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7da0eb3 Ella se consideraba a si misma como un cometa navegando en el viento y, asustada de su propio motin interior, cedia a veces a la tentacion de pensar en alguien que pusiera freno a sus impulsos; pero esos estados de animo le duraban poco. Cuando meditaba en su futuro se tornaba melancolica, por eso preferia vivir desaforada mientras le fuera posible. Isabel Allende
ee15785 Que hay al otro lado de la vida??Es solo noche silenciosa y soledad? ?Que queda cuando no hay deseos, recuerdos ni esperanzas? ?Que hay en la muerte? Si pudiera permanecer inmovil, sin hablar ni pensar, sin suplicar, sin llorar, recordar o esperar, si pudiera sumergirme en el silencio mas completo, tal vez entonces pudiera oirte, hija. Isabel Allende
ee66b3b El orgullo de quien se cree hermosa daba a su andar un ritmo insolente. Isabel Allende
ed3d722 Affection is like the noonday sun; it does not need the presence of another to be manifest. Isabel Allende
73ae04d The only good thing about marriage is becoming a widow Isabel Allende
fa2ce1d She has a fixation on love. Strong trouble. The girl left her window open one clear night and it crawled into her body while she was asleep. There's no spell can cure it. love daughter-of-fortune fixation Isabel Allende
ac72672 Because I have time to spare, and for the first time in my life nobody expects anything of me. I don't have to prove anything, I'm not rushing everywhere; each day is a gift I enjoy to the fullest. Isabel Allende
f02d098 They were dressed in black, silent, and dry-eyed, as befits the norms of sadness in a country accustomed to the dignity of grief Isabel Allende
5c616a3 Casi todas las heridas sanan con carino, Irina. Tienes que amarte a ti y amarme a mi. heridas sanación Isabel Allende
83cd95a la gracia no era morirse, puesto que eso llegaba de todos modos, sino sobrevivir, que era un milagro. Isabel Allende
5597920 No hagamos promesas que tal vez no podamos cumplir. Vamos a recorrer este camino juntos, paso a paso, dia a dia, con la mejor intencion. Eso es lo unico que podemos prometernos. promesas Isabel Allende
5caf257 Zacharie did not learn of the sorrow his wife was living becasue she was careful to hide it. Tete kept that first love, the stromngest in her life, a secret. She mentioned it only rarely because she could not offer Zacharie a passion of the same intensity; the relationship they shared was genntle and free of urgency. love Isabel Allende
ecf60e6 'n 'Hdan l yqr' Gyr m yhtWm bh reading Isabel Allende
72e1e51 knt Sdyq@ lshHdhyn wmwsyqyy lshwr`; wtnfq 'mwlh `l~ ltrht wlSdqt .. knt tqwl lnfsh why t`dW tj`ydh bs`d@ :m mn mHrr mthl l`mr . Isabel Allende
c8ee363 lqd `rf kyf ymwt , km `rf kyf y`ysh life Isabel Allende
43565ff mdh hnk fy ljnb lakhr mn lHy@? 'hw lyl Smt wwHd@ fqT? m ldhy ybq~ `ndm l tkwn thm@ rGbt wl dhkryt wl aml? mdh ywjd fy lmwt? lw 'nny tTy` lbq jmd@, dwn klm, dwn tfkyr, dwn twsl ymknny `ndy'dh 'n 'sm`k y bnty. Isabel Allende
17c789b No era un dolor de musculos entumecidos, sino de tristezas acumuladas y de abandono Isabel Allende
9b11fca dhlk lHb ljmH lm ykn mskhan mn khyl lmrhq@, bl wujd kn`m@ qSyr@ w`dhb Twyl Isabel Allende
357d422 People do not belong to others, either. How can the huincas buy and sell people if they do not own them. Sometimes the boy went two or three days without speaking a word, surly, and not eating, and when asked what was the matter, the answer was always the same: "There are content days and there are sad days. Each person is a master of his silence." sadness happiness self-realization human-nature Isabel Allende
c0c9fcc n ldhhn yntqy , yblG , ykhwn , wl'Hdth ttlsh~ , wl'shkhS tnshm ldhkr@ wl ybq~ 'khyran sw~ msr lrwH. lys mhman m jr~ ly, wnm athr ljrwH lty tmyzny. Isabel Allende
f6b6417 she did not believe that the world was a vale of tears but rather a joke that God had played and that it was idiotic to take it seriously if He himself never had. life life-philosophy Isabel Allende
1931a65 Just as when we come into the world, when we die we are afraid of the unknown. But the fear is something from within us that has nothing to do with reality. Dying is like being born: just a change." - Clara the clairvoyant" Isabel Allende
d7761a5 Se reunian un par de veces al ano en cualquier punto del mapa para vivir unos dias de ilusion y regresar luego con el cuerpo agradecido y el alma alborozada. Isabel Allende
d8a5db1 The calendar is a human invention; time does not exist on the spiritual level. time Isabel Allende
264419d The point was not to die, since death came anyway, but to survive, which would be a miracle. Isabel Allende
0615263 Words are free, she used to say, and she appropriated them; they were all hers. She sowed in my mind the idea that reality is not only what we see on the surface; it has a magical dimension as well and, if we so desire, it is legitimate to enhance it and color it to make our journey through life less trying. Isabel Allende
06252ad De la quietud nace la inspiracion y del movimiento surge la creatividad. creativity Isabel Allende
756288d Los anos transcurren sigilosos, de puntillas, burlandose en susurros, y de pronto nos asustan en el espejo, nos golpean a mansalva las rodillas o nos clavan una daga en la espalda. Isabel Allende
a96e9e5 No hay peor pobreza que la de la gente venida a menos, porque se debe aparentar lo que no se tiene. Isabel Allende
618ce56 Detente, sombra de mi amor esquivo, imagen del hechizo que mas quiero, bella ilusion por quien alegre muero, dulce ficcion por quien penosa vivo. SOR JUANA INES DE LA CRUZ Isabel Allende
ebc4fb2 La vejez es el mejor momento para ser y hacer lo que a uno le place. Isabel Allende
fdc9661 All you will have is the present. Waste no energy crying over yesterday or dreaming of tomorrow. Nostalgia is fatiguing and destructive, it is the vice of the expatriate. You must put down roots as if they were forever, you must have a sense of permanence. live-in-the-present nostalgia Isabel Allende
be14682 no debes seguir anclada al pasado y asustada por el futuro. Tienes una sola vida, pero si la vives bien, es suficiente. Isabel Allende
7262b38 qbr mbhr!, nh lshy lwHyd ldhy ybq~, fb`d my'@ sn@ sytmkn zy'rw lmqbr@ mn l`jb bqbry w sytkhylwn 'nny `sht Hy@ Tyb@ Isabel Allende
45a18e9 m yuns~ ykwn km lw 'nh lm yHdth qT. Isabel Allende
10e71a2 Lloro creyendo que lloraba por el nino muerto y por Alma, pero lo hacia por si mismo, por su vida mesurada y convencional, por el peso de las responsabilidades que nunca podria sacudirse de encima, por la soledad que lo agobiaba desde que nacio, por el amor que anoraba y nunca tendria, por los naipes enganosos que le habian tocado y por todas las malditas tretas de su destino. Isabel Allende
93d0380 Childhood is a naturally unhappy period of our existence, Lillian. It was Walt Disney who invented the notion that it has to be happy, simply to make money. Isabel Allende
b65d913 Of all fragrances, the sweetest is that of virtue. Isabel Allende
f67af0a Mediante la fotografia y la palabra escrita intento desesperadamente vencer la condicion fugaz de mi existencia, atrapar los momentos antes de que se desvanezcan, despejar la confusion de mi pasado. writing Isabel Allende
e58c9c7 I write, she wrote, that memory is fragile and the space of a single life is brief, passing so quickly that we never get a chance to see the relationship between events; we cannot gauge the consequences of our acts, and we believe in the fiction of past, present, and future, but it may also be true that everything happens simultaneously...That's why my Grandmother Clara wrote in her notebooks, in order to see things in their true dimension Isabel Allende
299cf19 La Lowell wanted nothing; she lived for the day, unfettered, free, fearless; she wasn't afraid of poverty, loneliness, or infirmity. She accepted everything with good grace; for her, life was an entertaining voyage that inevitably led to old age and death. There was no point in accumulating wealth since in the end, she maintained, we all go to the grave in our birthday suit. Isabel Allende
459f956 I have the idea that we grandmothers are meant to play the part of protective witches; we must watch over younger women, children, community, and also, why not?, this mistreated planet, the victim of such unrelenting desecration. I would like to fly on a broomstick and dance in the moonlight with other pagan witches in the forest, invoking earth forces and howling demons; I want to become a wise old crone, to learn ancient spells and healer.. Isabel Allende
43f74fa lqd 'nqdh dhlk lktb Hyty. flktb@ hy tfHS Twyl l'`mq lnfs, rHl@ l~ 'shd khwf lw`y `tm@, wt'ml bTy. nny 'ktb mtlms@ fy lSmt, wktshf fy 'thn lTryq 'jz mn lHqyq@, ntfan SGyr@ mn lzjj tts` lh rH@ lyd wtbrr mrwry mn hdhh ldny. Isabel Allende
83b9841 lHbW l'wl mthl lHSb@, ytrk 'thran l tumH~. Isabel Allende