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6f31d69 El olor de mar le gustaba tanto, que deseaba respirarlo puro algun dia y en grandes cantidades, a fin de embriagarse de el. Patrick Süskind
1614a27 'drk jwnthn 'n jwhr lHry@ lnsny@ mrhwn bmtlk mrHD mshtrk, w 'nh bhdhh lHryh l'ssyh tmlkh sh`wr `myq blrD~. n`m lqd kn mSyban fy lkyfy@ lty 'mn bh wjwdh! fqd kn y`ysh Hyh rGydh w lys hnk shy, 'y shy yd`w llndm 'w lyHsd `lyh lakhryn Patrick Süskind
6460072 So spoke Grenouille the Great and, while the peasantry of scent danced and celebrated beneath him, he glided with wide-stretched wings down from his golden clouds, across the nocturnal fields of his soul, and home to his heart. Patrick Süskind
e544819 Auvergne'is joudis ta Plomb du Cantali lahedale. Ta nagi seda laanes suure ja hobehallina kuuvalgel, ja ta haistis jahedat tuult, mis sealtpoolt tuli. Aga tal ei olnud tahtmist sinna minna. Ta ei igatsenud enam koopaelu jarele. See kogemus oli juba omandatud ja selline elu osutunud voimatuks. Samuti nagu teinegi kogemus, elu inimeste hulgas. Ta lambus nii siin kui seal. Ta ei tahtnud enam uldse elada. Ta tahtis Pariisi minna ja surra. Seda .. Patrick Süskind
9f54cd0 Emu kazalos', chto glaza eti vovse ne ego, a chto budto by sidit on sam za etimi svoimi glazami i vygliadyvaet iz nikh, slovno iz mertvogo okruglogo okna; da, emu kazalos', chto vse eto telo vokrug nego bol'she sovsem ne ego, a budto by on, Dzhonatan, -- ili to, chto ot nego ostalos', -- vsego lish' kroshechnyi smorshchennyi gnomik, nakhodiashchiisia v gigantskom zdanii chuzhogo tela, bespomoshchnyi karlik, zatochennyi vnutri slishkom bol's.. Patrick Süskind
1fdfe3a Khod'ba uspokaivaet. V khod'be kroetsia tselitel'naia sila. Reguliarnoe perestavlianie nog pri odnovremennom ritmichnom razmakhivanii rukami, uvelichenie chastoty dykhaniia, legkoe uchashchenie pul'sa, neobkhodimaia dlia opredeleniia napravleniia i vyderzhivaniia ravnovesiia deiatel'nost' glaz i ushei, oshchushchenie obduvaiushchego kozhu vozdukha -- vse eto iavleniia, kotorye sovershenno neotrazimym obrazom sobiraiut voedino plot' i dukh, .. Patrick Süskind
a760132 twSl .. l~ Hqyq@ mfdh 'n lns l ymkn lwthwq bhm 'w l`tmd `lyhm , w'n lmr ln yjd lTm'nyn@ wlslm fy Hyth l dh njH fy lbt`d `nhm. Patrick Süskind
392f33e As he took possession of it, he was overcome by a sense of something like sacred awe. He carefully spread his horse blanket on the ground as if dressing an altar and lay down on it. He felt blessedly wonderful. He was lying a hundred and fifty feet below the earth, inside the loneliest mountain in France - as if in his own grave. Never in his life had he felt so secure, certainly not in his mother's belly. The world could go up on flames ou.. Patrick Süskind
39d2811 On prosto pital kakoe-to predubezhdenie protiv kons'erzhek kak takovykh, ibo kons'erzhki -- eto liudi, kotorye v silu svoikh obiazannostei postoianno nabliudaiut za drugimi liud'mi. Patrick Süskind
135f9bd Hic kimse bilmiyor bu parfumun aslinda ne kadar iyi oldugunu, diye dusundu. Ne kadar iyi yapilmis oldugunu kimse bilmiyor. Otekiler, sadece etkisine kole oluyor. Hatta kendilerini etkileyip buyuleyen seyin parfum oldugunu bilmiyorlar bile! Gercek guzelligini anlamis anlayacak tek kisi benim, cunku ben yarattim onu. Ayni zamanda, buyuleyemeyecegi tek kisi de benim. Parfumun kendisi icin anlam tasimadigi tek kisiyim ben. Patrick Süskind
06ed256 He had learned to extend the journey from his mental notion of a scent to the finished perfume by way of writing down the formula. Patrick Süskind
3299d47 Man's misfortune stems from the fact that he does not want to stay in the room where he belongs. Patrick Süskind
5d6cf36 Se dio cuenta de que en el fondo podia contar a la gente todo cuanto queria; una vez habia ganado su confianza -y confiaban en el tras el primer aliento con que inhalaban su aroma artificial-, se lo creian todo. Patrick Süskind
499d875 He had no use for sensual gratification, unless that gratification consisted of pure, incorporeal odors. Patrick Süskind
2fc9d1b If we want to discuss love, which after all we believe is something very special, it is not much help for someone to explain that it represents a universal basic principle governing the tides and the digestive system alike. He might as well tell us that death is a thermodynamic phenomenon affecting both the amoeba and a black hole in the constellation of Pegasus - and he would still have told us nothing. love Patrick Süskind
2208287 Dukhi zhivut vo vremeni; u nikh est' svoia molodost', svoia zrelost' i svoia starost'. I tol'ko esli oni vo vsekh triokh vozrastakh istochaiut odinakovo priiatnyi aromat, ikh mozhno schitat' udachnymi. parfume parfumer parfumerie parfumes парфюмер france Patrick Süskind
fb25d03 Nel sole di marzo, mentre era seduto su una catasta di ceppi di faggio che scricchiolavano per il caldo, avvenne che egli pronunciasse per la prima volta la parola <>. Aveva gia visto il legno centinaia di volte, aveva sentito la parola centinaia di volte. La capiva anche, infatti d'inverno era stato mandato fuori spesso a prendere legna. Ma il legno come oggetto non gli era mai sembrato cosi interessante da darsi la pena di pronunci.. wood Patrick Süskind
0c43425 He had a mighty urge to pull out his pistol and let loose in every directon, right into the coffeehouse, smack through it's glass windows, till there was nothing but crashing and tinkling, right into the middle of the ruck of cars or simply into the middle of one of the gigantic buildings across the way, those ugly, tall, menacing buildings, or into the air, straight up, into the heavens, yes, into the hot sky, into the horrible, oppressive.. Patrick Süskind
cd4e7b1 Sus excrementos era todo lo que daba al mundo; ni una sonrisa, ni un grito, ni un destello en la mirada, ni siquiera el propio olor. Patrick Süskind
0e989f8 El objetivo de sus cacerias era poseer todo cuanto el mundo le pudiera ofrecer ... y la unica condicion que ponia era que fuesen nuevos. Patrick Süskind
141a2a3 Quem, como ele, tinha sobrevivido ao proprio nascimento no lixo nao se deixava expulsar tao facilmente do mundo. Era capaz de comer sopa aguada dias e dias, sobrevivia com o leite mais diluido, suportava os legumes e as carnes mais podres. Ao longo da infancia, sobreviveu ao sarampo, disenteria, varicela, colera, a uma queda de seis metros num poco e a queimadura no peito com agua fervente. E verdade que trazia disso cicatrizes, arranhoes, .. Patrick Süskind
fb1f5d3 As he began to withdraw from them, it became clear to Grenouille for the first time that for eighteen years their compacted human effluvium had oppressed him like air heavy with an imminent thunderstorm. Until now he had thought that it was the world in general he had wanted to squirm away from. But it was not the world, it was the people in it. You could live, so it seemed, in this world, in this world devoid of humanity. On Patrick Süskind
3b6d5b1 No podia oler la falta de olor del nino y no esperaba ninguna emocion de el porque su propia alma estaba sellada. Patrick Süskind
a40d8e8 Pravilo nomer dve: parfium't zhivee v'v vremeto - pritezhava i mladost, i zrialost i starost. Patrick Süskind
a336b86 And the awful thing was that Grenouille, although he knew that this odour was his odour, could not smell it. Virtually drowning in himself, he could not for the life of him smell himself! odour smell perfume Patrick Süskind
79ee8e1 Bem ali, no local mais fedorento de todo o reino, foi que nasceu Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, a 17 de julho de 1738. Era um dos dias mais quentes do ano. O calor pairava como chumbo por sobre o cemiterio e empurrava para as ruas vizinhas os gases da putrefacao que cheiravam a uma mistura de meloes podres e chifre queimado. Quando as dores comecaram, a mae de Grenouille estava numa peixaria da Rue aux Fers e escamava pescadas que acabara de evi.. Patrick Süskind
7695b9f He looks as if he were three or four; looks just like one of those unapproachable, incomprehensible, willful little prehuman creatures, who in their ostensible innocence think only of themselves, who want to subordinate the whole world to their despotic will, and would do it, too, if one let them pursue their megalomaniacal ways and did not apply the strictest pedagogical principles to guide them to a disciplined, self-controlled, fully hum.. Patrick Süskind
a50ff17 Kontrabas -- eto bol'she, kak by eto vyrazit'sia, prepiatstvie, chem instrument. Patrick Süskind
0abd55d No dejo de observar que el proposito del perfume era conseguir un efecto embriagador y atrayente y reconocia la bondad de las diferentes esencias de las que estaban compuestos, pero en conjunto le parecian mas bien toscos y pesados, chapuceros mas que sutiles. Patrick Süskind
8b43207 kyf yjrw' lmr `l~ tfkyk lkl lmtkml , w Ht~ l'ql tkml l~ mrkbth lbsyT@ . Patrick Süskind
e38c07b lshkr llh fy `lyy'h flan 'SbH bmqdwrh n ytwqf mrtH lDmyr lqd qm bwjbh bkl mknyth wHsb qw`d lfn klh wfshl km sbq lh 'n fshl mrt `dyd@ . Patrick Süskind
8d354a3 Hay preguntas que se contestan negativamente a si mismas por el mero hecho de formularlas. Y hay ruegos cuya completa inutilidad se manifiesta cuando uno los expresa y mira a los ojos a otra persona Patrick Süskind
5188690 Als Schubert so alt war wie ich, da war er schon drei Jahre tot. Patrick Süskind
103660e se decidio contra el amor y a favor de la vida. Dadas las circunstancias, esta solo era posible sin aquel, y si el hubiera exigido ambas cosas, no cabe duda que habria parecido sin tardanza. Patrick Süskind
ac7c49a era realmente demasiado agradable, casi su numero favorito entre todos los representantes en el escenario de su gran teatro interior, porque comunicaba la maravillosa sensacion de agotamiento placentero que sigue a todo acto verdaderamente grande y heroico. Patrick Süskind
4c7d3d5 He was a master in the art of spreading boredom and playing the clumsy fool-though never so egregiously that people might enjoy making fun of him or use him as the butt of some crude practical joke inside the guild. He succeeded in being considered totally uninteresting. People left him alone. And that was all he wanted. Patrick Süskind
df934e8 ndm yshk lnsn dwn 'dn~ khjl bslT@ llh wlknys@ w`ndm ylwk lnsn sm`th lmlky@ lty qrh lrb wshkhSy@ lmlk lmqds@ wk'n lmwr qbl@ bkl bsT@ lltbdyl km lSwr fy llbwm bHyth ykhtr lmr Hsb mshyy'th w`ndm ySl lmr blnsn khyr l~ Hd lz`m bmkny@ lstGn `n lrb lkly lqdr@ fy kl m yt`lq blnZm wlkhlq wls`d@ `l~ lrD w`tbr hdhh wbmnth~ ljdyh Sdrh `n l'khlq lfTry@ wl`ql lfTry lbshry m`dh llh m`dh llh , `ndm tSl lmwr l~ hdh lHd l Hj@ llmr n yt`jb mn nqlb kl shy r's.. Patrick Süskind
74b9f6e Exista o forta de convingere a miresmei, mai puternica decat aceea a cuvantului, privirii, simtirii si vointei. Ea nu poate fi respinsa, ne patrunde-n plamani ca aerul respirat, se revarsa in noi, ne umple intru totul, nu exista impotriva sa niciun mijloc. Patrick Süskind
649b230 Kogda Dzhonatan ubedilsia, chto sut' chelovecheskoi svobody sostoit vo vladenii obshchim na ves' etazh tualetom i chto on raspolagaet etoi sushchestvennoi svobodoi, ego okhvatilo chuvstvo glubokogo udovletvoreniia. Da, vse-taki zhizn' svoiu on ustroil khorosho! Ego sushchestvovanie mozhno tselikom i polnost'iu nazvat' schastlivym. V nem nichego ne bylo, a eto tem bolee oznachaet, chto v nem ne o chem zhalet' i nezachem zavidovat' drugim liu.. Patrick Süskind
53951b1 Encontrar el camino no era dificil, lo dificil era luchar contra el recuerdo de la pesadilla claustrofobica, que avanzaba en su interior, como una marea... Pero tenia valor; es decir, luchaba contra el miedo de no saber, contra el temor de la incertidumbre, y su lucha era efectiva porque sabia que no podia escoger. Patrick Süskind
1b0ec68 Sintio como la sangre caliente volvia a darle vida y como se apoderaba de el la voluntad de llevar a cabo lo que se habia propuesto, incluso con mas fuerza que antes, porque ahora la voluntad no tenia su origen en un simple anhelo, sino que habia surgido de una decision meditada... Poseia para ello una personalidad demasiado tenaz, un temperamento demasiado retorcido y un espiritu demasiado refinado. Patrick Süskind
1d9d7bd Aveva un odore semplice, il mare, ma nello stesso tempo cosi vasto e unico nel suo genere, che Grenouille esitava a suddividerlo in odore di pesce, di sale, di acqua, di alga, di fresco e cosi via. Preferiva lasciare intatto l'odore del mare, lo custodiva intero nella memoria e lo godeva indiviso. L'odore del mare gli piaceva tanto che avrebbe desiderato una volta averlo puro, non mescolato e in quantita tale da potersene ubriacare. Patrick Süskind
5d84a6d He had soon so thoroughly smelled out the quarter between Saint-Eustache and the Hotel de Ville that he could find his way around in it by pitch-dark night. And so he expanded his hunting grounds, first westward to the Faubourg Saint-Honore, then out along the rue Saint-Antoine to the Bastille, and finally across to the other bank of the river into the quarters of the Sorbonne and the Faubourg Saint-Germain where the rich people lived. Patrick Süskind
9cb6951 l shy yamuruW b'nfi Grynwy tmW lHry@ Patrick Süskind
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