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6a5ce81 I am sharing this wonderful information with the caveat that I am not promising, endorsing, guaranteeing, judging, or predicting any outcomes for you. I'm simply providing you with tools which I have enjoyed and hope you will too! customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker networking-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
c9c8285 Extroverts typically . . . * Process information externally by verbalizing, collaborating, brainstorming, discussing, sharing their ideas, and communicating until they achieve desired results. * Are rejuvenated and re-charged by being around people, interacting with friends and family, and having dynamic conversations. * Enjoy the excitement and adventure of a new situation or setting. * Tend to be more colorful, unpredictable, daring, stylish, and cluttered in their clothing, home furnishings, offices, and surroundings. * Love meeting new people and making new friends. They enjoy variety and engaging on all levels. * Are very spontaneous, resilient, and adapt well to change. employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
db7ae6c When you strive to become a conversational chameleon, you can more swiftly adapt to your environment and surroundings for your own safety, survival, and healthy well-being. employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
3e335ab Learning the personality styles of others will further heighten your awareness of differences to enhance your social agility. When you gain clarity on what is important to others and why they act as they do, you will be better able to engage confidently with their energies and personalities to thrive in most any situation. employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
d297f74 "The Gift of Gab She continued by saying, "Many people dismiss small talk as being a waste of time. If you think small talk is not worthy of your time you are making a big mistake. It is actually one of the best ways for you to get to know someone. Don't be afraid to share a little bit about yourself so that you give another person enough information to ask questions. Small talk is the biggest talk we do." employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker introvert-or-extrovert motivational-leadership-speaker personality-styles quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
97d7870 Take your place among experienced professionals by focusing on ways to learn, grow, and succeed. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
7cae868 With your mind alert and your eyes wide open, you will be better able to assess your space and your place for optimizing exchanges and your communication impressions. customer-service-quotes employee-engagement mindfulness motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
81afe7d When you are socially aware, you will realize whether you are forcing yourself into a conversation or have actually been invited to participate. customer-service-quotes employee-engagement mindfulness motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
432a5ba "It is unimpressive to interrupt another person while they are talking. Interrupting someone in mid-sentence demonstrates that your focus is on yourself, not the person talking. I had a friend who used a humorous retort whenever someone would interrupt him. He would graciously, albeit sarcastically, say, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to speak while you were interrupting." It always got a laugh, yet he was cleverly letting the intruder know of his infraction without being too confrontational." emotional-intelligence-quotes etiquette-quotes good-manners-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
eb756ad Polishing the gold in others is easy to do and a valuable habit to develop to transform your relationship results. People will usually rise to the occasion and live up to your positive expectations. find-the-best-in-others how-to-be-complimentary motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
079ac59 To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Say something nice! My wise mother raised us with the philosophy that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. That is a Southern custom if there ever was one! It is easy to find fault, criticize, condemn, and complain--but none of these behaviors will help you enjoy positive relationship results. find-the-best-in-others how-to-be-complimentary motivational-speaker-susan-young polish-the-gold positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
08c2d2a "To Polish the Gold & Help Others Shine . . . Catch people doing things right: Outstanding leaders know that people will be more engaged, perform at higher levels, and be more loyal when they are appreciated and celebrated. Jeff West, international speaker and author of The Unexpected Tour Guide, shares that "People will jump over high hurdles, fight fires and break through walls for leaders who find them doing things right. Building that kind of chemistry is essential if a team is going to jell." Capitalize on the opportunity to notice what people are doing right at work and at home and they will deliver their best. As the old saying goes, "A person who feels appreciated will always do more than expected." find-the-best-in-others how-to-be-complimentary motivational-speaker-susan-young polish-the-gold positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
055f675 What are the key elements for a fabulous, well-delivered compliment? You . . . * are sincere and genuine. * give it freely without expecting anything in return. Your compliment is a selfless gift, not a boomerang. * are specific and detailed. * elaborate on why you like something. * describe how their positive virtue has positively impacted you. * can use adjectives for more colorful descriptions. * keep it positive. * say it like you mean it with intentional impact. * use discretion and good judgment. * leave no room for misinterpretation or misunderstanding. * say the right thing at the right moment and let it flow organically. Finding sincere ways to compliment others is a powerful way to make a great first and last impression. find-the-best-in-others how-to-give-a-compliment motivational-speaker-susan-young polish-the-gold positive-first-impression-quotes positivity-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
6014018 He reviewed his friends marriages - the supposedly happy ones - and saw none that answered, even remotely, to the passionate and tender comradeship which he pictured as his permanent relation with May Welland. He perceived that such a picture presupposed, on her part, the experience, the versatility, the freedom of judgement, which she had been carefully trained not to possess; and with a shiver of foreboding he saw his marriage becoming what most of the other marriages about him were: a dull association of material and social interests held together by ignorance on the one side and hypocrisy on the other. relationship-quotes Edith Wharton
a26c5bd "The purpose of a relationship is to decide what part of yourself you'd like to see "show up", not what part of another you can capture and hold. There can be only one purpose for relationships - and for all of life: to be and to decide Who You Really Are. [...] The test of your relationships has had to do with how well the other lived up to your ideas, and how well you saw yourselves living up to his or hers. Yet the only true test has to do with how well you live up to yours. Relationships are sacred because they provide life's grandest opportunity - indeed, its only opportunity - to create and produce the experience of your highest conceptualization of Self." friendships people-relations people-skills relationship-advice relationship-quotes relationships Neale Donald Walsch
fc95153 Whatever you are putting out into the universe is going to be returned unto you and have a direct correlation to what you are getting back. In many ways, you are a magnet and manifest accordingly. communication-skills law-of-attraction-quotes mirroring motivational-speaker-susan-young neuro-linguistic-programming quotes-by-susan-c-young reciprocity relationship-quotes selling-success-quotes Susan C. Young
49a0e21 Using names with respect and consideration tells a person that you care, are present and engaged, and that you are genuinely interested in making a connection. You make them feel remembered! communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes team-building Susan C. Young
4f0ded6 "Uh-Oh . . . One year I was the guest speaker at an annual conference. The person who coordinated the agenda mistakenly typed my name as "Sue" rather than "Susan." I felt odd and a little disrespected because they didn't take the time to ask the spelling of my name. It felt awkward when I saw it on all the tables throughout the ballroom, to say the least. I asked, "Please make sure that you introduce me as Susan because I've never been called Sue." The initial impression was sticky for an instant, but they quickly made it right. The correction was shared and everything turned out fine. Even an innocent and unintentional name error can impact your first impressions. Making a joke about it once I was on stage was a light-hearted way to confirm my real name." communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes team-building Susan C. Young
ca8a874 "Wearing Nametags- On Others I enjoy reading nametags and calling people by their names before we have officially met or been introduced. It provides an instant icebreaker. Walking up to someone and saying, "Hi Brenda! I'm Susan!" creates a quick connection that might not have happened were her name not displayed." customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker networking-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young team-building Susan C. Young
756d9a2 To remember people's names, use rhyming, rhythm, adjectives, and alliteration--Use rhyming (trim Kim), rhythm (Sally sells seashells), adjectives (kind Kevin), and alliteration (Mike likes milk). These ideas may sound silly, but they stimulate your mind to improve your memory. customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker networking-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
f4716b2 To remember people's names, use association--Creating a connection to something that has been important to you will give a name sticking power. Did you go to the same college? Did you work for his company at one time? Does she have the same car as your best friend? Begin looking for associations and it will make the names more memorable. customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker networking-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
aeca013 "To remember people's names, introduce a "Just-Met" to someone else--Introduce your newfound acquaintance or friend to someone else. As you share her name with another person, the name will become locked into your memory." customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker networking-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
14d1e26 To remember people's names, Pay Attention--Minimize distractions and focus on what they are saying. Making a concerted effort to concentrate will help you improve your memory. customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker networking-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
b4a34e6 Make a Connection to remember people's names, --Connect their name or a feature on their face with something you already know. This connection will help anchor their name in your mind for future recall. customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes hire-keynote-speaker motivational-leadership-speaker networking-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
0839743 "In our digital world today, handwritten notes are an "old school" way to make people feel important. Email is easy and Facebook birthday messages are now the norm, however, taking that extra step makes your efforts extra special. Whether it is a thank you note, birthday greeting, or a card of congratulations, taking the time to extend this personal consideration makes a person feel like you care. Be the surprise in someone's day and make them feel important." best-motivational-speakers communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
262cdf4 Indiscretion and poor judgment not only can destroy a positive first impression, they also can have lasting negative consequences for which there is no return. Even years into the future, moments of indiscretion in the past can come back to bite you when you least expect it. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
ec6e6d3 The best safeguards you have are to live with dignity, love, and self-respect, and to make choices you can be proud of in the first place. Even as an adult, I still think to myself--what would my mother say? best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
a1f3336 Discretion is the Larger Part of Valor Discretion represents both your personal self-respect and the respect you have for other people. A discreet person has the wisdom to differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong, and favorable and unfavorable. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
66a8c5c Mirroring provides social cues through body language and behavior which enable us to develop more empathy and understanding for others. communication-skills law-of-attraction-quotes mindset-quotes mirroring motivational-speaker-susan-young neuro-linguistic-programming quotes-by-susan-c-young reciprocity relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
6e426c1 "To Disclose or Not Disclose I just saw a poster: "Dirty laundry goes here (laundry basket) not here (Facebook logo)." Online and in person, withholding personal information is a discreet way of regulating what people learn, think, and know about you. There are times when keeping it real and keeping it honest will reveal your authenticity and trustworthiness, but there are other times, however, when things are better left unsaid or locked away. Hence the term TMI, meaning "Too Much Information!" Discretion is part of "keeping it real" in professional (and self) respect." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
3f2e098 "Since we know people like to do business with people who are most like themselves, consider this: Excellent sales people understand that "matching and mirroring" another person's body language is a powerful technique and subliminal way to develop trust, build rapport, and make their clients more comfortable and engaging. Subtly mirroring the postures, gestures, and body language of your client inspires a kinship of commonality." communication-skills law-of-attraction-quotes mirroring motivational-speaker-susan-young neuro-linguistic-programming quotes-by-susan-c-young reciprocity relationship-quotes selling-success-quotes Susan C. Young
d82d15e Be a Discovery Expert. Be inquisitive. A wonderful way to get to know someone is simply by asking questions. The more you ask, the more you can learn . . . about people, work, life. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
1a2cd1e Use Fun & Humor. Humor lightens spirits, comforts through a challenge, brings people together, engages, and entertains. Bring delight and joy to others and you will leave them wanting more. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
a72ab86 A smile is one of the most powerful and important body language cues we share with others--and as such a heartfelt emotion, it's impossible to express its effect on others in words. body-language-quotes communication-skills expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c316799 It is through these facial expressions that we write and feel our life story, create lifelong social habits--through which we are received and perceived by a multitude of others. When you want to make a positive first impression, let your face know! communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
ddff4fb "According to the "universality studies" conducted by psychologists Paul Ekman, Carroll Izard, and Friesen (1969-1972), the words Happiness. Fear. Anger. Sadness. Contempt. Surprise. Disgust. describe the natural expressions of emotion shared by the entire human race." communication-skills customer-service-quotes expressions-of-emotion law-of-attraction-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes smiling-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
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