Then, Siddhartha had spent the night in his house with dancing girls and wine, had acted as if he was superior to them towards the fellow-members of his caste, though this was no longer true, had drunk much wine and gone to bed a long time after midnight, being tired and yet excited, close to weeping and despair, and had for a long time sought to sleep in vain, his heart full of misery which he thought he could not bear any longer, full of ..
Hermann Hesse |
Wieder stieg ich und wieder in den Brunnen, holde Sage von einst, hore fern deine goldenen Lieder, wie du lachst, wie du traumst, wie du leise weinst. Mahnend aus der Tiefe flustert das Zauberwort;
Hermann Hesse |
Then Siddhartha had spent the night at his house with dancers and wine, had pretended to be superior to his companions, which he no longer was. He had drunk much wine and later after midnight he went to bed, tired and yet agitated, nearly in tears and in despair. In vain did he try to sleep. His heart was so full of misery, he felt he could no longer endure it. He was full of nausea which overpowered him like a distasteful wine, or music th..
Hermann Hesse |
Ja te uzimam za ozbiljno samo onda kad si Zlatousti. Ali, ti nisi uvijek Zlatosuti. Ne zelim nista drugo osim toga da sasma postanes Zlatousti. Ti nisi naucnik, nisi redovnik-naucnik ili redovnik mogu se istesati od goreg drveta. Ti vjerujes da si u mojim ocima premalo ucen, premalo logicar ili premalo pobozan. O, ne, ali u mojim ocima ti si premalo svoj.
Hermann Hesse |
meine kleine Scheinheimat, wo der Lehnstuhl und der Ofen, das Tintenfass und die Malschachtel, der Novalis und der Dostojewski auf mich warteten, so, wie auf andere, auf richtige Menschen, wenn sie heimkommen, die Mutter oder Frau, die Kinder, die Magde, die Hunde, die Katzen warten.
Hermann Hesse |
Vivons-nous donc, nous autres, pour nous debarrasser de la mort? Non, nous vivons pour la crandre et aussi pour l'aimer, et c'est grace a elle que ce petit bout de vie, quelquegois, l'espace d'une heure, brule d'une flamme si belle.
Hermann Hesse |
Cada epoca, cada cultura, cada costumbre y tradicion tienen su estilo, tienen sus ternuras y durezas peculiares, sus crueldades y bellezas; consideran ciertos sufrimientos como naturales; aceptan ciertos males con paciencia. La vida humana se convierte en verdadero dolor, en verdadero infierno solo alli donde dos epocas, dos culturas o religiones se entrecruzan.
Hermann Hesse |
Hay momentos en los que toda una generacion se encuentra extraviada entre dos epocas, entre dos estilos de la vida, de tal suerte, que tiene que perder toda naturalidad, toda norma, toda seguridad e inocencia.
Hermann Hesse |
Soledad era independencia, yo me la habia deseado y la habia conseguido al cabo de largos anos. Era fria, es cierto, pero tambien era tranquila, maravillosamente tranquila y grande, como el tranquilo espacio frio en que se mueven las estrellas.
Hermann Hesse |
Hay bastantes personas de indole parecida a como era Harry; muchos artistas principalmente pertenecen a esta especie. Estos hombres tienen todos dentro de si dos almas, dos naturalezas; en ellos existe lo divino y lo demoniaco, la sangre materna y la paterna, la capacidad de ventura y la capacidad de sufrimiento, tan hostiles y confusos lo uno junto y dentro de lo otro, como estaban en Harry el lobo y el hombre. Y estas personas, cuya exist..
Hermann Hesse |
Toda especie humana tiene sus caracteres, sus sellos, cada una tiene sus virtudes y sus vicios, cada una, su pecado mortal.
Hermann Hesse |
Yo voy, lobo estepario, trotando por el mundo de nieve cubierto; del abedul sale un cuervo volando, y no cruzan ni liebres ni corzas el campo desierto. Me enamora una corza ligera, en el mundo no hay nada tan lindo y hermoso; con mis dientes y zarpas de fiera destrozara su cuerpo sabroso. Y volviera mi afan a mi amada, en sus muslos mordiendo la carne blanquisima y saciando mi sed en su sangre por mi derramada, para aullar luego solo en la ..
Hermann Hesse |
Das Leben, das ich selbst gewahlt Ehe ich in dieses Erdenleben kam Ward mir gezeigt, wie ich es leben wurde. Da war die Kummernis, da war der Gram, Da war das Elend und die Leidensburde. Da war das Laster, das mich packen sollte, Da war der Irrtum, der gefangen nahm. Da war der schnelle Zorn, in dem ich grollte, Da waren Hass und Hochmut, Stolz und Scham. Doch da waren auch die Freuden jener Tage, Die voller Licht und schoner Traume sind, W..
Hermann Hesse |
Petk` e, or mards miaynak kakhvats lini tiezerk`owm:
Hermann Hesse |
Nra hogowm aylews ch`kar och` mi ankyown, or ch`liner aryownotvats, ch`liner hivandot, nekhats, khelagar ow ts`avi nkatmamb tsayraheghoren zgayown: Na zgats`, or ayd vichakn aylews ankareli e erkaradzgel: Et`e ayspes sharownakvi, nman tsanr gishernere hajorden meke myowsin` ink`e kam kkhent`ana, kam el ink`naspan klini:
Hermann Hesse |
Dow ink`naspani kyank` es varowm:
Hermann Hesse |
Things are going downhill with you!' he said to himself, and laughed about it . . . and he also saw the river going downhill. . .
Hermann Hesse |
Mne prishlos' kstati, chto otets, kogda ia voshel, pobranil menia za mokruiu obuv'. Eto otvleklo ego, on ne zametil khudshego, i ia snes uprek, kotoryi vtaine otnes k drugomu. Pri etom vo mne vzygralo kakoe-to strannoe novoe chuvstvo, zloe, ostroe i koliuchee: ia pochuvstvoval svoe prevoskhodstvo nad ottsom! Na mig ia pochuvstvoval nekoe prezrenie k ego neosvedomlennosti, ego bran' po povodu moikh mokrykh bashmakov pokazalas' mne melochnoi...
Hermann Hesse |
Es war einmal einer namens Harry, genannt der Steppenwolf. Er ging auf zwei Beinen, trug Kleider und war ein Mensch, aber eigentlich war er doch eben ein Steppenwolf.
Hermann Hesse |
Ha reconocido con claridad y sentido la dudosidad, la desesperanza de la vida humana; la delicia del momento y su lastimoso sentimiento; la imposibilidad de pagar una hermosa altura de los sentimientos si no es con la prision de lo cotidiano; el ardiente anhelo del imperio del espiritu, que esta en eterna lucha a muerte con el amor, asimismo ardiente y asimismo sagrado, a la perdida inocencia de la Naturaleza; el terrible flotar en el vacio..
Hermann Hesse |
La maggior parte degli uomini non vuol nuotare prima di saper nuotare. Spiritosa, vero? Certo che non vogliono nuotare, sono nati per la terra, non per l'acqua. E naturalmente non vogliono pensare: infatti sono nati per la vita, non per il pensiero. Gia, e chi pensa, chi concentra la vita nel pensiero puo andare molto avanti, e vero. Ma ha scambiato la terra con l'acqua e a un certo momento affoghera.
Hermann Hesse |
Man is not capable of thought in any high degree, and even the most spiritual and highly cultivated of men habitually sees the world and himself through the lenses of delusive formulas and artless simplifications--and most of all himself. For it appears to be an inborn and imperative need of all men to regard the self as a unit. However often and however grievously this illusion is shattered, it always mends again.
Hermann Hesse |
Her sey yabanciydi, guzel ve biraz da anlamsiz; okul kitaplarindan ve kartpostallardan cikarip alinmis manzaralar benziyordu. Insanin daha once bir kez gordugunu animsar gibi oldugu, ama gercekte kendisiyle hic ilgisi olmayan manzaralar. Butun bunlar gurbeti olusturuyordu iste ve bundan boyle Klein'in yeri bu gurbetti, eve donus diye bir seyin sozu edilemezdi artik
Hermann Hesse |
Bir seyi sevebilmek - ne buyuk kurtulus!
Hermann Hesse |
Il mondo e pieno di morte, pieno di morte; essa sta su ogni siepe, dietro ogni albero, e non giova costruir mura e dormitori e cappelle e chiese, essa guarda dentro dalla finestra e ride e conosce perfettamente ciascuno di voi; nel cuore della notte la sentite ridere dietro le vostre finestre e pronunciare i vostri nomi. Cantate pure i vostri salmi e bruciate per bene le candele sull'altare e recitate i vostri vespri e i vostri mattutini e ..
Hermann Hesse |
El verdadero oficio de cada uno era tan solo llegar hasta si mismo.
Hermann Hesse |
en el no corrian el hombre y el lobo paralelamente, y mucho menos se prestaban mutua ayuda, sino que estaban en odio constante y mortal, y cada uno vivia exclusivamente para martirio del otro, y cuando dos son enemigos mortales y estan dentro de una misma sangre y de una misma alma, entonces resulta una vida imposible. Pero en fin, cada uno tiene su suerte, y facil no es ninguna.
Hermann Hesse |
Reian, alardeaban, se alegraban por el aguardiente y el cafe que beberian, cantaban, maldecian. Ninguno vio la belleza del bosque nevado, ni el brillo de la alta meseta, ni la luna roja que colgaba sobre el Chasseral y cuya luz debil se reflejaba en los canos de las escopetas, en los cristales de nieve y en los ojos quebrados del lobo muerto.
Hermann Hesse |
This is good too, very good," he said, "listen to this: 'A man should be proud of suffering. All suffering is a reminder of our high estate.' Fine! Eighty years before Nietzsche. But that is not the sentence I meant. Wait a moment, here I have it. This: 'Most men will not swim before they are able to.' Is not that witty? Naturally, they won't swim! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they won't think. They ar..
Hermann Hesse |
Absage Lieber von einem Faschisten erschlagen werden Als selber Faschist sein! Lieber von einem Kommunisten erschlagen werden Als selber Kommunist sein! Wir haben den Krieg nicht vergessen. Wir wissen, Wie das berauscht, wenn man Trommel und Pauke ruhrt. Wir sind taub, wir werden nicht mitgerissen, Wenn ihr das Volk mit dem alten Rauschgift verfuhrt. Wir sind weder Soldaten noch Weltverbesserer mehr, Wir glauben nicht, dass "an unserem Wese..
Hermann Hesse |
The life of the grownups had caught me, at first by a lock of hair or a finger, but soon it would have caught and bound me completely, the life lived according to goals, according to numbers, the life of order and jobs, or professions and examinations; soon the hour would strike for me too, soon I would be undergraduate, graduate student, minister, professor, would pay calls with a high hat and leather gloves to go with it, would no longer ..
Hermann Hesse |
The opposite of every truth is just as true! That's like this: any truth can only be expressed and put into words when it is one-sided. Everything is one-sided which can be thought with thoughts and said with words, it's all one-sided, all just one half, all lacks completeness, roundness, oneness. When the exalted Gotama spoke in his teachings of the world, he had to divide it into Sansara and Nirvana, into deception and truth, into sufferi..
Hermann Hesse |
Deep was his sleep and free of dreams; it had been a long time since he had known such sleep. When he awoke some hours later, it seemed to him as if ten years had passed.
Hermann Hesse |
Du bi dau don quan quai, toi van tha thiet yeu thuong tran gian dien dai nay
Hermann Hesse |
Anyone can reach his goals if he can think, if he can wait, if he can fast." Kamala"
Hermann Hesse |
el desesperado no querer morir, es el camino mas seguro para la muerte eterna, en tanto que saber morir, rasgar el velo del arcano, ir buscando eternamente mutaciones al yo conduce a la inmortalidad.
Hermann Hesse |
The things we see," Pistorius said quietly, "are the same things that are in us. The only reality is the one we have in us."
Hermann Hesse |
My gift and uniqueness consist in this: I store images of the external world in my head, and out of them I am able to produce new images and arrangements only for myself. I can conceive the entire world in my mind. That is, I can create it anew.
Hermann Hesse |
It is good," he thought, "to get a taste of everything for oneself, which one needs to know. That lust for the world and riches do not belong to the good things, I have already learned as a child. I have known it for a long time, but I have experienced only now. And now I know it, don't just know it in my memory, but in my eyes, in my heart, in my stomach. Good for me, to know this!"
Hermann Hesse |
And where was Atman to be found, where did He reside, where did his eternal heart beat, where else but in one's own self, in its innermost part, in its indestructible part, which everyone had in himself? But where, where was this self, this innermost part, this ultimate part? It was not flesh and bone, it was neither thought nor consciousness, thus the wisest ones taught. So, where, where was it? To reach this place, the self, myself, the A..
Hermann Hesse |
With the poet it was exactly the same as with the hero, and all strong, handsome, high-spirited, non-commonplace figures and enterprises: in the past they were magnificent, every school book was filled with their praises; in the present, in real life, people hated them, and presumably teachers were especially selected and trained to prevent as far as possible the rise of magnificent, free human beings and the accomplishment of great and spl..
Hermann Hesse |
Lament No permanence is ours; we are a wave That flows to fit whatever form it finds: Through day or night, cathedral or the cave We pass forever, craving form that binds. Mold after mold we fill and never rest, We find no home where joy or grief runs deep. We move, we are the everlasting guest. No field nor plow is ours; we do not reap. What God would make of us remains unknown: He plays; we are the clay to his desire. Plastic and mute, w..
Hermann Hesse |
To a certain degree, the meaning of the war had finally been given its clearest expression by this random bombing. The world had been divided into two parts that sought to annihilate each other because they both desired the same thing, namely the liberation of the oppressed, the elimination of violence, and the establishment of permanent peace. Everyone
Hermann Hesse |
A ono sto se u meni dogadja u retkim casovima radosti, sto je za mene slast, dozivljaj, ekstaza i uzvisenost, to svet voli i trazi mozda jedino u pesnickim delima, a u zivotu smatra ludoscu. I odista, ako je svet u pravu, ako su ta muzika po kafanama, te masovne zabave, ti amerikanizovani ljudi, zadovoljni tako sitnim stvarima, u pravu- onda sam ja kriv, onda sam lud, onda sam odista, kako sam sebe cesto nazivao, stepski vuk, zivotinja koja..
Hermann Hesse |