THE BEST word shakers were the ones who understood the true power of words. They are the ones who could climb the highest.
Markus Zusak |
He loved her more than Michelangelo.
Markus Zusak |
For a good ten minutes or so we stand there with the flashlight burning the grave with light. The whole time, I'm trying to guess where and exactly how he died and, more to the point, realizing that poor old Milla's been without him for sixty-years. I can tell. No other man has entered her life. Not the way her Jimmy did. She's been waiting sixty years for Jimmy to come back. And now he has.
Markus Zusak |
Just remember that the enemy here is not in front of you.
Markus Zusak |
That was when the world wasn't so big and I could see everywhere.
Markus Zusak |
Quiero palabras en mi entierro. Aunque imagino que eso significa que necesitas vida en tu vida.
Markus Zusak |
Suzanne trabaja media jornada. Odia a su padre. Y se odia a si misma por no plantarle cara. Se lamenta de todo. --Pero adoro a Melinda --dice--. Es el toque de belleza en medio de tanta fealdad.
Markus Zusak |
Se lo que tengo que darle a Audrey. Audrey no ama a nadie. Se niega a amar. Pero lo necesita, necesita permitirselo aunque solo sea un momento. Necesita vivir ese sentimiento. Conocerlo plenamente. Al menos una vez.
Markus Zusak |
He venido --susurro-- por ti.
Markus Zusak |
Puedo oler el sexo en ella, y solo deseo que ella pueda oler el amor en mi.
Markus Zusak |
Supongo que lo que espero es la vida que vendra mas alla de estas paginas.
Markus Zusak |
Puedo quedarme, Ed? Me acerco. --Claro que puedes quedarte esta noche. --Pero menea la cabeza y sus ojos finalmente se centran. Da un paso al frente y alarga un brazo. --No quiero decir esta noche --aclara--. Quiero decir para siempre.
Markus Zusak |
There was no recovery from what had happened. That would take decades; it would take a long life.
Markus Zusak |
I'd rather chase the sun than wait for it. -Ed Kennedy
Markus Zusak |
I am haunted by humans
Markus Zusak |
When death captures me," the boy vowed, "he will feel my fist on his face." Personally, I quite like that. Such stupid gallantry. Yes. I like that a lot."
Markus Zusak |
There must be a place in heaven for those who have been where I have been. You might think I don't love you because of what I've done, but I do.
Markus Zusak |
Ne e problem't v miastoto. Khorata sa si vinovni.
Markus Zusak |
For hours she sat with him as he shivered and slept. 'Don't die' she whispered. 'Please, Max, just don't die.' He was the second snowman to be melting away before her eyes, only this one was different. It was a paradox. The colder he became, the more he melted.
Markus Zusak |
Don't get caught.' This from a man who'd stolen a Jew.
Markus Zusak |
She could only hope they could read the depth of sorrow in her face, to recognize that it was true, and not fleeting.
Markus Zusak |
A DEFINITION NOT FOUND IN THE DICTIONARY Not-leaving: An act of trust and love, often deciphered by children.
Markus Zusak |
He would search the faces on Munich street for a book-thieving girl.
Markus Zusak |
I'm always finding humans at their best and worst. I see their ugly and their beauty, and I wonder how the same thing can be both.
Markus Zusak |
That summer was a new beginning, a new end. When I look back, I remember my slippery hands of paint and the sound of Papa's feet on Munich Street, and I know that a small piece of the summer of 1942 belonged to only one man. Who else would do some paintwork for the price of half a cigarette? That was Papa, that was typical, and I loved him.
Markus Zusak |
she would later write in the basement.
Markus Zusak |
Make no mistake, the woman had a heart. She had a bigger one than people would think. There was a lot in it, stored up, high in miles of hidden shelving.
Markus Zusak |
Well, have you even tried again? You can't just sit around waiting for the new world to take it with you. You have to go out and be part of it - despite your past mistakes.
Markus Zusak |
It felt as though the whole globe was dressed in snow. Like it had pulled it on, the way you pull on a sweater.
Markus Zusak |
I however, try to enjoy every color I see the whole spectrum. A billion or so flavors, none of them quite the same.
Markus Zusak |
I don't have much interest in building mystery. Mystery bores me. It chores me. I know what happens and so do you. It's the machinations that wheel us there that aggravate, perplex, interest, and astound me.
Markus Zusak |
No snapping, slapping, no jolt. Those things happen when you wake from a bad dream, not when you wake into one.
Markus Zusak |
the moment is so thick around me that I feel like dropping into it to let it carry me.
Markus Zusak |
No one's urine smells as good as your own.
Markus Zusak |
Sebbene qualcosa dentro di lei le dicesse che era un delitto (dopo tutto, tre libri erano la sua proprieta piu preziosa), era costretta a guardarli andare a fuoco. Non poteva farci nulla. Suppongo che gli uomini amino assistere a un po' di distruzione: castelli di sabbia, castelli di carte, si comincia cosi. La loro grande dote e la capacita di progredire.
Markus Zusak |
It's funny how when you watch people from a long distance, it all seems voiceless. It's like watching a silent movie. You guess what people say. You watch their mouths move and imagine the sounds of their feet hitting the ground. You wonder what they're talking about and, even more so, what they might be thinking.
Markus Zusak |
It was a place nobody wanted to stay and look at, but almost everyone did. Shaped like a long, broken arm, the road contained several houses with lacerated windows and bruised walls. The Star of David was painted on their doors. Those houses were almost like lepers. At the very least, they were infected sores on the injured German terrain.
Markus Zusak |
Nothing affects you, and you affect nothing.
Markus Zusak |
Highlight: "Arschloch!" Papa yelped. "Liesel, give me some of that snow. A whole bucket!" For a few minutes, they all forgot. There was no more yelling or calling out, but they could not contain the small snatches of laughter. They were only humans, playing in the snow, in a house."
Markus Zusak |
It's also worthy of mention that every pattern has at least one small bias, and one day it will tip itself over or fall from one page to another.
Markus Zusak |
I see their ugly and their beauty, and wonder how the same thing can be both.
Markus Zusak |
sometimes the human race likes to crank things up a little. They increase the production of bodies and their escaping souls.
Markus Zusak |
I wanted to tell the book thief many things, about beauty and brutality. But what could I tell her about those things that she didn't already know? I wanted to explain that I am constantly overestimating and underestimating the human race--that rarely do I ever simply estimate it. I wanted to ask her how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words and stories so damning and brilliant. None of those things, however, came o..
Markus Zusak |
She especially loved to see him hit the silver, sparkled button--the C major.) The accordion's scratched yet shiny black exterior came back and forth as his arms squeezed the dusty bellows, making it suck in the air and throw it back out. In the kitchen on those mornings, Papa made the accordion live. I guess it makes sense, when you really think about it. How do you tell if something's alive? You check for breathing.
Markus Zusak |