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d85070f Our ideas are transformed sensations. Étienne Bonnot de Condillac
5121597 Translation: Nothing conveys the feeling of infinity as much as stupidity does. Ödön von Horváth
1fb63cf We stand behind the resolutions of the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly on Palestine Ömer Çelik
9e7bf70 Azerbaijan and Turkey are the two countries which have the same fate, same future and same values, Ömer Çelik
9ee3bb2 Children are the most sweet burden of life." ~ Svi me vole, samo tata ne (1971) Đuro Zrakić
26429de All who seek to enrich those who do not work should be destroyed. İsmail Enver
95c5111 If the Russians retreat, they are done. İsmail Enver
400f50b At peace,summer smolders. Ōta Hakusetsu
95c3883 Laws are for nothing if there is no mechanism to implement them." Željko Glasnović
5dfb53e Lustration is an enlightment." Željko Glasnović
b517e8d Nobody has seen shovel here in the last ten years." Željko Glasnović
5c31558 Something's going on. It has to do with that number. There's an answer in that number. Π
78d659a our sense of self is an activity, a strategy for avoiding suffering, for maximizing happiness. Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu
54d28b6 can never get used to the way you mention the--the--that name," complained Felicity. "To hear you speak of the Old Scratch any one would think he was just a common person." L.M. Montgomery
4ae5450 The word criminal is more an emotional than legal term. Go to any U.S. post office and view the faces on the wanted posters. Like Dick Tracy caricatures, they stare out of the black-and-white photographs often taken in late-night booking rooms--unshaved, pig snouted, rodent eyed, hare lipped, reassuring us that human evil is always recognizable and that consequently we will never be its victim. But James Lee Burke
16ae5b3 Income, that is the thing. I wish an income that will keep flowing into my purse whether I sit on the wall or travel to far lands. wealth George S. Clason
392975c We are weary of being without gold in the midst of plenty. We wish to become men of means. opportunities men wealth George S. Clason
b30374e Niente che la Terra abbia mai generato ha provato l'indicibile sublimazione di furia devastatrice che questa cosa lascio scatenare sul proprio volto quando si guardo intorno venti milioni di anni fa e si vide circondata dalla desolazione e dal ghiaccio. John W. Campbell Jr.
da8e14b Quel posto puzzava. Un odore bizzarro e composito, come puo esserci soltanto nelle baracche sepolte nel ghiaccio di un accampamento antartico, un misto di fetido sudore umano, e dell'afrore ammorbante d'olio di pesce ricavato dal grasso di foca sciolto. Un vago sentore di linimento combatteva l'odore muffito delle pellicce infradiciate dal sudore e dalla neve. Il sentore acre del grasso alimentare bruciato, e l'odore animale e non del tutto.. John W. Campbell Jr.
460ff6e Thus when Hiroko came up and said, "Nadia, this crescent wrench is absolutely frozen in this position," Nadia sang to her, "That's the only thing I'm thinking of-- baby!" and took the crescent wrench and slammed it against a table like a hammer, and twiddled the dial to show Hiroko it was unstuck, and laughed at her expression. "The engineer's solution," she explained, and went humming into the lock, thinking how funny Hiroko was, a woman w.. Kim Stanley Robinson
82b6345 Ako s'dbata ne te razsmiva, ti prosto ne skhvashchash shegata. philosophy quotes Gregory David Roberts
cf3e122 Priiatelstvoto e i vid lekarstvo i pazarite za nego poniakoga s'shcho sa cherni. quotes Gregory David Roberts
588fa78 Still, there is no law that says all decent things must be permanent. Perhaps family itself, like beauty, is temporary, and no discredit need attach to beauty, is temporary, and no discredit need attach to impermanence. Gregory Maguire
23e1f58 I like imagining better than remembering L.M.Montgomery【L.M.蒙哥马利】
656e3e2 Of course, you will be missing your old school - what name is it, now - ah, yes - your Measley Manor, is it not?' A shout of laughter deafened her. 'Oh, Mam'zelle - you're priceless!' almost wept Belinda. 'You always hit the nail on the head!' 'The nail? What nail?' asked Mam'zelle, looking all round as if she expected to see a nail suspended in the air somewhere. 'I have hit nothing. Do not tease me now. It is too hot!' She turned to Maure.. Enid Blyton
c075a81 as head-girl of the form, and Enid Blyton
f0cde7a I understand,' said Melanie. An ancient, female look passed between them; they were poor women pensioners, planets round a male sun. poverty powerlessness patriarchy Angela Carter
a2ec6f3 And she never has. Wendy Markham
921a408 trotting Kate DiCamillo
7a036b0 Baptist Kate DiCamillo
c34d646 Nu ai chef sa-ti amintesti dealtceva, nici de familie, nici de studii, nici de iubirile tale, nici de prietenii tai, nici de vacantele tale sau proiectele tale. Ai calatorit, dar nu ai adus nimic din calatoriile tale. Stai jos si nu vrei decat sa astepti, doar sa astepti, pana cand nu va mai fi nimic de asteptat : sa vina noaptea, ceasul de la biserica sa bata orele, zilele sa se duca una dupa alta si amintirile sa se estompeze. Nu te mai .. Georges Perec
a37000c Life is swimming to shore with cowboy boots on. struggle life noir-fiction Christopher G. Moore
19a258b But when this slip of a girl with trust blazing in her bright blue eyes looked at him, all he could think about was protecting the one piece of the outside world that had found a way in. Karen Witemeyer
3931e3a Dear Reader: In Stacey and the Bad Girls, Stacey and her friends get into big trouble when they go to a concert. I never went to a concert when I was Stacey's age. Instead, I went to my first concert when I was a junior in high school -- almost seventeen years old. I went to hear a local group called Bop Shoo Bop that played 1950s doo-wop music. This was the early 1970s, when the TV show Happy Days was popular. My friend Beth was old enough.. Ann M. Martin
bdefa29 Luv, Stace Ann M. Martin
28ff082 Dawn has two holes pierced in each ear. (Mary Anne and I will never get our ears pierced.) The Ann M. Martin
58c137f There's more good news," Kristy said. "I hate to say this, but I'm afraid we're going to have to cancel the winter carnival." Ann M. Martin
189a47f I think Mallory Pike may secretly like being one of our younger members. That's because in real life she's the oldest of -- get ready -- eight kids. Can you imagine? Her brothers and sisters are Vanessa, Margo, Nicky, the triplets (Adam, Jordan, and Byron), and Claire. No wonder Mal's favorite pastimes are writing and drawing. They're things she can do alone. Mal's dream in life, by the way, is to be a children's book author and illustrator.. Ann M. Martin
b43e9d3 So wear a leotard or something," I suggested. "Do you think anyone would believe I sleep in my clothes?" she asked. "Probably not." Mary Anne sighed as she swept the pajamas off her bed and tossed them onto her desk. She threw herself down on her bed. "Well, I'm going to sleep in my clothing starting tonight and then it will be true," she said, folding her arms stubbornly. "Don't worry about it so much, Mary Anne," I said. "You'll figure so.. Ann M. Martin
2cea90d Don't you see? The BITs aren't working out, either. They're just not ready, which isn't fair to us or our clients. And we're starting to resent the BITs, which isn't fair to them. You have to look at the whole picture. Firing them is the best decision for everybody. Just like your moving to California was the best decision. I mean, sure Jeff will be disappointed when you tell him. Ann M. Martin
1caa7f8 and my earlobes have not been stabbed (er, pierced). Ann M. Martin
f82fa5f Taylor beamed at Suzi. "Hey! You're my sister!" "Mine," Ann M. Martin
8b9a2f6 We are going to meet Megan Rinehart tomorrow. It's worth all this work." When" Ann M. Martin
29ed28a Oh, I just hate you," she cried. "You're going to have so much fun without me." -- Ann M. Martin