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c6ccdb4 You want to know what death is! I'll tell you what it is--death is the living forgetting you! What you smell like and look like, what your voice sounds like, how you laugh! Even if there is an afterlife, my death is going to be you going on without me until you can't remember what color my eyes are or how long my hair is-- J.R. Ward
3b8fb9f Right. Got it. And he was glad it was Z. Undoubtedly the guy was well aware of his fucked-up mood, but unlike some of the others--*cough*Rhage*cough*--he would never pry. J.R. Ward
93de889 If any harm shall befall him, I will come after you, and find you where you sleep. I do not care where you lay your head or who with, my vengeance shall rain upon you until you drown. J.R. Ward
3ec7bf1 The waitress looked a little awkward. "Is all that for both you and your sister?" J.R. Ward
875eb37 And he'd cozied up to a lightning strike once or twice before. J.R. Ward
6bb65c7 Zacharias - disse assim que atenderam. Matthias, o sacana, riu baixinho. - Juro que falo mais contigo do que com a minha propria mae. - Nao sabia que tinhas uma. Pensei que tinhas saido de um ovo. (...) J.R. Ward
ade65b0 You've got some of me in you, J.R. Ward
5c862a3 Butch, let me help you." He cursed. "What if-" "What ifs don't cut it." She took a deep breath. "I won't lie. I'm scared. But I don't want to turn my back on you and you're a fool to try and make me." He shook his head, respect in his eyes. "You always been this courageous?" marissa black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward butch J.R. Ward
a1fba2f Caregivers had to take care of themselves, and part of that meant having a life beyond whatever illness had put them in their cole. self-belief ehlena nursing J.R. Ward
a78098c Not brother. And never again. J.R. Ward
74432bb Running her fingertips across the complicated edging of the desk, she discovered that the curlicues actually formed a vine. And there were dates inscribed along the leaves. . . . The Kings and the queens. Their children. J.R. Ward
33d14d7 Sometimes the changes in life came at you so fast, and with such fury, there was no way to keep up with reality. J.R. Ward
7fb99c9 was enough to actually turn you into what you had to be. J.R. Ward
250eb66 But that was the beauty of inner thoughts. No one had to know your weaknesses. And once you'd finished dwelling on them, you could toss them into the mental trash bin they belonged in. J.R. Ward
7f6e266 she thought about what happily-ever-afters were about, and decided that true love didn't mean effortless, and ever-after wasn't about cruise control. J.R. Ward
aa9c47f Shit, this had to be how Alzheimer's patients felt: Their personality was intact and so was their intellect...but they were surrounded by a world that no longer made sense because they couldn't hold on to their memories and associations and extrapolations. J.R. Ward
91e22fe The thing was all mortals were going to lose the ones they loved. It was the way life worked. But for the most of the time, that reality was so far off in the mind that it had no more weight than a mere hypothetical. There were reminders, however, and the almost's, the near-misses, the oh-God-please-no's, snapped your chain and got you to stop and feel what was in your heart. J.R. Ward
54eeb93 Darius J.R. Ward
83a1df3 Probably played a lot of World of Warcraft or whatever it was--and that made him forget that if you were going to be a bigoted big-mouth, you'd better be able to back shit up. J.R. Ward
0413ad1 he wanted to be like Tohr. Heading out into the corridor, it was funny to have that running through his brain again, and its return kind of righted the world: Ever since he'd first met the guy, whether it was the Brother's size, or his intelligence, or the way he treated his female, or how he fought, or even the deep sound of his voice . . . John had wanted to be like Tohr. This was good. This was . . . right. J.R. Ward
a1ff2aa we are every age we have ever been at each moment in our lives. We carry it all with us like luggage. J.R. Ward
eabe829 When Rhage's beast came out, everyone, the brothers included, looked for shelter and took up praying. J.R. Ward
bac0c85 Marissa," he mumbled, taking her hand. "Don't want to see you drink so much." Wait, not really what he'd been going for. "Ah . . . don't want you to see drink so much . . . want." Whatever. God . . . he was so confused. V smiled a little, but it was the kind of falsey number doctors gave to patients who were about to throw up. "He's going to need something with sugar in it. Rhage, you got a lollipop on you?" Butch looked over as a wicked .. J.R. Ward
488b62d And he was not lonely. Never had been. Vengeance was one hell of a roommate. J.R. Ward
b975739 That Zsadist guy . . . you had to wonder when he was going to lose it. And what he was going to take out with him when he did. J.R. Ward
a313187 Maybe she just needed out. Out of Caldwell. Out of the CCJ. Out of the electronic family of her alarm clock and the phone on her desk and the TV that kept her dreams away while she slept. J.R. Ward
3b825b6 As much as you wanted someone to change and believed they could, they were in control of their life. Not you. And you could throw yourself against the wall of their choices until you were black-and-blue and dizzy as hell, but unless they decided to take a different road, the outcome wasn't going to be what you wanted. J.R. Ward
e406dd1 Qhuinn rushed to get more words out. "I'm sorry I've wasted so much time--and if you don't want to be with me, I get it. I'll back off--I'll live with the consequences. But for the love of God, if there's a chance--for whatever reason on your side--revenge, curiosity...hell, even if you'll let me fuck you just once and never, ever again, for the sole reason of driving a stake through my heart? I'll take it. I'll take you...any way I can get.. J.R. Ward
24e2bb8 Axwelle. Figured you might as well start the eval with the one most likely to be considered a sociopath. J.R. Ward
f6430ec She already has." Assail smiled cruelly in the dark. "Tell me, is your Dom reputation just talk or are you truly that perverted?" "Waste my time with gossip and I'll answer that firsthand." "Kinky." "Why do you ask?" "Your name came up in conversation." "How." The fact that that wasn't a question, but a demand was not a surprise. "She was speaking of sexual conquests she had enjoyed. You apparently were one of them, back when she was younge.. J.R. Ward
8547f66 But if you had to have something to live for, it might as well be love, right? something-to-live-for J.R. Ward
56bc2e5 Murhder lowered his head . . . and kissed her. Oh . . . wow. His lips were velvet on her own, all summer-breeze soft and slow as an August sunrise as they caressed hers. And she would have called the contact sweet, except no. His enormous body . . . his mysterious, other-than-human, incredibly powerful body . . . trembled, and that was what made everything utterly erotic: The subtle shaking meant he was holding himself in strict control, cl.. J.R. Ward
f1688ee With a rough shove, he pushed his palm down the front of his combats and the instant contact was made, an orgasm exploded out of him, memories of Novo from class, sparring, out in the field, flashing through his mind, keeping things going. He even went back to when he'd been inside her, her bare sex accepting his penetrations like she had been made for him and him alone. J.R. Ward
1dad1fd Ivie froze at the sound of the deep, low voice. Later, much later, she would remember most clearly not the moment she looked into his eyes, but rather the split second before she did. And that was because, when you were falling from a great distance, spinning and turning in mid-air, uncertain of your chances of surviving the landing, the thing that was even more vivid than when you hit was the last moment before consequence owned you. J.R. Ward
ce10e10 The goatee was a neutral--unless you assessed it on style. In which case the fucker was a travesty of Rogaine proportions. J.R. Ward
65232a1 And I will always be your warrior, Mary mine. Always and forever." Mary" J.R. Ward
a938954 Here's what I know to be true. We can bury the past all we like. We can use a hundred thousand distractions, some of which are healthy, some of which are not, to keep it under the ground--but when something isn't processed, it will absolutely, positively come back and bite us on the ass. J.R. Ward
0c7de63 thought the hard part about being a dad was going to be the arguments--like her bringing some knuckle-dragging mouth breather home and expecting me not to slice off his smooth criminals and plant them in the yard. But J.R. Ward
ed476b8 Okay,'s that water feeling, then?' 'Excuse me?' 'The Nile warm this time of the year? J.R. Ward
dc97a8d Fritz." The butler rushed over from the crudite arrangement he was working on. "Yes, master! I am eager to be of aid." "Take this." iAm peeled the cat off himself, prying both of its front claws out of his fleece. "And do whatever it is you do with it." As he turned away, he felt like glancing back and making sure G*dd*mn was okay. But why the fuck would he do that? He had to get to Sal's and check on his staff. Usually he hit the rest.. master-boo special-attention iam fritz J.R. Ward
03a3b68 There's no goodbye for you and me," she announced. "So you can just cut that shit out right now. I am very aware of what you're doing, checking in with the people in this household, going around, seeing them one by one or in groups. And that's fine. But you're not going to do it to me because I refuse to believe you're going to die from that thing." When he lifted his hands to start signing, she slapped them down and shoved her forefinger i.. J.R. Ward
687d97a It was a farewell. Not a good-bye, but a fare...well. and he had the sense they would. J.R. Ward
2d8bd7c I love you, Lassiter," she said without looking away from her daughter. "I know." Mary glanced back at him. "Did you just quote Harrison Ford to me." "Yes, Leia. And it's also true. Go on, Mother, she's safe." J.R. Ward
8446f88 You are so beautiful," he said as he stared at her, "standing there in the light like that." She glanced at her Gap black pants and her two-year-old knit turtleneck. "You must be blind." "Why?" he asked, coming over to her. "Well, I feel like such an ass for saying this." She smoothed the front of her off-the-rack-and-then-some slacks. "But I wish I had better clothes. Then I'd be beautiful." Rehvenge paused. And then shocked the crap .. J.R. Ward