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a937de8 ljhl lys `ran, bl nh s`d@ l'Glb lns bynn. wlHq nh ls`d@ lwHyd@ lmmkn@ fy hdh l`lm. l ttkhl `nh Ty'shan. Patrick Süskind
6d3064f She was indeed a girl of exquisite beauty. She was one of those languid women made of dark honey, smooth and sweet and terribly sticky, who take control of a room with a syrupy gesture, a toss of the hair, a single slow whiplash of the eyes-and all the while remain as still as the center of a hurricane, apparently unaware of the force of gravity by which they irresistibly attract to themselves the yearnings and the souls of both men and wom.. Patrick Süskind
44bdcda And even knowing that to possess that scent he must pay the terrible price of losing it again, the very possession and the loss seemed to him more desirable than a prosaic renunciation of both. For he had renounced things all his life. But never once had he possessed and lost. Patrick Süskind
27fbe7f Walking soothes. There is a healing power in walking. The regular placement of one foot in front of the other while at the same time rowing rhythmically with the arms, the rising rate of respiration, the slight stimulation of the pulse, the actions required of eye and ear for determining direction and maintaining balance, the feeling of the passing air brushing against the skin -- all these are events that mass about the body and mind in a .. Patrick Süskind
4bef2e2 And finally - he was neither able nor willing to prevent it - the self-loathing dammed up inside him spilled over and gushed out, gushed out of glaring eyes that grew ever grimmer, angrier, beneath the rim of his cap, flooding the outside world as perfect, vulgar hate. Patrick Süskind
535dedf Siempre habia creido que era del mundo en general de lo que tenia que apartarse, pero ahora lo veia claro no se trataba del mundo, si no de los seres humanos. Al parecer, en el mundo, en el mundo sin hombres, la vida era soportable patrick-süskind the-story-of-a-murderer perfume suspense Patrick Süskind
a718011 ld~ l`rby bn syn wHdh njd qryn@ `l~ Tq@ ltHwr lHjry, Gyr 'nh bdwrh l ystTy` 'n yqwl ln mn 'yn tt't~ Tqth wl lmdh ttbd~ bTryq@ mHdd@, blnsb@ l~ lSWadaf. Patrick Süskind
67d4706 And now fear spread over the countryside. People no longer knew against whom to direct their impotent rage. Patrick Süskind
9fc2fbe con un gesto apacible, un movimiento de la cabellera, un solo y lento destello de la mirada dominaba el espacio y permanecen tranquilas como en el centro de un ciclon, al parecer ignorantes de la propia fuerza de atraccion, que arrastra hacia ellas de modo irresistible los anhelos y las almas tanto de hombre como mujeres. Patrick Süskind
80e1e49 For here, inside the crypt, was where he truly lived. Which is to say, for well over twenty hours a day in total darkness and in total silence and in total immobility, he sat on his horse blanket at the end of the stony corridor, his back resting on the rock slide, his shoulders wedged between the rocks and enjoyed himself. Patrick Süskind
8e085f2 Este presentimiento resultaria cierto, aunque se basaba en premisas totalmente falsas. Patrick Süskind
24f5bc5 Quiza faltan unas gotas de limon penso, pero esto ya era casi frivola glotoneria, porque cuando bebia despues de cada bocado un pequeno sorbo de vino tinto de la botella y se lo paseaba por la lengua y entre los dientes, el regusto algo metalico del pescado se mezclaba con el fuerte y acido perfume del vino de un modo tan convincente, que Jonathan estaba seguro de no haber comido en toda su vida mejor que ahora, en este momento. Patrick Süskind
da838ac and Grenouille's mother, who was still a young woman, barely in her mid-twenties, and who still was quite pretty and had almost all her teeth in her mouth and some hair on her head and - except for gout and syphilis and a touch of consumption - suffered from no serious disease, who still hoped to live a while yet, perhaps a good five or ten years, and perhaps even to marry one day and as the honorable wife of a widower with a trade or some .. Patrick Süskind
f656e64 constantly before his eyes now was a river flowing from him; and it was as if he himself and his house and the wealth he had accumulated over many decades were flowing away like the river, while he was too old and too weak to oppose the powerful current. Patrick Süskind
622dccc yql 'n l Hy@ llnsn dwn 'ml Patrick Süskind
9d72510 ezhednevno v obraze kontrabasa, samogo bol'shogo iz zhenopodobnykh instrumentov, -- eto v smysle ego formy, -- ia nasiluiu svoiu sobstvennuiu mat', i etot vechnyi simvolicheskii krovosmesitel'nyi polovoi akt okazyvaetsia, estestvenno, kazhdyi raz moral'noi katastrofoi, i eta moral'naia katastrofa prosto-taki napisana na litse u kazhdogo iz nas, kontrabasistov. Eto k psikhoanaliticheskoi storone instrumenta. Patrick Süskind
648f5b8 With one glance he had got himself trapped in the brown fundament of her eyes, he was in danger of sinking, as if into a soft, brown swamp, and he had to close his own eyes for a second to get out of it.. Patrick Süskind
b91089c hnk 'sy'l@ tHml nfyh Dmnh bbsT@ bmjrd 'n ytm TrHh, whnk rj ytDH `dm jdwh ltm bmjrd nTqh wlnZr fy lwqt nfsh fy `yny lmtlqy Patrick Süskind
ab4e1b9 Vlast, po-silna ot vlstta na parite, ili ot vlastta na terora, ili ot vlastta na sm'rtta: nepreodolimata vlast da vnushava obich. Samo edno ne mozheshe tazi vlast: da go dari s's sobstven miris. I makar chrez svoia parfium da se iaviavashe pred sveta kato Gospod, shchom kato sam ne mozhe da se pomirishe i zatova nikoga niama da uznae koi e v deistvitelnost, toi pliueshe na vlastta, na sveta, na samiia sebe si, na parfiuma si. Patrick Süskind
736e79b Era fuerte como una bacteria resistente, y frugal como la garrapata, que se inmoviliza en un arbol y vive de una minuscula gota de sangre que chupo anos atras. Patrick Süskind
b5aec22 La desgracia del hombre se debe a que no quiere permanecer tranquilo en su habitacion, que es su hogar. Patrick Süskind
a927a74 Bakin ama oyle sik gorulen bir sey ki. Iyi olan ne varsa oluyor, cunku zamanin akisi iyinin karsisinda. Ve bu akis onune ne cikarsa ezip geciyor. Patrick Süskind
e04d20a Biliyor musunuz, guzel bir sesin kendisi bir fikirdir benim kanimca, sahibi olan kadin istedigi kadar budala olsun; muzigin korkunc yani da bu. Patrick Süskind
5541eb3 Poiche gli uomini potevano chiudere gli occhi davanti alla grandezza, davanti all'orrore, davanti alla bellezza, e turarsi le orecchie davanti a melodie o a parole seducenti.Ma non potevano sottrarsi al profumo. Poiche il profumo era fratello del respiro. Con esso penetrava negli uomini, a esso non potevano resistere, se volevano vivere. E il profumo scendeva in loro, direttamente al cuore, e la distingueva categoricamente la simpatia dal d.. Patrick Süskind
7dd98f7 Dalsza pozycja w jego arsenale byl zapach wzbudzajacy litosc, skuteczny na kobiety w srednim i podeszlym wieku. Tracil rozwodnionym mlekiem i czystym bialym drewnem. Grenouille - nawet jezeli zjawial sie nieogolony, z ponura mina i w wierzchnim okryciu - sprawial wowczas zabiedzonego, bledziutkiego chlopaczka w postrzepionej kurtce, ktoremu koniecznie trzeba pomoc. Przekupki na rynku, poruszone tym zapachem, wtykaly mu orzechy i suszone gru.. Patrick Süskind
d3995ad de co the gia tu coi doi khiem nhuong nhu the can doi chut toi thieu long tot bam sinh... Patrick Süskind
190bf62 Preferia abstenerse de ahondar en semejantes problemas , que le resultaban desagradables y solo conseguirian sumirle en la mas penosa inseguridad e inquietud cuando, precisamente para servirse de la razon, necesitaba gozar de seguridad y sosiego. Patrick Süskind
4b72905 'm lft@ fqd srt lqsh`ryr@ fy jsmh. lm trh b`ynyh , lkn Hss blr`b ntbh , wjtHh zmhryr Gryb , kdhlk ldhy ysh`r bh lnsn Hlm y`wdh r`b qdym mnsy. 'Hst btyr brd ysry fy Zhrh wk'n 'Hdhm qd ftH fj'@ bb qbw hy'l brd. Patrick Süskind
880448f He no longer yearned for his life in the cave. He had experienced that life once and it had proved unlivable. Just as had his other experience - life among human beings. He was suffocated by both worlds. He no longer wanted to live at all. Patrick Süskind
9b4c139 kn ykrh ldkhwl fy ltfSyl , l'n ltfSyl twld lmshkl dy'm , wlmshkl t`ny z`j Tm'nynth , l'mr ldhy lm ykn lyHtmlh 'bd. Patrick Süskind
e513451 lm y`d ykfy 'n yqwl lmr 'n hdh hw kdh 'w n ySfh , bl 'SbH mn lDrwry lan lbrhn@ `l~ klW shy wyfDl dhlk 'n ykwn blshhwd wl'rqm wbnw` mn ltjrb lskhyf@ . Patrick Süskind
16a31d0 He did not want to have his newfound respiratory freedom ruined so soon be the sultry climate of humans. Patrick Süskind
d95b725 He lay in his stony crypt like his own corpse, hardly breathing, his heart hardly beating - and yet lived as intensively and dissolutely as ever a rake had lived in the wide world outside. Patrick Süskind
8bedb34 She had a face so charming that visitors of all ages and both sexes would stand stockstill at the sight of her, unable to pull their eyes away, practically licking that face with their eyes, the way tongues work at ice cream, with that typically stupid, single--minded expression on their faces that goes with concentrated licking Patrick Süskind
d30920a He disgusted them the way a fat spider that you can't bring yourslef to crush in your own hand disgusts you. Patrick Süskind
b6a2c92 He still had enough perfume left to enslave the whole world if he so chose. He could walk to Versailles and have the king kiss his feet. He could write the pope a perfumed letter and reveal himself as the new Messiah. He could do all this, and more, if he wanted to. He possessed a power stronger than the power of money, or terror, or death - the invincible power to command the love of man kind. There was only one thing the perfume could not.. Patrick Süskind
5b8041f rm~ jwnthn GT Sd' Hqdh lkryh `l~ kl m tq` `lyh 'nZrh, bl ymkn lqwl, n Swr@ Hqyqy@ `n l`lm lm t`d tnfdh `br `ynyh l~ dkhlh, bl wk'n tjh l'sh`@ n`ks, k'n l`ynn lm t`wd sw~ bwbtyn llmrwr l~ lkhrj ltGmr l`lm blSwr lmshwh@ fy ldkhl Patrick Süskind
8dabacf Virtually drowning in himself, he could not for the life of him smell himself. smell Patrick Süskind
66e4726 el sotano; si, estas en el sotano de la casa paterna, tu eres un nino, solo has sonado que eras un adulto, un viejo y asqueroso vigilante en Paris, pero eres un nino y estas en el sotano de la casa paterna (...) Patrick Süskind
871f3c6 What he coveted was the odor of certain human beings: that is, those rare humans who inspire love. These were his victims. Patrick Süskind
61a2ad3 The odour of humans is always a fleshly odour - that is, a sinful odour. sinful odour Patrick Süskind
ae71994 For Grenouille, this simplicity seemed a deliverance. Patrick Süskind
e3d201c Tb`an ywjd flkywn, Ht~ fy lblT, yz`mwn 'n lqmr kwkb mDyf bhDb mshjr@ wmrwj rTb@, bbHyrt kbyr@ wbHr. Patrick Süskind
362e786 Pride and overexuberance led to last-minute mistakes, it was always happening in fairy-tales, the heroes wrecked the happiness they thought was securely in their grasp! Patrick Süskind
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