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409ea04 He was discovering that may be there was more him than his name. And may be, when all was said and done, he'd still be whole. Julia Quinn
caa8d0d John shrugged. "It always seemed silly to me to desire a woman who cannot converse any better than a sheep." Belle leaned forward, her eyes glittering mischievously. "Really? I would have thought you'd prefer such a woman,considering your difficulty with polite conversation." "Touche, my lady. I cede this round to you." humor hilarious Julia Quinn
a0baabf Their fathers had been twins, but John"s had entered the world seven minutes before Michael"s. The most critical seven minutes in Michael Stirling"s life, and he hadn"t even been alive for them." Julia Quinn
c5fe2cf You did make a few odd noises when we rounded the corner on the second landing, but no, you were most definitely unconscious." "Odd noises?" Belle's expression turned sheepish. "Well, actually it might have had something to do with the fact that you crashed into the end-post when we turned the corner." Emma's eyes opened wide." -- Julia Quinn
289b97b you may tell your husband that if he so much as touches a hair on my fiances head, I shall personally see to it that his liver is extracted through his mouth. anne-wynter daniel-smythe-smith Julia Quinn
32b5731 I'm not sure what it means." Grace frowned. "I don't think I do either." "It sounds bad, though." "Sodding bad." Grace said with a smile, and she patted Amelia's hand. Amelia sighed. "A dammed shame." We are repeating ourselves." Grace pointed out. "I know." Amelia said, but with a fair bit of feeling. "But whose fault is ut? Not ours. We've been far too sheltered." "Now that," Grace announced with a flair, "really is a dammed shame!" "A bl.. Julia Quinn
2c1c1be Isn't it nice to discover that we're not exactly what we thought we were? Julia Quinn
1dd8d04 Kate?" Anthony yelled again. He couldn't see anyone; a dislodged bench was blocking the opening. "Can you hear me?" Still no response. "Try the other side," came Edwina's frantic voice. "The opening isn't as crushed." Anthony jumped to his feet and ran around the back of the carriage to the other side. The door had already come off its hinges, leaving a hole just large enough for him to stuff his upper body into. "Kate?" he called out, t.. Julia Quinn
26f602d I believe I told you I am utterly serious. I never lie." "Now that is a clanker if ever I heard one." she retorted. "Well, then, I never lie about anything important." Her hands found their way to her hips and she let out a loud, "Harumph." Julia Quinn
5bf4d64 he was struck again by that odd sense of somehow being more alive than he'd been just seconds earlier. Julia Quinn
44d206d I shall freckle." "That doesn't bother me," he said with a shrug. "It bothers me!" "Don't worry. They'll be on your own face, so you won't have to see them." Ellie gaped at him, astounded by his illogic." Julia Quinn
bd08af4 Today I glory in my sixdom." "Sixdom?" "Sixitude." Annabel started to grin. "Sixulation," Louisa proclaimed." Julia Quinn
e386a34 Hastings is going to go to a half-wit," the duke moaned. "All those years of praying for an heir, and now it's all for ruin. I should have let the title go to my cousin." He turned back to his son, who was sniffling and wiping his eyes, trying to appear strong for his father. "I can't even look at him," he gasped. "I can't even bear to look at him." And with that, the duke stalked out of the room. Nurse Hopkins hugged the boy close. "You'r.. Julia Quinn
336d4e9 Sophie shook her head, completely unable to speak. Posy had knocked her breath clear to Scotland. Julia Quinn
297595e We cannot accept this sort of money from a stranger.' 'Maybe it's not a stranger,' Susan said. 'Then that's even worse!' Elizabeth retorted. 'My God, can you imagine? Some horrid person treating us like puppets, pulling our strings, thinking he can control our destiny? Julia Quinn
7558fc2 He is asking Caroline to produce a list," Georgina explained. "What sort of list?" Finchley asked. Julia Quinn
596c032 She didn"t like to be thwarted, and she certainly did not enjoy admitting that she might not be able to arrange her world--and the people inhabiting it--to her satisfaction." -- Julia Quinn
8a25e96 The duke nudged his ball a bit forward from the rest of the pile. "You do realize," he said to no one in particular, "that I have never played Pall Mall before?" "Just give the ball a good whack in that direction, darling," Daphne said, pointing to the first wicket. "Isn't that the last wicket?" Anthony asked. "It's the first." "It to be the last." Daphne's jaw jutted out. "I set up the course, and it's the first." "I think this mig.. Julia Quinn
057d06c She didn't like to think she was so shallow that a mere dress could make her happy, but she had to concede that it gave her a new sense of self-confidence. Julia Quinn
52b226a That's all he said?' Mrs. Royle demanded. 'He's not one for lengthy explanations,' Honoria said. 'Powerful men do not explain their actions,' Cecily announced dramatically. Julia Quinn
9752eb4 Simon winced as the man fought for words. He didn't appear to be stuttering so much as emotionally overcome, but it was never pleasant when one couldn't get a sentence out. Julia Quinn
6efaf16 You're mine," he said, his eyes never leaving hers as he slid inside. "You're mine." And much later, when they were exhausted and spent, lying in each other's arms, he brought his lips to her ear and whispered, "And I'm yours." Julia Quinn
7c5f8ce There was nothing she valued more than a cool and clear head, and Michael had managed to steal that from her with a single kiss. And then he'd done more. So much more. She was never going to be the same. She was never going to be /sane/. 'You look distressed,' he said. She wanted to strangle him. He cocked his head and smiled. She wanted to kiss him. He held up the teapot. 'More?' God, yes, and that was the problem. Julia Quinn
906f293 Stop! Stop!" Sophie shrieked with laughter as she ran down the stone steps that led to the garden behind Bridgerton House. After three children and seven years of marriage, Benedict could still make her smile, still make her laugh . . . and he still chased her around the house any chance he could get. "Where are the children?" she gasped, once he'd caught her at the base of the steps. "Francesca is watching them." "And your mother?" He.. epilogue Julia Quinn
85377c4 It's too late," she whispered. He whirled her around. "Don't say that! We are no better than animals if we cannot learn from our mistakes and move forward." She lifted her chin. "It isn't that. I don't want to marry you anymore." And she didn't, she realized ... He paled and whispered, "You're just saying that." "I mean what I say, Robert. I don't want to marry you." "You're angry," he reasoned. "You're angry, and you want to hurt me, and y.. Julia Quinn
cad08ee Your talents are for pointing guns and removing necklaces off ladies' necks?' 'I charm the necklaces off their necks ... Kindly make the distinction.' 'Oh, please.' 'I charmed you.' She was all indignation. 'You did not.' 'Recall the night in question, Miss Eversleigh. The moonlight, the soft wind.' 'There was no wind.' 'You're spoiling my memory,' he growled. 'There was no wind,' she stated. 'You are romanticizing the encounter.' 'Can you .. Julia Quinn
6b8a089 I'm right here,' Frances said gamely. 'So you are,' Annie replied. 'Gold star for you.' 'It's really too bad that you don't have *actual* gold stars. I shouldn't have to pinch up my pin money each week.' 'If I had actual gold stars,' Anne replied with a quirk of her brow, 'I shouldn't have to be your governess.' 'Touche,' Frances said admiringly. Anne gave her a wink. There was something rather satisfying about earning the regard of a ten-y.. Julia Quinn
88b5769 One of his brows lifted in a rather superior manner. "And you wouldn't classify your brothers as rakes?" "They only they are rakes," she corrected. "There is a considerable difference." Simon snorted. "If Anthony isn't a rake, I pity the woman who meets the man who is." -Simon & Daphne" Julia Quinn
d3a9ddb when Francesca had turned to him with those bottomless blue eyes and said, 'The baby was to have been yours in a way, too,' she'd shattered him to his very soul. She didn't know. She had no idea. And as long as she remained in the dark about his feelings for her, as long as she couldn't understand why he had no choice but to hate himself for every step he took in John's shoes, he couldn't be near her. Because she was going to keep saying th.. Julia Quinn
4f6a95b We're not doing maths again?' Harriet lamented. Lord Winstead looked at Anne with unconcealed curiosity. 'Mathematics? On Rotten Row?' 'We have been studying measurement,' she informed him. 'They have already measured the average length of their strides. Now they will count their steps and compute the length of the path.' 'Very nice,' he said approvingly. 'And it keeps them busy and quiet as they count.' 'You have not heard them count,' Ann.. Julia Quinn
4903cce He wasn't certain how this woman had come to mean so much to him. It seemed that one day she was a stranger, and the next she was as indispensable as air. And yet it hadn't happened in a blinding flash. It had been a slow, sneaky process, quietly coloring his emotions until he realized that without her, his life lacked all meaning. -Benedict's thoughts about Sophie benedict benedicts-thoughts-about-sophie sophie Julia Quinn
599bcf4 the murderous look in his eyes made her legs turn to jelly. 'Don't,' he spat out, 'make the mistake of getting me angry.' 'You're not angry now?' she croaked in disbelief. He let her go abruptly and smiled, cocking a brow as she slid down into a crouch. 'Not at all,' he said smoothly. 'I merely wanted to set some ground rules.' Henry's mouth fell open. The man was insane. 'First of all, no more devious little plots to try to get rid of me.'.. Julia Quinn
82e7612 How dare you belittle me this way?' 'What the hell are you talking about?' 'I have never, not even once in my life, given my love to another man. And you throw it back in my face like a trifle.' 'You misunderstand me. It is because I value your love so highly that I do not accept it.' 'You don't accept it because you don't want to accept it. You're mired in misplaced guilt and self-pity. Julia Quinn
7f8b00a You are so beautiful,' he whispered. She must have heard those words before, thousands of times, but he wanted her to hear them from *him*. Julia Quinn
a3750ac It is only that I am fascinated by the postal system. It's really quite marvelous. He looked at her curiously, and she couldn't tell if he believed her. Luckily for her, it was the truth, even if she'd said it to cover a lie ... 'I should like to follow a letter one day,' she said, 'just to see where it goes.' 'To the address on its front, I would imagine,' he said. She pressed her lips together to acknowledge his little gibe, then said, 'B.. Julia Quinn
1104032 It's just that I love you so much, and -' 'Belle, please.' 'Please what? Please don't tell you I love you? Please don't love you?' 'I can't accept it, Belle.' ... 'How can I possibly let myself continue to love a man who can never love me back?' 'But Belle,' he whispered. 'I do love you.' John wasn't certain how he expected her to respond, but it was certainly not in the manner she did. She stepped back as if hit ... 'No,' she finally gaspe.. Julia Quinn
88e49f1 Actually, I'm an excellent liar. But what I'm really good at is appearing appropriately sheepish and adorable after I'm caught. Julia Quinn
f7bde90 Buck up, man," Simon grunted, grabbing him by the collar. "This is getting embarrassing." He turned to Daphne. "I'm going to have to take him outside now. We can't leave him here in the hall. He's liable to start moaning like a sickened cow--" "I rather thought he'd already started," Daphne said. Simon felt one corner of his mouth twist up in a reluctant smile." Julia Quinn
0a6de52 Her eyes were oceans, two oceans of - Good God, he thought disgustedly. No wonder his sister hated her. He'd been in her presence for less than a minute, and already he'd gone completely stupid. Julia Quinn
c67c537 He knew her, he realized. He truly knew her. Not just the usual things. In fact, he didn't know the usual things. He did not know her favorite color. Nor cold he guess her favorite animal or food. But somehow it didn't matter if he didn't knw if she preferred pink or blue or purple or black. He knew her heart. He wanted her heart. Julia Quinn
77eda63 This is none of your concern,' his uncle spat. 'I beg to differ,' Sebastian said quietly. 'A lady in distress is always my concern. Julia Quinn
e06ef36 if one read [Lady Whistledown's Society Papers] often enough, one could almost feel a part of London society without actually attending any balls. Julia Quinn
a0f203f She looked so unbearably sad, and it wrecked him. "You love someone else," she whispered. Wait.... what? It took him a moment to realize he hasn't said it aloud. Has she gone mad? "What are you talking about?" "Billie Bridgerton. You're supposed to marry her. I don't think you remember, bu--" "I'm not in love with Billie," he interrupted" Julia Quinn
f58d3ea It occurred to him that perhaps he ought not to have married a woman with such extraordinary eyes. Julia Quinn