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Gene RWebster 7:3  Of fowls of the air also by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive on the face of all the earth.
Gene NHEBJE 7:3  Also of the birds of the sky, seven and seven, male and female, to keep seed alive on the surface of all the earth.
Gene SPE 7:3  And moreover of fowls flowing in heavens by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Gene ABP 7:3  And from the winged creatures of the heaven, of the clean, seven by seven, male and female; and from all the winged creatures of the ones not clean, two by two, male and female, to maintain seed upon all the earth.
Gene NHEBME 7:3  Also of the birds of the sky, seven and seven, male and female, to keep seed alive on the surface of all the earth.
Gene Rotherha 7:3  Also of the bird of the heavens, by sevens, male and female,—to keep alive a seed on the face of all the earth.
Gene LEB 7:3  as well as from the birds of heaven ⌞seven pairs⌟, male and female, ⌞to keep their kind alive⌟ on the face of the earth.
Gene RNKJV 7:3  Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Gene Jubilee2 7:3  Of fowls also of the heavens by seven pairs, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Gene Webster 7:3  Of fowls of the air also by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive on the face of all the earth.
Gene Darby 7:3  Also of the fowl of the heavens by sevens, male and female; to keep seed alive on the face of all the earth.
Gene ASV 7:3  of the birds also of the heavens, seven and seven, male and female, to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Gene LITV 7:3  And take of the fowl of the heavens by sevens, male and female, to keep alive seed on the face of the earth.
Gene Geneva15 7:3  Of the foules also of the heauen by seuens, male and female, to keepe seede aliue vpon the whole earth.
Gene CPDV 7:3  But also from the birds of the air, take seven and seven, the male and the female, so that offspring may be saved upon the face of the whole earth.
Gene BBE 7:3  And of the birds of the air, seven males and seven females, so that their seed may still be living on the face of the earth.
Gene DRC 7:3  But of the beasts that are unclean two and two, the male and the female. Of the fowls also of the air seven and seven, the male and the female: that seed may be saved upon the face of the whole earth.
Gene GodsWord 7:3  Also, take seven pairs of every kind of bird (a male and a female of each) to preserve animal life all over the earth after the flood.
Gene JPS 7:3  of the fowl also of the air, seven and seven, male and female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Gene Tyndale 7:3  lykewyse of the byrdes of the ayre vij. of every kynde male and female to save seed vppon all the erth.
Gene KJVPCE 7:3  Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Gene NETfree 7:3  and also seven of every kind of bird in the sky, male and female, to preserve their offspring on the face of the earth.
Gene AB 7:3  And also seven each of the clean flying creatures of the sky, male and female, and also pairs of all unclean flying creatures, male and female, to maintain seed on all the earth.
Gene AFV2020 7:3  Also take of the fowls of the air by sevens, the male and the female, to keep their kind alive upon the face of all the earth;
Gene NHEB 7:3  Also of the birds of the sky, seven and seven, male and female, to keep seed alive on the surface of all the earth.
Gene NETtext 7:3  and also seven of every kind of bird in the sky, male and female, to preserve their offspring on the face of the earth.
Gene UKJV 7:3  Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Gene KJV 7:3  Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Gene KJVA 7:3  Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Gene AKJV 7:3  Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive on the face of all the earth.
Gene RLT 7:3  Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and the female; to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Gene MKJV 7:3  Also take of the fowls of the air by sevens, the male and the female, to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Gene YLT 7:3  also, of fowl of the heavens seven pairs, a male and a female, to keep alive seed on the face of all the earth;
Gene ACV 7:3  Also of the birds of the heavens by sevens, male and female, to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth.
Gene VulgSist 7:3  Sed et de volatilibus caeli septena et septena, masculum et feminam: ut salvetur semen super faciem universae terrae.
Gene VulgCont 7:3  Sed et de volatilibus cæli septena et septena, masculum et feminam: ut salvetur semen super faciem universæ terræ.
Gene Vulgate 7:3  sed et de volatilibus caeli septena septena masculum et feminam ut salvetur semen super faciem universae terrae
Gene VulgHetz 7:3  Sed et de volatilibus cæli septena et septena, masculum et feminam: ut salvetur semen super faciem universæ terræ.
Gene VulgClem 7:3  Sed et de volatilibus cæli septena et septena, masculum et feminam : ut salvetur semen super faciem universæ terræ.
Gene CzeBKR 7:3  Z ptactva také nebeského sedmero a sedmero, samce a samici, aby živé zachováno bylo símě na vší zemi.
Gene CzeB21 7:3  Také z nebeského ptactva vezmeš po sedmi párech, vždy samce a samici, pro zachování jejich semene na zemi.
Gene CzeCEP 7:3  Také z nebeského ptactva po sedmi párech, samce a samici, aby zůstalo naživu potomstvo na celé zemi,
Gene CzeCSP 7:3  Také z nebeského ptactva ⌈po sedmi⌉ párech, samce a samici, aby na povrchu celé země zůstalo naživu potomstvo.
Gene PorBLivr 7:3  Também das aves dos céus de sete em sete, macho e fêmea; para guardar em vida a descendência sobre a face de toda a terra.
Gene Mg1865 7:3  ary ny voro-manidina koa isan-karazany fito avy, lahy sy vavy: mba tsy ho lany taranaka ambonin’ ny tany rehetra ireny.
Gene FinPR 7:3  Niin myös taivaan lintuja seitsemän paria, koiraita ja naaraita, että siemen säilyisi elossa koko maan päällä.
Gene FinRK 7:3  Ota myös seitsemän paria taivaan lintuja, koiraita ja naaraita, että niiden siemen säilyisi elossa kaikkialla maan päällä.
Gene ChiSB 7:3  由天空的飛鳥中,也各取公母七對;好在全地面上傳種。
Gene CopSahBi 7:3  ⲁⲩⲱ ϩⲛ <ⲛ>ϩⲁⲗⲁⲧⲉ ⲧⲏⲣⲟⲩ ⲉⲧⲟⲩⲁⲁⲃ ⲥⲁϣϥ ⲥⲁϣϥ ⲟⲩϩⲟⲟⲩⲧ ⲙⲛ ⲟⲩⲥϩⲓⲙⲉ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ϩⲛ ⲛϩⲁⲗⲁⲧⲉ ⲉⲧⲉ ⲛⲥⲉⲟⲩⲁⲁⲃ ⲁⲛ ⲥⲛⲁⲩ ⲥⲛⲁⲩ ⲟⲩϩⲟⲟⲩⲧ ⲙⲛ ⲟⲩⲥϩⲓⲙⲉ ⲉⲥⲁⲛⲟⲩϣⲟⲩ ⲛⲟⲩⲥⲡⲉⲣⲙⲁ ϩⲓϫⲙ ⲡⲕⲁϩ
Gene ArmEaste 7:3  նաեւ երկնքի անպիղծ թռչուններից եօթը-եօթը՝ արու եւ էգ, իսկ պիղծ թռչուններից երկու-երկու՝ արու եւ էգ, որ սերունդ պահպանուի ողջ երկրի վրայ:
Gene ChiUns 7:3  空中的飞鸟也要带七公七母,可以留种,活在全地上;
Gene BulVeren 7:3  също и от небесните птици по седем – мъжко и женско; за да опазиш от тях потомство по лицето на цялата земя.
Gene AraSVD 7:3  وَمِنْ طُيُورِ ٱلسَّمَاءِ أَيْضًا سَبْعَةً سَبْعَةً: ذَكَرًا وَأُنْثَى. لِٱسْتِبْقَاءِ نَسْلٍ عَلَى وَجْهِ كُلِّ ٱلْأَرْضِ.
Gene Esperant 7:3  Ankaŭ el la birdoj de la ĉielo po sep paroj, virbestojn kaj virinbestojn, por ke semo restu sur la tuta tero.
Gene ThaiKJV 7:3  นกในอากาศทั้งตัวผู้และตัวเมียอย่างละเจ็ดตัวด้วย เพื่อรักษาชีวิตไว้ให้สืบเชื้อสายบนพื้นแผ่นดินโลก
Gene OSHB 7:3  גַּ֣ם מֵע֧וֹף הַשָּׁמַ֛יִם שִׁבְעָ֥ה שִׁבְעָ֖ה זָכָ֣ר וּנְקֵבָ֑ה לְחַיּ֥וֹת זֶ֖רַע עַל־פְּנֵ֥י כָל־הָאָֽרֶץ׃
Gene SPMT 7:3  גם . מעוף השמים . שבעה שבעה זכר ונקבה לחיות זרע על פני כל הארץ
Gene BurJudso 7:3  မိုဃ်းကောင်းကင်ငှက်၊ တမျိုးမျိုးတွင်လည်း အထီးအမခုနစ်စုံစီ၊ အသီးသီးတို့ကို သိမ်းယူရမည်။
Gene FarTPV 7:3  و از پرندگان ‌آسمان ‌نیز از هركدام‌ هفت ‌نر و هفت‌ ماده ‌با خودت‌ بردار تا از هر كدام‌ نسلی روی زمین‌ باقی بماند.
Gene UrduGeoR 7:3  Isī tarah har qism ke par rakhne wāloṅ meṅ se sāt sāt nar-o-mādā ke joṛe bhī sāth le jānā tāki un kī nasleṅ bachī raheṅ.
Gene SweFolk 7:3  likaså av himlens fåglar sju par, hanne och hona, för att en avkomma ska leva vidare över hela jorden.
Gene GerSch 7:3  auch von den Vögeln des Himmels je sieben und sieben, Männchen und Weibchen, um auf dem ganzen Erdboden Samen am Leben zu erhalten.
Gene TagAngBi 7:3  Gayon din naman sa mga ibon sa himpapawid tigpipito, ng lalake at ng babae; upang ingatang binhing buhay sa ibabaw ng buong lupa.
Gene FinSTLK2 7:3  [Ota] myös taivaan lintuja seitsemän paria, koiraita ja naaraita, että [niiden] siemen säilyisi elossa koko maan päällä.
Gene Dari 7:3  و از پرندگان آسمان نیز از هرکدام هفت نر و هفت ماده با خود بردار، تا از هرکدام نسلی در روی زمین باقی بماند،
Gene SomKQA 7:3  haadda hawadana toddoba iyo toddoba ka qaad, lab iyo dhaddig: si farcan ugu sii noolaado dhulka dushiisa oo dhan.
Gene NorSMB 7:3  like eins av fuglarne i lufti sju par, han og ho, so elde kann haldast i live utyver all jordi.
Gene Alb 7:3  edhe nga zogjtë e qiellit merr shtatë çifte, meshkuj e femra, për të ruajtur gjallë farën e tyre mbi faqen e tërë dheut;
Gene UyCyr 7:3  Учар қанатларниң һәр хилиниң әркәк-чишисидинму йәттә җүптин еливал. Шундақ болғанда, топан ахирлашқандин кейин, һәр хил һайванат, учар қанатлар һаят қелип, йәр йүзидә уларниң уруғи қайта көпийәләйду.
Gene KorHKJV 7:3  공중의 날짐승 중에서도 수컷과 암컷을 일곱 마리씩 취하여 씨가 온 지면 위에 살아남게 하라.
Gene SrKDIjek 7:3  Такођер и од птица небеских по седам, мужјака и женку његову, да им се сачува сјеме на земљи.
Gene Wycliffe 7:3  but also of volatils of heuene thou schalt take, bi seuene and bi seuene, male and female, that her seed be saued on the face of al erthe.
Gene Mal1910 7:3  ആകാശത്തിലെ പറവകളിൽനിന്നു പൂവനും പിടയുമായി ഏഴേഴും, ഭൂമിയിലൊക്കെയും സന്തതി ശേഷിച്ചിരിക്കേണ്ടതിന്നു നീ ചേൎത്തുകൊള്ളേണം.
Gene KorRV 7:3  공중의 새도 암수 일곱씩을 취하여 그 씨를 온 지면에 유전케 하라
Gene Azeri 7:3  هم ده گؤيده‌کي هر قوشون اِرکَک و دئشئسئندن يدّي جوت گؤتور کي، نسلي بوتون ير اوزوندن کَسئلمه‌سئن.
Gene SweKarlX 7:3  Sammalunda af foglarna under himmelen, ju sju och sju, mankön och qwinkön, på det at säd må blifwa lefwandes på hela jordene.
Gene KLV 7:3  je vo' the toQmey vo' the sky, Soch je Soch, male je female, Daq pol tIr yIn Daq the surface vo' Hoch the tera'.
Gene ItaDio 7:3  Degli uccelli del cielo, prendine parimente di ciascuna specie sette paia, maschio e femmina; per conservarne in vita la generazione sopra la terra.
Gene RusSynod 7:3  также и из птиц небесных [чистых] по семи, мужеского пола и женского, [и из всех птиц нечистых по две, мужеского пола и женского,] чтобы сохранить племя для всей земли,
Gene CSlEliza 7:3  и от птиц небесных чистых седмь седмь, мужеский пол и женский: и от всех птиц нечистых две две, мужеский пол и женский, препитати семя по всей земли:
Gene ABPGRK 7:3  και από των πετεινών του ουρανού των καθαρών επτά επτά άρσεν και θήλυ και από πάντων των πετεινών των μη καθαρών δύο δύο άρσεν και θήλυ διαθρέψαι σπέρμα επί πάσαν την γην
Gene FreBBB 7:3  et aussi des oiseaux des cieux sept paires, mâles et femelles, pour en conserver la race sur la face de toute la terre.
Gene LinVB 7:3  Se bongo na ndeke ya likolo, kamata babali nsambo na basi nsambo, mpo tobikisa ndenge ya nyama inso o nse mobimba.
Gene HunIMIT 7:3  Az ég madarából is hetet-hetet, hímet és nőstényt, hogy életben tarts magot az egész föld színén.
Gene ChiUnL 7:3  飛鳥亦取雌雄各七、以存其種、生於全地、
Gene VietNVB 7:3  Con cũng hãy đem theo các chim trời, mỗi loài bảy con, trống và mái, để giữ cho sống trên khắp mặt đất.
Gene LXX 7:3  καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν πετεινῶν τοῦ οὐρανοῦ τῶν καθαρῶν ἑπτὰ ἑπτά ἄρσεν καὶ θῆλυ καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν πετεινῶν τῶν μὴ καθαρῶν δύο δύο ἄρσεν καὶ θῆλυ διαθρέψαι σπέρμα ἐπὶ πᾶσαν τὴν γῆν
Gene CebPinad 7:3  Ingon man usab sa mga langgam sa kalangitan sa tinagpito, lake ug baye; aron sa pagbuhi ug kaliwat sa ibabaw sa nawong sa tibook nga yuta.
Gene RomCor 7:3  şi câte şapte perechi, de asemenea, din păsările cerului, câte o parte bărbătească şi câte o parte femeiască, pentru ca să le ţii vie sămânţa pe toată faţa pământului.
Gene Pohnpeia 7:3  Pil sehrehlong pwopwoud en menpihr wad isuh sang ni soangen menpihr kan koaros. Ke pahn wia met pwe soangen mahn oh menpihr koaros en mourla, pwe re en kak pwurehng kaparaparala nin sampah.
Gene HunUj 7:3  Az égi madarakból is hetet-hetet, hímet és nőstényt, hogy maradjon utódjuk az egész földön.
Gene GerZurch 7:3  auch von den Vögeln des Himmels je sieben, Männchen und Weibchen, damit auf der ganzen Erde Nachwuchs am Leben bleibe.
Gene GerTafel 7:3  Auch von dem Gevögel der Himmel sieben und sieben, ein Männliches und ein Weibliches, auf daß Samen auf der ganzen Erde erhalten werde.
Gene RusMakar 7:3  Также и птицъ небесныхъ по семи, мужскаго пола и женскаго, чтобы сохранить племя для всей земли.
Gene PorAR 7:3  também das aves do céu sete e sete, macho e fêmea, para se conservar em vida sua espécie sobre a face de toda a terra.
Gene DutSVVA 7:3  Ook van het gevogelte des hemels zeven en zeven, het mannetje en het wijfje, om zaad levend te houden op de ganse aarde.
Gene FarOPV 7:3  و از پرندگان آسمان نیزهفت هفت، نر و ماده را، تا نسلی بر روی تمام زمین نگاه داری.
Gene Ndebele 7:3  Lakuzo inyoni zamazulu ngasikhombisa ngasikhombisa, enduna lensikazi, ukulondoloza inhlanyelo iphila ebusweni bomhlaba wonke.
Gene PorBLivr 7:3  Também das aves dos céus de sete em sete, macho e fêmea; para guardar em vida a descendência sobre a face de toda a terra.
Gene Norsk 7:3  likeså av himmelens fugler syv par, han og hun, for å holde deres slekter i live på jorden.
Gene SloChras 7:3  tudi od ptic pod nebom po sedmero, samca in samico, da se ohrani pri življenju seme na površju vse zemlje.
Gene Northern 7:3  Həmçinin göydəki hər quşun erkək və dişisindən yeddi cüt götür.
Gene GerElb19 7:3  auch von dem Gevögel des Himmels sieben und sieben, ein Männliches und ein Weibliches: um Samen am Leben zu erhalten auf der Fläche der ganzen Erde.
Gene LvGluck8 7:3  Arī no putniem apakš debess pa septiņiem, tēviņu un mātīti, ka vaisla paliek dzīva pa visu zemes virsu.
Gene PorAlmei 7:3  Tambem das aves dos céus sete e sete, macho e femea, para conservar em vida a semente sobre a face de toda a terra.
Gene ChiUn 7:3  空中的飛鳥也要帶七公七母,可以留種,活在全地上;
Gene SweKarlX 7:3  Sammalunda af foglarna under himmelen, ju sju och sju, mankön och qvinkön, på det att säd må blifva lefvandes på hela jordene.
Gene SPVar 7:3  ונקבה וגם מעוף השמים המהור שבעה שבעה זכר ונקבה להחיות זרע על פני כל הארץ
Gene FreKhan 7:3  De même, des oiseaux du ciel, respectivement sept, mâles et femelles, pour perpétuer les espèces sur toute la face de la terre.
Gene FrePGR 7:3  et des oiseaux des deux aussi par groupes de sept, mâle et femelle, afin de faire revivre la race sur la face de toute la terre.
Gene PorCap 7:3  das aves do céu, também sete pares, macho e fêmea, a fim de conservares a sua raça viva sobre a Terra.
Gene JapKougo 7:3  また空の鳥の中から雄と雌とを七つずつ取って、その種類が全地のおもてに生き残るようにしなさい。
Gene GerTextb 7:3  Auch von den Vögeln unter dem Himmel je sieben, ein Männchen und ein Weibchen, um auf der ganzen Erde Samen am Leben zu erhalten.
Gene Kapingam 7:3  Kae-ina labelaa nia haga-hai-lodo e-hidu i-nia hagadilinga manu mamaangi. Heia di mee deenei e-daahi-ai nia manu huogodoo dolodolo mo mamaangi gi-mouli, e-hagadili labelaa i-hongo henuailala.
Gene SpaPlate 7:3  Asimismo de las aves del cielo siete parejas, machos y hembras para que se conserve su descendencia sobre la faz de toda la tierra.
Gene GerOffBi 7:3  auch von den Vögeln des Himmels je sieben, männlich und weiblich, um Nachkommenschaft ins Leben zu rufen auf der ganzen Erde.
Gene WLC 7:3  גַּ֣ם מֵע֧וֹף הַשָּׁמַ֛יִם שִׁבְעָ֥ה שִׁבְעָ֖ה זָכָ֣ר וּנְקֵבָ֑ה לְחַיּ֥וֹת זֶ֖רַע עַל־פְּנֵ֥י כָל־הָאָֽרֶץ׃
Gene LtKBB 7:3  taip pat ir iš padangių paukščių po septynetą patinų ir patelių, kad išlaikytum jų rūšį visos žemės paviršiuje.
Gene Bela 7:3  таксама і з птушак нябесных чыстых па сем, мужчынскага полу і жаночага, каб захаваць племя на ўсю зямлю:
Gene GerBoLut 7:3  Desselbengleichen von den Vogeln unter dem Himmel je sieben und sieben, das Mannlein und sein Fraulein, auf daß Same lebendig bleibe auf dem ganzen Erdboden.
Gene FinPR92 7:3  Myös taivaan lintuja ota seitsemän paria, uroksia ja naaraita, että niiden suku jatkuisi maan päällä.
Gene SpaRV186 7:3  También de las aves de los cielos, de siete en siete, macho y hembra: para guardar en vida la simiente sobre la haz de toda la tierra.
Gene NlCanisi 7:3  ook van de vogels in de lucht zeven paar, de mannetjes met hun wijfjes: om hun soort in stand te houden over de hele aarde.
Gene GerNeUe 7:3  Auch von den Vögeln bringe jeweils sieben Männchen und Weibchen mit, sodass jede Art auf der ganzen Erde erhalten bleibt und sich vermehren kann.
Gene Est 7:3  Nõndasamuti lindudest taeva all seitse paari, isane ja emane, et nende sugu jääks elama kogu maa peale.
Gene UrduGeo 7:3  اِسی طرح ہر قسم کے پَر رکھنے والوں میں سے سات سات نر و مادہ کے جوڑے بھی ساتھ لے جانا تاکہ اُن کی نسلیں بچی رہیں۔
Gene AraNAV 7:3  وَخُذْ مَعَكَ أَيْضاً مِنْ كُلِّ نَوْعٍ مِنَ الطُّيُورِ سَبْعَةَ ذُكُورٍ وَسَبْعَ إِنَاثٍ لاسْتِبْقَاءِ نَسْلِهَا عَلَى وَجْهِ كُلِّ الأَرْضِ.
Gene ChiNCVs 7:3  空中的飞鸟,也要各带七公七母,以便传种,活在全地上;
Gene ItaRive 7:3  e parimente degli uccelli dei cieli prendine sette paia, maschio e femmina, per conservarne in vita la razza sulla faccia di tutta la terra;
Gene Afr1953 7:3  Ook van die voëls van die hemel telkens sewe paar, die mannetjie met die wyfie, om die geslag in die lewe te hou op die hele aarde.
Gene RusSynod 7:3  также и из птиц небесных по семь, мужского пола и женского, чтобы сохранить племя для всей земли.
Gene UrduGeoD 7:3  इसी तरह हर क़िस्म के पर रखनेवालों में से सात सात नरो-मादा के जोड़े भी साथ ले जाना ताकि उनकी नसलें बची रहें।
Gene TurNTB 7:3  Yeryüzünde soyları tükenmesin diye, yanına temiz sayılan hayvanlardan erkek ve dişi olmak üzere yedişer çift, kirli sayılan hayvanlardan birer çift, kuşlardan yedişer çift al.
Gene DutSVV 7:3  Ook van het gevogelte des hemels zeven en zeven, het mannetje en het wijfje, om zaad levend te houden op de ganse aarde.
Gene HunKNB 7:3  az ég madaraiból is hetet-hetet, hímet és nőstényt, hogy a magja megmaradjon az egész föld színén.
Gene Maori 7:3  Me nga manu ano hoki o te rangi, kia takiwhitu, te toa me te uha; kia ora ai he uri ki runga ki te mata o te whenua katoa.
Gene sml_BL_2 7:3  Damikiyanna du isab ginisan manuk-manuk, pitu' l'lla pitu' d'nda ma ginis-ginisanna. Hinangun buwattilu supaya aniya' anatas allum min ginisan binangsa ai-ai kamemon bo' angaheka du pa'in pabalik ma kaluha'an dunya.
Gene HunKar 7:3  Az égi madarakból is hetet-hetet, hímet és nőstényét, hogy magvok maradjon az egész föld színén.
Gene Viet 7:3  Cũng hãy đem theo những chim trời, mỗi thứ bảy cặp, trống và mái, để giữ giống ở trên khắp mặt đất.
Gene Kekchi 7:3  Ta̱cuocsi ajcuiˈ cuukutk sumal li xul li nequeˈrupupic, tzoˈ ut tux, re nak cua̱nk riyajileb saˈ ruchichˈochˈ.
Gene Swe1917 7:3  sammalunda av himmelens fåglar sju par, hankön och honkön, för att behålla deras släkten vid liv på hela jorden.
Gene SP 7:3  ונקבה וגם מעוף השמים המהור שבעה שבעה זכר ונקבה להחיות זרע על פני כל הארץ
Gene CroSaric 7:3  Isto tako od ptica nebeskih po sedam parova - mužjaka i ženku - da im se sjeme sačuva na zemlji.
Gene VieLCCMN 7:3  trong các loài chim trời cũng lấy bảy đôi, trống và mái, để giữ giống trên khắp mặt đất.
Gene FreBDM17 7:3  Tu prendras aussi des oiseaux des cieux sept de chaque espèce, le mâle et sa femelle ; afin d’en conserver la race sur toute la terre.
Gene FreLXX 7:3  De tous les oiseaux purs du ciel sept couples mâles et femelles, et de tous les oiseaux impurs deux couples mâles et femelles, afin d'en conserver la semence pour toute la terre.
Gene Aleppo 7:3  גם מעוף השמים שבעה שבעה זכר ונקבה לחיות זרע על פני כל הארץ
Gene MapM 7:3  גַּ֣ם מֵע֧וֹף הַשָּׁמַ֛יִם שִׁבְעָ֥ה שִׁבְעָ֖ה זָכָ֣ר וּנְקֵבָ֑ה לְחַיּ֥וֹת זֶ֖רַע עַל־פְּנֵ֥י כׇל־הָאָֽרֶץ׃
Gene HebModer 7:3  גם מעוף השמים שבעה שבעה זכר ונקבה לחיות זרע על פני כל הארץ׃
Gene Kaz 7:3  Арам жануарлардан екеуден ал, бір еркек, бір ұрғашы болсын және аспандағы құстардың әр түрінен де жеті жұптан ал.
Gene FreJND 7:3  de même des oiseaux des cieux, sept par sept, mâle et femelle, pour conserver en vie une semence sur la face de toute la terre.
Gene GerGruen 7:3  Auch von des Himmels Vögeln jeweils sieben, ein männliches und weibliches, um auf der ganzen Erde einen Stamm am Leben zu erhalten.
Gene SloKJV 7:3  Tudi od perjadi neba po sedmero, samca in samico, da na obličju vse zemlje obdržiš zarod živ.
Gene Haitian 7:3  Konsa tou, pou zwazo k'ap vole nan syèl la, w'a pran sèt mal ak sèt fenmèl nan chak kalite, pou ras la pa disparèt sou latè.
Gene FinBibli 7:3  Niin myös taivaan linnuista seitsemän ja seitsemän, koiras ja naaras, että siemen jäis elämään koko maan päällä.
Gene Geez 7:3  ወእምነ ፡ አዕዋፈ ፡ ሰማይ ፡ ዘንጹሕ ፡ ሰባዕተ ፡ ሰባዕተ ፡ ተባዕተ ፡ ወአንስተ ፡ ወእምነ ፡ አዕዋፈ ፡ ሰማይ ፡ ዘኢኮነ ፡ ንጹሐ ፡ ክልኤተ ፡ ክልኤተ ፡ ተባዕተ ፡ ወአንስተ ፡ ዘትሴሲ ፡ ዘይከውን ፡ ዘርአ ፡ በዲበ ፡ ምድር ።
Gene SpaRV 7:3  También de las aves de los cielos de siete en siete, macho y hembra; para guardar en vida la casta sobre la faz de toda la tierra.
Gene WelBeibl 7:3  Dos â saith pâr o bob aderyn gyda ti hefyd. Dw i eisiau i'r amrywiaeth o anifeiliaid ac adar oroesi ar y ddaear.
Gene GerMenge 7:3  auch von den Vögeln des Himmels je sieben Paare, Männchen und Weibchen, damit Nachkommenschaft auf der ganzen Erde am Leben erhalten bleibt;
Gene GreVamva 7:3  και από των πτηνών του ουρανού επτά επτά, άρσεν και θήλυ· διά να διατηρήσης σπέρμα επί προσώπου πάσης της γής·
Gene UkrOgien 7:3  Також із птаства небесного по семеро, самця та самицю, щоб насіння сховати живим на поверхні всієї землі.
Gene FreCramp 7:3  sept paires aussi des oiseaux du ciel, des mâles et leurs femelles, pour conserver en vie leur race sur la face de toute la terre.
Gene SrKDEkav 7:3  Такође и од птица небеских по седам, мужјака и женку његову, да им се сачува семе на земљи.
Gene PolUGdan 7:3  Także z ptactwa niebieskiego po siedem par, samca i samicę, aby zachować przy życiu ich potomstwo na całej powierzchni ziemi.
Gene FreSegon 7:3  sept couples aussi des oiseaux du ciel, mâle et femelle, afin de conserver leur race en vie sur la face de toute la terre.
Gene SpaRV190 7:3  También de las aves de los cielos de siete en siete, macho y hembra; para guardar en vida la casta sobre la faz de toda la tierra.
Gene HunRUF 7:3  Az égi madarakból is hetet-hetet, hímet és nőstényt, hogy maradjon utódjuk az egész földön!
Gene DaOT1931 7:3  ligeledes af Himmelens Fugle syv Par, Han og Hun, for at de kan forplante sig paa hele Jorden.
Gene TpiKJPB 7:3  Bilong ol pisin tu bilong skai yu bai kisim sevenpela sevenpela, man na meri, bilong holimpas pikinini kaikai i stap laip antap long pes bilong dispela graun olgeta.
Gene DaOT1871 7:3  ogsaa af Fuglene under Himmelen, syv og syv, Han og Hun, at holde Sæd paa al Jorden i Live.
Gene FreVulgG 7:3  Prends aussi sept par sept des oiseaux du ciel, un mâle et sa femelle ; afin d’en conserver la race sur la face de toute la terre.
Gene PolGdans 7:3  Także z ptastwa niebieskiego siedmioro a siedmioro, samca i samicę, aby żywe zachowane było nasienie na wszystkiej ziemi.
Gene JapBungo 7:3  亦天空の鳥を雌雄七宛取て種を全地の面に生のこらしむべし
Gene GerElb18 7:3  auch von dem Gevögel des Himmels sieben und sieben, ein Männliches und ein Weibliches: um Samen am Leben zu erhalten auf der Fläche der ganzen Erde.