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ebd763a The level of courage has a lot of energy. That energy takes the form of letting go of residual fear, anger, and desire, so that in the middle of the speaking class, we suddenly experience acceptance. With acceptance there is the freedom from resistance, which had taken the form previously of fear, apathy, and anger. David R. Hawkins
b33eb2f Some days it rains; some days it's sunny; some days it's cloudy. You can't change the rain, but you can put on your raincoat. You can be realistic and take the necessary steps to remain dry. There are many aspects of life you can't change, but you can let go of your expectation or need that they be different from what they are. With David R. Hawkins
65e0fca Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms--to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way" (Frankl, [1959] 2006)." David R. Hawkins
22eec90 Let's compare the arduous lower consciousness way of achieving goals with a higher state of consciousness in which we have acknowledged and let go of the desire, and are in a freer state. In a freer state, that which is chosen manifests in our life effortlessly. We surrender the emotion of desire and, instead, merely choose the goal, picture it lovingly, and allow it to happen because we see that it is already ours. David R. Hawkins
ef545b2 events are due to decisions, and choices are based on our intentions. What we get is the result of these choices, even though they are unconscious, rather than what we think we want. When we surrender the pressure of wantingness, we are clear to make wiser choices and decisions. We think that our happiness depends on controlling events, and that facts are what upset us. Actually, it is our feelings and thoughts about these facts that are th.. David R. Hawkins
6e1cf8d It must be remembered that we are free to acknowledge and surrender our feelings, and we are free not to surrender. As we examine our "I can'ts" and find out that they are really "I won'ts," it doesn't mean that we have to let go of the negative feelings that result in the "I won'ts." We are perfectly free to refuse to let go. We are free to hang on to negativity as long as we want. There is no law that says we have to give it up. We are fr.. David R. Hawkins
7033cb2 A useful decision or choice is to decide to stop mentally talking about everything and refrain from interjecting comments, opinions, preferences, and value statements. It is therefore a discipline to just watch without evaluating, investing worth in, editorializing, commenting, or having preferences about what is witnessed. David R. Hawkins
ceb9b57 Ninety-nine percent of the mind is already silent and without linear content. Only one percent is active (as proven by consciousnesscalibration research), but that one percent is the focus of attention. Note by close observation that each thought arises from a silent, clear field of energy that is the source of thinkingness, ideas, and images. It does not arise, as the mind presumes, as a result of linear causation. On the contrary: each th.. David R. Hawkins
8c4401f The mutual dependence and interpenetration of all things is observable as one leaves duality. Oneness is central to all of the major religions and spiritual systems as the ultimate reality underlying and within all forms. David R. Hawkins
01b8898 The skillful are not obvious They appear to be simple-minded Those who know this know the patterns of the Absolute To know the patterns is the Subtle Power The Subtle Power moves all things and has no name David R. Hawkins
a778c0f Success is neither something that we have nor something that we do. It is the automatic consequence of what we are. David R. Hawkins
1365bfd The realization of Absolute Reality and Truth is the greatest gift that one can be to the world and all humanity. Spiritual work, in its essence, is therefore a selfless service and surrender to the Will of God. As one's awareness increases, the power of that field of consciousness increases exponentially--and that, in and of itself, accomplishes more than all effort or attempts at relieving the suffering of the world. David R. Hawkins
a90fc1f Exceptional subjective experiences of truth, which are the province of the mystic who affects all mankind by sending forth spiritual energy into the collective consciousness, are not understandable by the majority of mankind and are therefore of limited meaning except to other spiritual seekers. This led to an effort to be ordinary, because just being ordinary in itself is an expression of Divinity; the truth of one's real self can be disco.. David R. Hawkins
af138fd It was clear that all pain and suffering arises solely from the ego and not from God. This truth was silently communicated to the minds of the patients. This was the mental block in another mute catatonic who had not spoken in many years. The Self said to him through mind, "You're blaming God for what your ego has done to you." He jumped off the floor and began to speak, much to the shock of the nurse who witnessed the incident." David R. Hawkins
623b83a Because the experience of time stops, there is no apprehension or regret, no pain or anticipation; the source of joy is unending and ever present. With no beginning or ending, there is no loss or grief or desire. Nothing needs to be done; everything is already perfect and complete David R. Hawkins
c5c49a7 when we support life, life supports us in return. David R. Hawkins
e402eb1 As evolution progressed, the capacity of learning, called 'intelligence', arose as a consequence of trial and error, which is a process that is operationally required for survival. The process of trial and error then accumulates as data and memory. This accrues as the long and experiential time continuum that sorts events into 'then' and 'now'. The present self 'is', and the former self 'was', and, in truth, that which 'was' is not identica.. David R. Hawkins
db2b249 The source of joy of spiritual endeavor stems from the work itself and is not dependent on outcomes or the achievement of goals. David R. Hawkins
ac409f0 It completely includes everything in its total Oneness so that all things are interconnected and in communication and harmony by means of awareness and by sharing the basic quality of the essence of existence itself. David R. Hawkins
5b83a85 A hypertrophied superego can be the source of excessive guilt or scrupulosity, or it can be projected onto others, which justifies vindictiveness in extreme forms as revenge against the 'evil' enemy. David R. Hawkins
072ffd0 The state of Enlightenment is totally complete in its bliss, such that one would never leave it except to share the gift that was given out of a total surrender of love to God and to one's fellow human beings. That Dr. Hawkins would re-enter the world of logic and language in order to share a "map" with us so that we might also complete our destiny speaks volumes of his selfless love for humanity." David R. Hawkins
6805987 It is helpful to have the willingness to accept whatever is being expressed on the physical level, to look within our own consciousness to see what is being brought to our attention, and to see that whatever is occurring in our life is happening in order to come up to be healed. David R. Hawkins
bb47246 For example, to disassemble anger may require the willingness to surrender the pride that underlies that anger, which in turn depends on surrendering a desire. This means surrendering the fear that energized the desire, which again is related to the undoing of imaginary loss, and so forth. David R. Hawkins
36ad4b2 Can we make a successful comeback if we've really blown it? Of course we can. There are a lot of successful businesspeople who have earned and lost multiple fortunes in their lifetimes. We all have different learning styles. Some people only find out where the manholes are by falling into them. That's their style of learning things, and there's nothing wrong with it. At least when they get it that way, they get it permanently. David R. Hawkins
db51af1 mind" is the processing unit with which the ego is identified." David R. Hawkins
784af52 From an analysis of its origins and dynamics, it can be summarized that guilt is but another form of egotism in which error is inflated instead of being relinquished to a higher power. God is not a sadist, so self-degradation or self-punishment serves neither God nor one's fellowman. David R. Hawkins
a5d0f1d just watch without evaluating, investing worth in, or editorializing, commenting, and having preferences about what is witnessed. David R. Hawkins
35ad1d0 Letting go involves being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it, and letting it run its course without wanting to make it different or do anything about it. David R. Hawkins
b2a48c8 Generosity is the willingness to share your life with others. It's a gift to people to allow them to love you. David R. Hawkins
297176d All of life is revealed to be a pulsating symphony of interplaying energies: "The mutual dependence and interpenetration of all things is observable as one leaves duality. Oneness is central to all of" David R. Hawkins
25bfdf0 love is more powerful than hatred; truth sets us free; forgiveness liberates both sides; unconditional love heals; courage empowers; and the essence of Divinity/Reality is peace. David R. Hawkins
7eeb437 It is important to differentiate nonattachment from detachment. Detachment indicates withdrawal as well as negation, leading to indifference, which in itself is a defense against the fear of attachment. Progressive detachment leads to ennui, flatness, and a decrease in aliveness and the joy of existence. If followed consistently, detachment as the pathway of negation leads eventually to the Void, which is often misunderstood to represent En.. David R. Hawkins
7399c22 Feelings come and go, and eventually you realize that you are not your feelings, but that the real "you" is merely witnessing them. You stop identifying with them. The "you" that is observing and is aware of what is happening always stays the same. As you become more and more aware of the changeless witness within, you begin to identify with that level of consciousness. You become progressively primarily the witness rather than the experien.. David R. Hawkins
4feef57 one can let go of the egoistic illusion that spiritual progress is difficult and that one has to do it all alone. On the contrary, illusions of lack disappear and powerful energies now help to sustain one's progress, which is now accompanied by the pleasure of increased self-esteem, and the world magically begins to appear to be a friendly and helpful place. David R. Hawkins
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