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cc056e5 They who see through the eyes of others are controlled by the will of others. John Lancaster Spalding
8265de7 The common man is impelled and controlled by interests; the superior, by ideas. John Lancaster Spalding
b2f2969 The will--the one thing it is most important to educate--we neglect. John Lancaster Spalding
8c5d0ee When pleasure is made a business, it ceases to be pleasure. John Lancaster Spalding
92a4644 What purifies the heart refines language. John Lancaster Spalding
7ebae19 If thou wouldst help others deal with them as though they were what they should be John Lancaster Spalding
c3e5091 Whom little things occupy and keep busy, are little men. John Lancaster Spalding
2740106 They who admire and reverence noble and heroic men are akin to them. John Lancaster Spalding
0b3fe3c The able have no desire to appear to be so, and this is part of their ability. John Lancaster Spalding
23aa153 Break not the will of the young, but guide it to right ends. John Lancaster Spalding
188047f Beauty lies not in the things we see, but in the soul. John Lancaster Spalding
2bf0a9e As display is vulgar, so fondness for jewelry is evidence of an uncultivated mind. John Lancaster Spalding
f463ef8 We are made ridiculous less by our defects than by the affectation of qualities which are not ours. John Lancaster Spalding
541af94 If truth make us not truthful, what service can it render us? John Lancaster Spalding
ec990de It is difficult to be sure of our friends, but it is possible to be certain of our loyalty to them. John Lancaster Spalding
8706ed4 It is not worth while to consider whether a truth be useful--it is enough that it is a truth. John Lancaster Spalding
aab97ce When we know and love the best we are content to lack the approval of the many. John Lancaster Spalding
3e2c43c If thou canst not hold the golden mean, say and do too little rather than too much. John Lancaster Spalding
9bbd5e2 The lover of education labors first of all to educate himself. John Lancaster Spalding
276d4f2 The seeking for truth is better than its loveless possession. John Lancaster Spalding
686bd98 The smaller the company, the larger the conversation. John Lancaster Spalding
7c29fa9 Not to be able to utter one's thought without giving offence, is to lack culture. John Lancaster Spalding
65be314 Base thy life on principle, not on rules. John Lancaster Spalding
537611c Reform the world within thyself, which is thy proper world. John Lancaster Spalding
98dedb0 The happiness of the ignorant is but an animal's paradise. John Lancaster Spalding
22f2de0 We truly know only what we have taught ourselves. John Lancaster Spalding
6b5ef9a Insight makes argument ridiculous. John Lancaster Spalding
011c0f7 A great man, who lives intimately with his admirers, with difficulty escapes being made ridiculous. John Lancaster Spalding
8ce2e04 What we acquire with joy, we possess with indifference. John Lancaster Spalding
1e892f9 The innocence which is simply ignorance is not virtue. John Lancaster Spalding
ad3d6fd When one sense has been bribed the others readily bear false witness. John Lancaster Spalding
516053d When the crowd acclaims its favorites it applauds itself. John Lancaster Spalding
44ae977 Folly will run its course and it is the part of wisdom not to take it too seriously. John Lancaster Spalding
38f96b2 Where it is the chief aim to teach many things, little education is given or received. John Lancaster Spalding
bd86808 In education, as in religion and love, compulsion thwarts the purpose for which it is employed. John Lancaster Spalding
ceff950 One may speak Latin and have but the mind of a peasant. John Lancaster Spalding
047c279 They whom trifles distract and nothing occupies are but children. John Lancaster Spalding
2fa9c5d It is the business of the teacher ... to fortify reason and to make conscience sovereign. John Lancaster Spalding
8994caa The more we live with what we imagine others think of us, the less we live with truth. John Lancaster Spalding
ee27bed If we are disappointed that men give little heed to what we utter is it for their sake or our own? John Lancaster Spalding
215d5b8 If thy friends tire of thee, remember that it is human to tire of everything. John Lancaster Spalding
3948170 They who think they know all, learn nothing. John Lancaster Spalding
bc670c9 Agitators and declaimers may heat the blood, but they do not illumine the mind. John Lancaster Spalding
e99064d Wouldst thou bestow some precious gift upon thy fellows, make thyself a noble man. John Lancaster Spalding