Toma varios problemas que te hayan acompanado desde hace tiempo y deja de buscar respuestas.
David R. Hawkins |
Cuanto mas amamos, mas podemos amar. El amor es ilimitado. El amor engendra amor.
David R. Hawkins |
El amor prolonga la vida.
David R. Hawkins |
A veces, es mejor no decirle a las personas que las amas, porque se asustan y piensan que tienes proyectos para ellas, o que quieres algo de ellas. Algunas personas temen el amor y sospechan de el. Por lo tanto, amalas sin decirselo.
David R. Hawkins |
Truth is strength as an expression of integrity.
David R. Hawkins |
The return from the duality of the ego to the nonduality of the spirit is so difficult and unlikely that only by Divine Grace is it even possible. Thus,
David R. Hawkins |
David R. Hawkins |
The exact opposite feelings are those of forgiveness and generosity. We just start looking for the feeling of forgiveness within ourselves and stop resisting it. As we keep letting go of our resistance to being a forgiving person, it is often surprising that it will come up with a surge. We will begin to recognize that part of our nature has always been willing and wanting to forgive, but we didn't dare chance it. We thought we might appear..
David R. Hawkins |
pseudoreality such
David R. Hawkins |
A medida que empezamos a soltar todos estos miedos, a cancelar los sistemas de creencias y a reafirmar que nuestro verdadero Ser es infinito y no esta sujeto a limitaciones, nos acercamos a un estado de mayor salud, bienestar y energia vital.
David R. Hawkins |
to remind ourselves of our intention, which is to get higher and
David R. Hawkins |
El amor incondicional no espera nada de los demas. Cuando somos amorosos, no tenemos limitaciones ni exigimos nada de los demas para amarlos. Los amamos como son, aunque sean irritantes.
David R. Hawkins |
Todos nos hemos arrepentido alguna vez de no haber prestado atencion a las senales de advertencia de los problemas futuros.
David R. Hawkins |
Once the sacredness of life is revealed, there follows the knowingness of what is meant by the phrase Gloria in Excelsis Deo!
David R. Hawkins |
La transformacion se produce cuando la persona recupera que ella misma es la fuente de su propia felicidad y que el poder esta dentro de ella.
David R. Hawkins |
La transformacion viene de recuperar nuestro propio poder. La persona de este nivel sabe que, este donde este, creara una circunstancia que le hara feliz.
David R. Hawkins |
El orgullo conlleva el deseo de ser reconocido por los demas.
David R. Hawkins |
Intentar cambiar el mundo no apacigua la energia del miedo porque esta procede del interior de nuestro propio campo energetico.
David R. Hawkins |
chaos theory,
David R. Hawkins |
Apathy and depression are the prices we pay for having settled for and bought into our smallness. It's what we get for having played the victim and allowed ourselves to be programmed. It's the price we pay for having bought into negativity. It's what results from resisting the part of ourselves that is loving, courageous, and great.
David R. Hawkins |
Fear of life is really the fear of emotions. It is not the facts that we fear but our feelings about them.
David R. Hawkins |
If, as has been said, man learned to lie an hour after he learned to talk, then a phenomenon such as the one we're discussing would be the genesis of the most fundamental change in human knowledge since the beginning of society; the transformations it would wreak--in fields from communications to ethics, in our most basic concepts, in every detail of daily existence--would be so profound that it is difficult to even conceive what life would..
David R. Hawkins |
Function (Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 2nd ed., 1971). It takes two people to perform a kinesiological test. Choose a friend or a family member for testing. We'll call him or her your subject. Have the subject stand erect, right arm relaxed at his side, left arm held out parallel to the floor, elbow straight. (You may use the other arm if you wish.) Face your subject and place your left hand on his right shoulder to steady him. Then place..
David R. Hawkins |
Life Events and Emotions The rationalizing mind prefers to keep the true causes of emotion out of awareness and utilizes the mechanism of projection to do this. It blames events or other people for "causing" a feeling and views itself"
David R. Hawkins |
One of the laws of consciousness is: We are only subject to a negative thought or belief if we consciously say that it applies to us. We are free to choose not to buy into a negative belief system. How does this work in everyday life? Let's take a common example. The newspapers report unemployment is at a record high. The television news commentator states: "No jobs are available." At this point, we are free to refuse to buy into the negati..
David R. Hawkins |
David R. Hawkins |
Which is more important: to feel guilty or to change for the better? If somebody owes us money, would we rather they feel guilty about it or pay us the money? If we intend to feel guilty, we should at least consciously choose it instead of being unwittingly run by it.
David R. Hawkins |
instead of the motivation of selfishness and desire, we can much more effortlessly bring into our life that which we want by envisioning what we wish to have happen. We do this by declaration of our intention, by acceptance, by decision, and by the act of consciously choosing.
David R. Hawkins |
There are many models of the mind. One of the most recent has been that of the computer. We can look at the mind's concepts, thoughts, and belief systems as programs. Because they are programs, they can be questioned, cancelled, and reversed; positive programs can replace negative ones if we so choose. The smaller aspect of ourselves is very willing to accept negative programming.
David R. Hawkins |
La mejor manera de resolver los problemas es trascenderlos y verlos desde un punto de vista mas elevado"."
David R. Hawkins |
We are free to hang on to negativity as long as we want. There is no law that says we have to give it up. We are free agents. But it makes a big difference in our self-concept to realize that "I won't do something" is quite a different feeling than to think that "I'm a victim and I can't." For instance, we can choose to hate somebody if we want. We can choose to blame them. We can choose to blame circumstances. But being more conscious and ..
David R. Hawkins |
If it weren't for the negative programming that made us believe otherwise, why should we go through any cost of pain and suffering to achieve anything in our life? Isn't that a rather sadistic view of the world and the universe?
David R. Hawkins |
Both frigidity and impotency are statements on the behavioral level of "I can't," which in the unconscious means "I won't." They are both resistances to joy, love, expression, and aliveness. The most common causes are repressed guilt, fear, and anger, emotions that spill out through the autonomic nervous system. Impotence and frigidity are expressions of conflict. Most people who use the letting go technique report overall improvements in t..
David R. Hawkins |
might ask,
David R. Hawkins |
you look at anger, you will see that its basis is almost always fear. We get angry because we have been threatened. The threat arouses fear. The fear means we feel that we are unequal to the situation. Anger biologically is like swelling up to intimidate our opponent. Anger is coming from weakness rather than strength. The person who has surrendered is, therefore, relying on strength rather than weakness. The
David R. Hawkins |
In looking at fears, then, it is well to remember that Carl Jung saw this reservoir of the forbidden inside the shadow as a part of the collective unconscious. The term collective unconscious means that everybody has these thoughts and fantasies. There is nothing unique about any of us when it comes to the way we symbolize our emotions. Everybody secretly harbors the fear that they are dumb, ugly, unlovable, and a failure. The unconscious m..
David R. Hawkins |
David R. Hawkins |
These principles are in accord with the basic teaching of the Buddha to avoid attachment to worldly phenomena, as well as the basic teaching of Jesus Christ to "be in the world but not of it."
David R. Hawkins |
Often we have let go but think that we haven't. It will be our friends who make us aware of the change. One reason for this phenomenon is that, when something is fully surrendered, it disappears from consciousness. Now, because we never think of it, we don't realize that it has gone. This is a common phenomenon among people who are growing in consciousness.
David R. Hawkins |
To keep track of progress, many people keep a chart of their gains. This helps to overcome the resistance that usually takes the form, "This isn't working." It is common for people who have made enormous gains to claim, "It just isn't working." We have to remind ourselves sometimes what we were like before we started this process."
David R. Hawkins |
Out of the recognition of who we really are comes the desire to seek that which is uplifting. Out of it arises a new meaning and context for life. When that inner emptiness, due to lack of self-worth, is replaced by true self-love, self-respect and esteem, we no longer have to seek it in the world,
David R. Hawkins |
Rather, the reason to let go of selfishness is simply because it is impractical. It doesn't work. It's too costly. It consumes too much energy. It delays the accomplishment of our goals and the realization of our wants. Because of its very nature, the small self is the creator of guilt and its self-perpetuator; that is, out of guilt we strive to accomplish and achieve success. Then, when we achieve success, we feel guilty because we have it..
David R. Hawkins |
The more we love, the more we can love. Love is limitless. Love begats love.
David R. Hawkins |
A key to making Love unconditional is the willingness to forgive. With forgiveness, events and people are re-contextualized as simply "limited"--not "bad" or "unlovable." With humility, we are willing to relinquish our perception of a past event."
David R. Hawkins |