Si os dan papel pautado, escribid por el otro lado. JUAN RAMON JIMENEZ
Ray Bradbury |
Inside each man, though he did not know it, nor ever considered it, was the image of the woman he someday must love. Whether she was composed of all the music he had ever heard or all the trees he had ever seen or all the friends of his childhood, certainly no one could tell. Whether the eyes were his mother's, and the chin that of a girl cousin swimming in a summer lake twenty-five years ago, this was unknowable also. But most men carried ..
Ray Bradbury |
The people there were gods and midgets and knew themselves mortal and so the midgets walked tall so as not to embarrass the gods and the gods crouched so as to make the small ones feel at home.
Ray Bradbury |
As Samuel Spaulding, Esquire, once said, 'Dig in the earth, delve in the soul.' Spin those mower blades, Bill, and walk in the spray of the Fountain of Youth. End of lecture. Besides, a mess of dandelion greens is good eating once in a while.
Ray Bradbury |
Hesitantly, Grandfather, Douglas, and Tom peered through the large windowpane. And there, in the small warm pools of lamplight, you could see what Leo Auffmann wanted you to see. There sat Saul and Marshall, playing chess at the coffee table. In the dining room Rebecca was laying out the silver. Naomi was cutting paper-doll dresses. Ruth was painting water colors. Joseph was running his electric train. Through the kitchen door, Lena Auffman..
Ray Bradbury |
She lay awake for many hours into the night, among her trunks and trinkets. She glanced over at the neat stacks of materials and toys and opera plumes and said, aloud, "Does it really belong to me?" Or was it the elaborate trick of an old lady convincing herself that she had a past? After all, once a time was over, it was done. You were always in the present. She may have been a girl once, but was not now. Her childhood was gone and nothin..
Ray Bradbury |
And for a moment, Vinia thought that she and Jim might be caught by a sudden drop of great masses of honey from above, sealing them into this tree forever, enchanted, in amber, to be seen by anyone in the next thousand years who strolled by, while the weather of all ages rained and thundered and turned green outside the tree.
Ray Bradbury |
You could see her thoughts swimming around in her eyes, like fish - some bright, some dark, some fast, quick, some slow and easy, and sometimes, like when she looked up where Earth was, being nothing but colour and nothing else.
Ray Bradbury |
fy 'yh lktb dhw~ l'fkr lshryr@ 'wqfw altkm lktb@ .. w twqft blf`l lalt lktb@ , 'SbHt lmjlt h~ lSnf lmHbb w k'nh ltybwk@ blfnyly w khTft l'Dw mn lktb w rH lnqd `lyhm ll`n@ yshtkwn f~ t`l w yqwlwn : ( h qd 'SbHt lktb km Gsl lSHwn , blt'kyd lmjlt h~ lsbb f~ `rD lns `n shr lktb ) w lkn lHqyq@ 'n lns 'nfshm kn ldyhm lw`~ bm yHtjwn lyh frHw yshtrwn lmjlt lfkhy@ wblTb` kn hnk qbl 'yD `l~ lmjlt lmjsm@ `n ljns w `n `trft lmshhyr.. hdhh h~ lHqyq@ y m..
Ray Bradbury |
fdh 'rdt 'n ykwn ljmy` rDyn `l~ lS`yd lsys~ fltd` 'y mnhm ykhtr byn jbtyn lsw'l qdm lhm jb@ wHd@ bl l'fDl 'l tqdm lhm lsw'l 'Sl
Ray Bradbury |
If you don't want a man unhappy politically, don't give him two sides to a question to worry him; give him one. Better yet, give him none. Let him forget there is such a thing as war. If the Government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be all those than that people worry over it. Peace, Montag. Give the people contests they win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Iow..
Ray Bradbury |
Where are my two precious human books so I may turn their pages, aye?
Ray Bradbury |
There it sat, perfect as a fresh-laid egg on the dead sea bottom, the only nucleus of light and warmth in hundreds of miles of lonely wasteland. It was like a heart beating alone in a great dark body. He felt almost sorrowful with pride, gazing at it with wet eyes.
Ray Bradbury |
Take it where you can find it, in old photograph records, old motion pictures, and in old friends; look for it in nature and look for it in yourself.
Ray Bradbury |
Women never wake then, do they? They sleep the sleep of babes and children.
Ray Bradbury |
O, kakvo nezabravimo blazhenstvo -- da lezhish v takava noshch sred ukhanieto na paprat i trevi, v noshchta na shepneshchite s'nlivi glasove, koito pravekha tozi mrak oshche po-s'nliv. V'zrastnite biakha zabravili, che toi e tam, t'i tikho, t'i bezm'lvno se be sgushil D'glas, zaslushan v planovete, koito te glasiakha za negovite i za svoite b'dnini. Glasovete otekvakha i se nosekha zaedno s lunnite oblacheta tsigaren dim, ednodnevkite, podo..
Ray Bradbury |
No, no, it's not in books at all you're looking for! Take it where you can find it, in old phonograph records, old motion pictures, and in old friends; look for it in nature and look for it in yourself. Books were only one type of receptacle where we stored a lot of things we were afraid we might forget. There is nothing magical in them, at all. The magic is only in what books say, how they stitched the patches of the universe together into..
Ray Bradbury |
Maggie Botwin. Prim, quiet lady, like an upright piano, seeming taller than she was because of the way she sat, rose and walked, and the way she held her hands in her lap and the way she coifed her hair up on top of her head, in some fashion out of World War I. I had once heard her on a radio show describe herself as a snake charmer. All that film whistling through her hands, sliding through her fingers, undulant and swift. All that time pa..
Ray Bradbury |
Es war eine kleine Stadt an einem kleinen Fluss und einem kleinen See in einem kleinen Teil eines Staates im mittleren Westen.
Ray Bradbury |
Each of the men I have listed seized a bit of the quicksilver of life, froze it for all time and turned, in the blaze of their creativity, to point at it and cry, "Isn't this good!" And it was good."
Ray Bradbury |
If Only We Had Taller Been The fence we walked between the years Did bounce us serene. It was a place half in the sky where In the green of leaf and promising of peach We'd reach our hands to touch and almost touch the sky, If we could reach and touch, we said, 'Twould teach us, not to ,never to, be dead. We ached and almost touched that stuff; Our reach was never quite enough. If only we had taller been, And touched God's cuff, His hem, W..
Ray Bradbury |
Nearby, an old man was similarly engaged in finding the pattern of his life in the depths of his glass.
Ray Bradbury |
And when he died, I suddenly realized I wasn't crying for him at all, but for all the things he did. I cried because he would never do them again, he would never carve another piece of wood or help us raise doves and pigeons in the back yard or play the violin the way he did, or tell us jokes the way he did. He was part of us and when he died, all the actions stopped dead and there was no one to do them just the way he did. He was individua..
Ray Bradbury |
When you're seventeen you know everything. When you're twenty-seven if you still know everything you're still seventeen.
Ray Bradbury |
lns lytHdthwn `n 'y shy. ydhkrwn sm kthyr@ lsyrt, wmlbs, wHmmt sbH@, wyt`jbwn mn jmlh! wlknhm jmy` yqwlwn l'shy nfsh wl yqwl 'y mnhm shyy' jdyd
Ray Bradbury |
Walking, eh?' said the officer. 'Just walking?' I nodded and waited for the obvious truth to sink in. 'Well,' said the officer, 'don't do it again!' And the police car drove away.
Ray Bradbury |
Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy,
Ray Bradbury |
lrjl ldhy y`tqd 'nh ystTy` 'n ykhd` ltZm, wykhd`n hw blt'kyd mkhtl `qly
Ray Bradbury |
Light the third page from the second and so on, chain-smoking, chapter by chapter, all the silly things the words mean, all the false promises, all the second-hand notions and time-worn philosophies
Ray Bradbury |
They're Caesar's praetorian guard, whispering as the parade roars down the avenue, 'Remember, Caesar, thou art mortal.
Ray Bradbury |
The difference between the man who just cuts lawns and a real gardener is in the touching,' he said. 'The lawn-cutter might just as well not have been there at all; the gardener will be there a lifetime.
Ray Bradbury |
Do you notice how people hurt each other nowadays?
Ray Bradbury |
Az ne govoria za samite neshcha, s'r -- be kazal Feib'r. -- Govoria za smis'la na neshchata. Sedia tuk i znaia, che zhiveia.
Ray Bradbury |
Death was his little sister one morning when he awoke at the age of seven, looked into her crib, and saw her staring up at him with a blind, blue, fixed and frozen stare until the men came with a small wicker basket to take her away. Death was when he stood by her high chair four weeks later and suddenly realized she'd never be in it again, laughing and crying and making him jealous of her because she was born. That was death.
Ray Bradbury |
Cuando muere, todo el mundo debe dejar algo detras, decia mi abuelo. Un hijo, un libro, un cuadro, una casa, una pared levantada o un par de zapatos. O un jardin plantado. Algo que tu mano tocara de un modo especial, de modo que tu alma tenga algun sitio a donde ir cuando tu mueras, y cuando la gente mire ese arbol, o esa flor, que tu plantaste, tu estaras alli. <
Ray Bradbury |
Wszyscy musza byc podobni jeden do drugiego. Kazdy czlowiek wizerunkiem innego czlowieka. Wtedy wszyscy sa szczesliwi, bo nie ma gor, by sie przed nimi zginac ze strachu i porownywac sie z nimi. Ksiazka to naladowana bron w sasiednim domu. Spal ja, rozladuj bron. Rozbij mozg czlowieka. Skad wiadomo, kto moglby sie stac celem oczytanego czlowieka?
Ray Bradbury |
I vsiako neshcho si beshe na miastoto. Svet't, kato gramaden iris na edno oshche po-gigantsko oko, otvorilo se s'shcho toku-shcho, za da ogleda vsichko, go nabliudavashe vtrencheno. I toi razbra kakvo e bilo onova, koeto se be khv'rlilo otgore mu, za da ostane s nego -- i veche niamashe da mu izbiaga. Ta az s'm bil zhiv! -- v'zklikna D'glas. Pr'stite mu trepnakha, obagreni ot kr'v, kato trofei ot nepoznato zname, zabeliazano edva sega, do t..
Ray Bradbury |
No queria saber como se hacen las cosas sino por que. Esto puede resultar embarazoso. Uno empieza con los porques y termina siendo realmente desgraciado. La pobre chica esta mejor muerta.
Ray Bradbury |
Ne kadar cok insan var, diye dusundu. Bizim gibi milyarlarca insan var, ne kadar fazla. Kimse kimseyi bilmez. Yabancilar gelip seni rahatsiz ederler. Yabancilar gelir, yuregini kesip alirlar."
Ray Bradbury |
And with the trick, much admired by magicians, of sitting in a green velour chair and-vanishing! Turn your head and you forgot his face. Vanilla pudding.
Ray Bradbury |
A red ganglion, no bigger than a scarlet thread, snapped and quivered; a nerve, no greater than a red linen fiber twisted. Deep in her one little mech was gone and the entire machine, imbalanced, was about to steadily shake itself to bits.
Ray Bradbury |
He felt she was walking in a circle about him, turning him end for end, shaking
Ray Bradbury |
He wore his happiness like a mask and the girl had run off across the lawn with
Ray Bradbury |
E? - Mis Lumis zapochna da naliva chaia. - Za da podkhvanem razgovora, bikh iskala da chuia kakvo mislite za sveta. - Za sveta az ne znaia nishcho. - Nachaloto na m'drostta, kakto se kazva. Kogato e na sedemnaiset, chovek znae vsichko. Na dvaiset i sedem, ako vse oshche znae vsichko, znachi vse oshche e na sedemnaiset.
Ray Bradbury |