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Exod RWebster 36:3  And they received from Moses all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it with . And they brought yet to him free offerings every morning.
Exod NHEBJE 36:3  and they received from Moses all the offering which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, with which to make it. They brought yet to him freewill offerings every morning.
Exod SPE 36:3  And they received of Moses all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it withal. And they brought yet unto him free offerings every morning.
Exod ABP 36:3  And they took from Moses all the choice-portion offerings which [4brought 1the 2sons 3of Israel] for all the works of the holy place, to prepare them. And they favorably received still the things being brought from the ones bringing morning by morning.
Exod NHEBME 36:3  and they received from Moses all the offering which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, with which to make it. They brought yet to him freewill offerings every morning.
Exod Rotherha 36:3  And they took, from the presence of Moses, all the heave-offering which the sons of Israel had brought in for the work of the holy service to do it,—howbeit, they, brought in unto him yet more free-will offerings, morning by morning.
Exod LEB 36:3  And they took from Moses all the contributions that the ⌞Israelites⌟ had brought for the work of the service for the sanctuary in order to do it, and they still brought to him voluntary offerings ⌞every morning⌟.
Exod RNKJV 36:3  And they received of Moses all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it withal. And they brought yet unto him free offerings every morning.
Exod Jubilee2 36:3  and they took from the presence of Moses all the offering which the sons of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it [with]. And they brought yet unto him free will offerings every morning.
Exod Webster 36:3  And they received from Moses all the offering which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it. And they brought yet to him free-offerings every morning.
Exod Darby 36:3  And they took from Moses every heave-offering that the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it. And they still brought him voluntary offerings morning by morning.
Exod ASV 36:3  and they received of Moses all the offering which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, wherewith to make it. And they brought yet unto him freewill-offerings every morning.
Exod LITV 36:3  And they took every offering before Moses which the sons of Israel had brought for the work of the service in the holy place, to do it. And they brought to him still more willing offerings morning by morning.
Exod Geneva15 36:3  And they receiued of Moses all the offering which the children of Israel had brought for the worke of the seruice of the Sanctuary, to make it: also they brought still vnto him free giftes euery morning.
Exod CPDV 36:3  he handed over to them all the donations of the sons of Israel. And while they were pursuing this work, the people offered what they had vowed each day, in the morning.
Exod BBE 36:3  And they took from Moses all the offerings which the children of Israel had given for the building of the holy place. And still they went on giving him more free offerings every morning.
Exod DRC 36:3  He delivered all the offerings of the children of Israel unto them. And while they were earnest about the work, the people daily in the morning offered their vows.
Exod GodsWord 36:3  Moses turned over to them all the contributions the Israelites had brought for the work of constructing the holy place. But the people still kept bringing him freewill offerings every morning.
Exod JPS 36:3  And they received of Moses all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, wherewith to make it. And they brought yet unto him freewill-offerings every morning.
Exod KJVPCE 36:3  And they received of Moses all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it withal. And they brought yet unto him free offerings every morning.
Exod NETfree 36:3  and they received from Moses all the offerings the Israelites had brought to do the work for the service of the sanctuary, and they still continued to bring him a freewill offering each morning.
Exod AB 36:3  And they received from Moses all the offerings, which the children of Israel brought for all the works of the sanctuary, to do them; and they continued to receive the gifts brought, from those who brought them in the morning.
Exod AFV2020 36:3  And they received all the offerings from Moses, the offering which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it. And they kept bringing to him freewill offerings every morning.
Exod NHEB 36:3  and they received from Moses all the offering which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, with which to make it. They brought yet to him freewill offerings every morning.
Exod NETtext 36:3  and they received from Moses all the offerings the Israelites had brought to do the work for the service of the sanctuary, and they still continued to bring him a freewill offering each morning.
Exod UKJV 36:3  And they received of Moses all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it likewise. And they brought yet unto him free offerings every morning.
Exod KJV 36:3  And they received of Moses all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it withal. And they brought yet unto him free offerings every morning.
Exod KJVA 36:3  And they received of Moses all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it withal. And they brought yet unto him free offerings every morning.
Exod AKJV 36:3  And they received of Moses all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it with. And they brought yet to him free offerings every morning.
Exod RLT 36:3  And they received of Moses all the offering, which the children of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it withal. And they brought yet unto him free offerings every morning.
Exod MKJV 36:3  And they received all the offerings from Moses, the offering which the sons of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, to make it. And they still brought to him free offerings every morning.
Exod YLT 36:3  And they take from before Moses all the heave-offering which the sons of Israel have brought in for the work of the service of the sanctuary to do it; and still they have brought in unto him a willing-offering morning by morning.
Exod ACV 36:3  and they received from Moses all the offering which the sons of Israel had brought for the work of the service of the sanctuary, with which to make it. And they brought yet to him freewill offerings every morning.
Exod VulgSist 36:3  tradidit eis universa donaria filiorum Israel. Qui cum instarent operi, quotidie mane vota populus offerebat.
Exod VulgCont 36:3  tradidit eis universa donaria filiorum Israel. Qui cum instarent operi, quotidie mane vota populus offerebat.
Exod Vulgate 36:3  tradidit eis universa donaria filiorum Israhel qui cum instarent operi cotidie mane vota populus offerebat
Exod VulgHetz 36:3  tradidit eis universa donaria filiorum Israel. Qui cum instarent operi, quotidie mane vota populus offerebat.
Exod VulgClem 36:3  tradidit eis universa donaria filiorum Israël. Qui cum instarent operi, quotidie mane vota populus offerebat.
Exod CzeBKR 36:3  A vzali od Mojžíše všecky dary, kteréž přinesli synové Izraelští k dílu služebnému svatyně, aby dělali je. Ale oni vždy předce přinášeli k němu každého jitra dary dobrovolné.
Exod CzeB21 36:3  Převzali tedy od Mojžíše vše, čím synové Izraele přispěli na práci při stavbě svatyně. Lidé mu ale každé ráno přinášeli stále další dobrovolné dary.
Exod CzeCEP 36:3  Převzali od Mojžíše každou oběť pozdvihování, kterou Izraelci přinesli, aby bylo zhotoveno dílo pro službu ve svatyni. Lid mu přinášel i dále každé ráno dobrovolné dary.
Exod CzeCSP 36:3  Vzali od Mojžíše všechny dary, které synové Izraele přinesli na dílo služby svatyně, aby je vykonali. Synové Izraele mu však dál ráno co ráno přinášeli dobrovolné oběti.
Exod PorBLivr 36:3  E tomaram de diante de Moisés toda a oferta que os filhos de Israel haviam trazido para a obra do serviço do santuário, a fim de fazê-la. E eles lhe traziam ainda oferta voluntária cada manhã.
Exod Mg1865 36:3  Ary izy ireo dia nandray tamin’ i Mosesy ny fanatitra rehetra izay efa nentin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely hanaovana ny asa amin’ ny fanompoana ao amin’ ny fitoerana masìna. Ary ny olona mbola nitondra fanatitra sitra-po isa-maraina ihany ho eo amin’ i Mosesy.
Exod FinPR 36:3  Ja he ottivat Moosekselta kaikki annit, jotka israelilaiset olivat tuoneet pyhäkössä tehtävien töiden suorittamista varten. Mutta he toivat hänelle vielä joka aamu vapaaehtoisia lahjoja.
Exod FinRK 36:3  He ottivat Moosekselta kaikki lahjat, jotka israelilaiset olivat tuoneet pyhäkköpalveluksessa tarvittavien esineiden valmistamista varten. Israelilaiset toivat joka aamu hänelle lisää vapaaehtoisia lahjoja.
Exod ChiSB 36:3  他們當著梅瑟的面,接收了以色列子民為建造聖所的各種工程送來的一切獻儀。但以色列子民仍天天早晨將自願的獻儀送來;
Exod CopSahBi 36:3 
Exod ArmEaste 36:3  Նրանք Մովսէսից ստացան այն բոլոր նուէրները, որ իսրայէլացիները բերել էին սրբարանը հանդերձաւորելու համար: Ամէն առաւօտ նրանք ընդունում էին նաեւ նուիրատուների բերած նուէրները:
Exod ChiUns 36:3  这些人就从摩西收了以色列人为做圣所并圣所使用之工所拿来的礼物。百姓每早晨还把甘心献的礼物拿来。
Exod BulVeren 36:3  И те приеха от Мойсей целия възвишаем принос, който израилевите синове бяха принесли за делото на службата на светилището, за да го извършат. А те принасяха още доброволни приноси всяка сутрин.
Exod AraSVD 36:3  فَأَخَذُوا مِنْ قُدَّامِ مُوسَى كُلَّ ٱلتَّقْدِمَةِ ٱلَّتِي جَاءَ بِهَا بَنُو إِسْرَائِيلَ لِصَنْعَةِ عَمَلِ ٱلْمَقْدِسِ لِكَيْ يَصْنَعُوهُ. وَهُمْ جَاءُوا إِلَيْهِ أَيْضًا بِشَيْءٍ تَبَرُّعًا كُلَّ صَبَاحٍ.
Exod SPDSS 36:3  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exod Esperant 36:3  Kaj ili prenis de Moseo ĉiujn oferdonojn, kiujn alportis la Izraelidoj por la bezonoj de la servado en la sanktejo, por ellabori ilin. Kaj tiuj alportadis al li ankoraŭ plue oferdonojn ĉiumatene.
Exod ThaiKJV 36:3  คนเหล่านี้ได้รับของถวายทั้งหมดนั้นจากโมเสสที่คนอิสราเอลนำมาถวายเพื่อนำไปทำสถานบริสุทธิ์ พลไพร่ยังนำของที่สมัครใจจะถวายมาถวายอีกทุกๆเวลาเช้า
Exod OSHB 36:3  וַיִּקְח֞וּ מִלִּפְנֵ֣י מֹשֶׁ֗ה אֵ֤ת כָּל־הַתְּרוּמָה֙ אֲשֶׁ֨ר הֵבִ֜יאוּ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל לִמְלֶ֛אכֶת עֲבֹדַ֥ת הַקֹּ֖דֶשׁ לַעֲשֹׂ֣ת אֹתָ֑הּ וְ֠הֵם הֵבִ֨יאוּ אֵלָ֥יו ע֛וֹד נְדָבָ֖ה בַּבֹּ֥קֶר בַּבֹּֽקֶר׃
Exod SPMT 36:3  ויקחו מלפני משה את כל התרומה אשר הביאו בני ישראל למלאכת עבדת הקדש לעשת אתה והם הביאו אליו עוד נדבה בבקר בבקר
Exod BurJudso 36:3  သန့်ရှင်းရာဌာနနှင့် အမှုတော်ထမ်းရန် တန်ဆာတို့ကို လုပ်ကိုင်စေခြင်းငှာ၊ ဣသရေလအမျိုးသားတို့ ဆောင်ခဲ့သော အလှူရှိသမျှကို ထိုသူတို့သည် မောရှေလက်မှ ခံကြ၏။ ကြည်ညိုသောစိတ်နှင့် လှူသောအလှူကို နံနက်တိုင်း ထပ်၍ ဆောင်ခဲ့ကြသေး၏။
Exod FarTPV 36:3  موسی همهٔ مصالح و مواد ساختمانی را که مردم برای ساختن خیمهٔ حضور خداوند هدیه داده بودند همراه با همهٔ اشیایی که هر صبح دریافت می‌کرد به آنها می‌داد.
Exod UrduGeoR 36:3  Unheṅ Mūsā se tamām hadiye mile jo Isrāīlī maqdis kī tāmīr ke lie lāe the. Is ke bād bhī log roz baroz subah ke waqt hadiye lāte rahe.
Exod SweFolk 36:3  Och de tog emot av Mose alla de gåvor som Israels barn hade burit fram till arbetet med att bygga helgedomen. Folket fortsatte att bära fram frivilliga gåvor till honom morgon efter morgon.
Exod GerSch 36:3  Und sie empfingen von Mose alle Gaben, welche die Kinder Israel brachten zu dem Werke des Dienstes am Heiligtum, daß es gemacht werde; und sie brachten immer noch alle Morgen ihre freiwilligen Gaben.
Exod TagAngBi 36:3  At kanilang tinanggap kay Moises ang lahat ng handog na dinala ng mga anak ni Israel na magagamit sa gawang paglilingkod sa santuario, upang gawin. At dinalhan pa nila siya ng kusang handog tuwing umaga.
Exod FinSTLK2 36:3  He ottivat Moosekselta kaikki annit, jotka israelilaiset olivat tuoneet pyhäkössä tehtävien töiden suorittamista varten. He toivat hänelle vielä joka aamu vapaaehtoisia lahjoja.
Exod Dari 36:3  موسی همه مصالح و مواد ساختمانی را که مردم برای خیمۀ مقدس هدیه داده بودند همراه با همه اشیائی که هر صبح دریافت می کرد به آن ها می داد.
Exod SomKQA 36:3  Markaasay Muuse ka guddoomeen wixii la bixiyey oo dhan, oo ay reer binu Israa'iil u keeneen shuqulka adeegidda meesha quduuska ah, inay ka sameeyaan. Oo haddana waxay weliba subax walba u keeni jireen waxay raalli ka yihiin.
Exod NorSMB 36:3  Og dei fekk hjå Moses alt tilfanget til det som skulde arbeidast åt heilagdomen, alle dei gåvorne som Israels-borni var kome med. Men folket bar av seg sjølve nye gåvor til honom kvar morgon.
Exod Alb 36:3  Dhe ata morën nga Moisiu të gjitha ofertat e sjella nga bijtë e Izraelit për punimet për ndërtimin e shenjtërores dhe kryerjen e tyre. Por çdo mëngjes bijtë e Izraelit vazhdonin t'i sillnin Moisiut oferta vullnetare.
Exod UyCyr 36:3  Улар Мусадин исраилларниң ибадәт җайини ясашқа һәдийә қилған барлиқ соғиларни тапшурувалди. Һәр күни әтигәнлиги кишиләр өз мәйли билән соғилирини елип келәтти.
Exod KorHKJV 36:3  그들이 성소에서 섬기는 일을 위하여 이스라엘 자손이 가져온 모든 헌물을 모세에게서 받으니라. 그러나 그들이 여전히 아침마다 자원하는 헌물을 가져오므로
Exod SrKDIjek 36:3  И узеше од Мојсија све прилоге, које донесоше синови Израиљеви да се уради дјело за службу у светињи. Али још доношаху к њему драговољне прилоге свако јутро.
Exod Wycliffe 36:3  he bitook to hem alle the yiftis of the sones of Israel. And whanne thei weren bisi in the werk ech dai, the puple offride auowis eerli.
Exod Mal1910 36:3  വിശുദ്ധമന്ദിരത്തിലെ ശുശ്രൂഷയുടെ പ്രവൃത്തി ചെയ്‌വാൻ യിസ്രായേൽമക്കൾ കൊണ്ടുവന്ന വഴിപാടു ഒക്കെയും അവർ മോശെയുടെ പക്കൽനിന്നു വാങ്ങി; എന്നാൽ അവർ പിന്നെയും രാവിലെതോറും സ്വമേധാദാനങ്ങളെ അവന്റെ അടുക്കൽ കൊണ്ടുവന്നു.
Exod KorRV 36:3  그들이 이스라엘 자손의 성소의 모든 것을 만들기 위하여 가져 온 예물을 모세에게서 받으니라 그러나 백성이 아침마다 자원하는 예물을 연하여 가져 오는 고로
Exod Azeri 36:3  اونلار موقدّس يرئن بئنا ائشئني گؤرمک اوچون ائسرايئل اؤولادلارينين بونا گؤره گتئردئيي بوتون هدئيّه‌لري موسانين يانيندان گؤتوردولر. ائسرايئل اؤولادلاري هر سحر اؤز گؤيلو ائله تقدئملر گتئرميه داوام ورئردئلر.
Exod SweKarlX 36:3  Och de togo till sig af Mose alla häfningar, som Israels barn frambåro, till den tjenst, som helgedomen tillkrafde, att det skulle blifwa gjordt; ty de båro hwar morgon deras wiljoga hjelp till honom.
Exod KLV 36:3  je chaH Hevta' vo' Moses Hoch the cha'nob nuq the puqpu' vo' Israel ghajta' qempu' vaD the vum vo' the toy'taHghach vo' the Daq QaD, tlhej nuq Daq chenmoH 'oH. chaH qempu' yet Daq ghaH freewill nobmey Hoch po.
Exod ItaDio 36:3  (H36-2) Ed essi tolsero d’innanzi a Mosè tutta quella offerta, che i figliuoli d’Israele aveano portata, acciocchè se ne facesse l’opera del lavoro del Santuario. Ma i figliuoli d’Israele portando loro ancora ogni mattina alcuna offerta volontaria;
Exod RusSynod 36:3  И взяли они от Моисея все приношения, которые принесли сыны Израилевы, на [все] потребности святилища, чтобы работать. Между тем еще продолжали приносить к нему добровольные дары каждое утро.
Exod CSlEliza 36:3  и взяша от Моисеа вся участия, яже принесоша сынове Израилевы на вся дела святыни творити я: и тии приимаху еще приносимая от приносящих заутра заутра.
Exod ABPGRK 36:3  και έλαβον παρά Μωυσή πάντα τα αφαιρέματα α ήνεγκαν οι υιοί Ισραήλ εις πάντα τα έργα του αγίου ποιείν αυτά και αυτοί προσεδέχοντο έτι τα προσφερόμενα παρά των φερόντων πρωϊ πρωϊ
Exod FreBBB 36:3  Et ils prirent de devant Moïse tous les dons que les fils d'Israël avaient apportés pour exécuter les ouvrages pour le service du sanctuaire ; et on continuait à apporter chaque matin à Moïse des dons volontaires.
Exod LinVB 36:3  Mose apesi bango biloko binso bana ba Israel bayelaki ye, biye bato bakabaki mpo ya kotonga esika esantu. Awa bato bazalaki koya ntongo inso na mabonza,
Exod HunIMIT 36:3  És elvették Mózes elől mind az ajándékot, melyet hoztak Izrael fiai a szentség szolgálatának munkájához, hogy elkészítsék azt; de még hoztak hozzá önkéntes ajándékot, minden reggel.
Exod ChiUnL 36:3  以色列人所攜禮物、爲作聖所而獻者、悉由摩西受之、民又每晨奉以樂獻之禮物、
Exod VietNVB 36:3  Họ nhận từ tay Môi-se những lễ vật dân Y-sơ-ra-ên đã đem đến dâng vào công việc thờ phượng trong nơi thánh. Mỗi buổi sớm mai dân chúng cứ tiếp tục mang lễ vật đến,
Exod LXX 36:3  καὶ ἔλαβον παρὰ Μωυσῆ πάντα τὰ ἀφαιρέματα ἃ ἤνεγκαν οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ εἰς πάντα τὰ ἔργα τοῦ ἁγίου ποιεῖν αὐτά καὶ αὐτοὶ προσεδέχοντο ἔτι τὰ προσφερόμενα παρὰ τῶν φερόντων τὸ πρωὶ πρωί
Exod CebPinad 36:3  Ug gidawat nila gikan kang Moises ang tanan nga halad nga gidala sa mga anak sa Israel alang sa bulohaton sa pag-alagad sa balaang puloy-anan, aron sa pagbuhat niini. Ug sila nagadala pa gayud kaniya ug mga kinabubut-ong halad sa matagbuntag:
Exod RomCor 36:3  Ei au luat dinaintea lui Moise toate prinosurile, pe care le aduseseră copiii lui Israel ca să facă lucrările rânduite pentru slujba Sfântului Locaş. Chiar şi după ce se începuse lucrarea, tot se mai aduceau lui Moise în fiecare dimineaţă daruri de bunăvoie.
Exod Pohnpeia 36:3  Re ahpw ale sang reh mehn meirong koaros me mehn Israel ko wapene pwehn sewesehda kokoupen Impwal sarawio. Mehn Israel ko uselahte weuwapene ar mehn meirong ko nimenseng koaros.
Exod HunUj 36:3  Ezek átvették Mózestől mindazokat a felajánlott dolgokat, amelyeket Izráel fiai hoztak a szentély istentiszteleti eszközeinek az elkészítéséhez. Ezenkívül is vittek hozzá minden reggel önkéntes áldozatokat.
Exod GerZurch 36:3  Und sie empfingen von Mose die ganze Abgabe, welche die Israeliten für die Ausführung der Arbeiten zur Herstellung des Heiligtums gebracht hatten; man brachte ihm aber immer noch alle Morgen freiwillige Gaben.
Exod GerTafel 36:3  Und sie holten sich von Mose alle Hebe, welche die Söhne Israels brachten, zu machen die Arbeit zum Dienste des Heiligtums; und sie brachten ihm von Morgen zu Morgen noch freiwillige Gaben.
Exod RusMakar 36:3  И взяли они отъ Моисея всј приношенія, которыя принесли сыны Израилевы на потребности святилпща, чтобы работать. Между тјмъ еще продолжали приносить къ нему добровольные дары каждое утро.
Exod PorAR 36:3  e receberam de Moisés toda a oferta alçada, que os filhos de Israel tinham do para a obra do serviço do santuário, para fazê-la; e ainda eles lhe traziam cada manhã ofertas voluntárias.
Exod DutSVVA 36:3  Zij dan namen van voor het aangezicht van Mozes het ganse hefoffer, hetwelk de kinderen Israëls gebracht hadden, tot het werk van den dienst des heiligdoms, om dat te maken; doch zij brachten tot hem nog allen morgen vrijwillig offer.
Exod FarOPV 36:3  و همه هدایایی را که بنی‌اسرائیل برای بجا آوردن کار خدمت قدس آورده بودند، از حضور موسی برداشتند، و هربامداد هدایای تبرعی دیگر نزد وی می‌آوردند.
Exod Ndebele 36:3  basebesemukela kuMozisi wonke umnikelo, abantwana bakoIsrayeli ababewulethele umsebenzi wenkonzo yendlu engcwele ukuwenza ngawo. Bona-ke babesaletha kuye iminikelo yesihle ukusa ngokusa.
Exod PorBLivr 36:3  E tomaram de diante de Moisés toda a oferta que os filhos de Israel haviam trazido para a obra do serviço do santuário, a fim de fazê-la. E eles lhe traziam ainda oferta voluntária cada manhã.
Exod Norsk 36:3  Og de fikk hos Moses hele den gave som Israels barn hadde båret frem til det arbeid som skulde utføres for å få helligdommen ferdig. Men folket bar fremdeles frivillige gaver frem til ham hver morgen.
Exod SloChras 36:3  In prejmejo od Mojzesa vse dari povzdignjenja, ki so jih prinesli sinovi Izraelovi za delo v službo svetišča, da se s tem naredi. In še so mu prinašali prostovoljne darove dan na dan.
Exod Northern 36:3  Onlar müqəddəs yerin inşa işini görmək üçün İsrail övladlarının gətirdiyi bütün ianələri Musanın yanından götürdülər. İsrail övladları hər səhər könüllü təqdimlər gətirməyə davam edirdilər.
Exod GerElb19 36:3  Und sie nahmen von Mose das ganze Hebopfer, das die Kinder Israel gebracht hatten zum Werke der Arbeit des Heiligtums, um es zu machen; und diese brachten ihm noch freiwillige Gaben, Morgen für Morgen.
Exod LvGluck8 36:3  Un tie ņēma no Mozus visu to cilājamo upuri, ko Israēla bērni bija atnesuši priekš tā darba pie svētās vietas taisīšanas, ka tie to darītu, un tie atnesa vēl ik rītu pie viņa upurus no laba prāta.
Exod PorAlmei 36:3  Tomaram pois de diante de Moysés toda a offerta alçada, que trouxeram os filhos de Israel para a obra do serviço do sanctuario, para fazel-a, e ainda elles lhe traziam cada manhã offerta voluntaria.
Exod ChiUn 36:3  這些人就從摩西收了以色列人為做聖所並聖所使用之工所拿來的禮物。百姓每早晨還把甘心獻的禮物拿來。
Exod SweKarlX 36:3  Och de togo till sig af Mose alla häfningar, som Israels barn frambåro, till den tjenst, som helgedomen tillkrafde, att det skulle blifva gjordt; ty de båro hvar morgon deras viljoga hjelp till honom.
Exod SPVar 36:3  ויקחו מלפני משה את כל התרומה אשר הביאו בני ישראל למלאכת עבדת הקדש לעשות אתה והם הביאו אליו עוד נדבה בבקר בבקר
Exod FreKhan 36:3  Ils emportèrent de devant Moïse, pour la mettre en œuvre, toute l’offrande présentée par les Israélites pour l’exécution de la sainte œuvre. Mais ceux-ci continuant de lui apporter, chaque matin, des dons volontaires,
Exod FrePGR 36:3  Et ils reçurent de Moïse toutes les offrandes apportées par les enfants d'Israël pour l'œuvre du travail du Sanctuaire qui devait être fait ; et tous les matins on lui apportait encore des dons volontaires.
Exod PorCap 36:3  E eles receberam de Moisés todos os contributos que os filhos de Israel tinham levado, para efetuar os trabalhos necessários ao serviço do santuário. Como todas as manhãs o povo continuava ainda a levar ofertas voluntariamente,
Exod JapKougo 36:3  彼らは聖所の組立ての工事をするために、イスラエルの人々が携えてきたもろもろのささげ物を、モーセから受け取ったが、民はなおも朝ごとに、自発のささげ物を彼のもとに携えてきた。
Exod GerTextb 36:3  Und sie empfingen von Mose die gesamte Beisteuer, welche die Israeliten zur Ausführung der Arbeiten behufs Anfertigung des Heiligtums gebracht hatten. Diese brachten ihm aber nach wir vor an jedem Morgen freiwillige Gaben.
Exod Kapingam 36:3  Digaula guu-kumi nia wanga-dehuia huogodoo digau Israel ne-gaamai ang-gi di hau di Hale-laa hagamadagu. Digau Israel e-duudagi-adu-hua nadau gagaamai nadau wanga-dehuia gi Moses i-nia luada huogodoo.
Exod SpaPlate 36:3  Y recibieron de Moisés todas las ofrendas que los hijos de Israel habían traído para la ejecución de las obras del Santuario. Entretanto el pueblo siguió entregando a Moisés ofrendas voluntarias de mañana en mañana.
Exod WLC 36:3  וַיִּקְח֞וּ מִלִּפְנֵ֣י מֹשֶׁ֗ה אֵ֤ת כָּל־הַתְּרוּמָה֙ אֲשֶׁ֨ר הֵבִ֜יאוּ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל לִמְלֶ֛אכֶת עֲבֹדַ֥ת הַקֹּ֖דֶשׁ לַעֲשֹׂ֣ת אֹתָ֑הּ וְ֠הֵם הֵבִ֨יאוּ אֵלָ֥יו ע֛וֹד נְדָבָ֖ה בַּבֹּ֥קֶר בַּבֹּֽקֶר׃
Exod LtKBB 36:3  Mozė atidavė jiems visas aukas, kurias Izraelio vaikai atnešė šventyklos darbams. Tauta kas rytą vis dar nešė laisvos valios aukas.
Exod Bela 36:3  І ўзялі яны ў Майсея ўсе прынашэньні, якія прынесьлі сыны Ізраілевыя, на патрэбы сьвятыні, каб працаваць. Тым часам усё яшчэ прыносілі яму дабравольныя дары кожнае раніцы.
Exod GerBoLut 36:3  Und sie nahmen zu sich von Mose alle Hebe, die die Kinder Israel brachten zu dem Werk des Dienstes des Heiligtums, daß es gemacht würde. Denn sie brachten alle Morgen ihre willige Gabe zu ihm.
Exod FinPR92 36:3  He saivat Moosekselta työtään varten kaikki uhrilahjat, jotka israelilaiset olivat tuoneet pyhäkön ja sen varusteiden tarveaineiksi. Mutta israelilaiset toivat joka aamu lisää vapaaehtoisia lahjoja.
Exod SpaRV186 36:3  Y tomaron de delante de Moisés toda la ofrenda que los hijos de Israel habían traído para la obra del servicio del santuario para hacerla, y ellos le traían aun ofrenda voluntaria cada mañana.
Exod NlCanisi 36:3  En onder toezicht van Moses namen zij alle geschenken in ontvangst, die de Israëlieten brachten voor de bouw van het heiligdom. Maar toen men hem iedere morgen opnieuw gaven bleef brengen,
Exod GerNeUe 36:3  Sie nahmen von Mose alle freiwilligen Gaben der Israeliten entgegen, die für den Bau des Heiligtums gegeben worden waren. Auch weiterhin brachten die Leute Morgen für Morgen freiwillige Gaben.
Exod UrduGeo 36:3  اُنہیں موسیٰ سے تمام ہدیئے ملے جو اسرائیلی مقدِس کی تعمیر کے لئے لائے تھے۔ اِس کے بعد بھی لوگ روز بہ روز صبح کے وقت ہدیئے لاتے رہے۔
Exod AraNAV 36:3  وَتَسَلَّمُوا مِنْ مُوسَى جَمِيعَ تَقْدِمَاتِ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ، الَّتِي تَبَرَّعُوا بِهَا لِبنَاءِ الْمَقْدِسِ. وَظَلَّ الشَّعْبُ يَأْتُونَ كُلَّ صَبَاحٍ بِمَزِيدٍ مِنَ التَّبَرُّعَاتِ.
Exod ChiNCVs 36:3  他们当着摩西面前,接收了以色列人为供圣所使用的工程带来的一切礼物。他们天天早晨还把自愿奉献的礼物带到摩西那里来。
Exod ItaRive 36:3  ed essi presero in presenza di Mosè tutte le offerte recate dai figliuoli d’Israele per i lavori destinati al servizio del santuario, affin di eseguirli. Ma ogni mattina i figliuoli d’Israele continuavano a portare a Mosè delle offerte volontarie.
Exod Afr1953 36:3  En hulle het voor die oë van Moses ontvang al die offergawes wat die kinders van Israel vir die verrigting van die werk by die vervaardiging van die heiligdom gebring het. Maar húlle het vir hom nog elke môre vrywillige offergawes gebring.
Exod RusSynod 36:3  И взяли они от Моисея все приношения, которые принесли сыны Израилевы, на все потребности святилища, чтобы работать. Между тем еще продолжали приносить к нему добровольные дары каждое утро.
Exod UrduGeoD 36:3  उन्हें मूसा से तमाम हदिये मिले जो इसराईली मक़दिस की तामीर के लिए लाए थे। इसके बाद भी लोग रोज़ बरोज़ सुबह के वक़्त हदिये लाते रहे।
Exod TurNTB 36:3  Gelenler kutsal yerin yapımında gereken işleri yapmak üzere İsrailliler'in getirmiş olduğu bütün armağanları Musa'dan aldılar. İsrailliler gönülden verdikleri sunuları her sabah Musa'ya getirmeye devam ettiler.
Exod DutSVV 36:3  Zij dan namen van voor het aangezicht van Mozes het ganse hefoffer, hetwelk de kinderen Israels gebracht hadden, tot het werk van den dienst des heiligdoms, om dat te maken; doch zij brachten tot hem nog allen morgen vrijwillig offer.
Exod HunKNB 36:3  Átadta nekik Izrael fiainak minden adományát. Ezek már javában szorgoskodtak a munkában, amikor a nép még minden reggel hozott önkéntes adományokat.
Exod Maori 36:3  Na ka tangohia e ratou i te aroaro o Mohi nga whakahere katoa i kawea e nga tama a Iharaira hei hanga i nga mea mo te wahi tapu, kia oti. I kawea ano e ratou he whakahere homai noa ki a ia i tenei ata, i tenei ata.
Exod sml_BL_2 36:3  Tasambut he' sigām min si Musa ba'anan saga huhulmatan bay tatukbal e' saga a'a Isra'il pamapagdayaw maka pamapanyap ma Luma' Pangarapan e'. Aniya' na pa'in saga huhulmatan pinagbowa e' saga a'a Isra'il inān kahaba' subu,
Exod HunKar 36:3  Eljövének azért mind azok a bölcsek, kik a szent hajlék minden munkáján dolgoztak, kiki a maga munkájától, a melyen dolgozott.
Exod Viet 36:3  Trước mặt Môi-se, họ thâu các lễ vật của dân Y-sơ-ra-ên đã đem đến, để làm các công việc định dùng và sự tế lễ nơi thánh. Nhưng mỗi buổi sớm mai, dân sự lại đem đến lễ vật tình nguyện nữa.
Exod Kekchi 36:3  Ut laj Moisés quixkˈaxtesi reheb li mayej li queˈxqˈue laj Israel re teˈxtiquib xyi̱banquil li cˈaˈak re ru ta̱cˈanjelak re li tabernáculo. Ut rajlal cutan eb laj Israel queˈxcˈam lix mayejeb joˈ qui-ala saˈ xchˈo̱leb xqˈuebal.
Exod Swe1917 36:3  Och de mottogo från Mose hela den gärd som Israels barn hade burit fram till utförande av arbetet vid helgedomens förfärdigande. Men man fortfor att bära fram till honom frivilliga gåvor, morgon efter morgon.
Exod SP 36:3  ויקחו מלפני משה את כל התרומה אשר הביאו בני ישראל למלאכת עבדת הקדש לעשות אתה והם הביאו אליו עוד נדבה בבקר בבקר
Exod CroSaric 36:3  Oni preuzmu od Mojsija sve prinose koje Izraelci bijahu donijeli da se izvedu poslovi oko podizanja Svetišta. Ali kako su oni i dalje donosili prinose jutro za jutrom,
Exod VieLCCMN 36:3  Mọi phần dâng cúng mà con cái Ít-ra-en đã mang tới trước mặt ông Mô-sê để dùng vào việc phục vụ nơi thánh, thì họ đem đi để thực hiện công trình. Nhưng sáng nào, con cái Ít-ra-en cũng cứ đem lễ vật tự nguyện tới,
Exod FreBDM17 36:3  Lesquels emportèrent de devant Moïse toute l’offrande que les enfants d’Israël avaient apportée pour faire l’ouvrage du service du Sanctuaire. Or on apportait encore chaque matin quelque oblation volontaire.
Exod FreLXX 36:3  Ceux-ci prirent chez Moïse les oblations qu'avaient apportées les fils d'Israël, pour les travaux du sanctuaire ; en outre, ils recueillaient eux- mêmes les offrandes de ceux qui en apportaient chaque matin.
Exod Aleppo 36:3  ויקחו מלפני משה את כל התרומה אשר הביאו בני ישראל למלאכת עבדת הקדש—לעשת אתה והם הביאו אליו עוד נדבה—בבקר בבקר
Exod MapM 36:3  וַיִּקְח֞וּ מִלִּפְנֵ֣י מֹשֶׁ֗ה אֵ֤ת כׇּל־הַתְּרוּמָה֙ אֲשֶׁ֨ר הֵבִ֜יאוּ בְּנֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל לִמְלֶ֛אכֶת עֲבֹדַ֥ת הַקֹּ֖דֶשׁ לַעֲשֹׂ֣ת אֹתָ֑הּ וְ֠הֵ֠ם הֵבִ֨יאוּ אֵלָ֥יו ע֛וֹד נְדָבָ֖ה בַּבֹּ֥קֶר בַּבֹּֽקֶר׃
Exod HebModer 36:3  ויקחו מלפני משה את כל התרומה אשר הביאו בני ישראל למלאכת עבדת הקדש לעשת אתה והם הביאו אליו עוד נדבה בבקר בבקר׃
Exod Kaz 36:3  Олар Исраил халқы киелі шатырды тұрғызуға арнап әкелген сый-тартуларының барлығын Мұсадан қабылдап алды.Бұдан кейін де халық күн сайын ертеңмен Мұсаға өз еріктерімен сый-тартулар әкеліп жатты.
Exod FreJND 36:3  et ils prirent de devant Moïse toute l’offrande que les fils d’Israël avaient apportée pour l’œuvre du service du lieu saint, pour la faire. Et on lui apportait encore chaque matin des offrandes volontaires.
Exod GerGruen 36:3  Sie empfingen unter Mosis Aufsicht alle Gaben, die die Israeliten für die Arbeit der Fertigstellung des Heiligtums gebracht, um sie zu verarbeiten. Aber noch brachten sie ihm jeden Morgen freiwillige Gaben.
Exod SloKJV 36:3  in od Mojzesa so prejeli vso daritev, ki so jo Izraelovi otroci prinesli za delo službe svetišča, da to istočasno opravijo. In k njemu so še vsako jutro prinašali prostovoljne daritve.
Exod Haitian 36:3  Yo resevwa nan men Moyiz tout ofrann moun pèp Izrayèl yo te pote pou fè tou sa ki nesesè pou kay Bondye a. Y al travay. Moun Izrayèl yo menm te toujou ap pote ofrann yo bay Moyiz chak maten, san pesonn pa t' fòse yo.
Exod FinBibli 36:3  Ja he ottivat Mosekselta kaikkinaiset ylennykset, jotka Israelin lapset toivat pyhän palveluksen tarpeeksi, että sen piti tehdyksi tuleman: ja he toivat joka aamu hyvämielisen lahjansa hänelle.
Exod Geez 36:3  ወነሥ[ኡ] ፡ በኀበ ፡ ሙሴ ፡ መባአ ፡ ዘአብኡ ፡ ደቂቀ ፡ እስራኤል ፡ ለኵሉ ፡ ምግባረ ፡ መቅደስ ፡ ከመ ፡ ይግበሩ ፡ ወእሙንቱ ፡ ይትወከፉ ፡ ዓዲ ፡ ዘያበውኡ ፡ እምኀበ ፡ እለ ፡ ያመጽኡ ፡ ነግሀ ፡ ነግህ ።
Exod SpaRV 36:3  Y tomaron de delante de Moisés toda la ofrenda que los hijos de Israel habían traído para la obra del servicio del santuario, á fin de hacerla. Y ellos le traían aún ofrenda voluntaria cada mañana.
Exod WelBeibl 36:3  A dyma Moses yn rhoi iddyn nhw yr holl roddion roedd pobl Israel wedi'u hoffrymu i'r gwaith o godi'r cysegr. Ond roedd y bobl yn dod â mwy roddion gwirfoddol iddo bob bore.
Exod GerMenge 36:3  Sie empfingen dann von Mose alle die Gaben, welche die Israeliten zur Ausführung der Arbeiten für das Heiligtum beigesteuert hatten; man brachte ihm aber an jedem Morgen immer noch freiwillige Geschenke.
Exod GreVamva 36:3  Και έλαβον απ' έμπροσθεν του Μωϋσέως πάσας τας προσφοράς, τας οποίας έφεραν οι υιοί Ισραήλ διά το έργον της υπηρεσίας του αγιαστηρίου, διά να κάμωσιν αυτό. Και έφερον έτι προς αυτόν αυτοπροαιρέτους προσφοράς καθ' εκάστην πρωΐαν.
Exod UkrOgien 36:3  І взяли́ вони від Мойсея все прино́шення, що позно́сили Ізраїлеві сини для праці служби святині, щоб зробити її. А вони ще прино́сили до нього щоранку добровільного дара.
Exod FreCramp 36:3  Ils prirent de devant Moïse toute l'offrande qu'avaient apportée les enfants d'Israël pour exécuter les ouvrages destinés au service du sanctuaire ; et chaque matin le peuple continuait à apporter à Moïse des offrandes volontaires.
Exod SrKDEkav 36:3  И узеше од Мојсија све прилоге, које донесоше синови Израиљеви да се уради дело за службу у светињи. Али још доношаху к њему драговољне прилоге свако јутро.
Exod PolUGdan 36:3  I wzięli od Mojżesza wszystkie dary, które synowie Izraela przynieśli na dzieło służby w świątyni, aby ją wykonać. Oni zaś nadal przynosili mu dobrowolne dary każdego poranka.
Exod FreSegon 36:3  Ils prirent devant Moïse toutes les offrandes qu'avaient apportées les enfants d'Israël pour faire les ouvrages destinés au service du sanctuaire. Chaque matin, on apportait encore à Moïse des offrandes volontaires.
Exod SpaRV190 36:3  Y tomaron de delante de Moisés toda la ofrenda que los hijos de Israel habían traído para la obra del servicio del santuario, á fin de hacerla. Y ellos le traían aún ofrenda voluntaria cada mañana.
Exod HunRUF 36:3  Ezek átvették Mózestől mindazokat a felajánlott dolgokat, amelyeket Izráel fiai hoztak a szentély istentiszteleti eszközeinek az elkészítéséhez. De továbbra is vittek minden reggel felajánlásokat Mózeshez.
Exod DaOT1931 36:3  Og de modtog af Moses hele den Offerydelse, Israeliterne var kommet med til Arbejdet med Helligdommens Opførelse, for at det kunde blive udført. Men de blev ved at komme med frivillige Gaver til ham, Morgen efter Morgen.
Exod TpiKJPB 36:3  Na ol i kisim long Moses olgeta bilong dispela ofa ol pikinini bilong Isrel i bin bringim dispela long mekim wok bilong wok bilong ples holi, long kirapim dispela. Na ol i bringim yet long Moses long olgeta moning wan wan, ol ofa ol i laik givim.
Exod DaOT1871 36:3  Og de modtoge af Mose hele Offergaven, som Israels Børn fremførte til Helligdommens Tjenestes Gerning, for at gøre den færdig; og de fremførte desuden til ham frivillige Gaver hver Morgen.
Exod FreVulgG 36:3  il leur mit entre les mains toutes les offrandes des enfants d’Israël. Et comme ils s’appliquaient (avec ardeur) à avancer cet ouvrage, le peuple offrait encore tous les jours au matin de nouveaux dons.
Exod PolGdans 36:3  I wzięli od Mojżesza wszystkie podarki, które byli przynieśli synowie Izraelscy na robotę ku usłudze świątnicy, aby ją wykonali; ale oni przynaszali do niego jeszcze dobrowolne dary na każdy poranek.
Exod JapBungo 36:3  彼等は聖所の用にそなふるところの工事をなさしむるためにイスラエルの子孫が携へきたりし諸の献納物をモーセの手より受とりしが民は尚また朝ごとに自意の献納物をモーセに持きたる
Exod GerElb18 36:3  Und sie nahmen von Mose das ganze Hebopfer, das die Kinder Israel gebracht hatten zum Werke der Arbeit des Heiligtums, um es zu machen; und diese brachten ihm noch freiwillige Gaben, Morgen für Morgen.