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a57cd04 hnk 'sy'l@ tHml nfh Dmnh bbsT@ w bmjrd 'n ytm TrHh. w hnk rj ytDH `dm jdwh ltm bmjrd nTqh Patrick Süskind
43c32ad Vao thoi ky ma chung ta dang noi toi ay thi cac thanh pho bi bao phu boi mot thu mui hoi ma con nguoi van minh ngay nay khong the hinh dung noi. Duong sa hoi mui phan, san sau hoi mui nuoc tieu, cau thang hoi mui go mun va phan chuot, bep hoi mui bap cai thoi va mo cuu; nhung can phong dong khi hoi mui bui luu cuu, buong ngu hoi mui khan giuong nhon nhot, mui nem nhoi long am uot va mui ngot hang cua bo nuoc tieu. Ong khoi hoi mui luu huynh.. Patrick Süskind
5163796 No human being can go on living in the same house with a pigeon, a pigeon is the epitomy of chaos and anarchy, a pigeon that whizzes around unpredictably, that sets it's claws in you, picks at your eyes.. Patrick Süskind
a2fcf07 fy `Sr l yftqr l~ lnwbG wlsfl@ , `sh fy frns lqrn lthmn `shr rjl mn 'kthr lky'nt nbwG wsfl@ Patrick Süskind
18aca62 Odours have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions or will. The persuasive power of an dour cannot be fended off, it enters into us like breath into our lungs, it fills us up, imbues us totally. There is no remedy for it. Patrick Süskind
29ed083 People even travelled to Lapland, up there in the North, with its eternal ice and savages who gorged themselves on raw fish. Patrick Süskind
19fc2f2 No querian tocarlo; les inspiraba el mismo asco que una arana gorda a la que no se quiere aplastar con la mano. Patrick Süskind
99b87b8 These were virtuoso odours, executed as wonderful little trifles that of course no one but he could admire or would ever take note of. He was enchanted by their meaningless perfection; and at no time in his life, either before or after, were there moments of such truly innocent happiness as in those days when he playfully and eagerly set about creating fragrant landscapes, still lifes and studies of individual objects. Patrick Süskind
d2546fd En la epoca que nos ocupa reinaba en las ciudades un hedor apenas concebible para el hombre moderno. Las calles apestaban a estiercol, los patios interiores apestaban a orina, los huecos de las escaleras apestaban a madera podrida y excremento de rata; las cocinas, a col podrida y grasa de carnero; los aposentos sin ventilacion apestaban a polvo enmohecido; los dormitorios, a sabanas grasientas, a edredones humedos y al penetrante olor dulz.. Patrick Süskind
b541cae Ah, que triste resultaba para un hombre cabal verse obligado a seguir caminos tan sinuosos! !Que triste manchar de aquel modo tan sordido lo mas valioso que el hombree posee, su propio honor! Patrick Süskind
277cf60 Mirad he hecho una gran obra y me complace mucho, pero, como todo lo terminado, ya empieza a aburrirme. Quiero retirarme y, como culminacion de ese fructifero dia, permitirme un pequeno entretenimiento en las camaras de mi corazon. Patrick Süskind
10270f2 era una tortura, no se acababa nunca el tiempo en que el mundo real le abrasaba la piel. Patrick Süskind
837f426 Kaip patyres laivo katastrofa ir savaiciu savaitem pluduriaves vendeny nelaimelis ektaziskai sveikina pirma zmoniu gyvenama sala, taip Grenujis svente savo atvykima ant vienatves kalno. Patrick Süskind
891d460 El grito derrumbo las paredes,..., salio del corazon, cruzo tumbas, pantanos y desiertos, paso a gran velocidad por el paisaje nocturno de su alma, como un voraz incendio,... e irrumpio en el mundo, resonando mucho mas alla de la altiplanicie... Si el grito no hubiese rasgado la niebla, se habria asfixiado asi mismo: una muerte espantosa. Patrick Süskind
a251bdf bathed in sweat and trembling with agitation, no, not with agitation, but with fear, for he finally admitted it to himself: it was naked fear that had seized him, and in admitting it he grew calmer and his thoughts clearer Patrick Süskind
788020f Something was happening while you waited. The most essential thing was happening. And even if he himself was doing nothing, it was happening through him nevertheless. He had done his best. He had employed all his artistic skill. He had made not one single mistake. His performance had been unique. It would be crowned with success.... He need only wait a few more hours. It filled him with profound satisfaction, this waiting. He had never felt.. Patrick Süskind
89395fe Aga sellest ei tulnud midagi valja, Sellest ei saanudki midagi valja tulla. Ja tana kohe uldse mitte, sest ta oli ju maskeeritud maailma parima parfuumiga, ja ta ei kandnud selle maski all nagu, vaid uksnes oma totaalset lohnatust. Tal hakkas akki halb, sest ta tundis, et udu kerkib jalle. Nagu tollal koopas, magades unenaos oma sudame fantaasias, kerkis korraga udu, tema enese lohna kohutav udu, mida ta ise ei saanud haista, kuna see oli l.. Patrick Süskind
989fc67 Solo queria dejar bien sentado que el contrabajo es el instrumento central de la orquesta. En el fondo lo sabe todo el mundo, solo que nadie lo confiesa abiertamente Patrick Süskind
9ef6c9a Oyle insanlar taniyorum ki,iclerinde buyuk bir evren gizlidir,olculemez boyutlarda bir sey. Ama ortaya cikarmak olasi degil. Kesinlikle degil. Patrick Süskind
5c93a19 Au XVIIIe siecle vecut en France un homme qui compta parmi les personnages les plus geniaux et les plus abominables de cette epoque qui pourtant ne manqua pas de genies abominables. incipit littérature-allemande littérature-étrangère Patrick Süskind
2207435 Dusunmek,herkesin acemice uygulamasina gelmeyecek kadar guc bir seydir. Patrick Süskind
f0cc4bf Y lo olia con mas exactitud de la que muchos lo veian, ya que lo percibia en su interior y por ello de manera mas intensa: como la esencia, el espiritu de algo pasado que no sufre la perturbacion de los atributos habituales del presente, como el ruido, la algarabia, el repugnante hacinamiento de los hombres. Patrick Süskind
c37b273 The rivers stank, the marketplaces stank, the churches stank, it stank beneath the bridges and in the palaces. The peasant stank as did the priest, the apprentice as did his master's wife, the whole of the aristocracy stank, even the king himself stank, stank like a rank lion, and the queen like an old goat, summer and winter. Patrick Süskind
08d2db4 Entonces de repente -este era el sentido del ejercicio-, el odio brotaba en el con violencia de orgasmo, estallando como una tormenta contra aquellos olores que habian osado ofender su ilustre nariz. Caia sobre ellos como granizo sobre un campo de trigo, los pulverizaba como una furioso huracan y los ahogaba bajo un diluvio purificador de agua destilada. Tan justa era su colera y tan grande su venganza. Patrick Süskind
3ac6b96 Grenouille's mother, however, perceived the odor neither of the fish nor of the corpses, for her sense of smell had been utterly dulled, besides which her belly hurt, and the pain deadened all susceptibility of sensate impressions. Patrick Süskind
b902999 Su corazon era un castillo de purpura situado en un pedregoso desierto, oculto tras las dunas y rodeado de un oasis pantanoso y de siete murallas de piedra. Solo volando se podia acceder a el. Patrick Süskind
e205e36 El terror que ahora le atenazaba era el de ignorar algo de si mismo y se trataba de una especie opuesta a la anterior, ya que de este no podia escapar, sino que debia hacerle frente. Patrick Süskind
364963d aquel sentimiento que suele calificarse de tolerancia: una tibia mezcla de asco, desprecio y compasion. El hombre ya no le conmovia. Le resultaba indiferente. Patrick Süskind
54b09d8 Benim neye ihtiyacim var, biliyor musunuz? Bana hep, ele geciremeyecegim bir kadin gerek. Ama "onu" ele geciremedigime gore, kadina da ihtiyacim yok demektir." Patrick Süskind
0487fe7 Se pare ca fiece individ in parte intelege iubirea drept ceva care-l priveste in modul cel mai personal, ca pe o chestiune de cea mai mare insemnatate pentru existenta sa, astfel incat nici macar astrofizicianului, atunci cand i s-au aprins calcaiele, nu-i mai pasa catusi de putin de originea universului - daramite de vremea de-afara. moarte Patrick Süskind
38692fc Cet homme paraissait etre tellement fatigue de sa vie qu'il ne voulait meme pas vivre ses dernieres heures eveille. Patrick Süskind
0398260 But the human body is tough and not easily dismembered, even horses have great difficulty accomplishing it. Patrick Süskind
d2b8857 On the other hand, everyday language soon would prove inadequate for designating all the olfactory notions that he had accumulated within himself. Soon he was no longer smelling mere wood, but kinds of wood: maple wood, oak wood, pinewood, elm wood, pearwood, old, young, rotting, moldering, mossy wood, down to single logs, chips, and splinters. Patrick Süskind
7b99dfa Henceforth nothing could shake him and no doubt could cause him to waver. He had found his way to sphinxlike imperturbability. sphinx Patrick Süskind
67cdb61 Palpitava-lhe a extraordinaria sensacao de que esse aroma seria a chave para ordenar todos os aromas, que nao entenderia nada de aromas se nao se tivesse entendido esse; e ele Grenoiulle teria desperdicado a vida se nao conseguisse pega-lo. Precisava te-lo, nao pela mera posse, mas para sossego do seu coracao. perfume-quotes Patrick Süskind
4e0afad feo, desde luego, pero no hasta el extremo de causar espanto. Patrick Süskind
df85a64 De toutes ces peripeties, Jonathan Noel tira la conclusion qu'on ne pouvait se fier aux humains et qu'on ne saurait vivre en paix qu'en les tenant a l'ecart.>> Patrick Süskind
5a8e834 la actividad creadora se desarrollaba unicamente en su interior y no podia ser percibida por nadie mas que por el mismo. Patrick Süskind
6d2f39e E poi? Che cosa avrebbe fatto poi? Non lo sapeva. Forse avrebbe ripreso la sua solita vita, forse si sarebbe sposato, forse avrebbe generato un figlio, forse non avrebbe fatto nulla, forse sarebbe morto. Gli era del tutto indifferente. Pensarci gli sembrava assurdo come pensare a quello che avrebbe fatto dopo la propria morte: naturalmente nulla. Nulla che gia fin d'ora potesse sapere. Patrick Süskind
2862da0 Porque durante toda su vida no habia hecho mas que renunciar, pero nunca habia poseido y perdido. Patrick Süskind
c86248b Odinochestvo -- samoe strashnoe, chto mozhet sluchit'sia s chelovekom. I ne vazhno, kto etot chelovek, bedniak ili bogach, prostak ili khitrets, glupets ili genii. Odinochestvo ne stuchitsia i ne zhdet, poka emu otkroiut, u nego est' kliuchi oto vsekh dverei. Patrick Süskind
8431d4c E de repente soube que jamais encontraria satisfacao no amor, mas tao-somente no odio, em odiar e ser odiado. Patrick Süskind
bf7f74a Oder wie jener Zeck auf dem Baum, dem doch das Leben nichts anderes zu bieten hat als ein immerwahrendes uberwintern. Der kleine hassliche Zeck, der seinen bleigrauen Korper zur Kugel formt, um der Aussenwelt die geringstmogliche Flache zu bieten; der seine Haut glatt und derb macht, um nichts zu verstromen, kein bisschen von sich hinauszutranspirieren. Der Zeck, der sich extra klein und unansehnlich macht, damit niemand ihn sehe und zertre.. Patrick Süskind
dc4d553 For people could close their eyes to greatness, to horrors, to beauty, and their ears to melodies or deceiving words. But they could not escape scent. For scent was a brother of breath. Together with breath it entered human beings, who could not defend themselves against it, not if they wanted to live. And scent entered into their very core, went directly to their hearts, and decided for good and all between affection and contempt, disgust .. Patrick Süskind
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