Si hubiera podido ver arrodillada a la ladrona de libros junto a su cuerpo diezmado, habria gritado de alegria y girado sobre si mismo y sonreido. Le habria encantado contemplarla besandole los polvorientos labios devastados por las bombas. Si, lo se. En la profunda oscuridad de mi corazon de siniestros latidos, lo se. Le habria gustado, sin duda. ?Lo ves? Hasta la muerte tiene corazon.
Markus Zusak |
Vs'shchnost intrigata e onova, koeto me provokira, ozadachava, interesuva i izumiava.
Markus Zusak |
Mesele eski arkadasin, daha iyi bir arkadas olmasi degildir. Sadece o kisiyi daha iyi tanirsiniz ve zavalli bir budala gibi davranmanizdan rahatsiz olmayacagini bilirsiniz.
Markus Zusak |
Uyanik gecirdigi zamanlarda saatler tepesinde dikiliyor, onu yipratmakta kesinlikle tereddut etmiyorlardi. Gulumseyerek canini cikariyor ama sonra da yasamasina izin veriyorlardi. Bir seyin yasamasina izin vermekte ancak bu kadar art niyet olabilirdi.
Markus Zusak |
Se dio cuenta de que era mucho mas facil hallarse a las puertas de algo que haberlas cruzado.
Markus Zusak |
no corrian tiempos para abandonarse a la esperanza, aunque casi pudiera tocarla.
Markus Zusak |
Apesadumbrada, se dio cuenta de que los relojes no suenan a nada que se parezca siquiera a un tictac, sino al ruido que hace un martillo, arriba y abajo, golpeando una y otra vez contra el suelo. El sonido de una sepultura.
Markus Zusak |
No esta de mas mencionar que todo patron tiene siempre alguna brecha y que un dia este acaba dando un vuelco o pasa pagina.
Markus Zusak |
La memoria me dice que en la parte de atras [...] habia muchos anhelos.
Markus Zusak |
El silencio siempre era la mayor de las tentaciones.
Markus Zusak |
Las calles de la ciudad estaban llenas de gente, pero la extranjera no se habria sentido mas sola de haber estado desiertas.
Markus Zusak |
No me hagais feliz. Por favor, no me cameleis y me dejeis creer que algo bueno puede salir de todo esto.
Markus Zusak |
how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words and stories so damning and brilliant.
Markus Zusak |
Si, la recuerdo menudo y conservo su historia en uno de mis multiples bolsillos para contarla una y otra vez. Es una mas de la pequena legion que llevo conmigo, cada una de ellas extraordinarias a su modo. Todas son un intento, un extraordinario intento de demostrarme que vosotros, y la existencia humana, valeis la pena.
Markus Zusak |
Pero creeme, las palabras estaban de camino, y cuando llegaron, Liesel las sujeto entre las manos como si fueran nubes y las escurrio como si estuvieran empapadas de lluvia.
Markus Zusak |
No mezclo nada, solo repito lo que dijiste. Lo que uno cuenta y lo que sucede de verdad no suele coincidir, Rudy, sobre todo contigo.
Markus Zusak |
Se aferraba con desesperacion a las palabras que le habian salvado la vida.
Markus Zusak |
Sometimes when life robs you, you have to rob it back.
Markus Zusak |
Anhelaba volver a la inconsciencia de entonces, a sentir tanto amor sin saberlo y a confundirlo con las risas y el pan untado con poco mas que el aroma de la mermelada. Fue la mejor epoca de su vida. Aunque quedaria sembrada de bombas
Markus Zusak |
Cogio a la nina por la espalda y la estrecho con fuerza contra ella. Canto una cancion, pero en voz tan baja que Liesel apenas la oyo. Las notas nacian en su aliento y morian en sus labios.
Markus Zusak |
Now he turned on to the side street, making his way to number thirty-three, resisting the urge to smile, resisting the urge to sob or even imagine the safety that might be awaiting him. He reminded himself that this was no time for hope.
Markus Zusak |
You see, people may tell you that Nazi Germany was built on anti-Semitism, a somewhat overzealous leader and a nation of hate-fed bigots, but it would have all come to nothing had the Germans not loved one particular activity - to burn. The Germans loved to burn things. Shops, synagogues, Reichstags, houses, personal items, slain people and, of course, books.
Markus Zusak |
I actually feel quite self-indulgent at the moment, telling you all about me, me, me. My travels, what I saw in '42. On the other hand, you're a human - you should understand self-obsession.
Markus Zusak |
How's yours?" inquires Marv soon after. "Or more to the point, what is it?" "Eggs and cheese and something." "Do you even like eggs?" "No." "Then why'd you get it?" "Well, it didn't look like eggs when it was on that other guy's plate." "Fair enough. You want some of mine?"
Markus Zusak |
Personally, I think sex should be like math. At school. No one really cares if they're crap at math. They even proclaim it. They'll say to anyone, "Yeah, I don't mind science and English, but I'm absolutely shithouse at math." And other people will laugh and say, "Yeah, me, too. I wouldn't have a clue about all that logarithm shit." You should be able to say that about sex, too."
Markus Zusak |
If only she could be so oblivious again, to feel such love without knowing it, mistaking it for laughter and bread with only the scent of jam spread on top of it.
Markus Zusak |
It kind of depressed me to think a human could be so lonely that she would comfort herself with the company of appliances that whistle, and sit alone to eat.
Markus Zusak |
A veces, en el sotano, se levantaba con el regusto del acordeon en sus oidos y saboreaba el resquemor dulzon del champan en la lengua.
Markus Zusak |
Trust me, though, the words were on their way, and when they arrived, Liesel would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out like rain.
Markus Zusak |
Tenia lo que llamaba un pequeno surtido de herramientas: Un libro pintado. Un punado de lapices. Una cabeza llena de ideas. Como si fueran piezas de un puzzle, empezo a encajarlas.
Markus Zusak |
Her fingertips are made of love. When she speaks, her voice is made of love.
Markus Zusak |
The book thief had struck for the first time - the beginning of an illustrious career.
Markus Zusak |
A few of them performed the beautiful childhood art of snickering.
Markus Zusak |
Y ese beso, Saumensch?
Markus Zusak |
Once, words had rendered Liesel useless, but now, when she sat on the floor, with the mayor's wife at her husband's desk, she felt an innate sense of power. It happened every time she deciphered a new word or pieced together a sentence.
Markus Zusak |
Mozda svatko moze zivjeti izvan granica onoga za sto se smatra sposobnim.
Markus Zusak |
the table. "That Saukerl, that filthy pig--you call him Papa, verstehst? Understand?"
Markus Zusak |
They were eating in the kitchen. Looking at the spoonfuls of pea soup entering Mama's mouth, she decided to shift her focus to Papa. "There's something"
Markus Zusak |
Just don't ask me to be nice. Nice has nothing to do with me.
Markus Zusak |
It's such a beautiful day," he said, and his voice was in many pieces. A great day to die. A great day to die, like this. Liesel walked at him. She was courageous enought to reach out and hold his bearded face. "Is it really you, Max?" Such a brilliant German day and its attentive crowd. He let his mouth kiss her palm. "Yes, Liesel, it's me," and he held the girl's hand in his face and cried onto her fingers. He cried as the soldiers came a..
Markus Zusak |
The crowd was itself. There was no swaying it, squeezing through or reasoning with it. You breathed with it and you sang its songs. You waited for its fire.
Markus Zusak |
Sometimes you go to the wrong place, but the right way comes and finds you.
Markus Zusak |
Trust me, though, the words were on their way, and when they arrived, Liesel would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out like the rain.
Markus Zusak |
Las intrigas que nos empujan hasta el final son las que me inquietan, me desconciertan, me pican la curiosidad y me asombran. Quedan muchas cosas en las que pensar. Queda mucha historia.
Markus Zusak |