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4c7bfe7 De alcanzar repetidas veces el exito y mantenerlo. El ego rechaza las ventajas y las oportunidades. Es un iman para los problemas y los conflictos. Es un iman para los enemigos y para los errores. Lo situa a uno entre la espada y la pared. Ryan Holiday
931b069 inhibits true success by preventing a direct and honest connection to the world around us. Ryan Holiday
3c6cdfb Con cada ambicion y meta que tenemos, ya sean grandes o pequenas, el ego esta ahi, socavando nuestra fuerza a lo largo del viaje que nos hemos propuesto realizar. Ryan Holiday
d28796d no podemos trabajar con otra gente si hemos levantado barreras a nuestro alrededor. No podemos mejorar el mundo si no lo entendemos ni nos entendemos a nosotros mismos. Ryan Holiday
20fe9aa La artista del performance Marina Abramovic lo expresa claramente: "Si empiezas creyendo que eres grande, tu creatividad morira"." Ryan Holiday
440798b Solo hay una cosa que se beneficia del ego: la comodidad. Ryan Holiday
8624802 There's no time off. There aren't even weekends. We are always preparing for what life might throw at us--and when it does, we're ready and don't stop until we've handled it. Ryan Holiday
033e731 For your work to have truth in it, it must come from truth. If you want to be more than a flash in the pan, you must be prepared to focus on the long term. Ryan Holiday
cb852fe Many of our problems come from having too much: rapid technological disruption, junk food, traditions that tell us the way we're supposed to live our lives. We're soft, entitled, and scared of conflict. Great times are great softeners. Ryan Holiday
c1f8aff Our generation needs an approach for overcoming obstacles and thriving amid chaos more than ever. One that will help turn our problems on their heads, using them as canvases on which to paint master works. Ryan Holiday
232f4f5 Debemos comenzar por vernos a nosotros mismos, y al mundo, de una nueva forma. Luego, debemos luchar por ser diferentes y por mantenernos asi. Esa Ryan Holiday
c824159 el ego es una creencia malsana en nuestra propia importancia. Esa es la definicion que usaremos en este libro. Ryan Holiday
ba45bb9 el ego es una creencia malsana en nuestra propia importancia. Esa es la definicion que usaremos en este libro. Es ese chiquillo irritable que hay dentro de cada uno, aquel que elige hacer lo que quiere por encima de cualquier otra cosa. La necesidad de ser mejor que, mas que, reconocido por, mas alla de cualquier utilidad razonable. Ese es el ego. Ryan Holiday
75a0feb la seguridad en uno mismo se vuelve arrogancia, la asertividad se vuelve obstinacion y la confianza en nuestras capacidades se convierte en descuido"." Ryan Holiday
b2eda77 Este es el ego que "nos tira hacia abajo como si fuera la ley de gravedad", como advertia el escritor Cyril Connolly." Ryan Holiday
61a0a72 En este sentido, el ego es el enemigo de lo que deseamos y de lo que tenemos. El enemigo de la posibilidad de llegar a dominar un oficio. De la verdadera intuicion creativa. De la posibilidad de trabajar bien con los demas. De construir lealtad y apoyo. De la longevidad. Ryan Holiday
33e6b38 el ego es la voz que nos dice que somos mejores de lo que realmente somos, podemos decir que obstaculiza el verdadero exito porque impide que tengamos una conexion directa y honesta con el mundo que nos rodea. Ryan Holiday
d07199a No podemos recibir retroalimentacion si somos incapaces de oir lo que viene de otras fuentes, o sencillamente no nos interesa. No podemos reconocer las oportunidades, ni crearlas, si en lugar de ver lo que tenemos delante vivimos dentro de nuestra propia fantasia. Ryan Holiday
6fc38a7 Al no contar con una evaluacion precisa de nuestras propias capacidades comparadas con las de los demas, lo que tenemos no es seguridad en nosotros mismos sino delirio. Ryan Holiday
17a3115 La intencion de hacer algo grande, ya sea en deportes, arte o negocios, suele ser intimidante. Pero el ego atenua ese miedo. Es un escudo contra la inseguridad. Ryan Holiday
a18290a Claro, el ego les ha funcionado a algunas personas. Muchos de los hombres y las mujeres mas famosos de la historia fueron claramente egocentricos. Pero muchos de los fracasos mas grandes tambien fueron protagonizados por personas egoistas. Ryan Holiday
2ce1e6c El ego es el enemigo en cada paso de este camino. En cierto sentido, es el enemigo de la construccion, del mantenimiento y de la recuperacion. Ryan Holiday
00c3a48 Por lo tanto, las tres partes en que esta organizado este libro son: Ambicion, Exito y Fracaso. Ryan Holiday
39d2d99 En resumen, nos sirve ser: >>Humildes en las aspiraciones. >>Benevolos en el exito. >>Resilientes en el fracaso. Ryan Holiday
5fc7dc3 No obstante, ninguno de estos individuos carecia por completo de ego, pero todos sabian como suprimirlo, como canalizarlo y como contenerlo cuando era importante. Ellos eran grandes y, sin embargo, humildes. Ryan Holiday
78ad6a6 Solo cuando estamos libres del ego y su influencia podemos alcanzar realmente nuestro mayor potencial. Ryan Holiday
cc402d9 Algunos aprenden humildad. Otros eligen el ego. Algunos estan preparados para las vicisitudes del destino, tanto las positivas como las negativas. Otros no. ?Cual de los dos elige ser? ?Quien sera? Ryan Holiday
ea634de desapego es una especie de antidoto natural contra el ego. Es facil sentirse emocionalmente comprometido y enamorado del trabajo propio. Todos los narcisistas pueden hacerlo. Lo raro no es el talento ni la capacidad, y ni siquiera la seguridad en uno mismo, sino la humildad, la laboriosidad y la conciencia de si mismo. Ryan Holiday
c6c3c5b we don't need to make decisions that force us to continue to work and work and work and drift further from study and contemplation in order to get more money to pay for the things we don't need. Ryan Holiday
c969a88 As Sean Ellis, one of the first growth hackers--he coined the term with Patrick Vlaskovits--puts it: "Focusing on customer acquisition over 'awareness' takes discipline. . . . At a certain scale, awareness/brand building makes sense. But for the first year or two it's a total waste of money." -- Ryan Holiday
3fc4fdd 10. What books would you recommend to an aspiring entrepreneur? Some quick favorites: The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Violate Them at Your Own Risk! by Al Ries and Jack Trout The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb The Fish That Ate the Whale: The Life and Times of America's Banana King by Rich Cohen Wikinomics: How Mass Collabor.. Ryan Holiday
9615d4a At twenty-one, Richard Wright was not the world-famous author he would eventually be. But poor and black, he decided he would read and no one could stop him. Did he storm the library and make a scene? No, not in the Jim Crow South he didn't. Instead, he forged a note that said, "Dear Madam: Will you please let this nigger boy have some books by HL Mencken?" (because no one would write that about themselves, right?), and checked them out wit.. Ryan Holiday
eefb715 But that's the nice thing about lawyers: as long as you're paying them, they're usually good with whatever terms go along with it. Compartmentalization is their job. It's how they represent people who are guilty, how they file long motions they know are unlikely to be successful, how they can patiently keep secrets that they'd otherwise love to be able to share. Harder was nearly twenty years into his legal career when he was first approach.. Ryan Holiday
3228889 Death lies heavy upon one who, known exceedingly well by all, dies unknown to himself." --SENECA, THYESTES," Ryan Holiday
998eb14 The first principle is that you must not fool yourself--and you are the easiest person to fool. -- RICHARD FEYNMAN Ryan Holiday
200ed76 We must give up many things to which we are addicted, considering them to be good. Otherwise, courage will vanish, which should continually test itself. Greatness of soul will be lost, which can't stand out unless it disdains as petty what the mob regards as most desirable. --SENECA, MORAL LETTERS, 74.12b-13 What we consider to be harmless indulgences can easily become full-blown addictions. We start with coffee in the morning, and soon eno.. Ryan Holiday
f372157 It doesn't matter how many people know about you or how they find out about you. It matters how many sign up. If handing out flyers on the street corner accomplishes that, then consider it growth hacking. Ryan Holiday
b9d2067 just begin the work. The rest follows. Ryan Holiday
20b34a9 how you can feel less busy? Start by learning the power of "No!"--as in "No, thank you," and "No, I'm not going to get caught up in that," and "No, I just can't right now." Ryan Holiday
4788a20 the more you say no to the things that don't matter, the more you can say yes to the things that do. Ryan Holiday
57b5831 We must give up many things to which we are addicted, considering them to be good. Otherwise, courage will vanish, which should continually test itself. Greatness of soul will be lost, which can't stand out unless it disdains as petty what the mob regards as most desirable. --SENECA, MORAL LETTERS, 74.12b-13 Ryan Holiday
8af2b40 You don't control the situation, but you control what you think about it. Ryan Holiday
fc66d5f For if a person shifts their caution to their own reasoned choices and the acts of those choices, they will at the same time gain the will to avoid, but if they shift their caution away from their own reasoned choices to things not under their control, seeking to avoid what is controlled by others, they will then be agitated, fearful, and unstable." --EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 2.1.12" Ryan Holiday
2e57682 the only thing you truly possess is your ability to make choices (and to use reason and judgment when doing so). Ryan Holiday