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f1f2e64 I don't think we're fit for visual consumption." Adrian reached up and cranked the rearview mirror his way. "Whatever, I'm I..." "Look like shit." J.R. Ward
7b2022a After a moment the king said, "So be it." Zsadist cursed. Butch whistled low. Rhage bit into a Tootsie Pop." J.R. Ward
60a71dc Holy hypixia, Batman J.R. Ward
9fb6eb4 The thing had woken him up as usual, an alarm clock. as reliable and stiff off the ground as Big Fucking Ben. [John Matthew] lover-enshrined J.R. Ward
73868e6 Memories were especially dear, when they were all you had left of a loved one to hold on to. J.R. Ward
c176452 Those icy bright eyes left her and shifted to his buddy. The frown didn't leave his face. "You look like hell." "And you're Miss America." -- butch-vishous black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-unbound vishous butch J.R. Ward
f6be8f1 The Reverend grinned, his fangs flashing. "You know, I've heard this rumor... about a member of the Brotherhood who's celibate. Yeah, go figure, a warrior who abstains. And I've heard a few other things about this male. He's down to one leg. Has a scarred sociopath for a twin. You wouldn't by any chance know of such a Brother?" Phury shook his head. "Nope." J.R. Ward
95269fa And it was kind of funny to see all these professional fighters unwilling to get within a mile of the female. Then again, if you wanted to survive doing the work they did, accurate risk assessment was something you developed early -- and even Qhuinn, who was the object of the protective instinct the Chosen was rocking, wouldn't have dared touch her. lover-at-last layla qhuinn j-r-ward J.R. Ward
8556e7b Humans are threatened by anything different, and their response is to fight. They're bullies, picking on the weak, cowering from the strong. J.R. Ward
31087e5 Be present. Love her until the end. Never her leave her side until the last breath. That was how he was going to honor her with his heart and his soul, even though he wasn't worthy. J.R. Ward
625485e Sorry, you're on the ride now, and there's no getting off in the middle. J.R. Ward
d2ad5ee Okay, you shouldn't be able to sit up," Manny muttered. Was he? Oh, hey, check it... And as for the doctor's second dose of surprise? Nice guy, but he was being a dumb-ass human when it came to the feeding thing. With this kind of hunger for that particular female? Tohr was frickin' Superman, capable of bench-pressing a Hummer while he juggled Smart Cars with his free hand." J.R. Ward
c351164 The righteous do not always do right, but their souls remain pure. righteousness rehv J.R. Ward
91f3bdc Perfect!" Wrath bellowed. "And this is a doctor saying it -- I mean, she went to medical school." ... "And Dr. Sam told me she's delivered over fifteen thousand babies over the course of her career -- " "See!" Wrath yelled. "She knows these things. My son is perfect!" wrath son J.R. Ward
7511ee8 To her, saving grace meant you got to live out your life like a normal person: You were healthy and strong, an the prospect of death was just some far-off, barely acknowledged hypothetical. A debt to be paid off in a future you couldn't imagine J.R. Ward
18b47bc He palmed up the life Alert. Death Alert was more like it: Help, I haven't fallen and I'm standing up-can you come and rectify this problem? - Isaac J.R. Ward
cdf6cdf He also said that I would never get an apology out of you." There was a long pause. "I want one. Now." Xcor put aside his soup and found himself searching the wounds he had given himself, recalling all that pain, all that blood--which had dried brown on the floorboards beneath him. "And then what," he said in a rough voice. "You'll have to find out." Fair enough, Xcor thought. Without grace--not that he had any, anyway--he rose to his feet... bob J.R. Ward
430e3a8 That's the problem with white horses. You have to pay for them yourself or you'll always be using someone else's reins. J.R. Ward
6e9e185 He swiveled his head towards Eddie. "Tell me how to get over to the Four Lads. Do I have to die again?" If he did, he had a Beretta on him and he knew what kicking the bucket from a gunshot was like. Snore. "Don't bother." Adrian cracked his knuckles. "They're not going to tell you anything. They can't." What the fuck? "I thought I worked for them." "You work for both sides, and they've given you all the help they can." Jim looked back and .. humor jim-adrian J.R. Ward
60ad8e4 She silenced him with her mouth, then pulled back. "You can't change what I think of you." He reached up and brushed her lower lip with his thumb. "If you truly knew me, everything you believe would change." "Your heart would be the same. And that is what I love." cormia phury vampire paranormal-romance J.R. Ward
585ee48 V smiled, his eyes a little shiny as if he too were choked up. "Don't worry, I'm covered. So, I guess you're back, true?" "And ready to rock and roll." "Really." "For sure. I'm thinking about a future in contracting. Wanted to see how this bathroom was put together. Excellent tile work. You should check it." "How about I carry you back to bed?" "I want to look at the sink pipes next." Respect and affection clearly drove V's cool smirk. "At .. marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-revealed vishous butch J.R. Ward
52fb3d0 Nalla blinked and waved his finger and transformed him: Everything stopped as she moved not just his hand, but his heart. J.R. Ward
4d215bd With the supplies gathered, he went over to the stainless-steel sink and pressed the foot pedal to get the water running. While he washed his hands, he said quietly, "If I could, I would." "Excuse me?" Qhuinn pumped some suds into his palms and scrubbed all the way up his forearms. Which was overkill, but if Blay wanted him superclean, then that was what he was going to be. "If I could love a guy like that, it would be you." love qhuinn J.R. Ward
0f48b10 In the silence that followed, violent anger hit Blay from out of nowhere. Now his hands shook for a different reason. "So," Saxton said hoarsely. "How was your night?" "What the hell happened down there?" Saxton loosened his tie. Unbuttoned his collar. Took yet another deep breath. "Family tiff, as it were." "Bullsh*t." Saxton shifted exhausted eyes over. "Must we do this?" "What happened--" "I think you and Qhuinn need to talk. And once yo.. J.R Ward
73570ce She pulled back the sheet. Good God, his sex was... "It's gotten so...huge" Butch barked out a laugh. "You say the nicest things." marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-revealed butch J.R. Ward
5a3cb89 Did television execs have souls? Now, that was an existential question and a half. J.R. Ward
f45e4ea You don't go after what's mine. Now be a good boy and gut yourself." -Xhex, Lover Mine." J.R. Ward
bc32fef But looking at this closet, so nice and arranged with their crazy lives at rest among these carefully placed clothes and footwear, she felt good about where they were. "Normal" was not a bad things in this lunatic world; it really was. No matter how it happened to be defined." J.R. Ward
7ad182f Tell me something, boys," he drawled. "Do you wear that leather to turn each other on? I mean, is it a dick thing with you all?" J.R. Ward
e8c0dbe She did nothing to try to control the shakes that rattled her body,and didn't attempt to stop herself from crying. Tears left both of her eyes at the far corners,slipping out and flowing over her temples.Some landed in her ears. Some eased down her neck and were absorbed by the pillow.Others clouded her vision,as if they didn't want to leave home. xhex black-dagger-brotherhood lover-avenged john J.R. Ward
4bcefc9 Come here. I need to hold on to you." She felt the same way. And when there was no distance between them, it was like coming home." J.R. Ward
0d0bd4a for me?" "Aye. So what say you, lover mine." J.R. Ward
f2aeee8 When I picked up the bird and felt its light weight in my hands, I realized that carelessness was a form of cruelty. See, I'd always told myself that because I meant no harm, anything that happened wasn't my fault. At that moment, though, I knew I was wrong. If I hadn't given the female my gun, the bird wouldn't have been shot. I was responsible even though I didn't pull the trigger. responsible guilt J.R. Ward
e3f9ded Scratch what I said before. I think I falling in love with you. Right here. Right now. J.R. Ward
e3083a5 You're off the fucking rails, and I'm not having it. Now be a good little sociopath and shut the fuck up while you get taken in for medical treatment." In" -- J.R. Ward
d2e2d0d Amazing, John thought as he stood behind Xhex. If you looked down at your cock and balls and told them that if they behaved badly you would slice them up and bury them in the back yard, they actually listened to you. lover-mine xhex J.R. Ward
42b2e6f Loneliness was just like winter, he decided. Cold and pervasive, trapping you inside your own head because what was outside was so inhospitable. Was he never going to be warm again? J.R. Ward
ebcb694 That's where you come in. I want into that guy's mind, and you need to tell me how to do it." Ad shrugged. "Personally, I'd just use a hacksaw, but--" "There are potential consequences and side effects," Eddie said carefully. "Like what?" "Well, worst case... he could end up like Adrian." J.R. Ward
c3d4b83 You are so . . . odd." "I shall take that as a compliment." -Thor to No'One" J.R. Ward
2eb1c3a V sat back on his heels, crossed his arms, and continued to look down at the little bag of vampire. And what do you know. That infant sonofabitch glared right back at him. Vishous J.R. Ward
0b75ecf In the Old Language, she hissed, "If any harm shall befall him, I will come after you, and find where you sleep. I do not care where you lay your head or who with, my vengeance shall rain upon you until you drown." lover-at-last layla qhuinn j-r-ward J.R. Ward
d97a27c The guy stroked his goatee. "What do you call twenty guys watching the World Series?" "The New York Yankees," Butch replied. The vampire laughed in a loud burst, whipped the baseball cap off his head, and slapped it on his thigh." black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward dark-lover vishous yankees butch J.R. Ward
39e9c62 Rehv swooped down with his long arms and gathered her up against him, tucking her with vital care to his chest. Ducking his head to hers, his voice was deep and grave. "I never thought I would see you again." As he shuddered, she lifted her hands up to his torso. After holding herself back for a moment...she embraced him as fully as he did her. "You smell the same," she said rought, putting her nose right into the collar of his fine silk sh.. xhex J.R. Ward
43b6e3a Wrath jammed a finger in V's face. "Don't follow me. We clear? You don't follow me." "You stupid fool," V said with total exhaustion. "You're the king. We all must follow you." wrath J.R. Ward