Nothing is ever perfect," my mom says. "It is what you make of it."
Emily Giffin |
Jesli najwieksza zaleta wczesnego rodzenia dzieci jest to, ze szybciej masz je z glowy, a najwieksza zaleta poznego rodzenia dzieci jest odwleczenie tej mordegi, to czyz zupelna rezygnacja z dzieci nie stanowi najlepszego rozwiazania?
Emily Giffin |
My little girls are all grown-up. I remember when the three of you were in diapers, running around at the pool with your little orange water wings. And now look at you," my mom says, so nostalgic that she seems to forget all her gripes with Belinda. And me for that matter."
Emily Giffin |
It was probably a function of getting older--I think we all become exaggerated versions of ourselves,
Emily Giffin |
Nada es perfecto nunca [...]. Lo que cuenta es lo que tu haces.
Emily Giffin |
Pienso en todos los corazones que se estan rompiendo en este momento, en Manhattan, en todo el mundo. En todo ese dolor abrumador. Hace que me sienta un poco menos sola pensar que hay otras personas que se estan desgarrando por dentro.
Emily Giffin |
Estoy aprendiendo que la perfeccion no es lo que importa. De hecho, es precisamente lo que te puede destruir, si se lo permites.
Emily Giffin |
Cuando tienes una relacion, eres consciente de que se puede acabar. puede que os distancieis, conozcais a otro o simplemente que dejeis de estar enamorados. Pero una amistad no es un juego de suma cero y, como tal, das por sentado que durara para siempre, en especial si es una vieja amistad. das por sentada su permanencia; quiza sea por eso por lo que es tan valiosa.
Emily Giffin |
In the end, didn't everyone in the world at some point delude themselves in their own insular narrative?
Emily Giffin |
In some ways, though she had very high moral standards, she was actually the least judgmental person I knew. But ever since the seventh grade, she'd always given it to me straight. It had caused a few arguments over the years, as sometimes she hurt my feelings with her bluntness. But I cherished our filterless relationship and considered it the truest measure of a best friend, greater than pure affection. Who was the person you trusted enou..
Emily Giffin |
He aprendido que eres tu quien forja tu propia felicidad, que una parte de ir a por lo que quieres significa perder otras cosas. Y cuando las apuestas son altas, las perdidas tambien pueden ser igualmente altas.
Emily Giffin |
Look on the bright side. Be grateful for what you have. Count your blessings. Optimism is the foundation of courage.
Emily Giffin |
But I cherished our filterless relationship and considered it the truest measure of a best friend, greater than pure affection.
Emily Giffin |
hesitated, thinking of all the ways I could change the subject, then made a spur-of-the-moment decision that I was finished with small talk and surface conversation and diversions and lies of any kind, no matter how small. At least for right now, as I sat at my parents' dining room table, with a kind man who had once loved me, and who still prayed to God before supper.
Emily Giffin |
If I ever wrote a book on divorces, one of my first suggestions to parents would be: Get rid of the second (or third) wife in the background when you're talking to your child--at least some of the time.
Emily Giffin |
But I also knew in my heart that I wouldn't cover for my son if he committed a terrible crime. Any crime. I wouldn't lie for him. I wouldn't obstruct justice for him. I would stand by him, but I would also want him to confess and truly repent and bear responsibility for his actions. I would want him to earn and deserve his forgiveness.
Emily Giffin |
Kirk become too obsessed with it? Had I somehow lost myself as Finch grew
Emily Giffin |