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fa5ed74 Can't I be purple?" Lady Alexandra asked. Billie looked at her as if she'd asked to have the Magna Carta revised." Julia Quinn
00c44e2 What if you were to get lost," he pointed out. Oh, that was the final straw. She whirled around. "However could that happen, my lord?" She notched her chin up a bit. "We're standing on an island. Eventually I would come to an edge." Julia Quinn
abf16d1 Puedo vivir con tu odio --dijo a la puerta cerrada--, pero no puedo vivir sin ti. Julia Quinn
2042df3 She turned, pasting a brilliant smile on her face. She was going to charm this man until - until - well, until he was charmed. She opened her mouth to slay him with something utterly witty and sophisticated, but before she could form even a sound, he leaned in closer, his eyes warm and dangerous, and said, "I find myself unbearably curious about that smile." She blinked. If she didn't know better, she'd think that he was trying to charm her.. Julia Quinn
76a1782 But from the mocking curve of his smile, she was fairly certain she'd not been able to mask her first flash of surprise. "Forgive me," he said smoothly, and she shivered, because his voice -- it wasn't what she'd thought it would be. It sounded like the smell of brandy, and it felt like the taste of chocolate. And she wasn't so certain why she'd shivered, because now she felt rather warm." Julia Quinn
1787d45 Your eyes," he murmured. "They're blue. I thought they might be, given your coloring, but it was difficult to tell from so far away." She froze, but he had to admire her adherence to purpose as she said, "I'm sure I don't know what you are talking about." He leaned in just enough so that she would notice. "Mine are brown." She looked as if she were about to make a retort, but instead she blinked, and almost appeared to be peering at him mor.. Julia Quinn
2b12ac6 I shall be delighted to see you again this evening." "Will you?" (chuckles) "How tart! Positively lemonish of you." "Lemonish; really." Julia Quinn
9639cd7 In the end, it was the little details of the wedding that Daphne remembered. There were tears in her mother's eyes (and then eventually on her face), and Anthony's voice had been oddly hoarse when he stepped forward to give her away. Hyacinth had strewn her rose petals too quickly, and there were none left by the time she reached the altar. Gregory sneezed three times before they even got to their vows. And she remembered the look of concen.. love Julia Quinn
877863b George" she practically squealed, and once again he shushed her. "You never learn, do you?" he murmured against her skin. "You're the one who's making me scream." "That wasn't a scream," he said with a cocktail smile. she eyed him with alarm. "I didn't mean it as a dare." He laughed aloud--although more quietly than she'd done--at that. "Merely planning for the future, when volume is not an issue." "George, there are servants!" "Who work f.. george-rokesby sybilla-bridgerton blush noise Julia Quinn
81cab7e She felt his hands move to the fastening of his breeches, and then he swore under his breath as he was forced to roll off her in order to (in his words), "get the bloody things off." She couldn't help but chuckle at his profanity; he seemed to be having a much rougher time of it than she imagined was usual. "You're laughing?" he asked, his brows rising into a daring arch. "You should be glad I was already out of my gown," she told him. "Thi.. get-the-bloody-thing-off george-rokesby sybilla-bridgerton clothing buttons Julia Quinn
a5a749f I like Lord Hugh very much. It's true that he can be a little eccentric, but he's terribly clever. And he's a very good shot." All eyes swung back to Frances. "He shot Cousin Daniel in the shoulder," Sarah reminded her. "He's a very good shot when he's sober," Frances clarified. "Daniel said so." Julia Quinn
fdbb25e You looked lonely." Hugh smiled again. It was the sort of thing an adult would never have said aloud. And precisely the reason he'd rather have been chatting with her than anyone else in the room. "I was alone, not lonely." Frances frowned, considering that. Hugh was just about to explain the difference when she cocked her head and asked, "Are you sure?" "Alone is a state of being," he explained, "whereas lonely is--" "I know that," she cut.. Julia Quinn
a7bf618 Eu te amo - disse ele, a voz enfim mais alta que um suspiro. Ele se virou, o coracao, a propria alma nos olhos. - Eu te amo. Julia Quinn
7afac1f Bilirsin,askin insanin karsisina ne zaman cikacagi belli olmaz. eloise-bridgerton phillip-crane Julia Quinn
2ca11b0 Tesadufler.Her sey tesaduflerden ibaretti.Hicbir bilim insani kabullenmese de en buyuk icatlar,birileri tamamiyla bambaska bir sorunu cozmeye calisirken ortaya cikardi. eloise-bridgerton phillip-crane Julia Quinn
d77d3f3 Do you know how the tradition of the bridal bouquet toss was formed?" Hugh asked. Sarah shook her head. "Are you asking me because you know, or are you asking me because you want to know?" He ignored her slight sarcasm and said, "Brides are considered to be good luck, and many centuries ago young women who wanted a piece of that luck tried quite literally to get a piece of it by tearing off bits of her gown." "That's barbaric!" Frances excl.. romance huge-prentice Julia Quinn
2219b68 The only thing worse than a man who makes a woman cry is a man who makes a woman cry and then doesn't feel guilty about it. honoria-smythe-smith wise-words Julia Quinn
8acdfe6 I think it was your language," Miranda said mildly. "She said most of them were idiots, too." "That is not at all what I said," Olivia put in. "I said they were bores." "Sheep," Miranda confirmed. "Goats," Olivia added with a shrug. Turner began to look alarmed. "Good God, do the two of you speak your own language?" -- Julia Quinn
0819af3 Most people don't laugh so much while they're kissing." He grinned boyishly and tweaked her nose. Belle tweaked his back. "They don't? How unfortunate for them." love Julia Quinn
b78785f A few minutes later they were ensconced in his landau, the canopy pulled up tight. Julia Quinn
cf26eeb You married into the family. You have to love me. It's a contractual obligation. in-laws sisters Julia Quinn
a0feac5 It was as if her insides were light-headed. And her heart was not beating quite properly. It wasn't racing, and it wasn't pounding ... It was dancing. Singing. Julia Quinn
ccc62df This kiss . . . I wish for it with a fervor that shakes my soul. I have no idea why I wish it, only that I felt it the moment I saw you at the piano, and it has only intensified in the days since." She" Julia Quinn
ce54825 Edmund Bridgerton had died at the age of thirty-eight. And Anthony simply couldn't imagine ever surpassing his father in any way, even in years. Julia Quinn
41a21b2 unsuccessfully to concentrate on his work. Norwood, the only servant Julia Quinn
816d81d dowager grumbled a bit about that, using the same peevish Julia Quinn
5fe5819 Tengo una idea --dijo ella. Alguien ahogo una exclamacion. Otro gimio. --Una idea brillante. --Y no es que no sean brillantes todas sus ideas --musito Colin con su voz mas afable. Lady Danbury lo hizo callar agitando la mano. --?Cuantos verdaderos misterios hay en la vida? Nadie contesto, asi que Colin aventuro: --?Cuarenta y dos? Ella ni se molesto en mirarlo, cenuda. --Os digo a todos aqui y ahora... Todos se le acercaron mas. Incluso Col.. Julia Quinn
bb0201d a vital component of charity and grace is the ability not to draw attention to one's possession of them." Penelope pursed her lips as she pushed Eloise" Julia Quinn
35dd494 Nobody ever thinks it's nice to see me...But I thank you for lying all the same. ~ Lady Danbury Julia Quinn
9f3bc06 a wise man understands that his comfort is dependent on living in accord with the women in his life and not attempting to command them." His" Julia Quinn
5a9de1d It's your musicale." "And I'll sulk if I want to," she" Julia Quinn
535d2f2 Billie turned back to Geroge. "He's an idiot." He held up his hands. "You will find no argument here." "The plight of the younger son," Andrew said with a sigh. Billie rolled her eyes, tipping he read toward Andrew as she said to George, "Don't encourage him." "To be ganged up upon," Andrew went on, "never respected..." George crane his neck, trying to read the title of Billie's book. "What are you reading?" "And," Andrew continued, "appar.. humor billie-bridgerton george-rokesby sybilla-bridgerton idiot Julia Quinn
e83bc0e You don't talk much, do you?" she blurted out. "I didn't think there was a need. You seem to be holding up both our ends of the conversation admirably." courting talkative Julia Quinn
17633c5 Everyone has secrets. Julia Quinn An Offer From A Gentleman
d3a342b the female mind was a strange and incomprehensible organ--one which no man should even attempt to understand. There wasn't a woman alive who could go from point A to B without stopping at C, D, X, and 12 along the way. "Penelope," Julia Quinn
9d4945e Puedo vivir con tu odio -dijo a la puerta cerrada-, pero no puedo vivir sin ti. Julia Quinn
3bdfd2f Mr. Crabtree looked at him for a moment, blinked, nodded, then turned back to Sophie. "Why're you dressed like that?" Sophie looked down and realized with horror that she'd completely forgotten she was wearing men's clothes. Men's clothes so big that she could barely keep the breeches from falling to her feet. "My clothes were wet," she explained, "from the rain." Mr. Crabtree nodded sympathetically. "Quite a storm last night. That's why .. Julia Quinn
e6b2dad Hermione uzanip yanagina dokundu, kederle gulumsuyordu. "Gordugum en mutsuz gelinsin." Lucy gozlerini kapadi. "Mutsuz degilim. Ben sadece sey hissediyorum..." Ama ne hissettigini bilmiyordu. Ne hissetmesi gerekiyordu ki?Kimse bunun icin egitmemisti onu.Butun egitimi boyunca; dadisi,murebbiyesi ve Bayan Moss'un Okulu'nda gecirdigi uc yil boyunca kimse ona bunun dersini vermemisti. Neden kimse bunun dikis nakistan ve yerel danslardan daha.. julia-quinn Julia Quinn
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4839a95 Babacigim!" diye bagirdi Amanda.Uzun zamandir sarf etmedigi bir sevgi sozcuguydu.Phillip yillardir sadece "Baba" oldugundan,bunun kulaga ne kadar tatli geldigini unutmustu." eloise-bridgerton phillip-crane Julia Quinn
b2458ed Benedict!" Damn. He'd nearly made a clean escape. He looked up to see his mother hurrying toward him. She was dressed in some sort of Elizabethan costume. He supposed she was meant to be a character in one of Shakespeare's plays, but for the life of him, he had no idea which. "What can I do for you, Mother?" he asked. "And don't say 'Dance with Hermione Smythe-Smith.' Last time I did that I nearly lost three toes in the process." "I wasn.. Julia Quinn
33d85ba E voce, Srta. Bridgerton? Gosta de apostar? - E claro - respondeu ela, surpreendendo-o com a sinceridade. - Mas so quando sei que vou ganhar. chapter-2 garreth um-beijo-inesquecível bridgertons portuguese hyacinth-bridgerton julia-quinn Julia Quinn
9ee83e8 He just looked at her as if she were an idiot. Or a woman. It was Tillie's experience that most men thought they were one and the same. Julia Quinn