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78b66a0 Love as depicted in the mass media is not what this level implies. On the contrary, what the world generally refers to as love is an intense emotionality combining physical attraction, possessiveness, control, addiction, eroticism, and novelty. It is usually evanescent and fluctuating, waxing and waning with varying conditions. When frustrated, this emotion often reveals an underlying anger and dependency that it had masked. That love can t.. David R. Hawkins
ff070b9 Before reading on, it is advisable to sit quietly and make an inner decision to let go resisting higher levels of functioning. This means to make a decision to stop denying the higher levels to yourself, and to make a decision to let go of all blocks to happiness, success, health, acceptance, love, and peace. By doing this, the deed is already done, for you have set the whole experience into a context that will automatically begin to unfold.. David R. Hawkins
147d40d One's fate, obviously, will either be for the better or for the worse, depending on the choices made by the spiritual will. David R. Hawkins
be114b2 On the level of acceptance, love is experienced as a stable state, a permanent condition of a relationship. The source of love is seen to be within ourselves, emanating from our own nature and reaching out to include others. In the state of desire, by contrast, we speak of being "in love," as the source of happiness and love is thought to be outside of ourselves." David R. Hawkins
45b4e01 The greater our attachment to that which is outside of ourselves, the greater is our overall level of fear and vulnerability to loss. We can ask ourselves why we feel so incomplete. "Why am I so empty within myself that I have to search for solutions in the form of attachment and dependency on others?" David R. Hawkins
56adc2f Fear of the future no longer exists when the past has been healed. David R. Hawkins
b85430c You just accept that all relationships have their ups and downs. You have to have a sense of humor about the human condition itself and its seeming contradictions and paradoxes. You want the other person to be happy and comfortable, and you know that you are happy and comfortable when they are happy and comfortable. There is a mutual alignment with a peaceful lifestyle. Let go of judging, blaming, and controlling the other. Let go of expect.. David R. Hawkins
d9bba0e All of us have available at all times a computer far more advanced than the most elaborate artificial intelligence machine--the human mind itself. David R. Hawkins
22cce3f In acceptance, we are free to be in the present. Once we have accepted our own true nature and the ways of the universe as they are reflected in our world, there is no longer regret about the past, nor is there fear of the future. Fear of the future no longer exists when the past has been healed. This is because in the usual ego-oriented state of consciousness, the ego tends to project the past upon the future, and a past that is viewed neg.. David R. Hawkins
20d7299 A menudo, solo estamos dispuestos a cambiar cuando tocamos fondo, cuando llegamos al final de un curso de accion y contemplamos la derrota de un sistema de creencias futil. La luz no puede entrar en una caja cerrada; el lado positivo de una catastrofe puede ser que nos abramos a un nivel superior de conciencia. Si vemos la vida como un maestro, se convierte exactamente en eso. Pero, a menos que seamos humildes y transformemos las lecciones .. David R. Hawkins
dd5830b No amount of riches can compensate for an inner feeling of poverty. David R. Hawkins
114c93e When we shift out of a lower to a higher energy pattern, we create a protective shield on the energetic level, as it were, and we can no longer be psychically vulnerable to that other person. David R. Hawkins
59c7946 The love of God is absolute and unconditional. The sky does not "be" for some people and "not be" for others, nor does the sun shine on only a select few who have been arbitrarily chosen. God is complete and total." David R. Hawkins
25f87c8 When we truly love something and, thereby, become one with it, it is because we see its intrinsic perfection. In fact, its "faults" are part and parcel of its perfection, for all that we see in the universe is in the process of becoming. In that process, its perfect evolution is part of that perfection. Thus the half-unfolded flower is not an imperfect flower that needs defense. On the contrary, its blossoming is proceeding with precise per.. David R. Hawkins
18ec8f7 And, so, there's the ebb and flow. If you are at this one point of the cycle, there's no use in crying about it because the cycle will cycle itself out. By surrendering to whatever is cycling up, it eventually disappears. You disappear it by choosing to be one with it and refusing to want to change it as it arises. Do this continuously, no matter what, nonstop. David R. Hawkins
f3c0a6c feelings are programs; that is, they are learned responses that often have a purpose. David R. Hawkins
7b3d4c0 healing is the result of not just clinical processes but also of overall biological potentialities that often do not materialize without the unseen power of spiritual alignment. Chemistry is within the predictable Newtonian discipline of scientific (linear content) expectation, but health recovery is greatly facilitated by the unseen power of the spiritual dimensions of intentionality of consciousness itself (nonlinear context). The clinica.. David R. Hawkins
3d72466 The real source of "stress" is actually internal; it is not external, as people would like to believe." David R. Hawkins
52589e7 Why do you see the splinter which is in your brother's eye, and do not feel the beam which is in your own eye (Matthew 7:3)?" All the Great Masters point us within." David R. Hawkins
61f9444 God is immutable and cannot be manipulated into granting favors, or seduced by bargaining or adulation. Worship benefits the worshipper by reinforcing commitment and inspiration. God is still, silent, and unmoving. David R. Hawkins
b451d7b From previous studies, it was learned that everyone is born under optimal conditions for karmic opportunities; therefore, it is wise to judge not, for what appears as misery or catastrophe may be the doorway to liberation for those who have negative karma to undo. Thus, seemingly catastrophic events may be the very essential and necessary elements for the evolution of the soul. David R. Hawkins
1a9e2ec Every life experience, no matter how "tragic," contains a hidden lesson. When we discover and acknowledge the hidden gift that is there, a healing takes place." David R. Hawkins
571f198 Without love and affection, they lost the will to live. David R. Hawkins
0b17d54 The well-disciplined mind should only speak when requested to perform a task. Untrained, the mind becomes an unruly "onstage" performer and a nuisance. The self needs to learn respect for the Self and the silence of the Presence. By observing the mind, it becomes apparent that the self represents the disruptive, unruly child who constantly seeks attention." David R. Hawkins
b09b7e5 Complete surrender to God unveils the Truth. Nothing is hidden; only the ego is blind. Reality lies just beyond the mind. Out of the fear of becoming nothing, consciousness David R. Hawkins
a73506c With absolute humility, the ego dissolves. It is a collection of arbitrary mental processes that gain force only because of vanity and habit. If one lets go of the vanity of thought, it dissolves. All thought is vanity. All opinions are vanities. The pleasure of vanity is therefore the basis of the ego--unplug it and it collapses. David R. Hawkins
81047b3 Greatness is the courage to overcome obstacles. It is the willingness to move to a higher level of love. It is the acceptance of others' humanness and having compassion for their suffering by putting ourselves in their shoes. Out of the forgiveness of others come self-forgiveness and the relief of guilt. The real payoff we get is when we let go of our negativity and choose to be loving; we are the ones who benefit. We are the ones who gain .. David R. Hawkins
02b522a What the addict is seeking is not to be ashamed of. The whole spiritual world wants to reach that blissful state of consciousness. Change your technique, not your aspiration. The state doesn't have to be sought; it is always within us. David R. Hawkins
ed3d3eb If it weren't for the negative programming that made us believe otherwise, why should we go through any cost of pain and suffering to achieve anything in our life? Isn't that a rather sadistic view of the world and the universe? Other blocks to the achievement of our wants and desires, of course, are unconscious guilt and smallness. Peculiarly, the unconscious will allow us to have only what we think we deserve. The more we hang on to our n.. David R. Hawkins
611fbfc healing is the result of not just clinical processes but also of overall biological potentialities that often do not materialize without the unseen power of spiritual alignment. Chemistry is within the predictable Newtonian discipline of scientific (linear content) expectation, but health recovery is greatly facilitated by the unseen power of the spiritual dimensions of intentionality of consciousness itself (nonlinear context). The clinica.. David R. Hawkins
ac1ef43 It is not what we have that matters, but how we hold it, how we frame it in our consciousness, and its meaning to us. David R. Hawkins
88b82df Possessiveness and attachment occur as a consequence of pride. Attachment is, therefore, a potential cause for suffering, because attachment brings about fear of loss and, with loss, we go back into apathy, depression, and grief. David R. Hawkins
856549e Totalitarian systems are notably devoid of humor at every level. Laughter, which brings acceptance and freedom, is a threat to their rule through force and intimidation. It is hard to oppress people who have a good sense of humor. Beware the humorless, whether in a person, institution, or belief system; it is always accompanied by an impulse to control and dominate, even if its proclaimed objective is to create prosperity or peace. humor spirituality totalitarism David R. Hawkins
4622777 Evil is not the opposite of God but simply the denial of God, just as falsity is not the opposite of truth but its refusal. David R. Hawkins
ad7fbbb We change the world not by what we say or do but as a consequence of what we have become. David R. Hawkins
1943441 Man thinks he lives by virtue of the forces he can control, but in fact, he is governed by power from unrevealed sources, power over which he has no control. Because power is effortless, it goes unseen and unsuspected. Force is experienced through the senses; power can be recognized only through inner awareness. David R. Hawkins
eb55f63 The skillful are not obvious They appear to be simple-minded Those who know this know the patterns of the Absolute To know the patterns is the Subtle Power The Subtle Power moves all things and has no name. David R. Hawkins
c11eb28 Truth stands revealed on its own without proclamation or need of aggrandizement. Its Absolute Sovereignty shines forth without need of acclaim or praise. David R. Hawkins
6b874c0 There is nothing more wonderful than arriving back home again at one's Source. The illusion is that one struggles with spiritual growth by one's own effort; in fact, we are pulled into greater awareness by the Will of God expressed as the Holy Spirit, and all that is necessary is to allow it to happen by surrendering completely. For truly, only God is God. David R. Hawkins
48c7bc7 Death is not possible to life any more than a shadow can kill light. Truth is not impaired or negated by falsity, and only its expression can be misunderstood or misrepresented. There is no opposite to life, to God, to Truth, or to the Allness of Reality. David R. Hawkins
5c3d476 The wonderment of God is so all-encompassing and enormous that it surpasses all possible imagination. To be at last truly and finally home is profound in the totality of its completeness. David R. Hawkins
ac3939d If top performer are imbued with the belief that their excellence isn't a personal accomplishment, but a gift belonging to all of mankind as a demonstration of man's potential, they'll go strong and remain so through any event. ... We celebrate the champion because we recognize that he has overcome personal ambition through sacrifice and dedication to higher principles. The great become legendary when they teach by example. It isn't what t.. David R. Hawkins
c9b4e9b The rationalizing mind prefers to keep the true causes of emotion out of awareness and utilizes the mechanism of projection to do this. It blames events or other people for "causing" a feeling and views itself as the helpless innocent victim of external causes. "They made me angry." "He got me upset." "It scared me." "World events are the cause of my anxiety." Actually, it's the exact opposite. The suppressed and repressed feelings seek an .. David R. Hawkins
c1ee393 While your intellect went to prep school, your unconscious remained in the jungle where it is still swinging in the trees! Looking David R. Hawkins
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