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5eb33a9 inspirational and supportive of a spiritual and reverential David R. Hawkins
df45b26 Blame is the world's greatest excuse. It enables us to remain limited and small without feeling guilty. But there is a cost--the loss of our freedom. Also, the role of victim brings with it a self-perception of weakness, vulnerability, and helplessness, which are the major components of apathy and depression. David R. Hawkins
22eedac Expectation of others is a form of emotional blackmail. We can feel our resistance when others pull for certain emotional "goods" from us. We can get away from being emotionally blackmailed by looking at how we do it with others, and, then, we can let go of wanting to manipulate their emotional responses toward us." David R. Hawkins
68e6c3d Repression is an unconscious process by which unaccepted feelings are put out of awareness and not dealt with. In shifting attention, you make a choice not to indulge the negative emotion. You have already acknowledged and accepted the feeling within yourself as part of being human, but you are choosing to let it go because you want something higher, like peacefulness, harmony, and getting the job done. People David R. Hawkins
4184722 The relationship between body, mind, and spirit is that the body reflects what is held in mind, which in turn reflects one's spiritual position. It is necessary to know where all human experience takes place because if we address that level, we will be addressing the most powerful level. If the physical is the consequence of the mental, and the mental is the consequence of the spiritual, then we need to address it in the area called conscio.. David R. Hawkins
1890546 Q: What is the subjective experience or realization of Allness like? A: It is an awareness of a condition that has always been present. The novelty of sequential experiencing disappears as do expectation, regret, or the desire to anticipate or control. Existence as Existence is total and complete. All one's needs are already fulfilled. There is nothing to gain or lose and everything is of equal value. It would be like all movies being equ.. David R. Hawkins
59e3091 Today's "in" opinion is tomorrow's "out" opinion. This morning's opinion is passe by afternoon. We can ask ourselves: "Do I want to spread out my vulnerability to attack by so extensively identifying with all these passing thoughts and calling them 'mine'?" Everybody has an opinion on everything. So what? When we look at the true quality of opinions, we will stop giving them as much value. If we look back on our life, we will see that every.. David R. Hawkins
ba868d9 life events are opportunities to grow, expand, experience, and develop. In some cases, it seems in retrospect that there was actually this unconscious purpose behind the event, as though our unconscious knew that something important had to be learned and, painful as it was, it was the only way it could be brought into experience. David R. Hawkins
c88860d El miedo es tan pandemico en nuestra sociedad que gobierna el mundo. David R. Hawkins
5b2a9fe there will be resistance to feelings in general. To let feelings come up, it is easier to let go of the reaction to having the feelings in the first place. A fear of fear itself is a prime example of this. Let go of the fear or guilt that you have about the feeling first, and then get into the feeling itself. When letting go, ignore all thoughts. Focus on the feeling itself, not on the thoughts. Thoughts are endless and self-reinforcing, an.. David R. Hawkins
9d34985 Behind all of the "I can'ts" are merely "I won'ts." The "I won'ts" mean "I am afraid to" or "I am ashamed to" or "I have too much pride to try, for fear I might fail." Behind that is anger at ourselves and circumstances engendered by pride." David R. Hawkins
5704c5e Guilt is really self- condemnation and self-invalidation of our worth and value as a human being. David R. Hawkins
e40de36 Our values are preferences. We hold them because we love them, enjoy them, and get pleasure from them. If we hold them in that context, we will be left in peace to enjoy them. The reason that pride arouses attack is because of the inference of being "better than," which is part and parcel of pride." David R. Hawkins
cd5ae56 For example, when a person is in a lower state of mind, an old gentleman carelessly dressed standing on a corner would be perceived as a "bum." With that characterization goes other negative thoughts such as: "He might be dangerous--let's avoid him"; "He's costing us taxpayers--he's probably on welfare"; "The police ought to clear the streets of such derelicts"; "He should be in jail or in a mental hospital." By contrast, the person who is .. David R. Hawkins
4ce7bc1 We can tell if we are really surrendered when we feel okay either way; it's okay with us if it happens, and it's okay with us if it doesn't. Therefore, to be surrendered does not mean to be passive. It is being active in a positive way. David R. Hawkins
6722667 When we stop wanting to be liked, we find that we are. When we stop catering to others and trying to manipulate their approval, we find that they do respect us. Self-denigration David R. Hawkins
8c88fb6 One of the biggest blocks to overcome in getting out of depression and apathy is that of blame. Blame is a whole subject in itself. Looking into it is rewarding. To begin with, there are a lot of payoffs to blame. We get to be innocent; we get to enjoy self-pity; we get to be the martyr and the victim; and we get to be the recipients of sympathy. David R. Hawkins
12feea1 the secret satisfaction and enjoyment we get out of self-pity, resentment, anger, and self-excuses, and to begin to surrender all of these little payoffs. The purpose of this step is to move up from being a victim of our feelings to choosing to have them. If we merely acknowledge and observe them, David R. Hawkins
b7a80ef To assist spiritual progress, choose verifiable teachers and teachings and avoid those that have something to gain by one's adherence to or alignment with them. Avoid groups or teachers that are needy, acquisitive, or controlling. The Self is completely fulfilling and has no needs and nothing to gain. The Teacher is a Servant of Truth and not its originator. All David R. Hawkins
2137fbd We don't understand the problem; that's why we can't find the answer. Maybe it's ultra simple, and that's why we can't see it. Maybe the solution is not "out there," and that's why we can't find it. Maybe we have so many belief systems that we are blinded to the obvious." David R. Hawkins
1ac3f13 We have to be honest and realize that we are blaming because we choose to blame. This is true, no matter how justified the circumstances may appear to be. It is not a matter of right or wrong; it is merely a matter of taking responsibility for our own consciousness. It is a totally different situation to see that we choose to blame rather than to think that we have to blame. In this circumstance, the mind often thinks, "Well, if the other p.. David R. Hawkins
a1fc375 The readiness to react with fear, for instance, depends on how much fear is already present within to be triggered by a stimulus. The more fear we have on the inside, the more our perception of the world is changed to a fearful, guarded expectancy. David R. Hawkins
39b383e Let's look again at the example of someone's birthday that is approaching quickly. Because of things that have happened in the past, we have resentments and feel unwilling to do anything for the birthday. Somehow, it just seems impossible to get out and shop for a birthday present. We resent having to spend the money. The mind conjures up all kinds of justifications: "I don't have time to shop"; "I can't forget how mean she was"; "She shoul.. David R. Hawkins
aed4959 Reason is the mirror of the mind's vanity; ultimately, there are few things more boring to observe than self-admiration. Rationality, the great liberator that has freed us from the demands of our lower natures, is also a stern warden, denying our escape to the planes above and beyond intellect. David R. Hawkins
b2c164d Another common issue is over-parenting. Sometimes a parent confuses loving a grown child with bailing them out of every difficulty. At a certain age, sometimes love means "tough love," that is, letting the child find his own way out of the mess he made so that he has the opportunity to discover his own inner resources." David R. Hawkins
db91c40 entregamos un sentimiento y nos damos cuenta de que retorna o continua. Esto se debe a que todavia hay mas de el para entregar. Hemos llenado nuestras vidas con todos esos sentimientos y puede haber una gran cantidad David R. Hawkins
3425934 Guilt is the consequence of the memory of regretted past actions as they are recalled. These can be transcended only by recontextualization. Mistakes are the natural, impersonal consequence of learning and development and therefore unavoidable. David R. Hawkins
a78a04c The past cannot be rewritten, but it can be recontextualized so as to be a source of constructive learning. Regret over past events or decisions can be ameliorated by realizing that they 'seemed like a good idea at the time'. David R. Hawkins
be5883d Be kind and forgiving to everything and everyone, including yourself, at all times without exception. David R. Hawkins
cd5f209 Operationally, there is just one single recurrent 'sin', which is that of error, ignorance, misperception, mistake, or miscalculation. It is a consequence of a limitation of human consciousness. Self-forgiveness is facilitated by humility and acceptance of this limitation. David R. Hawkins
c03ad55 Wallowing in guilt is feeding the ego and is an indulgence. Therefore, there has to be the willingness to surrender it. David R. Hawkins
c21490a From an analysis of its origins and dynamics, it can be summarized that guilt is but another form of egotism in which error is inflated instead of being relinquished to a higher power. God is not a sadist, so self-degradation or self-punishment serves David R. Hawkins
7969d57 el corazon sabe. La mente piensa y discute, pero el corazon sabe y continua. David R. Hawkins
493226a in language that is "realized" and inspirational to all walks of life -- religious and non-religious, all races, all ages, all nationalities, all personal backgrounds. The" David R. Hawkins
9657730 To that end, people are interested in the survival of the body because they believe that they are the body and, therefore, they need the body to experience their existence. Because people view themselves as separate and limited, they are stressed by their sense of lack. It is common for humans to look outside of themselves for the satisfaction of their needs. This leads them to experience themselves as vulnerable because they are insufficie.. David R. Hawkins
4e5b02e Although the world may be stingy and hostile to other people, there is no reason why we should buy into this paradigm. When we buy into it, we make it that way in our own life. David R. Hawkins
e60377b Determine if what we want to do is what we enjoy doing. We watch people forcing themselves to go to work in the morning because they have convinced themselves to go into some kind of business, but their heart is not in it. The way to be a success is to do what we like to do, to enjoy what we do, and, therefore, do it to the best of our abilities. David R. Hawkins
4f62935 First, it was far more energy-saving to foster relationships with positive people. Secondly, one of the laws of consciousness is that "like goes to like"; bitterness" David R. Hawkins
b61de6d El doctor ama a sus pacientes y reza por ellos sin que lo sepan. David R. Hawkins
b606db0 One might say that depression is nature's way, God's way, and our own psychology's way of saying to us that the way we look at our life is not okay. David R. Hawkins
213a275 The purpose of sharing this approach is merely to put you in touch with your own inner feelings and experiences. In addition, there is much helpful information that your mind will want to know. The process of surrender will begin automatically, for it is the nature of the mind to seek relief from pain and suffering and to experience greater happiness. David R. Hawkins
a691ad5 What is it? Letting go is like the sudden cessation of an inner pressure or the dropping of a weight. It is accompanied by a sudden feeling of relief and lightness, with an increased happiness and freedom. It is an actual mechanism of the mind, and everyone has experienced it on occasion. David R. Hawkins
8891c5f This observation is in accord with scientific research. The Gray-LaViolette scientific theory integrates psychology and neurophysiology. Their research demonstrated that feeling tones organize thoughts and memory (Gray-LaViolette, 1981). Thoughts are filed in the memory bank according to the various shades of feelings associated with those thoughts. Therefore, when we relinquish or let go of a feeling, we are freeing ourselves from all of t.. David R. Hawkins
d51ef64 It is the accumulated pressure of feelings that causes thoughts. One feeling, for instance, can create literally thousands of thoughts over a period of time. Think, for instance, of one painful memory from early life, one terrible regret that has been hidden. Look at all the years and years of thoughts associated with that single event. If we could surrender the underlying painful feeling, all of those thoughts would disappear instantly and.. David R. Hawkins
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