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06f767d Vy tak neschastny, eto nekhorosho, tak ne nado. Mne zhal'. Vykurite trubochku opiuma. Hermann Hesse
1a469e3 a very beautiful river, I love it more than anything. Often I have listened to it, often I have looked into its eyes, and always I have learned from it. Much can be learned from a river. Hermann Hesse
bfcd797 Look, my dear Govinda, this is one of my thoughts, which I have found: wisdom cannot be passed on. Wisdom which a wise man tries to pass on to someone always sounds like foolishness." "Are" Hermann Hesse
4f31cb3 Therefore, I see whatever exists as good, death is to me like life, sin like holiness, wisdom like foolishness, everything has to be as it is, everything only requires my consent, only my willingness, my loving agreement, to be good for me, to do nothing but work for my benefit, to be unable to ever harm me. I have experienced on my body and on my soul that I needed sin very much, I needed lust, the desire for possessions, vanity, and neede.. Hermann Hesse
d77e395 Deseas tu tambien llegar a ser un hombre? - Si, mucho. Cuando uno es grande puede tener caballos y emprender viajes; eso me gustaria mucho. Ademas, nadie me diria ninito ni me pellizcaria los carrillos. Pero, pensandolo bien, me parece que no me gustaria realmente ser grande. !Las personas mayores son, en general, tan desagradables! (..) a medida que las personas mayores van envejeciendo, tanto mas se aproximan a la muerte. Preferiria en ve.. Hermann Hesse
30b96b2 Vedi, Kamala, se tu getti una pietra nell'acqua, essa si affretta per la via piu breve fino al fondo. E cosi e di Siddharta, quando ha una meta, un proposito. Siddharta non fa nulla. Siddharta pensa, aspetta, digiuna, ma passa attraverso le cose del mondo come la pietra attraverso l'acqua, senza far nulla, senza agitarsi: viene scagliato, ed egli si lascia cadere. La sua meta lo tira a se, poiche egli non conserva nulla nell'anima propria, .. Hermann Hesse
8d5b609 Wasn't I merely human, just a poor simple guy who had been drawn into doing things against my feelings that not even God would demand of me? Wasn't Hermann Hesse
ca37bf3 It's so good to know that inside us there's a self that knows everything!" I" Hermann Hesse
c96c7b7 No longer, I want to begin my thoughts and my life with Atman and with the suffering of the world. I do not want to kill and dissect myself any longer, to find a secret behind the ruins. Hermann Hesse
32815bf As every blossom fades and all youth sinks into old age, so every life's design, each flower of wisdom, attains its prime and cannot last forever. The heart must submit itself courageously to life's call without a hint of grief, A magic dwells in each beginning, protecting us, telling us how to live. High purposed we shall traverse realm on realm, cleaving to none as to a home, the world of spirit wishes not to fetter us but raise us higher.. Hermann Hesse
b86ca0c soft is stronger than hard, water stronger than rock, love stronger than violence. Hermann Hesse
d5859fc No debemos temer ni creer ilicito nada de lo que nuestra alma desea en nosotros. Hermann Hesse
ee45eba E' sempre stranamente toccante vedere come la nebbia separi tutto cio che e vicino o apparentemente affine, come avvolga e racchiuda ogni figura, rendendola ineluttabilmente sola. Incroci un uomo, sulla strada maestra; ha con se una mucca p una capra o spinge un carro e porta una fascina, e dietro a lui trotta, scodinzolando, il suo cane. Lo vedi avvicinarsi e lo saluti, e lui risponde al saluto; non appena e passato e ti giri a guardarlo, .. pellegrinaggio pellegrinaggio-d-autunno Hermann Hesse
ff63e2f Everything was a lie, everything stank, everything stank of lies, everything feigned meaning and happiness and beauty, and yet everything was decaying while nobody acknowledged the fact. The world tested bitter; life was agony. One Hermann Hesse
e7ecb04 El que viaja lejos ve muchas cosas, Cosas distintas a lo que cree la Verdad. Y al hablar en casa palabras misteriosas, Lo acusan de actuar con gran falsedad... La gente obcecada se niega a creer Aquello que no ve ni puede sentir. Hermann Hesse
f8504ef Each one carries with him to the end traces of his birth, the slime and eggshells of a primordial world. Many a one never becomes a human being, but remains a frog, lizard, or ant. Many a one is a human being above and a fish below. Hermann Hesse
51239b9 Izmedu Bremena i Nepala, izmedu Beca i Singapura video sam mnogo lepih gradova, gradove na moru i gradove visoko u brdima, sa mnogih izvora sam kao hodocasnik pio, od cega je kasnije nastajao slatki otrov nostalgije. Ali najlepsi grad od svih koje znam je Kalv na Nagoldu, mali, stari svapski gradic ispod Svarcvalda. Kada dodem u Kalv, idem polako od zelezicke stanice nadole, pored katolicke crkve, pored "Orla" i "Sumskog roga", kroz Biskup.. hermann-hesse umetnost-dokolice Hermann Hesse
f78b7e8 Njen miris, citavo njeno bice bili su u znaku leta i ruza. novel steppenwolf Hermann Hesse
c139c6a Sobre eso, pequena Lena, todos los sabios y santos se han quebrado la cabeza.No hay dicha que perdure. Hermann Hesse
5787add Debemos andar a ciegas entre tanta suciedad y tanto disparate. Y no tenemos a nadie que nos indique el camino; nuestra unica guia es la nostalgia. Hermann Hesse
3b2ed9e Mejor aprenda a escuchar! Aprenda a tomarse en serio aquellas cosas que lo merecen y a reirse del resto. Hermann Hesse
15ad813 E sempre e bom termos consciencia de que dentro de nos ha alguem que tudo sabe, tudo quer e age melhor do que nos mesmos self Hermann Hesse
8fc80ab That dang ho then neu cu song troi lan, de cuoc doi lua loc, thay khoc doi cuoi. Neu ta chi biet song voi khoai cam trong nguon sinh luc tuon chay tu bau sua me nguyen so, tuy huong duoc mong doi bat tuyet, nhung cung khong thoat khoi vo thuong sinh tu; giong nhu cay nam moc giua rung hoang, tuoi mau hom nay de roi muc nat ngay mai. Hoac gia ta song che ngu bang cach tu giam minh trong cong viec, co tao dung cuoc doi phu du nay thanh mot to.. Hermann Hesse
a29cd5b For this reason the bourgeois today burns as heretics and hangs as criminals those to whom he erects monuments tomorrow. That Hermann Hesse
ff45602 Descubri el gusto de la muerte, y la muerte sabe amarga porque es nacimiento, es miedo e incertidumbre ante una aterradora renovacion. Hermann Hesse
cf74baa Pero esas casualidades no existen. Cuando alguien necesita algo con mucha urgencia y lo encuentra, no es la casualidad la que se lo proporciona, sino el mismo. El propio desea y la propia necesidad conducen a ello. Hermann Hesse
d36e26e Oh, tesko je naici na trag Bozji usred zivota kakav mi vodimo, usred ovog tako zadovoljnog, tako izrazito gradanskog vremena, bez ikakvog duha, s pogledom na ovakvu arhitekturu, ovakve poslove i ovakve ljude. novel steppenwolf Hermann Hesse
4d9f8d3 Toltosi il berretto, la saluto profondamente come una principessa e se n'ando col cuore oppresso; doveva lasciarla perire. Rimase a lungo turbato, non aveva voglia di parlare con nessuno. Per quanto poco si assomigliassero, quella fiera e povera israelita gli ricordava in certo modo Lidia, la figlia del cavaliere. Amare donne come quelle era fonte di dolore. Ma per qualche tempo gli parve di non aver mai amato altre che queste due, la pover.. love love-hurts love-sad narcissus-and-goldmund Hermann Hesse
fbcb90d Mira, Govinda, esta es una de las cuestiones que he descubierto: la sabiduria no es comunicable. La sabiduria que un erudito intenta comunicar, siempre suena a simpleza. inspirational sabiduria Hermann Hesse
cfd2aab Die Tage sehen wir, die teuren, gerne schwinden, Um etwas Teureres herangereift zu finden: Ein seltenes Gewachs, das wir im Garten treiben, Ein Kind, das wir erziehn, ein Buchlein, das wir schreiben. Hermann Hesse
66d68a4 lnsn l ystTy` 'n yfkr fym yryd w'n l 'stTy` 'n 'j`lh yfkr fym 'ryd. lkn fy ws` lmr 'n ydrs nsnan akhr bdq@ w`ndh ystTy` Glban, 'n y`rf bshkl dqyq tqryban, m yfkr fyh wm ysh`r bh wb`dh qd ystTy` 'n y`rf m ldhy syqwm bh fy llHZ@ ltly@. Hermann Hesse
6f52389 Cuoc doi han (nhu moi doi nguoi) khong chi dao dong giua hai cuc, nhu giua ban nang va tinh than hoac giua thanh thien va phong dang, ma giua ca nghin, giua vo vang cap doi cuc. Hermann Hesse
82c66a5 Aber wenn du zu deinem Vergnugen erst die Erlaubnis anderer Leute brauchst, dann bist du wirklich ein armer Tropf. Hermann Hesse
57c1306 Die Worte tun dem geheimen Sinn nicht gut, es wird immer alles gleich ein wenig anders, wenn man es ausspricht, ein wenig verfalscht ein wenig narrisch (...) Hermann Hesse
4db79f0 Najvise volim sasvim cista, laka, skromna seljacka vina, bez narocitog imena, kojih moze mnogo da se popije i ciji okus tako prijatno i svesrdno podsjeca na selo, na zemlju, na nebo i lugove. novel steppenwolf Hermann Hesse
a6f9e51 Nezavisnost je hladna, oh da, ali je i spokojna, cudesno spokojna i prostrana kao onaj hladni i tihi prostor u kome se okrecu zvijezde. novel steppenwolf Hermann Hesse
024f71d und diese war so lebendig und so gesprachig und machte sich aus seiner Gegenwart und aus seiner Schuchternheit so wenig, dass er unbehilflich und ein wenig beleidigt die Fuhler einzog und sich verkroch, wie eine vom Wagenrad gestreifte Wegschnecke. snails wheel Hermann Hesse
4724eb6 Statt seine Personlichkeit zu vernichten, war es nur gelungen, ihn sich selbst hassen zu lehren. jesuits self-hatred Hermann Hesse
7bcbe2f ama her zaman varliklilarin, belli bir yere kok salmis yasayanlarin karsisinda onlarin bas dusmani olarak yer alir, cunku bu kisiler gocebelerden nefret eder, onu horlar, ondan korkarlar, cunku gocebe bazi tatsiz seyleri animsatir kendilerine, tum varolusun gelip geciciligini, tum yasamin surekli dagilip dokuldugunu, cevremizdeki evreni bastan basa dolduran buzsu olumlerin amansizligini animsatir. Hermann Hesse
ca613ba Ich war ein Suchender und bin es noch, aber ich suche nicht mehr auf den Sternen und in den Buchern, ich beginne die Lehren zu horen, die mein Blut in mir rauscht life self teachings Hermann Hesse
e0ff427 Se plamadise cu incetul, intre ei, alaturi de limbajul ratiunii, si un limbaj al sufletului si al semnelor, la fel cum intre doua asezari omenesti se poate dura un drum larg, pe care trec carutele si calaretii, insa alaturi de el mai apar numeroase alte fagasuri laturalnice, de joaca sau de taina; drumeaguri ale copiilor, poteci pentru indragostiti, poteci abia luate in seama ale cainilor si pisicilor. hermann-hesse love Hermann Hesse
903d822 Ich will mich nicht mehr toten und zerstucken, um hinter den Trummern ein Geheimnis zu finden. Hermann Hesse
5cc42ab Scopul nostru nu este de a ne contopi unul intr-altul, ci a ne recunoaste reciproc si a invata sa vedem si sa respectam fiecare in celalalt ceea ce e contrariul si completarea sa. hermann-hesse love Hermann Hesse
a905d86 Durch sein Auge lief Licht und Schatten, durch sein Herz lief Stern und Mond. Hermann Hesse