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cc9e500 Hyacinth," Lady Bridgerton said in a vaguely disapproving voice, "do try to speak in complete sentences." Hyacinth looked at her mother with a surprised expression. "Biscuits. Are. Good." She cocked her head to the side. "Noun. Verb. Adjective." "Hyacinth." "Noun. Verb. Adjective." Colin said, wiping a crumb from his grinning face. "Sentence. Is. Correct." colin-bridgerton romancing-mister-bridgerton violet-bridgerton hyacinth-bridgerton julia-quinn Julia Quinn
b517863 He shook his head in wonder. "You are magnificent." "I keep telling everyone that," she said with a nonchalant shrug, "But you seem to be the only one to believe me." marriage love Julia Quinn
f7217c1 A duel, a duel, a duel. Is there anything more exciting, more romantic ... or more utterly moronic? Julia Quinn
1e79062 Colin's chuckles grew more heartfelt. "You really ought to have more faith in your favorite brother, dear sis." "He's your favorite brother?" Simon asked, one dark brow raised in disbelief. "Only because Gregory put a toad in my bed last night," Daphne bit off, "and Benedict's standing has never recovered from the time he beheaded my favorite doll." "Makes me wonder what Anthony's done to deny him even an honorable mention," Colin murmured... Julia Quinn
fcb3b3a Miss Bridgerton," he said, "the devil himself couldn't scare you." She forced her eyes to meet his. "That's not a compliment, is it?" He lifted her hand to his lips, brushing a feather-light kiss across her knuckles. "You'll have to figure that out for yourself," he murmured. To all who observed, he was the soul of propriety, but Hyacinth caught the daring gleam in his eye, and she felt the breath leave her body as tingles of electricity ru.. romance humor Julia Quinn
73d02a7 I understand that you are an accomplished swords-man," she finally said. He eyed her curiously. Where was she going with this? "I like to fence, yes," he replied. "I have always wanted to learn." "Good God," Gregory grunted. "I would be quite good at it," she protested. "I'm sure you would," her brother replied, "which is why you should never be allowed within thirty feet of a sword." He turned to Gareth. "She's quite diabolical." "Yes, I'd.. humor compliments swordplay siblings Julia Quinn
45cd67c I also think he is given to disguises...Sometimes he wears spectacles and sometimes he does not. And twice he has worn an extremely peculiar hat. Inside. suspicious hat spying Julia Quinn
9942a54 He said he loved me," she whispered. Daniel swallowed, and he had the strangest sensation, almost a premonition of what it must like to be a parent. Someday, God willing, he'd have a daughter, and that daughter would look like the woman standing in front of him, and if ever she looked at him with that bewildered expression, whispering, "He said he loved me . . ." Nothing short of murder would be an acceptable response." anne julia-quinn daniel Julia Quinn
3454c7e This has to be the most self-centered thing I've ever said, but no, I think you just wanted to vex me. romance julia-quinn Julia Quinn
7819cca It was the one dream he'd never permitted himself to consider. Julia Quinn
25c6d12 Olivia: You didn't even know I was there! Harry: Excuse me, yes I did. Julia Quinn
0d67c72 Lady Danbury leaned forward. Even Hyacinth leaned forward, and she was holding the book. gareth-st-clair hyacinth-bridgerton it-s-in-his-kiss julia-quinn Julia Quinn
b6d450d Well," she finally said, "he's coming back shortly, so you are absolved of your responsibilities." "No." The word came from him like an oath, emerging from the very core of his being. She looked at him in impatient confusion. "What do you mean?" He stepped forward. He wasn't sure what he was doing. He knew only that he couldn't stop. "I mean no. I don't want to be absolved." Her lips parted. He took another step. His heart was pounding,.. Julia Quinn
2ad3df6 There is so much I hope to teach you, little one. I hope that I may do so by example, but I feel the need to put the words to paper as well. It is a quirk of mine, one which I expect you will recognize and find amusing by the time you read this letter. Be strong. Be diligent. Be conscientious. There is never anything to be gained by taking the easy road. (Unless, of course, the road is an easy one to begin with. Roads sometimes are. If that.. Julia Quinn
3aa3ea5 The look Anthony shot at his sister was so comically malevolent Simon nearly laughed. He managed to restrain himself, but mostly just because he was fairly certain that any show of humor would cause Anthony's fist to lose its battle with his brain, with Simon's face emerging as the conflict's primary casualty. Julia Quinn
a886d65 Now I want you to listen to me," he said in a low voice, taking her chin in his hand and forcing her to look at him. "And listen carefully, because I'm only going to say this once. You are going to marry me before this week is out. Since you have conveniently run off to Scotland, we don't need a special license. You're just lucky I don't haul you off to a church right this instant. Get yourself a dress and get yourself some flowers, because.. Julia Quinn
44cdd7c Why? It's because I love you, damn me to hell. Because I've always loved you. Because I loved you when you were with John, and I loved you when I was in India, and God only knows I don't deserve you, but I love you, anyway. Julia Quinn
9afaff6 It is a truth universally acknowledged that a married man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of an heir. paraphrased Julia Quinn
3b83588 To call that writing, madam, is an insult to quills and ink across the world. humor penmanship Julia Quinn
3eca7ba Say whatever is in your heart," Violet said. Her lips twisted wryly. "And if that doesn't work, I suggest that you take a book and knock him over the head with it." Hyacinth blinked, then blinked again. "I beg your pardon." "I didn't say that," Violet said quickly. Hyacinth felt herself smile. "I'm rather certain you did." "Do you think?" Violet murmured, concealing her own smile with her teacup. "A large book," Hyacinth queried, "or small?.. Julia Quinn
bc4dcf6 I have thoroughly compromised your niece," Alex declared. "Will you plase insist that she marry me?" Caroline didn't bat an eyelash. "This", she announced, "is most peculiar." Julia Quinn
b123f62 I shall have one, too," he told her. "So that you don't feel alone." She tried not to smile. "That is most generous of you." "I am quite certain it is my gentlemanly duty." "To eat cake?" "It is one of the more appealing of my gentlemanly duties," he allowed." Julia Quinn
5ef403b I am going to kill you," he hissed. She gulped. "Don't you want to lecture me first?" He stared at her with a heavy dose of stupefaction. "I take that back," he said with precisely clipped words. "First I am going to strangle you, and then I am going to kill you." "Here?" she asked doubtfully, looking around. "Won't my dead body look suspicious in the morning?" Julia Quinn
0262812 He gave her his best smile. His best I-almost-died-so-how-can-you-deny-me smile. Or at least that's how he hoped it appeared. The truth was, he wasn't a very accomplished flirt, and it might very well have come across as an Iam- mildly-deranged-so-it's-in-all-of-our-best-interests-if-youpretend- to-agree-with-me smile. Julia Quinn
07abf89 Gareth turned to Gregory. "Your sister will be safe with me," he said. "I give you my vow." "Oh, I have no worries on that score," Gregory said with a bland smile. "The real question is--will you be safe with her?" It was a good thing, Gareth later reflected, that Hyacinth had already quit the room to fetch her coat and her maid. She probably would have killed her brother on the spot." Julia Quinn
233a158 You'll be seeing him tomorrow night, anyway." "I am?" Hyacinth asked, at precisely the moment Mr. St. Clair said, "She will?" "You're accompanying me to the Pleinsworth poetry reading," Lady D told her grandson. "Or have you forgotten?" Hyacinth sat back, enjoying the sight of Gareth St. Clair's mouth opening and closing in obvious distress. He looked a bit like a fish, she decided. A fish with the features of a Greek god, but still, a fish.. humor Julia Quinn
16b486e First of all, this goes no further than this room." "Agreed," she said quickly. Anthony looked pointedly at Simon. "Of course," he replied. "Mother would be devastated if she learned the truth." "Actually," Simon murmured, "I rather think your mother would applaud our ingenuity, but since you have quite obviously known her longer, I bow to your discretion." Anthony shot him a frosty look. "Second, under no circumstances are the two of you .. humor conditions Julia Quinn
306d660 He was the firstborn Bridgerton of a firstborn Bridgerton of a firstborn Bridgerton eight times over. He had a dynastic responsibility to be fruitful and multiply. Julia Quinn
c02b3b9 When a man writes a romance, the woman dies. When a woman writes one, it ends all tidy and sweet. Julia Quinn
b3f029c If you do not apologize to Lady Honoria," Marcus said, his voice so mild as to be terrifying, "I will kill you." There was a collective gasp, and Daisy faked a swoon, sliding elegantly into Iris, who promptly stepped aside and let her hit the floor. "Oh, come now," Mr. Grimston said. "Surely it won't come to pistols at dawn." "I'm not talking about a duel," Marcus said. "I mean I will kill you right here." romance Julia Quinn
4e033b7 She needed him to be him. Even if he could not be hers. Julia Quinn
47998ab Daphne," he said with controlled gentleness, "what is wrong?" She sat down opposite him and placed a hand on his cheek. "I'm so insensitive," she whispered. "I should have known. I should never have said anything." "Should have known what?" he ground out. Her hand fell away. "That you can't--that you couldn't--" "Can't what?" She looked down at her lap, where her hands were attempting to wring each other to shreds. "Please don't make me say.. Julia Quinn
9174ddd This thing between them, this bond--it wasn't just passion, and it wasn't wicked. It was love, and it was divine. Julia Quinn
9ff985d I didn't think I should die but I did not know how I would Live. Julia Quinn
97b555c You're in a rather odd mood today." I'm soaking wet, Eloise." No need to snap at me about it, I didn't force you to walk across town in the rain." It wasn't raining when I left,". There was something about a sibling that brought out the eight-year-old in a body. I'm sure the sky was gray," Clearly, she had a bit of the eight-year-old in her as well." humor Julia Quinn
2600d80 By the following morning, Anthony was drunk. By afternoon, he was hungover. His head was pounding, his ears were ringing, and his brothers, who had been surprised to discover him in such a state at their club, were talking far too loudly. Anthony put his hands over his ears and groaned.Everyone was talking far too loudly. "Kate boot you out of the house?" Colin asked, grabbing a walnut from a large pewter dish in the middle their table and .. Julia Quinn
92efae1 And for the rest of the night, he couldn't quite forget the smell of her perfume. Or maybe it was the soft sound of her chuckle. Or maybe it was neither of those things. Maybe it was just her. Julia Quinn
6ff0378 Not that I knew who you were until last month. But now that I've got you, I'm not letting you go." "You're not?" Blake stared at her in irritated confusion. What was her game? "Do you think I'm an idiot?" he spat out. "No," she said. "I've just escaped from a den of idiots, so I'm well familiar with the breed, and you're something else entirely. I am, however, hoping you're not a terribly good shot." romance idiocy sarcasm Julia Quinn
f7b2d3b the unexpected moment [is] always sweeter. love-story true romance quote the-viscount-who-loved-me Julia Quinn
ea7d2c0 How do you feel?" she asked, trying to fluff his pillow. "Other than terrible, I mean." He moved his head slightly to the side. It seemed to be a sickly interpretation of a shrug. "Of course you're feeling terrible," she clarified, "but is there any change? More terrible? Less terrible?" He made no response. "The same amount of terrible?" -- romance sick Julia Quinn
a97f78b Charlotte Stokehurst," Violet Bridgerton announced, "is getting married." "Today?" Hyacinth queried, taking off her gloves. Her mother gave her a look. "She has become engaged. Her mother told me this morning." Hyacinth looked around. "Were you waiting for me in the hall?" "To the Earl of Renton," Violet added. "Renton." "Have we any tea?" Hyacinth asked. "I walked all the way home, and I'm thirsty." "Renton!" Violet exclaimed, looking abou.. Julia Quinn
f1873a0 She'd ceased spying upon him, that was true, but the damage was done. Every time he sat at his desk, he could feel her eyes upon him, even though he knew very well she'd shut her curtains tight. But clearly, reality had very little to do with the matter, because all he had to do, it seemed, was glance at her window, and he lost an entire hour's work. It happened thus: He looked at the window, because it was there, and he couldn't very well .. funny spying obsession Julia Quinn
c6430bf Did you wonder?" he whispered. "Did you leave me and wonder what I hadn't told you?" He leaned in, just so she'd feel his lips move whisper-light against her ear. "Did you want to know what I did when I was wicked? Do you want me to tell you?" he murmured. He felt her jerk slightly in surprise, and he chuckled. "Not about them, Francesca. You. Only you." -Michael Stirling" Julia Quinn
01e9a27 Happy endings are all I can do. I wouldn't know how to write anything else. Julia Quinn