The longer I live, the more uninformed I feel. Only the young have an explanation for everything.
Isabel Allende |
For women, the best aphrodisiacs are words. The G-spot is in the ears. He who looks for it below there is wasting his time.
Isabel Allende |
There is no death, daughter. People die only when we forget them,' my mother explained shortly before she left me. 'If you can remember me, I will be with you always.
Isabel Allende |
Fear is inevitable, I have to accept that, but I cannot allow it to paralyze me.
Isabel Allende |
You can't find someone who doesn't want to be found.
Isabel Allende |
A man does what he can; a woman does what a man cannot.
Isabel Allende |
Words are not that important when you recognize intentions.
Isabel Allende |
This is to assuage our conscience, darling" she would explain to Blanca. "But it doesn't help the poor. They don't need charity; they need justice."
Isabel Allende |
At times I feel as if I had lived all this before and that I have already written these very words, but I know it was not I: it was another woman, who kept her notebooks so that one day I could use them. I write, she wrote, that memory is fragile and the space of a single life is brief, passing so quickly that we never get a chance to see the relationship between events; we cannot gauge the consequences of our acts, and we believe in the fi..
Isabel Allende |
We all have an unsuspected reserve of strength inside that emerges when life puts us to the test.
Isabel Allende |
If I write something, I fear it will happen, and if I love too much, I fear I will lose that person; nevertheless, I cannot stop writing or loving...
Isabel Allende |
She was one of those people who was born for the greatness of a single love, for exaggerated hatred, for apocalyptic vengance, and for the most sublime forms of heroism but she was unable to shape her fate to the dimensions of her amorous vocation, so it was lived out as something flat and gray trapped between her mother's sickroom walls, wretched tenements, and the tortured confessions with which this large, opulent, hot-blooded woman made..
Isabel Allende |
Silence before being born, silence after death: life is nothing but noise between two unfathomable silences.
Isabel Allende |
Memory is fiction. We select the brightest and the darkest, ignoring what we are ashamed of, and so embroider the broad tapestry of our lives.
Isabel Allende |
She sowed in my mind the idea that reality is not only what we see on the surface; it has a magical dimension as well and, if we so desire, it is legitimate to enhance it and color it to make our journey through life less trying.
Isabel Allende |
And I am not one of those women who trips twice over the same stone.
Isabel Allende |
La verdadera amistad resiste el tiempo, la distancia y el silencio.
Isabel Allende |
when everything else fails, we communicate in the language of the stars
Isabel Allende |
El pasado y el futuro eran parte de la misma cosa y la realidad del presente era un caleidoscopio de espejos desordenados, donde todo podia ocurrir.
Isabel Allende |
Barrabas came to us by sea, the child Clara wrote in her delicate calligraphy.
Isabel Allende |
At the most difficult moments of my life, when it seemed that every door was closed to me, the taste of those apricots comes back to comfort me with the notion that abundance is always within reach, if only one knows how to find it.
Isabel Allende |
I seek truth and beauty in the transparency of an autumn leaf, in the perfect form of a seashell on the beach, in the curve of a woman's back, in the texture of an ancient tree trunk, but also in the elusive forms of reality.
Isabel Allende |
He realized...that the loudest are the least sincere, that arrogance is a quality of the ignorant, and that flatterers tend to be vicious.
Isabel Allende |
Each of us chooses the tone for telling his or her own story. I would like to choose the durable clarity of a platinum print, but nothing in my destiny possesses the luminosity. I live among diffuse shadings, veiled mysteries, uncertainties; the tone of telling my life is closer to that of a portrait in sepia.
Isabel Allende |
Do you truly believe that life is fair, Senor de la Vega? -No, maestro, but I plan to do everything in my power to make it so.
Isabel Allende |
My name is Eva, which means 'life,' according to a book of names my mother consulted. I was born in the back room of a shadowy house, and grew up amidst ancient furniture, books in Latin, and human mummies, but none of those things made me melancholy, because I came into the world with a breath of the jungle in my memory.
Isabel Allende |
l shy mjny fy hdh l`lm, fmqbl hdhh ltfht stdf` thmnan Glyan jdan.
Isabel Allende |
Just as when we come into the world, when we die we are afraid of the unknown. But the fear is something from within us that has nothing to do with reality. Dying is like being born: just a change
Isabel Allende |
Todos nacemos felices. Por el camino se nos ensucia la vida, pero podemos limpiarla. La felicidad no es exuberante ni bulliciosa, como el placer o la alegria. Es silenciosa, tranquila, suave, es un estado interno de satisfaccion que empieza por amarse a si mismo.
Isabel Allende |
I write, she wrote, that memory is fragile and the space of a single life is brief, passing so quickly that we never get a chance to see the relationship between events; we cannot gauge the consequences of our acts, and we believe in the fiction of past, present, and future, but it may also be true that everything happens simultaneously . . . And now I seek my hatred and cannot seem to find it. I feel its flame going out as I come to unders..
Isabel Allende |
Esa noche crei que habia perdido para siempre la capacidad de enamorarme, que nunca mas podria reirme ni perseguir una ilusion. Pero nunca mas es mucho tiempo.
Isabel Allende |
Be careful what you ask of Heaven; it might be granted.
Isabel Allende |
Mi Popo decia que el amor nos vuelve buenos. No importa a quien amemos, tampoco importa ser correspondidos o si la relacion es duradera. Basta la experiencia de amar, eso nos transforma.
Isabel Allende |
Smt qbl lwld@, wSmt b`d lmwt, wlHy@ hy mjrd Skhb byn Smtyn l qrr lhm.
Isabel Allende |
You only have one life, but if you live it well, that's enough. The only reality is now, today. What are you waiting for to be happy?
Isabel Allende |
ltSwyr wlktb@ hm mHwl@ llmsk bllHZt qbl 'n ttlsh~ .
Isabel Allende |
It bothers them that instead of taking on the role of abandoned lover, I have become a happy wife. They relish seeing strong women like you and me humiliated. They cannot forgive us that we triumphed where so many others fail...Courage is a virtue appreciated in a male but considered a defect in our gender. Bold women are a threat to a world that is out of balance, in favor of men. That is why they work so hard to mistreat and destroy us.
Isabel Allende |
No se puede encontrar a quien no quiere ser encontrado
Isabel Allende |
A veces, para exorcizar los demonios de un recuerdo es necesario contarlo como un cuento
Isabel Allende |
The slave who dances is free ... while he is dancing.
Isabel Allende |
mn y`rf 'kthr, `lyh wjbt 'kthr tjh lnsny@.
Isabel Allende |
The names of persons and living creatures demand respect, because when we speak to them we touch their heart and become a part of thier life force.
Isabel Allende |
I was a romantic and sentimental creature, with a tendency towards solitude.
Isabel Allende |
Happiness is pure kitsch; we come into the world to suffer and learn.
Isabel Allende |