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ffbb6c4 Barrabas came to us by the sea. Isabel Allende
e92fb56 No existe luz sin sombra, tal como no existe dicha sin dolor. Isabel Allende
df47d90 La orice varsta trebuie sa ai un scop in viata, asa se vindeca multe rele. Isabel Allende
2ffd9c5 Me resulta complicado escribir sobre mi vida, porque no se cuanto recuerdo y cuanto es producto de mi imaginacion;la estricta verdad puede ser tediosa y por eso, sin darme ni cuenta, la cambio o la exagero, pero me he propuesto corregir ese defecto y mentir lo menos posible en el futuro. mentira verdad sincerity Isabel Allende
ad5aae5 She treated him with the casual kindness usually reserved for other people's pets. Isabel Allende
46c71f2 Enfrenta los obstaculos a medida que se presenten, no pierdas energia temiendo lo que pueda haber en el futuro Isabel Allende
b37d8c8 Writing, when all is said and done, is an attempt to understand one's own circumstance and to clarify the confusion of existence, including insecurities that do not torment normal people, only chronic nonconformists, many of whom end up as writers after having failed in other undertakings. Isabel Allende
78f19c3 But that's how nostalgia is: a slow dance in a large circle. Memories don't organize themselves chronologically, they're like smoke, changing, ephemeral, and if they're not written down they fade into oblivion. Isabel Allende
fbd9eb7 She entered the place of her dreams along a much traveled path and returned treading very carefully in order not to shatter the tenuous visions against the harsh light of consciousness. waking Isabel Allende
7c5b4a7 lys hnk mn yrwqh qr@ my't lSfHt lyjd 'n lqS@ l tnthy nhy@ wDH@ reading nobody novel Isabel Allende
44d374d Lo puedo leer en tus ojos, vienes de una noche de amor. Isabel Allende
4fed309 She had been born to cradle other people's children, wear their hand-me-down clothing, eat their leftovers, live on borrowed happiness and grief, grow old beneath other people's roofs, die one day in her miserable little room in the far courtyard in a bed that did not belong to her, and be buried in a common grave in the public cemetery. Isabel Allende
2fa4433 Sometimes I have these premonitions and I don't forget them, so I will be prepared when they happen. premonition Isabel Allende
34a0b2f hkdh hw lmnf~, yqdhf blns m` lryH l'rb` wySbH mn lS`b b`d dhlk lmW shml lmtfrqyn. Isabel Allende
1e706c7 lqd Sr ldyn trykh mshtrk, ymknn lnZr l~ lmD wrwy@ 'Hdth l'ym lty `shnh m`an, wHsb l'Hzn w l'frH, hkdh ySn` lHb, dwn tsr`, wywman bywm Isabel Allende
ca053cc El mundo es violento y predatorio, regido por la ley implacable de los mas fuertes. La seleccion de la especie no ha servido para que florezca la inteligencia o evolucione el espiritu. A la primera oportunidad nos destrozamos unos a otros como ratas prisioneras en una caja demasiado estrecha. Isabel Allende
e85876c Los hijos, como los libros, son viajes al interior de una misma en los cuales el cuerpo, la mente y el alma cambian de direccion, se vuelven hacia el centro mismo de la existencia. Isabel Allende
4599688 However, in those last months of riding across the golden landscape of California she felt she was flying free, like a condor. She was awakened one morning by the whinnying of her horse with the full light of dawn in her face, surrounded by tall sequoias that, like centenary guards, had watched over her sleep, by gentle hills, and, far in the distance, purple mountaintops; at that moment she was filled with an atavistic happiness that was e.. Isabel Allende
3d301b8 'Hynan, `l~ lmr 'n ykwn mst`dan ll`ysh klklb, l'n tklyf lHy@ bhZ@ jdan. Isabel Allende
a41a2b7 ywm akhr mn lntZr, wywm ynqS mn l'ml. ywm akhr mn lSmt, wywm 'ql mn lHy@. lmwt ymDy Tlyqan fy lmmrt wmhmty mshGlth Ht~ l yjd lTryq l~ bbk. Isabel Allende
321268e lqd mDyt Twl Hyty mjdhf@ b`ks tyr lnhr bjhd wHshy, w'n lan mt`b@, 'ryd 'n 'ltf nSf dwr@ w'trk ltyr yHmlny brfq l~ lbHr. Isabel Allende
1341c86 lwfr@ fy mtnwl lyd, dh 'Hsn lmr l`thwr `lyh. Isabel Allende
d5ba984 We are all born happy. Life gets us dirty along the way, but we can clean it up. Happiness is not exuberant or noisy, like pleasure or joy; it's silent, tranquil, and gentle; it's a feeling of satisfaction inside that begins with self-love. You need to love yourself as I do, as all those who know you do, especially Alma's grandson. Isabel Allende
39afc4c Writing is like riding a bicycle: you don't forget how, even if you go for years without doing it. Isabel Allende
22c4672 She went by the name of Belisa Crepusculario, not because she'd been born with it or baptized it, but because she herself had searched until she found the poetry of 'beauty' and 'twilight' and cloaked herself in it. She made her living selling words. Isabel Allende
4d08895 Todos tenemos demonios en los rincones oscuros del alma, pero si los sacamos a la luz, los demonios se achican, se debilitan, se callan y al fin nos dejan en paz. Isabel Allende
db96485 Cada uno escoge el tono para contar su propia historia; quisiera optar por la claridad durable de una impresion en platino, pero nada en mi destino posee esa luminosa cualidad. Vivo entre difusos matices, velados misterios, incertidumbres; el tono para contar mi vida se ajusta mas al de un retrato en sepia... Isabel Allende
b5df2ef fy hdhh i lHaya@ l ntwjWh l~ 'y W makan, mahm 'sr`n, bal nmDy, khuTwa@ f khuTwa@, naHw lmawt . Isabel Allende
66f8527 l 'jd fy nfsy `ywban sw~ kwny mr'@ , whdhh tbdw jrym@ kfy@ . fnHn lmthmt bshbq lrjl . wlkn , 'lyst lkhTyy'@ mn msw'wly@ mn yrtkbh ? flmdh `lyW 'n 'df` thmn khTy lakhryn ? women novel Isabel Allende
046c4a1 I especially like your autumn trees, gracefully letting their leaves fall. That is how I would like to shed my own leaves in this autumn of life, easily and elegantly. Why be so attached to what we are bound to lose anyway? I suppose I mean youth, which has been so present in our conversations. Isabel Allende
4da2ccb The fear is not real, Dil Bahadur; it is only in your mind, like all other things. Our thoughts form what we believe to be reality. mind Isabel Allende
f2a2530 Hay grandeza y dignidad en la tragedia, por eso es fuente de inspiracion, pero no quiero tragedia, por inmortal que sea, quiero una dicha sin bulla, intima y muy discreta, para no provocar los celos de los dioses, siempre tan vengativos... relationships Isabel Allende
3e4e6ee Her Uncle Jaime felt that people never read what did not interest them and that if it interested them that meant they were sufficiently mature to read it. reading freadom intellectual-freedom Isabel Allende
32003b1 y quien diga que todo fuego se apaga solo tarde o temprano, se equivoca: hay pasiones que son incendios hasta que las ahoga el destino de un zarpazo y aun asi quedan brasas calientes listas para arder apenas se les da oxigeno. separació pasión destino Isabel Allende
4b8a227 Catholics form a majority in Chile, although there are more and more Evangelicals and Pentacostals who irritate everyone because they have a direct understanding with God while everyone else must pass through the priestly bureaucracy. Isabel Allende
adf7c70 The last time I was in Chile, I was hypnotized by a friend who is studying to be a curandero, a healer, who led me back through several incarnations. It wasn't easy to return to the present, however, since my friend hadn't reached that part of the course, but the experiment was well worth the effort because I discovered that in former lives I was not Genghis Khan, as my mother believes. Isabel Allende
a52f816 He knew that her body was his to engage in all the acrobatics he had learned in the books he kept hidden in a corner of his library, but with Clara even the most abominable contortions were like the thrashings of a newborn; it was impossible to spice them up with the salt of evil or the pepper of submission. Isabel Allende
b0c4132 The advantage of being lovers is that we have to work hard at our relationship, because everything conspires to drive us apart. Our decision to be together has to be renewed again and again; that keeps us on our toes. Isabel Allende
865014d Asi te recuerdo, en calma Isabel Allende
b8d526e 'kthr m ykhyfny fy lshykhwkh@ lys lwHd@ , wnm ltb`y@ older Isabel Allende
5127953 hl stmwt Tflty? - l '`rf `n hdh, lknWh st`ny kthyran, l shkW `ndy bdhlk. -mldhy bh? - Srr `l~ lHb. whw shrW qwyW. lshkW 'nh trkt lnfdh@ mftwH@ fy llyl@ lSfy@ wdkhl fy jsdh 'thn nwmh. lywjd sHr DdW hdh. Isabel Allende
0544f26 Esos desaires no me quitan el sueno: no tengo que agradar a todo el mundo, solo a quienes en verdad me importan, que no son muchos. Isabel Allende
f232c7a If what you want is the effect of painting, then paint, Aurora. If what you want is truth, learn to use your camera," he would say again and again" Isabel Allende
f989989 La discusion se prolongaba y ambos se perdian en una oratoria confusa que los dejaba agotados, acusandose mutuamente de ser mas testarudos que una mula, pero al final se daban las buenas noches con un beso y quedaban ambos con la sensacion de que el otro era un ser maravilloso. Isabel Allende