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beda4cd It was your first time?" Her head snapped up, eyes stabbing her sister. "Of course it was," Lisa backtracked at once, and then said, "Well, Fanny must have been wrong then. Or perhaps it is different for everyone." Suzette shook her head with disgust. "If you, who have known me all my life and I have not been keeping company with men before this, doubts me, why would he not? He probably thinks I have been with half the royal navy." "Why w.. Lynsay Sands
5f12ed1 You horrible, horrible man!" Lisa yelled. "How could you even show your face here, you bounder?" Christiana snapped. "You vile debaucher of innocents," Lisa added. "She loved you, you cad!" "You've broken her heart! You should be shot for toying with her that way!" Lynsay Sands
edd78f3 Let's be quick. I should like to catch up to them before they marry and I am forced to make Suzette a widow. Lynsay Sands
4da7b31 In the next moment, Danvers began to recite the Lord's prayer, which was rather sacrilegious to her mind considering that she suspected he'd burst into flames if he dared enter a church, but she wasn't going to complain. Lynsay Sands
3ae9573 How the devil did he get himself caught?" "By being no brighter than you," Suzette snapped before her father could answer. "God, you are a fishwife," Jeremy said with disgust and then muttered to himself, "It figures Dicky would marry sweet little mousy Christiana himself and stick me with the sister who was a harpy." Lynsay Sands
b22110d Leave it to him to fall in love with probably the only female in all of England who would refuse to marry him because he had wealth, he thought with disgust as he stomped inside. Honestly, he did always seem to choose the hardest route to everything. So, of course, he would find himself in love with the most difficult woman he could probably find. But if Suzette thought she was going to back out of this wedding, she had another think coming.. Lynsay Sands
151394d If he had any sense of honor at all, the man would have stayed dead." "Unfortunately, it appears he was merely unconscious," Daniel murmured. He was becoming quite certain George was dead. This might greaty simplify matters, or at least it would if Richard was willing to uphold the marriage to Christiana...and really, Daniel was beginning to think that would be the most honorable thing to do here. While he didn't think much of their looking.. Lynsay Sands
a6e2f23 However,he also found himself constantly stalked by marriage-minded mamas and their braying daughters, and, frankly, while he'd thought it rather amusing in a twisted way when he'd been poor and knew they were getting no bargain, Daniel now found it vastly annoying. He was more than a stallion for stud with a bag of gold between his legs. And as entertaining as Suzette was, he didn't appreciate her interest in him being based only on his we.. Lynsay Sands
08633f6 I suppose it means that I will be free to travel with my maid, or to live in the country while you are in town, or I may live in town while you are in the country if I wish. I mean if I find your" "I see," Daniel said dryly. "And if we are always apart, how exactly are we to gain heirs?" "Oh." Suzette flushed. "Well, I suppose we could arrange for occasional visits purposes." "Occasional vis.. Lynsay Sands
d15e008 They'd managed to make it through the room without waking the maid, and all the way to the top of the stairs before the next problem had arisen in the form of the women returning from the ball and entering the foyer below. In a panic, Daniel and Richard had rushed back along the upper hall, and then ducked into this room to wait for the way to be clear. "We'd best move while we have the chance," Richard said behind him. "Once they have Chr.. Lynsay Sands
38d6370 Is this true?" Suzette asked, sounding like a suspicious nanny. It was a tone Daniel had heard often as a child, though from his mother, not a nanny. They hadn't been able to afford a nanny. Oddly enough, he suddenly found himself imagining Suzette as that nonexistent nanny, though really the gown he pictured her in as that nanny was nothing a respectable nanny would wear and covered less than it revealed as she approached him in his mind w.. Lynsay Sands
34e66ee Life was too damned short to constantly push your own desires down and always do what others wanted. On Lynsay Sands
8ae3df1 Oh, ta ra," Clarissa said lightly. "In retrospect I suppose it is all rather funny--though I doubt that Lydia would agree." Adrian's humor ended there, and he arched one eyebrow in displeasure, though she could not see it. "Forgive me for saying so, my lady, but your stepmother sounds to be a rather nasty old cow." "Oh!" Clarissa said, dismayed. "Oh, you must not say that. Ever." "Why not?" he asked with careless amusement. "I am not afr.. Lynsay Sands
9f52fa4 What?" Clarissa glanced blankly at the dark blur beside her. "Keep your eyes closed, and you will not lose your balance," the man suggested, and she saw his hand move closer to her. He was offering it so that she would rise. Clarissa opened her mouth to refuse, then paused as his hand suddenly enclosed hers, sending a shock of sensation racing up her arm. It was such an odd feeling--excitement, wild excitement--coursing across her flesh. .. Lynsay Sands
639f7df How you convince her to remarry you?" Tomas asked curiously, drawing Radcliffe from his thoughts. Making a face, he admitted, "I had to draw up a contract stating that I would never again condescend to her. That I would discuss business with her on a daily basis were she interested, and..." "And?" He sighed unhappily. "And that I would take her to my club dressed as a man." Tomas gave a start. "What?" "Shh," Radcliffe cautioned, glancing .. Lynsay Sands
b916768 Love is love and shouldn't upset anyone. So what else are they thinking about when they get upset at your partner preferences?" she asked reasonably, and then answered the question herself. "Their minds are in your pants and on what you do. And while they're welcome to bury their brain in their own pants, they have no business in yours." Lynsay Sands
a809eda I hardly think my berating you wildly when I arrived at the hotel was subtle behavior." "No?" Thomas grinned. "You berated me in Portuguese. For all I knew you were telling me I was the sexiest thing you'd seen in your life." "In your dreams," Inez chuckled." Lynsay Sands
8b3a6c7 Regret and guilt are useless emotions that hold ye in a past that's already gone . . . and if there's one thing I've learned, it's that allowing yerself to be dragged down by the past helps no one. It jest keeps ye from ha'ing both feet in the present where ye should be. Lynsay Sands
e9d2caf Sitting in a van twiddling my thumbs while you bone up is one thing, but attacking her? No way." "Bone up?" Cale asked uncertainly. "Get a boner," the man explained, and then added, "Or an erection to those of us too damned old to know modern lingo... not to mention be able to judge character anymore." Lynsay Sands
640f0b0 So, you like him and find him handsome and he has fine ... parts," she said delicately, then added, "I am sure I heard a but in there however?" "Aye." Seonaid sighed, then admitted Blake's fault. "He has a huge cock." Lynsay Sands
8256104 You're very lucky. Bastien is a wonderful man. Smart, hardworking, nice, and a perfect gentleman, he'll--" "Kate," Terri interrupted. "We're going to the museum. It isn't necessarily a date. The man's just being a good host until you get back." "Uh-huh." Her cousin didn't sound convinced. "Have fun. I know you will. And tell him hello from us. We'll call again in the next couple of days to see how the romance is progressing." "There's no ro.. Lynsay Sands
3767257 It was another one of her father's curses:I'll make you into a freak and not let you tell anyone. Francine Pascal
1877c4f When their brother-in-law turned toward them at the sound,Lisa breathed with horror, "But you're dead." Her head swiveled to Christiana. "Wasn't he dead, Chrissy? We packed ice around him and everything." "The ice must have revived his cold dead heart," Suzette said, anger helping her recover quickly from her shock. Glaring at the man, she added a dry but heartfelt, "More's the pity." If Dicky looked surprised by her comments, Christiana lo.. Lynsay Sands
3a2f478 Aegle was suffering some mortal bug Lynsay Sands
65972a0 You might consider letting us go and minding your own business...or else I shall be forced to stomp on your foot, sir." "My lord," he corrected, sounding amused at her threat. "Daniel, Lord Woodrow." Lynsay Sands
59bfa79 Life isn't always easy, Lissianna. It's full of tough decisions and heartache, and things don't always work out the way we hoped. Life just doesn't come with guarantees. And while it's true that sometimes, by avoiding taking a chance on people, we can avoid some heartache, we might also miss out on the best times of our life. Don't be afraid to love. Lynsay Sands
7e5a207 him and peer over the titles on Lynsay Sands
09b9997 Greg accepted this with some incredulity, then his eyes widened at the ramifications of what she was saying. "Then, I'm birthday gift?" She nodded slowly, then tilted her head, and said, "That's an odd smile. What are you thinking?" Greg was thinking he was the luckiest son of a bitch alive as his mind automatically readjusted his earlier imaginings of a large, ugly woman stripping and climbing on top of him, to this woman doing so. He .. Lynsay Sands
7e830b3 And Vincent was standing by the editor, glancing from him to Terri as if trying to decide who would make the tastier snack. Bastien wasn't surprised when his gaze settled on Terri. "Bastien, I could use a bite," his cousin announced as if on cue. "It was a long flight." "You will eat out, thank you," Bastien said firmly. "Okay," Vinny agreed easily--too easily, Bastien thought. And he wasn't surprised when his cousin turned to Terri and ask.. Lynsay Sands
bdeeff0 As much as I would enjoy such rumors spreading around about my . . . er . . . virility, ye probably, definitely, shouldn't say it to the other ladies," he decided. Evina nodded, but said, "Too late." "What?" he asked, aghast. Evina scowled at his dismay. "Well, what the devil do ye think we women talk about when ye men aren't around? The weather?" Lynsay Sands
8b2938c Teeth retracting, Lissianna pulled free of Greg Hewitt's neck and glanced guiltily over her shoulder. The sight of Thomas and her mother staring at her wide-eyed from the doorway was enough to make her stand quickly, her hands moving to straighten her clothes and hair. "I cannot believe this!" Marguerite stomped into the room. "Sneaking around and unwrapping your gifts before your birthday like you're twelve instead of two hundred! What we.. Lynsay Sands
67cd21b Marguerite sighed, some of her tension leaving. "Yes, well he appears to have a strong mind." Lissianna nodded. "I noticed. I couldn't get into his thoughts to calm him. Not at all. That's why I was feeding on him. I thought it might allow me to merge with his mind and soothe him," Lissianna explained. "That seems to have worked well," Thomas commented with amusement. "Although I wouldn't say he was soothed exactly." Lissianna followed h.. Lynsay Sands
8a1b2e2 Anders took the phone, but his attention was on the computer on his lap. It had gone into standby mode. As he waited impatiently for it to start up again, he muttered, "I should have told her." "Told who what?" Mortimer asked, distractedly. "Valerie, I should have told her I love her. But I figured she'd think it was too soon and--" He didn't bother finishing." -- Lynsay Sands
bc6f1d9 One of the things Lissianna had learned through the centuries was that there was nothing more dangerous than a zealot. Lynsay Sands
83199ba So? When do you want to be turned?" "I didn't agree to turn," Valerie squawked with amazement. "You haven't, but you will," he said with a shrug. "What makes you think that?" she asked warily. "Because if you don't, I'm going to have to wipe your memories and have you returned to your life and neither of us wants that," he said simply. "Anders said I could have time to decide," Valerie protested, and then frowned and added, "And what do you.. Lynsay Sands
5566eab Really. It's plain for anyone to see that he cares for you. His eyes rarely leave you and he's terribly attentive. I'm positive he's in love with you, Terri. Lynsay Sands
11692ff Oh God!" Leigh cried out with pain, and then snapped bitterly, "Why do we women have to have the babies? Men should have them. What did we ever do to deserve this?" "Eve ate the apple," Justin responded, braking and shifting the van into park. "Shut up, Justin, or I swear I'll shove an apple up your--" "Ow, ow, ow," Valerie cried out as Leigh nearly pulverized the bones in her fingers. "Sorry," Leigh muttered, releasing her fingers. "I was .. Lynsay Sands
e8f4e71 He was a firm believer in that old saying, a skunk smells it own hole first. Lynsay Sands
7aa21e0 Wife?" Annabel glanced around the room before turning back to him and saying with surprise, "Oh, you mean me." For some reason that seemed funny to her and she found herself giggling again. "How do you feel?" he asked, eyeing her closely. "Like I have to pee," she answered, and then slapped a hand over her mouth with dismay, only to tear it away and mutter, "Damn, I said it," which was followed quickly by an alarmed, "Oh damn, I said damn.".. Lynsay Sands
7855b99 For God's sake, Anders, your pacing is driving me wild," Leigh said with exasperation. "Sit down." Anders paused with surprise and turned to peer at the brunette curled up in the corner of the couch with a book in her hands. "I'm not pacing, I'm . . ." She arched her eyebrows, waiting, and he sighed. "Pacing," he acknowledged and sank onto the nearest chair. He rested his elbows on his spread knees, allowing his hands to dangle between them.. Lynsay Sands
a711aef The Pi Betas had accepted the fact that Rose was Mexican, but it was obvious they would just as soon ignore it. And they seemed to assume Rose wanted to do that, too. The other girls might not be overtly disturbed by the fact that Rose was a chicana, but they certainly were not going to encourage her to explore her heritage. No, if Rose joined the Pi Betas, she would have to deny the biggest part of herself. She would have to become complet.. mexican mexican-american sweet-valley heritage sorority Francine Pascal
670de0b In Bruce's opinion, the only fun in dating was the sport of it. The more it was like a tennis match, where he had to wear down his opponent through expertise and sheer force of will, the better he liked it. sweet-valley creepy dating Francine Pascal
c904877 Lila walked by with her nose in the air. In a straight line behind her, six obedient kindergartners waddled like baby geese, singing in unison, 'Row, row, row your yacht... kindergarten snobs yacht sweet-valley Francine Pascal
5c0e1ad Elizabeth scowled, feeling like a nobody, a nothing. She felt like her entire self had been made worthless. She could change her interests, but she couldn't change her looks. She'd never be six feet tall. She'd never look like a supermodel. supermodels superficiality sweet-valley worthless Francine Pascal