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0b3b483 A dog, for example, brings love and expands love in the heart of the owner. Love prolongs life. In fact, research documents that having a dog extends the owner's life by ten years! Just think of all the bizarre exercises, diets, and other regimens that people go through to add relatively small amounts of time on to their life, when they can simply get a dog and add ten years! Love has a powerful anabolic effect. Love increases endorphins, w.. David R. Hawkins
2656e78 Has it made" is an inner attitude. Once we have that attitude, success is automatic. It's not a "so what?" It's an "of course." -- David R. Hawkins
20b3ca2 Satisfaction and a feeling of success can be complete and total without anything at all happening "out there." That's what I mean by transcending the world, by no longer being dependent on the effect of it and the victim of "out there." Successful people have so many areas of satisfaction in their lives that they don't have any areas of vulnerability." David R. Hawkins
03e6b9f When we've owned power, it's not what we have and it's not what we do that counts. It's who we are. It's what we become. Power is greatness. Greatness is stature. Stature is presence. David R. Hawkins
5e02553 El orgullo despierta el ataque porque de el se infiere que somos <>. David R. Hawkins
89ea482 Frequently it is said that depression is anger turned inward. David R. Hawkins
85c7cf0 Truth stands forth of its own when the obstacles are removed. The call is from within rather than a response to exhortation from without. The David R. Hawkins
7a8b975 Commitment is to the core of Truth itself, and it is free of seduction by proselytization or secrecies. All that is necessary is a curiosity and attraction to Truth--which is complete, total, and self-sufficient. David R. Hawkins
84deb62 Does that mean we shouldn't make money? Of course it doesn't. There's nothing more fun than making money. It's a sport. It's a game. It brings lots of rewards, legitimate ones too. Why shouldn't we make all the money we want to make? But the differences are: want to make money, not have to; choose to do it, not need to. David R. Hawkins
a8835c9 Power is something we only have if we give it away. We can't give away what we don't have. True power grows: The more we give it away, the more we have it. It is self-reinforcing and self-augmenting. It's like creativity. David R. Hawkins
259c951 Owning power and creativity means unlimited abundance. That doesn't mean to be indifferent. That simply means to live from a place that is unthreatened. David R. Hawkins
5d9bc4e Descartes's res extensa) and the world as it is perceived or experienced (Descartes's res cogitans). This David R. Hawkins
2c72947 To win brings its pleasure. The true victory brings laughter and satisfaction that can't be matched. David R. Hawkins
dcaacef We don't have to demonstrate anything "out there" when we already have it "in here." The karate master never gets into fights. If he did he wouldn't be a master, would he?" David R. Hawkins
31a4d88 True strength is always accompanied by kindness, gentleness, and softness of expression. That position is one of choice and not one of compulsion. David R. Hawkins
6391308 When we are truly successful, the world applauds us. It applauds because we demonstrate something that is universal and that they share within themselves. David R. Hawkins
5b7629d There's always room for quality in this world in every area of life. We all need another good accountant, lawyer, doctor, dentist, mechanic, and TV repairman. The world makes room for the best. David R. Hawkins
ea70c61 The expression of negative feelings allows just enough of the inner pressure to be let out so that the remainder can then be suppressed. David R. Hawkins
6a131a3 There are no other goals than to overcome fear and achieve happiness. David R. Hawkins
0d08054 Once we own our own humanness, it is simple to forgive other people theirs. The more we do this, the more effortless it becomes, because we have not created so many obstacles to overcome. David R. Hawkins
0bcfe6a tener lo que queremos directamente, sin desviarnos por alguna promesa fraudulenta que nos conduzca a la frustracion y la decepcion. David R. Hawkins
927e211 In reality, truth has no opposite, just as cold is not the opposite of heat, nor is light the opposite of darkness. (Darkness represents the absence of light, just as cold indicates the absence of heat.) David R. Hawkins
9465801 Gracias a que esta energia de paz se transmite hacia afuera, hacia el mundo, la humanidad sigue viva. Sin ella, se habria destruido hace mucho tiempo. Por eso, nuestra evolucion interna sirve a toda la humanidad. Al alcanzar estos estados elevados de amor y paz, nos convertimos en presencias salvadoras en el mundo. David R. Hawkins
7466741 Question: In therapy, I learned how to express anger, and I think it is a very useful thing. Do I have to give it up? Answer: If you look at anger, you will see that its basis is almost always fear. We get angry because we have been threatened. The threat arouses fear. The fear means we feel that we are unequal to the situation. Anger biologically is like swelling up to intimidate our opponent. Anger is coming from weakness rather than stre.. David R. Hawkins
8790b69 Q: What prayers are useful? A: Ask to be the servant of the Lord, a vehicle of Divine love, a channel of God's will. Ask for direction and Divine assistance, and surrender all personal will through devotion. Dedicate one's life to the service of God. Choose love and peace above all other options. Commit to the goal of unconditional love and compassion for all life, in all its expressions, and surrender all judgment to God. July David R. Hawkins
b8800b5 The mercy of God is infinite and unconditional. David R. Hawkins
bf787cb la verdad de nuestro propio ser real puede descubrirse en el sendero de la vida cotidiana. Lo comun y Dios no son cosas distintas>>. David R. Hawkins
6abb9e9 uno no es mas espiritual tomando ciertos alimentos o evitando otros. Uno se convierte en un ser que expresa espiritualidad cuando vive en este mundo, lo acepta y no lo juzga>>. David R. Hawkins
3425b0a The God of the Presence imbues the joy of completion. Love is not a "quality" of God but is God's very essence." David R. Hawkins
781a046 El coraje implica estar dispuesto a probar cosas nuevas, a lidiar con los cambios y los desafios de la vida. En David R. Hawkins
4c752c0 la igualdad no excluye la diversidad. La aceptacion incluye en lugar de rechazar. David R. Hawkins
ac3e941 Enlightenment is not a condition to be obtained; it is merely a certainty to be surrendered to, for the Self is already one's Reality. It David R. Hawkins
1850873 Living things all react to what is life-supportive and what is not; this is the fundamental mechanism of survival. Inherent in all life forms is the capacity to detect change and react correctively--thus, trees become smaller at higher elevations as the oxygen in the atmosphere becomes scarcer. Human protoplasm is far more sensitive than that of a tree. David R. Hawkins
1a170aa critical point analysis.11 (Critical point analysis is a technique derived from the fact that in any highly complex system there is a specific, critical point at which the smallest input will result in the greatest change. For instance, the great gears of a windmill can be halted by lightly touching the right escape mechanism, and it is possible to paralyze a giant locomotive if you know exactly where to put your finger.) David R. Hawkins
0749c4e Pequenos errores en la formulacion de las preguntas llevan a grandes fallos en las respuestas. David R. Hawkins
749ef8e La informacion es inutil hasta que sabemos que significa. Para David R. Hawkins
be5a8d5 las verdaderas respuestas siempre se caracterizan por la simplicidad. La David R. Hawkins
420d5af La ley basica del universo es la ley de economia. El universo no desperdicia ni un solo quark; todo sirve a un proposito y encaja en un equilibrio; no David R. Hawkins
1b03e8d ningun sistema nos ha permitido distinguir entre las soluciones poderosas y efectivas y las debiles e ineficaces. Nuestros David R. Hawkins
ef33dee Forgiveness is an aspect of love that allows us to see life events from the viewpoint of grace. David R. Hawkins
e81175c Love facilitates healing. It transforms life. We see this in the true story about a duck hunter who was suddenly changed by witnessing an act of love. One day, he was out duck hunting, which he often did for recreation. As per his usual experience, he saw a duck flying, shot it, and watched it fall to the ground, badly injured. To his sudden amazement, he watched as the female mate of the injured duck immediately flew down on top of her com.. David R. Hawkins
80cba94 Course in Miracles is based on that precise process of David R. Hawkins
ed6661f Carl Jung dijo que la personalidad saludable se mantiene equilibrada entre el trabajo, el ocio, el amor y un aspecto de la personalidad llamado espiritualidad, que tambien podriamos definir como la busqueda del valor y del sentido. David R. Hawkins
7bb6e39 Los pensamientos y sentimientos negativos debilitan el cuerpo al instante y crean un desequilibrio en el flujo de energia corporal. David R. Hawkins
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