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4d07a86 When you take the high road to living a virtuous life, you are fortified by knowing that regardless of what life throws your way or what storms may rage, you are grounded in goodness. In this, you secure not only your own integrity, but you secure it in the eyes others. communication-quotes communication-skills confidence first-impressions integrity motivational-speaker relationship-quotes susan-young trust Susan C. Young
0eac940 Making a great first impression is not an accident, and with a little planning, experimentation, and application, you can transform your style, substance, and impact. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
5799da9 Once you are dressed there may be still more you can do to enhance, complement, or complete your look. Simply changing your accessories will change your entire impression. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
b2e201e If you have ever experienced this type of unprofessional treatment, I doubt you would even consider giving them business in the future. Interrupting, ignoring, patronizing, or antagonizing a customer is like pouring gas on a fire and creates a more explosive situation than the original complaint. Still, it continues to happen every day, costing companies millions in lost revenue. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
4725068 We are all wired with a natural propensity to learn, grow, and expand. Think of the positive things that make you happy, bring you joy, deepen your understanding, and make you feel wonderful. These things enlarge and grow with positive energy, don't they? The opposite is true as well; negative things make us feel stressed, sad, angry, or overwhelmed. They leave us feeling depleted and contracted. body-language-quotes communication-skills energy-quotes expansion-quotes mindset-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
4d15582 ASK YOURSELF: Who are the people you are drawn to who bring out the best in you? How do they make you feel? Is your positive energy doing the same thing for others? body-language-quotes communication-skills energy-quotes expansion-quotes mindset-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
3967afe Upbeat people make us feel appreciated, important, and fantastic. These are the folks who expand and warm us with their positive energy. body-language-quotes communication-skills energy-quotes expansion-quotes mindset-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
a1e7881 The Broaden-and-Build Theory in Positive Psychology suggests that positive emotions initiate upward spirals of positivity which contribute to our optimal well-being. It is no wonder positive people are more likely to make a positive impact! body-language-quotes communication-skills energy-quotes expansion-quotes mindset-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
52c8ce7 People who cast a negative energy can make us feel doubtful, devalued, and disrespected. In response, we contract and are left cold as our awesome energy evaporates in their shadow. Downward emotional spirals ensue. body-language-quotes communication-skills energy-quotes expansion-quotes mindset-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
95a514e A light-hearted point to consider: Do you know the number one reason a man falls in love with a woman? Because of how she makes him feel about himself. Do you know the number one reason a man falls out of love with a woman? Because of how she makes him feel about himself! It is the same reason! When you inspire and motivate another person through your positive energy, they want you to stick around! body-language-quotes communication-skills energy-quotes expansion-quotes mindset-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
5dd841d How we feel with someone--if they improve our mood or cause our heart to sink--can determine the health of the relationship. How do you feel around them? It's a simple measurement tool. body-language-quotes communication-skills energy-quotes expansion-quotes mindset-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
73b3c9d Throughout your life you will meet thousands of people, but every once in a while, you feel instant chemistry with a person and connect immediately. It is like meeting an old friend or returning home again. Your relationship enjoys easy compatibility and commonality. Not only can you sometimes finish each other's sentences, but regardless of how much time may pass, you can reunite and start up wherever you left off. body-language-quotes communication-skills kindred-spirits mindset-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-chemistry relationship-quotes soul-mates Susan C. Young
52ea2d5 A positive attitude will elevate your energy and invigorate your tasks. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
430565f Emotionally intelligent people can focus their emotions to improve performance and productivity. communication-skills emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
6f96a0a Desire. Enthusiasm. Purpose. Pleasure. Delight. Peace. Power. However you define passion, it is at the heart of your motivation. communication-quotes communication-skills confidence first-impressions integrity motivational-speaker passion relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
5600cc6 Feeling passion fuels your spirit and feeds your joy. communication-quotes communication-skills confidence first-impressions integrity motivational-speaker passion relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
4f5596f Passion is a catalyst for action and provides you with the emotional stamina to stick with it, regardless of the obstacles. communication-quotes communication-skills confidence first-impressions integrity motivational-speaker passion relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
a8b2a54 Every day should have threads of passionate pursuits within it. communication-quotes communication-skills confidence first-impressions integrity motivational-speaker passion relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
7d4270c Think of the times in your life when you have been deeply passionate about something. Whether it is for your family, a cause, a person, an adventure, a hobby, a career, a love for music, or even going to the beach--your passion for it helps you tap into your unique personal power to live and love your life out loud. communication-quotes communication-skills confidence first-impressions integrity motivational-speaker passion relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
f4da171 Life rewards action. To get from where you are now to where you want to be requires forward movement and momentum. Although you may already know what it takes to bridge the gap, simply knowing what to do is not enough. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
468c98a Kindness is a powerful bridge builder which unifies teams, bonds friends, supports loved ones, and spreads goodwill. Tending to your bridges will fortify your relationships in such way that you will keep your invitations coming and your options open for future opportunities. customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
5805d6c Proven professionals know that by focusing on quality, you can't lose with the classics and your clothes will last longer. It's not about having expensive clothing, it is about having style. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
8eeb9ad When it comes to meeting new people, playing well with others, and connecting on deeper levels, there are inherent gaps which can be closed only by being brave. When is bravery needed? communication-skills emotional-intelligence-quotes just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a73ad94 An important part of dressing for success is not only wearing something well but making sure it is appropriate for the occasion or the environment. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
b7dc146 Research has shown that different colors represent different character qualities and have a powerful psychological effect. Color portrays different meanings in life and in business. Choose the colors that not only make you look and feel great, but inspire the emotions you hope to evoke. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
30c6fc3 Authentic people are so comfortable in their own skins they make us more comfortable in our own. communication-quotes communication-skills first-impressions motivational-speaker personality-development relationship-quotes social-networking susan-young trust Susan C. Young
da0bcfa Developing your emotional intelligence will allow you to explore new depths of understanding in yourself and others. communication-skills emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
859733c Your EQ (emotional quotient) is your capacity to recognize, discriminate, and label emotions accurately and interpret them to help guide your thinking and behavior. communication-skills emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
ef9f3ad Punctuality Plus. When you have scheduled an appointment, or have made a commitment, you have essentially made a promise. Being punctual demonstrates your consideration for others and that you can be depended upon. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
de02991 While having a strong character foundation may not sell newspapers, increase TV ratings, or make a person famous, it's essential for building a life that is meaningful and matters. communication-quotes communication-skills confidence first-impressions integrity motivational-speaker relationship-quotes susan-young trust Susan C. Young
2bf0f50 Have you ever known a person who was highly intelligent, yet their lack of character destroyed your impression of them? Even though they may have been accomplished, articulate, and knowledgeable, their words became impotent and irrelevant. communication-quotes communication-skills confidence first-impressions integrity motivational-speaker relationship-quotes susan-young trust Susan C. Young
0da53bd Your expertise elevates your impressions to an entirely new realm. When you have paid the price, earned the right, and done the homework to be called an expert, people will be impressed. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
74ec7c1 Every time you speak, you are using your voice to connect with others, whether it is in-person, on the phone, or in a recorded message. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f8808c6 The Art of Action explores specific action steps you can take for personal and professional transformation. Start by taking the initiative to be kind, courageous, and polite. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
57a68e7 Become a 'good finder' and seek to acknowledge the best you see in others. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
cabb5c7 Is your voice value delivering the image you wish to convey? Is your voice coming across as smart, friendly, and positive or ignorant, rude, and negative? communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
e59b4dd "The way you deliver the words you say becomes your "vocal image. This "vocal image" can make or break your first impressions, impact your communication, and determine how people respond to you." communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
3667cf1 What can you do to ensure that your voice value translates into impression value? communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c7438c5 Every professional voice coach worth their salt will bring you back to the importance of tone, pace, and pitch. While these concepts were introduced earlier in The Art of Body Language section, we can now elaborate and take a deeper dive into how you can use your voice to improve your communications. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
b6b0985 It is generally believed that nearly 40 percent of your first impression will be set from the tone of your voice. Your vocal thermometer can be more impactful than the actual words you use. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a5401d9 Your tone of voice can be conveyed in both the words you speak and in the words you write. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
3a43835 Your tone can represent the character of your business, the strength of your resolve, and express the depths of your convictions. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
16727cc Does your tone match your intention? Is your tone of voice confusing or clarifying? Are you coming across to others as you had hoped? Once you begin to notice your tone, you can adjust as needed to make it work in your favor. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
afe26e9 Heed Your Speed. Are you a fast or a slow talker? Be mindful towards the person with whom you are speaking to ensure that your message is being comprehended, understood, and absorbed. If they are listening at a slower rate than you are speaking, disconnect can occur. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c92f565 Align your voice value with the tone, pace, and pitch of your listeners will help you connect on all levels. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
45f7623 Have you ever paid notice to the full sound range of your voice? If you have ever been in a chorus or a singing group, you already know that they will separate the group based on each singer's pitch and assign their roles accordingly. While my speaking voice has a soprano pitch, my singing voice is a lower alto. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a7d8f45 Active listening is key to all healthy and effective communication, however, it doesn't necessarily come easily. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
2fcd6f2 Through the years, I have heard that the average person speaks at about 150-160 words per minute, but can listen at a rate of about 1,000 words per minute. What is going on during all that extra mind time? * Our minds are racing ahead and preparing for the next thing we are going to say. * We are preoccupied with other thoughts, priorities, and distractions. * Our subconscious filters are thumbing through our database of memories, judgments, experiences, perspectives, and opinions to frame how we are going to interpret what we think someone is saying. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
7529e2c While active listening is crucial for optimal communication, we are faced with a dilemma which can perplex even the sincerest and engaged of individuals. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
acdab84 "You can have the perfect message, but it may fall on deaf ears when the listener is not prepared or open to listening. These listening "planes" were first introduced by the American composer Aaron Copland (1900-1990) as they pertain to music . . . 1. The Sensual Plane: You're aware of the music, but not engaged enough to have an opinion or judge it. 2. The Expressive Plane: You become more engaged by paying attention, finding meaning beyond the music, and noticing how it makes you feel. 3. The Musical Plane: You listen to the music with complete presence, noticing the musical elements of melody, harmony, pitch, tempo, rhythm, and form." communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
152348f More people continue to be and do exactly the things in life that prevent them from getting what they want or from waking up excited about their day. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
cf141e3 Since your mindset can make you or break you, how is it going? Is it representing you well or does it need a complete overhaul? build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
366d012 The Law of Cause and Effect is as active in your life as the Law of Gravity. It teaches us that for every action there is a reaction. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
f8d9596 If you do nothing, you'll have nothing. If you do something spectacular, you will have something spectacular. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
9bd2866 Do you yearn for loving, loyal relationships? Be that for others build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
be0b522 Communication skills, quotes by susan c young, relationship quotes, how to make a great first impression, preparation quotes, motivational speaker, susan young, build confidence, mindset quotes, attitude quotes build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
3a40c45 If you want to enjoy confidence, engagement, positive feedback, connection, and reward in your relationships, start being and doing what it takes to make it happen. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
0ff1614 Create and nurture a mindset that works for you rather than against you. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
9bc514c Strive to be optimistic rather than pessimistic-- forgiving rather than a grudge holder. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
9d739b6 I was raised in an era when part of respecting your elders was to call them by Mr. or Mrs. When my children were growing up, an occasional child would call me Susan. It was jarring, felt disrespectful, and I did not like it. We reached a mutual agreement and their friends began calling me Ms. Susan. Perhaps this is more prevalent in the South, however, your awareness and consideration can help prevent social missteps. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
2643a8b It is wise to use titles for people in positions of power, higher education, seniority, or maturity, unless otherwise instructed. This may sound old-fashioned, but practicing respectful traditions will earn you points and inevitably make you seem more cultured and sophisticated. This is especially true with older generations. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
f894e92 To call certain people, such as your boss, teachers, professors, doctors, your parent's friends, etc. by their first names might be considered disrespectful. It is best to err on the side of caution until you know what is appropriate. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
2e9a906 Asking permission to call someone by their first name is a gesture of gentility and consideration. And once permission is granted, the gate is open for mutual respect and mutual purpose. Simply demonstrating this courtesy before making an assumption is impressive. Once permission is granted, you have earned points on both sides. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
5d9c86d When you become an actively engaged listener, you will develop the mindful awareness that active listening involves multiple layers and distinct levels. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
543c585 To make matters even more complicated, research has shown that we remember only 25-50 percent of what we hear. This inclination not only compromises our connection with another person, but we can fail to retain vital information. All this evidence demonstrates that it is imperative that we intentionally pay closer attention and strive to become an in-depth listener. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a70f576 UN-Impressives of the Poor Listener * Thinking about what you should have done, could have done, or need to do. * Allowing your emotional reactions to take over. * Interrupting the person talking. * Replying before you hear all the facts. * Jumping to conclusions and making assumptions. * Being preoccupied with what you're going to say next. * Getting defensive or being over-eager. * One-upmanship--feeling the urge to compete and add something bigger, better, or more significant than what the speaker has to share. * Imposing an unsolicited opinion. * Ignoring and changing the subject altogether. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
27f0893 Being Present Years ago, I attended a conference where the keynote speaker encouraged everyone to BE HERE NOW! It grabbed people's attention and reminded us that living, loving, listening, and laughing all occur in the present moment. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
483edcd Become keenly aware of these three layers to discover whether you're listening with interest and intent for excellent communication and understanding--or are you unintentionally sabotaging potentially phenomenal conversations. Knowledge of the listening planes will raise your awareness. And as you apply these, enjoy the surprising difference. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
8efbe62 When my son Nick was five years old, he was sitting at the kitchen bar while I prepared dinner. In typical busy mother fashion, I was multitasking--cooking, cleaning, running the laundry, answering the phone, and attempting to listen to what he had to say. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
ff93ec3 Listening is one of the finest ways to demonstrate our love for another human being. How many marriages could be saved, friendships healed, careers made, and opportunities enjoyed if people would simply stop what they are doing and listen deeply to what another person has to say. If practiced by everyone, this principle could be a world-changer! communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
0ae0ffd The process of attentive listening makes the other person feel important, valued, and heard. For Nick, listening was, and still is, love. I've never forgotten that precious moment--and the lesson! communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
ae58125 Think about the people in your life with whom you have the most engaging dialogue--the ones who will listen to you and consider your opinions regardless of the topic. They'll stop whatever they are doing to give you their full attention. They become completely present and hear you. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
0240927 The Physical Language of Listening Active listening is a physical process which transcends simply hearing. Your body language speaks on your behalf as to whether you are fully present and engaged . . . * Make eye contact. * Nod your head; confirm. * Use your eyebrows and expressions of emotions to show that you're paying attention. * Lean forward. * Listen patiently to demonstrate respect and sensitivity. * Open your physical presence to encourage them to continue. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
ca32fbb Now let's look at the flip side. When a diligent and caring person receives your complaint, they have the power to turn a challenge into a triumph. Through active listening, they demonstrate that your satisfaction is their top priority. They not only seek to solve your problem, but they are dedicated to re-earning your trust, your respect, and keeping your business. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
1fdc3d6 A positive attitude will help fortify your courage to build unshakable confidence and healthy self-esteem. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
3be7c04 Share your happiness with others--its contagious! build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
73fdeaf A positive attitude will empower you to be more resilient to proactively adapt to change. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
77e33dd A positive attitude will help you edge out cynicism and pessimism to restore hope and optimism. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
5f5d719 Experts agree that color can stimulate emotions which evoke different responses. Simply by changing colors, you can change moods, communication, perceptions, energy, and expectations. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
2f36e0f Stretch your imagination to a new dimension with hope and flexibility--opening your world to new possibilities. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
e23686e You are the only one who can choose your attitude for you. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
8bf733d Being proactive and intentional will enable you to create a positive experience for yourself and others. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
2fccdf5 Some people not only burn their bridges, but they also torch the town! With all their deeds of drama and destruction, they leave behind an aftermath of distrust, disrespect, and disappointment. And for what? This behavior creates immeasurable suffering in all directions. It ruins reputations and business deals, shatters lives--and closes doors which can never be re-opened. These repercussions can be prevented or avoided by simply BEING NICE. customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes just-be-nice motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
839dc1b Your mindset serves as the operating system for your entire life's experience. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
c7adedd Active listening requires being fully present and engaged in the moment. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f4c4f01 When you are mindfully focused, the person with whom you are communicating feels that you are making them a priority--that you value their time and their perspective. It is in these moments that we can go to deeper levels of discovery, exploration, and connection. It is one of the most valuable gifts and finest compliments you can give to another. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
8ab4524 Your internal thoughts determine your outer world. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
3035fd7 To Become an Attentive Listener . . . * Observe a person's physical presence to see how their body language aligns with their message. * Recognize what is being said on the surface. * Engage your intuition to hear the meaning, purpose, and motivation behind their message. * Be aware of your own internal responses and how you are feeling. * Put yourself in their shoes to better understand their perspective. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
688a906 One would think that if people truly wanted to live incredible lives, they would do everything in their power to create a mindset which helped them get there. Right? build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
c0df895 Becoming an empathetic listener helps you to better understand how another person feels and why they communicate as they do. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
53651e3 Your heightened awareness of their perceptions, experiences, emotions, and personality styles can reveal why they feel the way they do so that you can choose your responses wisely and compassionately. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f362f40 My success with customers on the telephone wasn't by using pushy sales methods, but by engaging people in meaningful conversations which could lead to friendships on the phone before I ever met them. I would ask questions, listen to their stories, respond to their needs, develop rapport, and earn their business. When we would finally meet in person, it felt less like an introduction and more like a reunion. It was not only good business, we had fun in the process! communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
57ab4d1 For sixteen years, I had a spectacular real estate career in Tallahassee, Florida. I loved receiving telephone inquiries and making cold calls. I knew that if I could meet people on the phone, I could usually turn them into buyers. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
1847515 14 Ways to Become an Incredible Listener 1. Be present and provide your undivided attention. 2. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. 3. Listen attentively and respond appropriately. 4. Minimize or eliminate distractions. 5. Focus your attention and energy with singleness of purpose on what the other person is saying. 6. Quiet your mind and suspend your thoughts to make room in your head to hear what is said--in the moment! 7. Ask questions and demonstrate empathy. 8. Use your body language and nonverbal cues constructively and pay attention to theirs. 9. Follow the rhythm of their speech; hear their tone. 10. Repeat and summarize what you have heard them say to confirm understanding. 11. Be open-minded and non-defensive. 12. Respond rather than react. 13. Be respectful, calm, and positive. 14. Try to resolve conflicts, not win them. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
1857d4e "When I am working with groups of thirty or fewer people, there is a powerful name exercise that I do to break the ice, start with humor, and begin my program with positive energy. One by one, each person will introduce themselves using an adjective that describes their personality that starts with the first letter of their name. "Spontaneous Susan," "Dependable Dave," and "Happy Helen" are a few quick examples. The benefit for the participants is twofold: it makes each person feel good and it makes people laugh. Additionally, it enables me to learn their names so that I can integrate them into the entire presentation for full engagement and participation." communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
fa2b127 Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same. You wanna be where everybody knows your name. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
110dfd3 Prepare for Success. Feel the satisfaction and power of having your act together! Get organized beforehand to get better results. Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
3b8a7e5 Make the personal choice to instill healthy habits and hygiene into your life. When you resolve to live a healthier life, you will feel better, look better, enjoy improved well-being and make a better impression. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
3678112 Color is one of the most important and distinctive elements in enhancing your image. Wearing the colors which are best matched to your personality, energy, skin tone, hair color, and body type will make you look healthier, more vibrant, confident, successful, and approachable. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
bd5dca0 The times, they are a-changing! What was once defined by tradition, respect, and custom has evolved into a relaxed and casual society. What is acceptable and normal today would never have been permitted in the past. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
8875493 Dressing appropriately in one venue may be highly inappropriate in another. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
77a904c "Mary Kay Ash, the founder of the Mary Kay Cosmetic empire, taught her teams that most people have a sign hanging around their necks that says, "Make me feel special." Answer that need in others through nurturing words, deeds, and actions, and you will be amazed by the ease with which people respond to you. What can you do to make other people feel special?" best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
4b3447c Many salespeople make the mistake of talking about how great they are and what they bring to the table. If they would simply take a breath, shift their mindset, and instead present ways to help solve their client's problems, they would capture more new business. best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
6fea256 "Most everyone has the classic question stamped on their forehead that asks, "What's in It for Me?" It is not a matter of being self-centered, arrogant, or narcissistic; it is simply a natural and instinctive response to gauge how we are going to best interact and deal with another person." best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
7d5b7cc Clown Around . . . Nancy Weil of The Laugh Academy gives people she meets red clown noses and shows them how to use them. Promoting laughter as a cure for stress and negativity, she makes a positive and memorable impact and gives others permission to play. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
b87bb28 Approachable people . . . 1. Use body language to their advantage. 2. Are open-minded to new people and new experiences. 3. Encourage others to feel better about themselves. 4. Are willing to be told not what they want to hear, but what they need to hear. 5. Provide an inviting aura that is warm and comforting. 6. Realize that authenticity and transparency earn trust. 7. Intuitively tune into the feelings and needs of others. 8. Are emotionally steady and respond appropriately when they sense awkwardness or discomfort in others. 9. Radiate happiness and curbs cynicism. 10. Provide a safe environment for others to express themselves. 11. Make others feel valued and appreciated. 12. Listen and consider other people's viewpoints and opinions. body-language-quotes communication-skills kindred-spirits law-of-attraction-quotes mindset-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes soul-mates Susan C. Young
26c031c Your habits and hygiene demonstrate how you feel about yourself. Without saying a word, they speak for you. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
a8a4889 Create your own personal brand to stand apart from the crowd. Package your unique talents, style, personality, and products. Show and tell who you are and what you do--to the world. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
5418740 Developing your EI will allow you to explore new depths of understanding in yourself and others. It will give you insight as to why people behave as they do and assist you in areas you may wish to improve. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
9980240 Becoming aware of what you are doing and how others perceive you will provide you with instant insight for making changes where necessary. communication-skills law-of-attraction-quotes mirroring motivational-speaker-susan-young neuro-linguistic-programming quotes-by-susan-c-young reciprocity relationship-quotes selling-success-quotes Susan C. Young
fc95153 Whatever you are putting out into the universe is going to be returned unto you and have a direct correlation to what you are getting back. In many ways, you are a magnet and manifest accordingly. communication-skills law-of-attraction-quotes mirroring motivational-speaker-susan-young neuro-linguistic-programming quotes-by-susan-c-young reciprocity relationship-quotes selling-success-quotes Susan C. Young
937fea6 Think of your personal and professional life--are you attracting what you want? Are you attracting the kind of people you like? Do you feel that life is working for you or against you? How have others been treating you? Are you pleased with your results? communication-skills law-of-attraction-quotes mirroring motivational-speaker-susan-young neuro-linguistic-programming quotes-by-susan-c-young reciprocity relationship-quotes selling-success-quotes Susan C. Young
c40a401 Simply by living life you will gain new experiences that are uniquely your own. Your vantage points along your journey will help you form your perceptions, grow your influence, and ground you in a wisdom which can only be gained from having been there and having done it. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success Susan C. Young
c6e62e9 Your education can be the 'make or break' difference when a hiring manager reads your resume or invites you in for an interview. In our competitive world, today a Master's Degree has become the new differentiator that a Bachelor's Degree once was. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
7f70fb0 Rather than allowing your failures to define you, learn from your experience to do better next time. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
fb4c991 How can you build credibility without grandstanding as you strive to stand apart from the crowd? branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
426c761 Your level of education speaks on your behalf. It demonstrates your ability to establish a clear vision, prioritize your goals, and honor your commitments. Oh yeah, did I mention it also makes you smarter? branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
fd1bfc0 People will form impressions, assumptions, opinions, and judgments all within a few short seconds. To make a favorable first impression and make these seconds count, enhance your image by choosing clean, crisp, appropriate attire that reflects confidence and professionalism. branding communication-skills dress-for-success motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes success susan-young Susan C. Young
4778a1b "Well Hello Halo! It is human nature for us to make generalized judgments about a person using only a couple of traits. The "Expressivity Halo" Theory explains how we connect various personalities to specific facial expressions and assign assumptions about that person." -- communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
16e601b Proper posture conveys that you are ready to take command and master new situations. When you project this level of confidence, you will instill confidence in others. communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young posture-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
85177b0 "In 1966, American anthropologist Edward T. Hall specified four distinct distance zones to describe the perception of physical space around us. Understanding these zones and honoring their invisible boundaries will give you a sixth sense about another person's "space" as well as your own. Intimate Zone (less than 2') --This zone represents our personal space and is reserved for the most trusted and loved people in our lives. Touching, hugging, standing side by side, and engaging in private conversations is common and encouraged. When an interloper violates this personal space, great discomfort and awkwardness can be created. What to do? Take a step back or sideways. Personal Zone (2'-4') --This is the distance for interaction with good friends, family, social gatherings, or parties. It's an easy and relaxed space for talking, shaking hands, gesturing, laughing and making faces. Social Zone (4'-12') --This zone seems to be an appropriate distance for casual friends, colleagues, and acquaintances to interact. It is the comfortable distance we maintain while interacting or addressing large groups of people. Public Zone (over 12') --This is the distance we keep from strangers or persons with little acquaintance. It provides the greatest distance between people. This is a safe space that still allows us to experience community and belonging with new people." communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
51e3f6a Know your audience! With the high level of cultural sensitivity these days, it is often better to err on the side of caution. If you don't want your humor to come back and bite you, don't hurt one person to entertain another. We can have humor without making fun of other people. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
d78f5bc "I have noticed generational humor exists as well. Since our frames of reference and cultural influences vary, there is a lot of room for misinterpretation and the potential to not "get it." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
abfe57f Don't try to make a joke just to make a joke. Sometimes, as human beings, we so want to fit in and connect that we try TOO hard to be something we are not. It's okay if you're not the life of the party. It's fine if you're not a stand-up comedian. Just be you. Real life provides real humor when we're paying attention to it. Share what makes you laugh. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
8301d36 Think of fun ways you can connect with your business or social circles. When you're with your tribe--or like-minded people--they'll laugh and learn right alongside you. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes fun-and-humor quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
0647218 Your grammar is crucial to your image, brand, and reputation. It reflects upon your level of intelligence, education, experience, upbringing, and native geography. Poor grammar can totally bomb a job interview, make someone delete your email request, cause people to judge you behind your back, or dismiss you as being a poor communicator. It is all preventable! customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker networking-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
e6bde10 There will be times when you would be wise to err on the side of caution. And rather than making a magnificent misstep, zip your lip and bite your tongue for personal and professional self-preservation. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
b52c27c Zip Your Lip & Bite Your Tongue The discreet communicator knows when it's time to speak and when it's time to listen. He conscientiously refrains from opening a topic of discussion if it is bad timing or inappropriate. He will stop, look, learn, and listen for cues to ensure he doesn't get caught with his foot in his mouth. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
2ca7e18 You can shift other people's attitudes by shifting your own. When people project rudeness, impatience, and intolerance they attract the same in return. If someone looks like they are having a difficult day, you can shift their world by simply sharing a kind word. communication-skills law-of-attraction-quotes mirroring motivational-speaker-susan-young neuro-linguistic-programming quotes-by-susan-c-young reciprocity relationship-quotes selling-success-quotes Susan C. Young
ab2914b Oversharing Why do some people feel the need to share their deepest, darkest secrets with complete strangers or on social media? How could saying too much, too soon possibly help their case or earn the respect of others? Perhaps their insatiable need to share every sordid detail of their existence satisfies a yearning to get attention, gain sympathy, or make friends. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
8934fdf Modeling for others a sincerely positive and encouraging countenance will not only enrich their lives, it can foster trust and appreciation for you. This subtle technique of mirroring can help others feel compatibility with you and lead them to feel better about themselves. A win for everybody! communication-skills law-of-attraction-quotes mirroring motivational-speaker-susan-young neuro-linguistic-programming quotes-by-susan-c-young reciprocity relationship-quotes selling-success-quotes Susan C. Young
ef18bd6 5 Tips for Mirroring Others 1. Body language. When they smile, you smile. When they lean back in their chair, you lean back in your chair. When they cross their legs or fold their arms, you do the same. 2. Vocabulary or specific words. Notice their language and the words they choose and use--their keywords, expressions, expletives, or phrases. 3. Communication style. People receive, process, and deliver information in different ways. Notice whether someone is results driven or relaxed, emotional or pragmatic, talkative or observant. Recognizing their style will enable you to adapt your style to theirs to build rapport and improve communication. 4. Vocal style. a. Speech rate--If they are talking fast, you talk fast. If they are talking slowly, you talk slowly. Consider rhythm, pace, and tempo. b. Volume--If they are speaking quietly and softly, match their volume. c. Tone--Mirror their emotion, tone, and pitch. You can even seek to mirror their grammar and dialect, as long as it is discreet and respectful. body-language-quotes communication-skills law-of-attraction-quotes mirroring motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young reciprocity relationship-quotes selling-success-quotes Susan C. Young
001f2c9 By becoming aware of the differences and developing an understanding of each person's uniqueness, you will improve your interactions to make more positive first impressions. employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
a86023a Introverts typically . . . * Process information internally. It is normal for them to continuously contemplate, generate, circulate, evaluate, question, and conclude. * Are rejuvenated and energized by rest, relaxation, and down-time. * Need time to process and adapt to a new situation or setting, otherwise it is draining. * Tend to be practical, simple, and neutral in their clothing, furnishings, offices, and surroundings. * Choose their friends carefully and focus on quality, not quantity. They enjoy the company of people who have similar interests and intellect. * May resist change if they are not given enough notice to plan, prepare, and execute. Sudden change creates stress and overwhelm. employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
6ecad5a "Your eyes are the windows to your soul" indeed. It is a cliche for a good reason--it is a timeless truth with universal application." body-language-quotes communication-skills eye-contact-quotes law-of-attraction-quotes mirroring motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young reciprocity relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
f0cdf77 Smiling is truly one of the most generous gifts you can give to another. You never know when your smile may inspire the sad, encourage the hopeless, heal a heart, or change someone's world for the better. communication-skills expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
0241339 A genuine smile is your best fashion accessory and the most important thing you can wear. body-language-quotes communication-skills expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
b10075e "Bull in a China Shop The metaphor "bull in a china shop" appropriately describes how a clumsy (or socially awkward) person can sometimes find themselves in a quite delicate position. Have you ever been in a social situation where it was prudent to bite your tongue, smile and nod, choose your words carefully, or remain silent all together? One in which, if you didn't--it could cause damage?" "You can be a bull. And you can be in the china shop. But, just don't break anything! Even the biggest, baddest, most boorish bull can skate carefully through a china shop with dignity and grace if he exercises mindfulness and consideration." -- employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker public-speaking quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
722aa1c Use Names. Calling a person by name makes him/her feel recognized, appreciated, and special. It shows respect and that you are genuinely interested in making a connection. You make them feel remembered! employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker public-speaking quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
cf8ff00 Wise with Your Words. Speak words that support your highest good. Are your thoughts building you up or tearing you down? Notice the quality of your words--your best first impressions ride on them. employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker public-speaking quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
fe4ff17 To cultivate bravery and courage, try something new for the first time. Take a chance. Stretch beyond your familiar limits by taking risks that move you out of your old mindset and into a new perspective. Once accomplished, trying something new bolsters your confidence and boosts your ability to be brave. communication-skills conquer-fear emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
bb2bea3 And as is often the case, the people who would benefit the most from reading a book like this are the ones least likely to buy and read it. For you, however, this chapter will serve as a sterling reminder to make your manners shine. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
37aee83 You already know the difference between being a gracious person versus a rude one. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
3d4c5c1 Your manners are critical for both making a positive first impression and creating success in life, love, and business. emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
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