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ce3395f Enlightenment is not something that occurs in the future, after 50 years of sitting cross-legged and saying "OM." It is right here, in this instant. The reason you're not experiencing this state of total peace and timelessness is because it is being resisted. It is being resisted because you are trying to control the moment. If you let go of trying to control your experience of the moment, and if you constantly surrender it like a tone of m.. David R. Hawkins
b0e0883 The person who suffers from inner poverty is relentlessly driven to accumulate on the material level. David R. Hawkins
c95dac4 the truly humble cannot be humbled. They are immune to humiliation. They have nothing to defend. There is no vulnerability and, therefore, the truly humble do not experience critical attacks by others. Instead, a truly humble person sees the critical verbalization by another person as merely a statement of the other person's inner problems. David R. Hawkins
16f5fdf Handling an emotional crisis leads to greater wisdom and results in lifetime benefits. Fear of life is really the fear of emotions. It is not the facts that we fear but our feelings about them. Once we have mastery over our feelings, our fear of life diminishes. David R. Hawkins
ffef34f The other person merely mirrors back what we are projecting onto them. David R. Hawkins
02a7ba3 3. Escape. Escape is the avoidance of feelings through diversion. This avoidance is the backbone of the entertainment and liquor industries, and also the route of the workaholic. Escapism and avoidance of inner awareness is a socially condoned mechanism. We can avoid our own inner selves and keep our feelings from emerging by an endless variety of pursuits, many of which eventually become addictions as our dependency upon them grows. People.. David R. Hawkins
09e3c32 The world can only see us as we see ourselves. David R. Hawkins
68e4125 Behind all of the "I can'ts" are merely "I won'ts." The "I won'ts" mean "I am afraid to" or "I am ashamed to" or "I have too much pride to try, for fear I might fail." Behind that is anger at ourselves and circumstances engendered by pride. Acknowledging and letting go of these feelings brings us up to courage and, with that, finally acceptance and an inner peacefulness, at least as it regards the area which has been surmounted. Apathy and .. David R. Hawkins
3a664ce we hang on to pain. It certainly satisfies our unconscious need for the alleviation of guilt through punishment. We get to feel miserable and rotten. The question then arises, "But for how long?" David R. Hawkins
3c7950f Repressed and suppressed feelings require counter-energy to keep them submerged. It takes energy to hold down our feelings. As these feelings are relinquished, the energy that had been holding down the negativity is now freed for constructive uses. David R. Hawkins
131071d The only way to enhance one's power in the world is by increasing one's integrity, understanding, and capacity for compassion. David R. Hawkins
f5e1648 In any situation which involves suffering, we have to ask ourselves: "How long am I willing to pay the cost? What were the karmic propensities to begin with? How much blame is enough? Is there a time to call an end to it? How long will I hang on to it? How much sacrifice am I willing to pay to the other person for their wrongs, real or imaginary? How much guilt is enough? How much self-punishment is enough? When will I give up the secret pl.. David R. Hawkins
537371d People think, "Oh, I'm being selfish if I allow somebody to be helpful to my life." Actually, it's being generous. Generosity is the willingness to share your life with others. It's a gift to people to allow them to love you." David R. Hawkins
69eca61 Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms--to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way" (Frankl, [1959]" David R. Hawkins
b334675 Greatness is the courage to overcome obstacles. David R. Hawkins
4580c4b Question: What if a negative feeling toward someone or a situation persists, despite my intention and effort to let it go? Answer: Sometimes one is more or less forced to surrender to a situation and presume that it's karmic. With spiritual research, one finds out that it is indeed karmic. Let's say you are paying off the karma of being mean to a lot of people! Now you get a chance to see what it's like to have people be mean to you. Someti.. David R. Hawkins
a42030f Facts are accumulated by effort, but truth reveals itself effortlessly.4 David R. Hawkins
336d508 Pain tells us that we have put our survival onto something that is a violation of some principle of consciousness. David R. Hawkins
627cc32 If we let go of guilt, we will see innocence; however, a guilt-ridden person will see only evil. The basic rule is that we focus on what we have repressed. David R. Hawkins
c5a69d1 It is said that most people spend their lives regretting the past and fearing the future; therefore, they are unable to experience joy in the present. David R. Hawkins
cbbc468 In contrast, nonattachment allows full participation in life without trying to control outcomes. David R. Hawkins
6cc9520 Most people are preoccupied with survival in all its subtle forms, and so they reflect primarily fear, anger, and a desire for gain. They have not learned that the state of lovingness is the most powerful of all survival tools. David R. Hawkins
0bd64e8 Desire, especially strong desire (e.g., cravingness), frequently blocks our getting what we want. David R. Hawkins
3e3c66e The basic rule of the psychic universe is that "like attracts like." Similarly, "love promotes love," so that the person who has let go of a lot of inner negativity is surrounded by loving thoughts, loving events, loving people, and loving pets. This phenomenon explains many scriptural quotations and common sayings that have puzzled the intellect, such as, "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer," and "Those who have, get." As a genera.. David R. Hawkins
1ad4657 Real love is unconditional love. Unconditional love is a decision we make within ourselves. The process is one of intention and the decision to be a loving person. If I decide to love you, that is my inner decision. There is nothing the other person can do about it. David R. Hawkins
262bae3 If you think a guilty thought and have somebody test your muscle strength, you will see that the muscle instantly goes weak. Your cerebral hemisphere has become desynchronized and all of your energy meridians are thrown out of balance. Nature, therefore, says that guilt is destructive. David R. Hawkins
34b85fd The way to become that exciting person whom people want to know is very easy. We simply picture the kind of person we want to be and surrender all the negative feelings and blocks that prevent us from being that. What happens, then, is that all we need to have and to do will automatically fall into place. This is because, in contrast to having and doing, the level of being has the most power and energy. When it is given priority, it automat.. David R. Hawkins
e00020a when we heal something in ourselves, we heal it for the world. David R. Hawkins
365350e If we dump our negative feelings on others, they experience it as an attack and they, in turn, are forced to suppress, express, or escape the feelings; therefore, the expression of negativity results in the deterioration and destruction of relationships. A far better alternative is to take responsibility for our own feelings and neutralize them. Then, only positive feelings remain to be expressed. David R. Hawkins
2ef7a69 Psychotherapy seeks for an improvement in neurotic balance. Letting go, however, eliminates it all together. David R. Hawkins
fcc7914 Emotions themselves are actually the cause of the basic fear that drives everyone to seek security constantly. David R. Hawkins
23ac930 Why is true success so relatively effortless? It might be likened to the magnetic field created by an electric current running through a wire. The higher the power of the current, the greater the magnetic field that it generates. And the magnetic field itself then influences everything in its presence. There are very few at the top. The world of the mediocre, however, is one of intense competition, and the bottom of the pyramid is crowded. .. spirituality spirituality-quotes power-of-love David R. Hawkins
88233a0 The degree to which we have not allowed ourselves to experience the reality of our true Self is represented by our resentment toward those who have actually done so. David R. Hawkins
d6eaa4d choose not to buy into a negative belief system. How does this work in everyday life? Let's take a common example. The newspapers report unemployment is at a record high. The television news commentator states: "No jobs are available." At this point, we are free to refuse to buy into the negative thought form. We can say instead, "Unemployment does not apply to me." By refusing to accept the negative belief, it now has no hold over our own .. David R. Hawkins
8fc85bb the body can discern, to the finest degree, the difference between that which is supportive of life and that which is not. David R. Hawkins
bbb8361 Take, for example, a man who had not spoken to his brother for twenty-three years. Neither of them could remember what the incident was about; it had been long forgotten. But they were in the habit of not speaking, and so for twenty-three years they paid the price of missing each other's company, affection, togetherness in family matters, and all the shared experiences and love they could have had. When the man learned about the mechanism o.. David R. Hawkins
23da95d Questions arise for self-reflection: "Is it really all that money that I want, or is it the glamour that I have attached to it? What is it that I want from that job title or from that designation of "Dr." and "Esq." and "Rev."? Is it the responsibility and activities that go along with it, or is it the glamour and esteem associated with it? Do I really love that person, or am I in love with the glamour I have projected onto him or her?" The.. David R. Hawkins
9e3f335 When we really examine it, we will always find that we have been punishing ourselves for ignorance, naivete, innocence, and lack of inner education. David R. Hawkins
89d55d3 Power serves others, whereas force is self-serving. True statesmen serve the people;10 politicians exploit people to serve their own ambitions. Statesmen sacrifice themselves to serve others; politicians sacrifice others to serve themselves. David R. Hawkins
f0d06ee self-awareness is increased much more rapidly by observing feelings rather than thoughts. The thoughts associated with even one feeling may literally run into the thousands. The understanding of the underlying emotion and its correct handling is, therefore, more rewarding and less time-consuming than dealing with one's thoughts. David R. Hawkins
9c8bac4 We could take the same protective actions out of love rather than out of fear. Can we not care for our bodies because we appreciate and value them, rather than out of fear of disease and dying? Can we not be of service to others in our life out of love, rather than out of fear of losing them? Can we not be polite and courteous to strangers because we care for our fellow human beings, rather than because we fear losing their good opinion of .. David R. Hawkins
4426f53 the insensitivity comes with self-excuses, such as: "I am an upfront person who speaks my mind," or "I am the frank type; you always know where you stand with me." These comments are a cover-up for insensitivity, which might be better described as gauche." David R. Hawkins
2d98e70 In acceptance, there is a decreased preoccupation with "doingness," a growing focus on the quality of beingness itself," David R. Hawkins
4ab45c5 We have had the experience of being totally absorbed in what we were doing, when we scarcely noticed the passage of time. The mind was very quiet, and we were simply doing what we were doing without resistance or effort. We felt happy, maybe humming to ourselves. We functioned without stress. We were very relaxed, although busy. We suddenly realized that we never needed all those thoughts after all. Thoughts are like bait to a fish; if we b.. David R. Hawkins
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