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b01b194 Erkeklerin inatci oldugunu soyleyenler,kecilere hakaret etmis olurlar. simon-basset julia-quinn Julia Quinn
b784031 We plan to avoid cupids," Mr. Audley said. "Cupids?" Amelia echoed. Good heavens, he did move from topic to topic. He shrugged. "I have discovered that I am not fond of them." How could anyone not be fond of cupids?" Julia Quinn
4e73114 Nao preciso de ser mesmo boa. So preciso de retirar prazer do que faco. E de saber que tentei. Julia Quinn
28485b6 Siempre me parecio una tonteria desear a una mujer que conversara apenar mejor que una oveja. Julia Quinn
c8648e0 I am beggining to realise," Alex murmured, "why people always hope for sons. It has nothing to do with producing an heir." Julia Quinn
bfd8edf And then Alec had a providient thought. "D'you want my sister?" "Octavia!" Hugh gasped at him. "isn't she twelve?" Julia Quinn
3f4216b Did you know I have always suspected that men were idiots," Daphne ground out, "but I was never positive until today." men Julia Quinn
5868538 It was strange. She would have thought that she'd sense John's presence, feel him in the air, see him in the surroundings they'd shared for two years. But instead, he was simply gone, and the influx of women had changed the tone of the house entirely. Francesca supposed that was a good thing; she needed the support of women right now. But it was odd, living among women. There were more flowers now - vases everywhere, it seemed. And there wa.. Julia Quinn
261073b But as they settled into their seats in the inn's busy dining room, he looked at her across the table and it wasn't her beauty he saw. It was her heart. And her soul. And he had a sinking feeling that his life was never going to be the same. Julia Quinn
4045f90 She exhaled, and then looked back to Nigel, who was still lying on the floor, moaning incoherently. Simon looked down, too, and for several seconds they just stood there, staring at the unconscious man, until the girl said, "I really didn't hit him very hard." "Maybe he's drunk." She looked dubious. "Do you think? I smelled spirits on his breath, but I've never seen him drunk before." Simon had nothing to add to that line of thought, so.. Julia Quinn
6f9bb3a there us a difference you know, between the male and the female ghost-" "What is the difference?" Georgina asked. "Oh, the male ghost is obsessed with venegemce, I find." Lear said, drinking again. Julia Quinn
08ba98f I didn't want to love you," Anthony whispered. "It was the one thing I feared above all. I'd grown rather used to my rather odd little outlook on life. Almost comfortable, actually. But love--" His voice caught; the choking sound seemed unmanly, it made him vulnerable. But he didn't care, because this was Kate. And it didn't matter if she saw his deepest fears, because he knew she'd love him no matter what. It was a sublimely freeing feeli.. Julia Quinn
9414023 Sebastian got up and walked to the window, resting his forehead against the pane. It was cold outside, and the icy chill pressed up against him through the glass. He liked the sensation. It was big. Grand. The sort of vivid moment that reminded him of his humanity. He was cold, therefore he must be alive. He was cold, therefore he must not be invincible. He was cold, therefore He stood back and let out a disgusted snort. He was cold, theref.. Julia Quinn
7285f15 Dogs deserve proper names." "Cats, too?" "Cats are entirely different. They catch mice." ten-things-i-love-about-you julia-quinn Julia Quinn
914de54 You are far too generous," he said. She smiled, a real smile this time. "I am rarely accused of that, Mr. Bridgerton." He laughed. Right out loud in the middle of the ballroom. Kate realized with discomfort that they were suddenly the object of numerous curious stares. "You," he said, still sounding most heartily amused, "must meet my brother." "The viscount?" she asked with disbelief. "Well, you might enjoy Gregory's company as well,.. Julia Quinn
82ae1dd Much to Sophie's extreme of surprise, Benedict showed up at his mother's home the following morning for breakfast. Sophie should have been able to avoid him completely, except that he was loitering in the hall as she tried to make her way down to the kitchen, where she planned to take her morning meal with the rest of the servants. "And how was your first night at Number Five, Bruton Street?" he inquired, his smile lazy and masculine. ".. Julia Quinn
5c2441d Apakah orang bisa menghargai kesempurnaan bila hal itu merupakan sesuatu yang konstan dalam hidup mereka? life Julia Quinn
06fdf53 She smiled serenely. "I shall put aside my feelings for the dowager countess if you care for one of her daughters . . ." She looked up hopefully. "Do you care for one of her daughters?" "I have no idea," Benedict admitted. "I never got her name. Just her glove." Violet gave him a stern look. "I'm not even going to ask how you obtained her glove." "It was all very innocent, I assure you." Violet's expression was dubious in the extreme. ".. Julia Quinn
3546caa Thus far, four men had asked for her hand, but when Daphne had thought about living the rest of her days in the company of any of them, she just couldn't do it. There were a number of men she thought might make reasonably good husbands, but the problem was-- none of them was interested. Oh, they all her. Everyone liked her. Everyone thought she was funny and kind and a quick wit, and no one thought her the least bit unattractive, but at t.. Julia Quinn
1804882 Las mujeres", explico con paciencia, "se dedican desde los dieciocho a los veintiun anos a afinar sus habilidades sociales. Y cuando piensan que estan listas, salen al mundo, asisten a unos bailes, pestanean con coqueteria y sonrien seductoramente, y atrapan a un marido. Cuanto mas encumbrado sea el titulo y mas dinero tenga, mejor. Y la mitad del tiempo, el pobre desgraciado, ni siquiera sabe como ha sucedido." Julia Quinn
22cb276 I think I might be ready to go upstairs," she said. Suddenly it was too hard to be in his presence, too painful to know that he would belong to someone else. His lips quirked into a boyish smile. "Are you saying I might finally crawl out from under this table?" "Oh, goodness!" She clapped one of her hands to her cheek in a sheepish expression. "I'm so sorry. I stopped noticing where we were sitting ages ago, I'm afraid. What a ninny you m.. Julia Quinn
ca6e9c7 The waltz allowed him to get just close enough to her to detect that maddening scent of lemons, and he inhaled it as if it would save his life. waltz Julia Quinn
ae5241f Las mujeres eran criaturas misteriosas. Si pudieran aprender a decir lo que realmente querian decir, el mundo seria de lejos un lugar mas sencillo. Julia Quinn
6c1af1e Oh, for the love of God," Benedict snarled. "Will you let go of her or will I have to shoot your damned hand off?" Benedict wasn't even holding a gun, but the tone of his voice was such that the man let go instantly. "Good," Benedict said, holding his arm out toward the maid. She stepped forward, and with trembling fingers placed her hand on his elbow. "You can't just take her!" Phillip yelled. Benedict gave him a supercilious look. "I j.. sophie rescue Julia Quinn
d034428 My turn," Anthony barked. He gave the pink ball a disdainful glance, then gave it a good whack. It sailed splendidly over the grass, only to slam into a tree and drop like a stone to the ground. "Brilliant!" Colin exclaimed, getting ready to take his turn. Anthony muttered a few things under his breath, none of which were suitable for gentle ears. Colin sent the yellow ball toward the first wicket, then stepped aside to let Kate try her .. Julia Quinn
838ccf8 You make me sound like some kind of heartless ice princess.' 'No, of course not, Belle. I must admit, you have always been uncommonly nice to every pimply-faced boy who has ever asked you to dance.' 'Thank you. I think.' 'It's probably why so many pimply-faced boys ask you to dance. Julia Quinn
917402f John ignored her insult, recognizing it for what it was: a mindless jibe from one wounded animal to another. Julia Quinn
ac897d0 we regard the earldom as an important family honor. But my father is a good man precisely because he is a good man, not because he possesses an ancient title. And as for Lord Blackwood, I find his title all the more appealing because it represents the nobility of the man standing before you, not of some long-dead ancestor. Julia Quinn
ce28276 Was it possible to fall in love with the same man over and over again, every single day? love chapter-22 kate-sheffield bridgertons the-viscount-who-loved-me julia-quinn Julia Quinn
e67c3d8 last season glowering at me." "I did" Julia Quinn
fd233cc How in the hell am I supposed to watch my back if I have no idea what I'm watching for? Julia Quinn
6a63f89 I've only an hour," Colin said as he attached the safety tip to his foil. "I have an appointment this afternoon." "No matter," Benedict replied, lunging forward a few times to loosen up the muscles in his leg. He hadn't fenced in some time; the sword felt good in his hand. He drew back and touched the tip to the floor, letting the blade bend slightly. "It won't take more than an hour to best you." Colin rolled his eyes before he drew down.. fencing siblings Julia Quinn
016684c How did you know?" Benedict finally asked. One corner of Colin's mouth tilted up into a crooked smile. "About Sophie? It's rather obvious." "Colin, she's--" "A maid? Who cares? What is going to happen to you if you marry her?" Colin asked with a devil-may-care shrug of his shoulders. "People you couldn't care less about will ostracize you? Hell, I wouldn't mind being ostracized by some of the people with whom I'm forced to socialize." B.. colin siblings Julia Quinn
fb4c763 You can't marry her," Araminta insisted. Benedict turned to his mother. "Is there any reason I need to consult Lady Penwood about this?" "None that I can think of," Lady Bridgerton replied. "She is nothing but a whore," Araminta hissed. "Her mother was a whore, and blood runs-- urp!" Benedict had her by the throat before anyone was even aware that he had moved. "Don't," he warned, "make me hit you." The magistrate tapped Benedict on th.. dont-insult-sophie violet-bridgerton sophie Julia Quinn
956137d Belle had a feeling that someone had hurt this man very badly in the past. That didn't, however, mean that she would allow him to abuse her in turn. Julia Quinn
8607bd8 He was, he realized, comforted by her presence. They didn't need to talk. They didn't even need to touch (although he wasn't about to let go just then). Simply put, he was a happier man-- and quite possibly a better man-- when she was near. He buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent, smelling . . . Smelling . . . He drew back. "Would you care for a bath?" Her face turned an instant scarlet. "Oh, no," she moaned, the words muffle.. Julia Quinn
226f864 He was wearing that enigmatic little smile of his, as if he knew something that she didn't. Actually, she thought, it was more like he knew something that she never would. Julia Quinn
8adadfb Isn't it nice," the older lady said, leaning in so that only Penelope could hear her words, "to discover that we're not exactly what we thought we were?" Julia Quinn
e12d250 Every now and then she'd see a fine lady in a gorgeous gown that fit her to perfection. Such women didn't have feet, Henry decided. They had rollers - virtually gliding along. And wherever they went, a dozen besotted men followed. Julia Quinn
e49e33c He touched her chin. His eyes never left hers, and she almost felt as if he'd touched those as well. And then, with the softest, most tender caress imaginable, he kissed her. Sophie didn't just feel loved; she felt revered. "I should wait until Monday," he said, "but I don't want to." "I don't want you to wait," she whispered. He kissed her again, this time with a bit more urgency. "You're so beautiful," he murmured. "Everything I ever d.. love Julia Quinn
9469aaa He had never expected a title, never expected lands of his own or a household to go with them. His father had been a younger son of a younger son; God only knew how many Dunfords had had to die to put him in line for this inheritance. Julia Quinn
f7bc1bd What are you smiling about?" she asked. He drew back a few inches, cupping her face with both hands. "How did you know I was smiling?" "I could feel it on my lips." He brought a finger to those lips, tracing the outline, then running the edge of his fingernail along the plump skin. "You make me smile," he whispered. "When you don't make me want to scream, you make me smile." -Sophie & Benedict" benedict sophie smile Julia Quinn
536888d He could just barely make out her form in the path about ten yards ahead of him. Her hair was so fair it captured what little moonlight hung in the darkness and glowed like a halo. Julia Quinn
f5bc9ff No will will believe it at first,' Cressida continued. 'You were right about that. But then they'll start to think, and slowly but surely, the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place. Someone will remember that they said something to you that ended up in a column. Or that you were at a particular house party. Or that they'd seen Eloise Bridgerton snooping about, and doesn't everyone know that the two of you tell each other everything?' 'W.. Julia Quinn