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36d27f1 i told you he'd freak out, she siad. didn't i? ah, the i told you so, jace said. always a classy move humor Cassandra Clare
61144e6 Maybe I can climb one of those," Simon said, eyeing the fat white pillars that held up the slanted roof of the Hall. Runes were carved on them in overlapping patterns, but otherwise there were no visible handholds. "Work off steam that way." "Oh, come on," Clary said. "You're a vampire, not Spider-Man." Simon's only response was to jog lightly up the steps to the base of a pillar. He eyed it thoughtfully for a moment before putting his hand.. simon-lewis movie-reference Cassandra Clare
75fcf43 That's right. Act like rejected . It's not like you tried to kill me or anything. simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
4486c67 I guess we'd better move the trash. We can start with the Dumpster." He pointed at it, looking distinctly unenthusiastic. "You'd rather face a ravening horde of demons, wouldn't you?" Clary said. "At least they wouldn't be crawling with maggots. Well," he added thoughtfully, "not most of them, anyway. There was this one demon, once, that I tracked down to the sewers under Grand Central--" "Don't." Clary raised a warning hand. "I'm not reall.. Cassandra Clare
c718c01 But you are not," Magnus said. "He is not dead, Will. He lives because you let him go. He would have stayed with you and died, if you had asked it, but you loved him enough to prefer that he live, even if that life is separate from yours. And that above all things proves that you are not Sydney Carton, Will, that yours is not the kind of love that can be redeemed only through destruction. It is what I saw in you, what I have always seen in .. Cassandra Clare
1097654 Oh God, I'm a cliche," he said in despair. "Why do I care? If Dad decides he hates me because I'm not straight, he's not worth the pain, right?" "Don't look at me," said Jace. "My adoptive father was a mass murderer. And I still worried about what he thought. It's what we're programmed to do. Your dad always seemed pretty great by comparison. "Sure, he likes you," said Alec. "You're heterosexual and have low expectations of father figures." Cassandra Clare
9e6741b Simon: So were you following me? Or is it just an amazing coincidence that you happened to be on the roof of a building I was walking by when I got attacked? Jace: I was following you. Simon: Is this the part where you tell me you're secretly in love with me? love jace-lightwood simon-lewis sarcasm Cassandra Clare
3fed095 So you interrupted my date to make fun of me for still living with my parents. Couldn't you have done that on a night I didn't have a date? That's most nights, in case you're curious. Cassandra Clare
3850493 I was going to kill someone today. I just wasn't sure who when I woke up this morning. I do love mornings. So full of possibilities. Cassandra Clare
14d9cdc I swear that woman had a previous career as a death-hunter selling tragic ballads down around the Seven Dials," said Will. "And I do wish she wouldn't sing about poisoning just after we've eaten." Cassandra Clare
e4b24ab There's something about a place you've been with someone you love. It takes on a meaning in your mind. It becomes more than a place. It becomes a distillation of what you felt for each other. The moments you spend in a place with someone... they become part of its bricks and mortar. Part of its soul. memories love shadowhunters soul Cassandra Clare
3fafcd5 I don't see how Clary is something we have in common,' Simon said, although he did. Nevertheless, this wasn't a conversation he particularly wanted to have with Jace now, or, in fact, ever. Wasn't there some sort of manly code that precluded discussions like this--discussions about ? Cassandra Clare
f44b0ab His steady gaze held hers. His blue eyes were very dark, uniquely so. She had known people before with blue eyes, but they had always been light blue. Will's were the color of the sky just on the edge of night. Cassandra Clare
365d135 From the first time I saw you, I've belonged to you completely. I still do. If you want me. -Jace love obsession Cassandra Clare
05609fa A gentle boy with a gentle soul, but every soul contains its own opposite, and the opposite of gentleness was ruthlessness--the beautiful wreckage of mercy. Cassandra Clare
48144e5 But you have to learn to bend a little," said Clary with a yawn. Despite the story's content, the rhythm of Jace's voice had made her sleepy. "Or you'll break." "Not if you're strong enough," said Jace firmly." clary-fray jace jace-wayland Cassandra Clare
8e232f4 She soared above the ground, and he kept her tethered to the earth. Without him she would be lost among the clouds. love parabatai julian-blackthorn Cassandra Clare
2db7b8d I'm a werewolf, not a golden retriever." (Luke/Lucian)" Cassandra Clare
bfda9a7 Well, thanks. It was nice of you to give me anything." The tension between them seemed to press down on her like humid air. "Better than a bath in spaghetti any day." He said darkly, "If you share that little bit of personal information with anyone, I may have to kill you." "Well, when I was five, I wanted my mother to let me go around and around inside the dryer with the clothes," Clary said. "The difference is, she didn't let me." "Probab.. Cassandra Clare
534fc3d You are all that exists on the earth and under the sky that I do love. Cassandra Clare
99dcd33 You know, when most girls say they want a big rock, they don't mean, you know, literally a big rock." "Very amusing, my sarcastic friend. It's not a rock, precisely. All Shadowhunters have a witchlight rune-stone." Cassandra Clare
57f3cde You really want to know what else it was my mom said about you?" he asked. She shook her head. He didn't seem to notice. "She said you'd break my heart," he told her, and left." heartbreak love clary-fray simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
6561b98 Do you want any soup?" "No," said Jace. "Do you think Hodge will want any soup?" "No one wants any soup." " want some soup," Simon said. "No you dont," said Jace. "You just want to sleep with Isabelle." Cassandra Clare
f7744ae He cocked his head to the side. "Did he die well?" "He died screaming." Charlotte's bluntness startled Tessa. "What a beautiful thing to hear." relished unexpected-changes Cassandra Clare
2ca8f14 Come on guys, you cant fight like this forever jace-wayland simon-lewis mortal-instruments Cassandra Clare
c20a4c4 I just wanted to say that it's okay if you dislike me. If you make Clary happy, I'm fine with you." He stuck his hand out, and Jace took his own hand out of Clary's and shook Simon's, a bemused look on his face. "I don't dislike you," he said. "In fact, because I actually like you, I'm going to offer you some advice." "Advice?" Simon looked wary. "I see that you are working this vampire angle with some success," Jace said, indicating Isab.. Cassandra Clare
7eb782f Why are you here?" "'Here' as in your bedroom, or 'here' as in the great, spiritual question of our purpose here on this planet? If you're asking me whether this is all some cosmic coincidence or if there's a greater meta-ethical purpose to life, well, that's a puzzler for the ages. I mean, modern-day reductionism is clearly a fallacious argument, but-," -"I'm going back to bed." -"I'm here because Hodge reminded me it's your birthday." humor jace-and-clary Cassandra Clare
4faa6dc You promise me, he said. That you love him. Enough to marry him and make him happy. Cassandra Clare
e5f9c1d A rune, hovering like an angel: a shape like two wings joined by a single bar. Cassandra Clare
2a1251e Dinnertime!" It was Isabelle, standing framed in the door of the library. She still had the spoon in her hand, though her hair had escaped from its bun and was straggling down her neck. "Sorry if I'm interrupting," she added, as an afterthought. "Dear God," said Jace, "the dread hour is nigh." Hodge looked alarmed. "I--I--I had a very filling breakfast," he stammered. "I mean lunch. A filling lunch. I couldn't possibly eat--" "I threw out t.. isabelle Cassandra Clare
a447ef1 I wasn't on dumping Cameron. We were here, and he called, and his face showed up on my phone- well, actually a llama came up on my phone because I don't actually have a picture of him so I just used a llama- and the llama made me so angry I just couldn't help myself." "Bad time to be a llama." "Is there ever a good time, really?" Cassandra Clare
14de9e3 Magic is dangerous - but love is more dangerous still Cassandra Clare
77520d1 And of course you wouldn't be going alone,' Will said impatiently. 'I would go with you. I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Cassandra Clare
dd2c1cc Do you often sleep tied to the bed? Cassandra Clare
dc8ee7f he said. "I love you. Always." Cassandra Clare
c7cf3c4 I see that even as the world plunges into darkness and peril, you two stand around discussing your love lives. Teenagers. relationships magnus-bane shadowhunters teenagers Cassandra Clare
2838d1d He'd woken up the next day in the city hospital with Magnus Bane staring down at him with an odd expression--it could have been deep concern or merely curiosity, it was hard to tell with Magnus. Cassandra Clare
b489a21 He hadn't spoken a word since they'd left the manor except to snap out directions, telling her which way to turn at a fork in the road, or ordering her to skirt a pothole. Even then she doubted if he would have minded much if she'd fallen the pothole, except that it would have slowed them down. jace-and-clary jace-wayland Cassandra Clare
88e78da What?" Jace was still staring at her as if she'd told him she'd found one of the Silent Brothers doing nude cartwheels in the hallway." Cassandra Clare
bb7ddde Her eyes met his, but she looked quickly away; entangling gazes with Will was confusing at best, dizzying at worst. will Cassandra Clare
b1e2cf1 All that running and getting nowhere, he thought. Story of my life. simon-lewis Cassandra Clare
b62bbff I am a man, and men do not drink pink drinks. Now, be gone, woman, and fetch me something brown." Jace said. "Brown?" said Isabelle. "Yes. Brown. It's a manly color. See? Alec is wearing it." Jace said. "Well, it was black but it faded." Alec said. "Well, I can always fix it up with something sparkly," Magnus said, holding a sparkley headband. "Resist the urge, Alec, resist the urge." Simon said." humor Cassandra Clare
3f51315 I want you to be happy, and him to be happy. And yet when you walk that aisle to meet him and join yourselves forever you will walk an invisible path of the shards of my heart, Tessa. I would give over my own life for your happiness. I thought perhaps that when you told me you did not love me that my own feelings would fall away and atrophy, but they have not. They have grown every day. I love you now more desperately, this moment, than I h.. page-196 clockwork-princess tessa-gray will-herondale Cassandra Clare
ba7f000 Tess?" A soft voice at the door; she looked up and saw Will there, silhouetted in the light from the corridor." will-herondale Cassandra Clare