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2fee903 It travelled and wondered, but it disclosed no answers. Not yet. Markus Zusak
00225af It's all very well for such a person to whine and moan and criticize other family members, but they won't let anyone else do it. Markus Zusak
d6ff924 ducking around twisted trees whose fingers are branches spread like cracked ceilings under gray sky. Markus Zusak
d3078ad As for me, I remained a few moments longer. I waved. No one waved back. Markus Zusak
c2bc36a a young man is still a boy, and a boy sometimes has the right to be stubborn. teens Markus Zusak
3e827b5 We only sit there now. Audrey and me. And discomfort. Squeezed in, between us. She soon says, "You're my best friend, Ed." "I know." You can kill a man with those words. No gun. No bullets. Just words and a girl." Markus Zusak
7dbb10b First and foremost, we want a good clean fight." He adress only yhe Fuhrer now. "Unless, of course, Herr Hitler, you begin to lose. Should this occur, I will be quite willing to turn a blind eye to any unconscionable tactics you might employ to grind this piece of Jewish stench and filth into the canvas." nazism Markus Zusak
7a61631 You might argue that I make the rounds no matter what year it is, but sometimes the human race likes to crank things up a little. They increase the production of bodies and their escaping souls. Markus Zusak
4267a0c A human doesn't have a heart like mine. The human heart is a line, whereas my own is a circle, and i have the endless ability to be in the right place at the right time. The consequence of this is that i'm always finding humans at their best and worst. I see their ugly and their beauty, and i wonder how the same thing can be both. Still, they have one thing i envy. Humans, if nothing else, have the good sense to die Markus Zusak
1be6fe0 HERE IS A SMALL FACT You are going to die. Markus Zusak
97d9fb8 A final dirty joke. Another human punch line. As with many of the others, when I began my journey away, there seemed a quick shadow again, a final moment of eclipse--the recognition of another soul gone. You see, to me, for just a moment, despite all of the colors that touch and grapple with what I see in this world, I will often catch an eclipse when a human dies. I've seen millions of them. Markus Zusak
3ef2c26 Papa's lungs were full of sky. Markus Zusak
82041f7 God never says anything. You think you're the only one he never answers? Markus Zusak
3d9a13f So many people chased after me in that time, calling my name, asking me to take them with me. Then there was the small percentage who called me casually over and whispered with their tightend voices. people war Markus Zusak
b008077 They say that war is death's best friend, but I must offer you a different point of view on that one. To me, war is like the new boss who expects the impossible. He stands over your shoulder repeating one thing, incessantly: "Get it done, get it done." So you work harder. You get the job done. The boss, however, does not thank you. He asks for more. Often," Markus Zusak
c919031 She was holding desperately on to the words that had saved her life. Markus Zusak
f85d1c1 If nothing else, they died fast and they were warm. The boy from the plane, I thought. The one with the teddy bear. Where was Rudy's confort? Where was someone to alleviate this robbery of his life? Who was there to soothe him as life's rug was snatched from under his sleeping feet? Markus Zusak
3d04a77 Snowflakes of ash fell so lovelily you were tempted to stretch out your tongue to catch them, taste them. Only, they would have scorched your lips. They would have cooked your mouth. Clearly, Markus Zusak
f22a396 Ljudi su ponekad prelijepi. Ne po izgledu. Ne po rijecima. Vec samo po onome sto jesu. Markus Zusak
cc6a882 otra arremetida de <>. ?Sabes? Lo cierto es que me sorprenderia que alguien no perdiera un ojo o se hiciera dano en una mano o en una muneca en medio de ese jaleo. Bastaba con quedarse mirando hacia el lugar equivocado en el peor momento o estar demasiado pegado a otra persona. Tal vez si que hubo heridos. Por lo que a mi respecta, lo unico que puedo decir es que nadie murio por estar alli, al menos fisicamente. Es evidente qu.. markus-zusak the-book-thief Markus Zusak
bd0bb0a Ljudi nemaju srce poput mojeg. Ljudsko srce je pravac, moje je kruznica, a imam i beskrajnu sposobnost da budem u pravo vrijeme na pravome mjestu. Slobodno tome, uvijek zaticem ljude u najboljen i najgorem izdanju. Vidim njihovu ruznocu i njihovu ljepotu, i pitam se kako ista stvar moze biti i jedno i drugo. Pa ipak, na jednome im zavidim. Ljudi su, ako nista drugo, dovoljno razumni da umru. Markus Zusak
c3c393d The dog next-door had settled down, and the neighbourhood seemed stunned by this event occurring in our backyard. It was like it could sense it. It could sense some form of tragedy and helplessness being played out, and to tell you the truth, it all surprised me. I was so used to things just going on, oblivious and ignorant to all feeling. helplessness ignorant neighorhood oblivious sense tragedy Markus Zusak
e18d7e6 Poniakoga khorata sa shchastlivi. Ne zaradi tova kak izglezhdat. Ne zaradi tova, koeto kazvat. Prosto zashchoto sa kakvito sa. Markus Zusak
727ad09 There was also an acknowledgment that there was great beauty in what she was currently witnessing, and she chose not to disturb it. Markus Zusak
88f0355 Nagra ar senare skulle han bli en som gav bort brod, inte stal det - ytterligare bevis pa hur motsagelsefull manniskan ar. En nypa godhet. En nypa ondska. Tillsatt vatten och ror om. Markus Zusak
832c883 a day merges through a multitude of shades and intonations, with each passing moment. Markus Zusak
36413f3 You see? Even death has a heart. Markus Zusak
a4df2b6 She was renowned as the best word shaker of her region because she knew how powerless a person could be WITHOUT words. That's why she could climb higher than anyone else. She had desire. She was hungry for them. Markus Zusak
512ac11 From a distance, people observed. Such a thing was easier from far away. Markus Zusak
10ac16e The moon was sewn into the sky that night the-book-thief Markus Zusak
0c6687b It was like she held a string and pulled on it just slightly to open me up. She got in, put a piece of herself inside me, and left again. In there, somewhere, I still feel it. Markus Zusak
9002bf3 At times, it makes me want to stop and stay. Stay for ever. Markus Zusak
4d6d1a0 Koliko, zapravo, jedni drugima dopustamo da se medusobno upoznamo? Markus Zusak
b67c189 I watched the sky as it turned from silver to grey to the colour of rain. Even the clouds tried to look the other way. fear nazis survival wwii Markus Zusak
55721c3 She was one of the few souls that made me wonder what it was to live. Markus Zusak
a7ab670 Although something inside told her that this was a crime--after all, her three books were the most precious items she owned--she was compelled to see the thing lit. She couldn't help it. I guess humans like to watch a little destruction. Sand castles, houses of cards, that's where they begin. Their great skill is their capacity to escalate. Markus Zusak
cfb022a Papa grinned and pointed at the girl. "Book, sandpaper, pencil," he ordered her, "and accordion!" once she was already gone. Soon, they were on Himmel Street, carrying the words, the music, the washing." Markus Zusak
53bf6f6 Era inalt in pat si pot vedea argintul printre genele lui Markus Zusak
f6376b0 Tradition can be a dirty word, especially around Christmas. Families all over the globe get together and enjoy each other's company for all of a few minutes. For an hour, they endure each other. After that, they just manage to stomach each other. Markus Zusak
5397fe3 I don't leave a note. There's nothing else to do. At first, I'd wanted to write Merry Christmas on the box somewhere, but I decide against it. This isn't about words. It's about glowing lights and small things that are big. lights Markus Zusak
fd1dd78 It's hard not to like a man who not only notices the colors, but speaks them. Markus Zusak
372bc8f I wanted to explain that I am constantly overestimating and underestimating the human race - that rarely do I ever simply estimate it. I wanted to ask her how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words so damning and brilliant. Markus Zusak
465c594 Why me?" I ask God. God says nothing. I laugh and the stars watch. It's good to be alive." Markus Zusak
ed48cd7 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS FROM MAX VANDENBURG "Often I wish this would all be over, Liesel, but then somehow you do something like walk down the basement steps with a snowman in your hands." Markus Zusak