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e72d5fe For there is no bond more lasting than that formed by the mutual confidences of that magic time when youth is slipping from L.M. Montgomery
765a8bc The dark hills, with the darker spruces marching over them, looked grim on early falling nights, but Ingleside bloomed with firelight and laughter, though the winds come in from the Atlantic singing of mournful things. "Why isn't the wind happy, Mummy?" asked Walter one night. "Because it is remembering all the sorrow of the world since it began," answered Anne." l-m-montgomery wise weather L.M. Montgomery
ead0e59 It makes me very sad at times to think about her. But really, Marilla, one can't stay sad very long in such an interesting world, can one? l-m-montgomery L.M. Montgomery
18082ae How terrible it must be not to see and feel beauty.... I'm so glad I can find happiness in all lovely little things... It seems to me that every time I look out of a window the world gives me a gift. L.M. Montgomery
c320ae0 I don't like places or people either that haven't any faults. I think that a truly perfect person would be very uninteresting. perfection L.M. Montgomery
31a78f3 I write these words to bear witness to the primacy of resistance struggle in any situation of domination (even within family life); to the strength and power that emerges from sustained resistance and the profound conviction that these forces can be healing, can protect us from dehumanization and despair. bell hooks
276517f One of the major differences I see in the political climate today is that there is less collective support for coming to critical consciousness - in communities, in institutions, among friends. critical-thinking bell hooks
568024a We keep coming back to the question of representation because identity is always about representation. People forget that when they wanted white women to get into the workforce because of the world war, what did they start doing? They started having a lot of commercials, a lot of movies, a lot of things that were redoing the female image, saying, "Hey, you can work for the war, but you can still be feminine." So what we see is that the mass.. bell hooks
253486e There are writers who write for fame. And there are writers who write because we need to make sense of the world we live in; writing is a way to clarify, to interpret, to reinvent. We may want our work to be recognized, but that is not the reason we write. We do not write because we must; we always have a choice. We write because language is the way we keep a hold on life. With words we experience our deepest understandings of what it means.. writing-life bell hooks
eb0629a My grief was a heavy, despairing sadness caused by parting from a companion of many years but, more important, it was a despair rooted in the fear that love did not exist, could not be found. And even if it were lurking somewhere, I might never know it in my lifetime. It had become hard for me to continue to believe in love's promise when everywhere I turned the enchantment of power of the terror of fear overshadowed the will to love. Bell Hooks
770f88d Understanding knowledge as an essential element of love is vital because we are bombarded daily with messages that tell us love is about mystery, about that which cannot be known. We see movies in which people are represented as being in love who never talk with one another, who fall into bed without ever discussing their bodies, their sexual needs, their likes and dislikes. Indeed, the message is received from the mass media is that knowle.. love-quotes romantic television romance love truth mass-media tv pop-culture love-at-first-sight knowledge bell hooks
2dd111a Knowing love or the hope of knowing love is the anchor that keeps us from falling into that sea of despair. Bell Hooks
4c74fea While it is in no way racist for any author to write a book exclusively about white women, it is fundamentally racist for books to be published that focus solely on the American white woman's experience in which that experience is assumed to be American woman's experience. Bell Hooks
2923d52 Prophetic pragmatism attempts to keep alive the sense of alternative ways of life and of struggle based on the best of the past. In this sense, the praxis of prophetic pragmatism is tragic action with revolutionary intent, usually reformist consequences and always visionary outlook. Cornel West
f39b7d2 And every historic effort to forge a democratic project has been undermined by two fundamental realities: poverty and paranoia. The persistence of poverty generates levels of despair that deepen social conflict the escalation of paranoia produces levels of distrust that reinforce cultural division. Rae is the most explosive issue in American life precisely because it forces us to confront the tragic facts of poverty and paranoia despair, an.. poverty race democracy Cornel West
807b0f1 If only religion an opiate. No known narcotic rots the brain so fast. religion cornel-west louis-farrakhan opium-of-the-people atheism Christopher Hitchens
f656235 They were given paradise, they wanted freedom, and stole fire from heaven, though they knew that they would become unhappy. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
fde8794 His heart felt dangerously full, for the first time in years. That dried-up battered organ, suddenly flush with love. It could kill him. Maile Meloy
4e4f8f5 They to be quiet types, the women and men in rubber-soled shoes. Their favorite word, after , was --for their patrons and themselves. Marilyn Johnson
5055da1 Actions are sometimes performed in a masterly and most cunning way, while the direction of the actions is deranged and dependent on various morbid impressions - it's like a dream. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
c8d2582 The servants used to say, 'he read himself silly. reading Fyodor Dostoyevsky
58730c0 Poor people are subject to fancies -- this is a provision of nature. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
ddee06c Thus a man will sometimes suffer half an hour of mortal fear with a robber, but once the knife is finally at his throat, even fear vanishes. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
d35b2f9 lmdh tbdw lhm f`lty shdh@ l~ hdh lHd? 'l nh jrym@? mdh t`ny klm@ jrym@? n Dmyry mrtH. SHyH 'n jrym@ qd wq`t. SHyH 'n nS lqnwn qd khtrq w'n dm qd sfk. fdh kn l'mr 'mr tqyd bnS lqnwn f'qT`w r'sy wlnskt ! wlkn yjb 'n ndhkr fy hdhh lHl@ 'n kthyr mn l`Zm ldhyn Hsnw l~ lnsny@ wlm ykwnw qd wrthw lslT@ wrth@ wnm stwlw `lyh styl. kn ynbGy 'n tqT` rwshm mndh khTw khTwthm l'wl~. 'n lfrq lwHyd byn hw'l wbyny hw nhm qd Htmlw thql 'f`lhm fkn dhlk mbrr lh.. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
5c37262 I saw the truth, I saw and I know that people can be beautiful and happy without losing the ability to live on earth. I will not and cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of people. good-and-evil goodness truth Fyodor Dostoyevsky
36f3c47 Trong nuoc ta, cai gi cung do tat luoi sinh ra, ke ca nhung dieu hay. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
a5d96f2 kthyr mn lbshr ytHwl lstdll lmnTqy `ndhm 'Hyn l~ `Tf@ qwy@ tstwly `l~ wjwdhm klh, fyS`b jd Trdh 'w t`dylh. flky nshfy nsn 'Syb bhdh ld yjb `lyn 'n nGyr hdhh l`Tf@, w hdh l ykwn mmkn l b'n nHl mHl hdhh l`Tf@ qw@ 'khr~ tswyh Fyodor Dostoyevsky
a806742 lmdh tkhlqu lTby`@u 'fDla lnsi ltskhra mnhm b`da dhlk? hdh m t`mdu lyhi lTby`@: Hyna 'Zhrti lbshra `l~ lnsni lwHyd ldhy `udWa lnsna lkmla fy hdh l`lam, `hidt lyhi brsl@i 'n ynTqa b'qwlin knt sbban fy sfHi dmin blGt mina lGzr@i 'nh lw sufHt mrW@an wHd@an lkhnqti lnsny@! nh ls`d@un 'n 'mwt! dhlka 'nWny dh lm 'mt fqd yuTlqu lsny kdhb@an rhyb@an bdf`in mina lTby`@!... 'n lm 'ufsd 'Hdan.. lqd 'rdtu 'n 'Hy ls`d@i lnsi jmy`an... 'rdtu 'n 'Hy lktsh.. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
454237c I mean to say, Krestyan Ivanovich, that I go my own way, a particular way. I'm my own particular man and, as it seems to me, I don't depend on anybody. I also go for walks, Krestyan Ivanovich. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
fff67d8 Just try to suppose that I may not know how to behave with dignity. That is, perhaps I'm a dignified man, but I don't know how to behave with dignity. Do you understand that it may be so? All Russians are that way, and you know why? Because Russians are too richly and multifariously endowed to be able to find a decent form for themselves very quickly. It's a matter of form. For the most part, we Russians are so richly endowed that it takes .. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
f09ced8 Oh, as I stood above the Neva this morning at dawn I knew I was a villian. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
e1f0030 I want peace; yes, I'd sell the whole world for a farthing, straight off, so long as I was left in peace. Is the world to go to pot, or am I to go without my tea? I say that the world may go to pot for me so long as I always get my tea. Did you know that, or not? Well, anyway, I know that I am a blackguard, a scoundrel, an egoist, a sluggard. notes-from-the-underground peace Fyodor Dostoyevsky
3f61544 lkn rskwlnykwf rGm bqh wHydan fy jmy` Hyn tqryban, l yflH fy lwSwl l~ lsh`wr blwHd@. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
0c9b943 Money is the honey of humanity. money Fyodor Dostoyevsky
8d81f43 How can you tell a man there's nothing to do? I can't imagine a situation in which there could ever be nothing to do! Do it for mankind and don't worry about the rest. There's so much to do that a lifetime won't be enough, if you look around attentively. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
060e07f We degrade Providence too much by attributing our ideas to it out of annoyance at being unable to understand it. the-idiot Fyodor Dostoyevsky
9fb0c53 I worked it through with pride,I almost spoke without words, and i'm masterly at speaking without words.All my life I have spoken without words, and I have passed through whole tragedies on my own account without words words silence life tragedies speaking master silent talking Fyodor Dostoyevsky
83cb55e Oh, I have always been proud, I always wanted all or nothing! You see it was just because I am not one who will accept half a happiness, but always wanted all personality happiness esteem settle proud pride Fyodor Dostoyevsky
a754d63 I regard you as one of those men who would stand and smile at their torturer while he cuts their entrails out, if only they have found faith or God. Find it and you will live. You have long needed a change of air. Suffering, too, is a good thing. Suffer! Maybe Nikolay is right in wanting to suffer. I know you don't believe in it--but don't be over-wise; fling yourself straight into life, without deliberation; don't be afraid--the flood will.. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
51cd46f Nothing is more seductive for man than his freedom of conscience, but nothing is a greater cause of suffering. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
f5c65bb Nature does not ask your permission, she has nothing to do with your wishes, and whether you like her laws or dislike them, you are bound to accept her as she is, and consequently all her conclusions. nature Fyodor Dostoyevsky
6c96495 Nothing in the world is harder than speaking the truth and nothing easier than flattery. Fyodor Dostoyevsky
1997dcc Indeed, people speak sometimes about the 'animal' cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to animals, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel Fyodor Dostoyevsky
1728ebc Because you're lukewarm, not hot or cold, you'll spill out of my mouth like vomit. Fyodor Dostoyevsky