs were coming - and so was I.
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untangled him and carried him out. High above
Markus Zusak |
God.' I always say that name when I think of it. 'God.' Twice, I speak it. I say His name in a futile attempt to understand. 'But it's not your job to understand.' That's me who replies. God never says anything. You think you're the only one he never answers? 'Your job is to...' and I stop listening to me, because to put it bluntly, I tire me. When I start thinking like that, I become so exhausted, and I don't have the luxury of indulging f..
Markus Zusak |
Please believe me when I tell you that I picked up each soul that day as if it were newly born. I even kissed a few weary, poisoned cheeks. I listened to their last, gasping cries. Their French words. I watched their love-visions and freed them from their fear.
Markus Zusak |
If nothing else, the old man would die like a human. Or at least with the thought that he was a human.
Markus Zusak |
A human doesn't have a heart like mine. The human heart is a line, whereas my own is a circle, and I have the endless ability to be in the right place at the right time. The consequence of this is that I'm always finding humans at their best and worst. I see their ugliness and their beauty, and I wonder how the same thing can be both. Still, they have one thing that I envy. Humans, if nothing else, have the good sense to die.
Markus Zusak |
When they came together, Michael apologized.
Markus Zusak |
Books everywhere! Each wall was armed with overcrowded yet immaculate shelving. It was barely possible to see the paintwork. There were all different styles and sizes of lettering on the spines of the black, the red, the grey, the every-coloured books. It was one of the most beautiful things Liesel Meminger had ever seen. With
Markus Zusak |
Not that it was a living hell. It wasn't. But it sure as hell wasn't heaven, either.
Markus Zusak |
The injury of words. Yes, the brutality of words. She
Markus Zusak |
She could only hope they could read the depth of sorrow in her face, to recognize that it was true, and not fleeting. I
Markus Zusak |
A SMALL PIECE OF TRUTH I do not carry a sickle or scythe. I only wear a hooded black robe when it's cold. And I don't have those skull-like facial features you seem to enjoy pinning on me from a distance. You want to know what I truly look like? I'll help you out. Find yourself a mirror while I continue. I
Markus Zusak |
It was one of those moments of perfect tiredness, of having conquered not only the work at hand, but the night who had blocked the way. Papa
Markus Zusak |
Primero los colores. Luego los humanos. Asi es como acostumbro a ver las cosas. O, al menos, asi intento verlas.
Markus Zusak |
Arschloch podria traducirse por "imbecil", y no distingue entre el femenino y el masculino. Uno simplemente lo es."
Markus Zusak |
Los ninos... A veces son mucho mas astutos que los atontados y pesados adultos.)
Markus Zusak |
Tu sei il mio migliore amico, Ed>>. <> Si puo uccidere un uomo con una frase come questa.
Markus Zusak |
Her mouth jittered. Her cold arms were folded. Tears were frozen to the book thief's face.
Markus Zusak |
When I glanced back at the plane, the pilot's open mouth appeared to be smiling.
Markus Zusak |
It's not a big thing, but I guess it's true-- big things are often just small things that are noticed.
Markus Zusak |
Gli affari non vanno bene, ultimamente?>> <> Il vetro dei suoi occhi si frantuma e mi punge. <> A questo punto, non posso piu trattenermi. <> <> Beve anche il fondo del caffe. <>
Markus Zusak |
I also fear that nothing really ends at the end. Things just keep going, as long as memory can wield its axe, always finding a soft part in your mind to cut through and enter.
Markus Zusak |
Books everywhere! Each wall was armed with overcrowded yet immaculate shelving. It was barely possible to see the paintwork. There were all different styles and sizes of lettering on the spines of the black, the red, the gray, the every-colored books. It was one of the most beautiful things Liesel Meminger had ever seen. With wonder, she smiled. That such a room existed!
Markus Zusak |
seen her.
Markus Zusak |
Intanto che i bambini ballano nel giardino, sotto il cielo della notte e sotto le luci di Natale, noto qualcosa. Lua e Marie si stanno tenendo per mano. Sembrano cosi felici, in questo istante, mentre osservano i loro figli, e le luci sulla vecchia casa di eternit. Lua bacia Marie. Un bacio delicato, sulle labbra. Marie ricambia. A volte, le persone sono belle. Non per l'aspetto. Non per quello che dicono. Semplicemente, per quello che sono..
Markus Zusak |
is there cowardice in the acknowledgment of fear? Is there cowardice in being glad that you lived?
Markus Zusak |
Si domando quando esattamente i libri e le parole avessero incominciato a significare non solamente qualcosa, ma tutto.
Markus Zusak |
I know what happens and so do you. It's the machinations that wheel us there that aggravate, perplex, interest, and astound me. There are many things to think of. There is much story.
Markus Zusak |
What?!" Tommy shouted. His face twitched"
Markus Zusak |
Personalmente, penso che il sesso dovrebbe essere come la matematica. A scuola. Nessuno ci resta male, se fa schifo in matematica. Addirittura, c'e gente che va in giro a vantarsene: <>. E qualcun altro ride e risponde: <>. Bisognerebbe poter dire lo stesso anche del sesso. Dovremmo poter afferma..
Markus Zusak |
Many jocular comments followed, as did another onslaught of "heil Hitlering." You know, it actually makes me wonder if anyone ever lost an eye or injured a hand or wrist with all of that. You'd only need to be facing the wrong way at the wrong time or stand marginally too close to another person. Perhaps people did get injured. Personally, I can only tell you that no one died from it, or at least, not physically. There was, of course, the m..
Markus Zusak |
Another ten minutes, the gates of thievery would open just a crack, and Lisa Meminger would widen them a little further and squeeze through.
Markus Zusak |