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c80cde4 I knew nothing but love and devotion when I was growing up. Trust me, it makes everything easier. parental-love Julia Quinn
95ff514 Nonetheless, I can't help but be flattered that you noticed the latest addition to my collection," he said. She rolled her eyes. "Because personal injuries are such a dignified thing to collect." "Are all governesses so sarcastic?" Julia Quinn
44f1536 No one said we had to spend every waking moment together," he said, "but at the end of the day"-he leaned and kissed each of her eyebrows, in turn-"an most of the time during, there is no one I would rather see, no one whose voice I would rather hear, and no one whose mind I would rather explore." romance bridgerton-series gareth hyacinth julia-quinn Julia Quinn
e124f48 Daphne felt something wild and wicked take hold. "Let's walk in the garden," she said softly. "We can't." "We must." "We can't." daphne-bridgerton duke-of-hastings the-duke-and-i simon-basset julia-quinn Julia Quinn
a510111 She glowered at him. 'For your information, in the past week, I have been, oh let's see, nearly raped, kidnapped, tied to a bedpost, forced to cough my voice into nothingness-" "That was your own fault." "Not to mention the fact that I embarked upon a life of crime by breaking and entering into my former home, was nearly trapped by my odious guardian-" "Don't forget your sprained ankle," he supplied. "Ooooohhhh! I could kill you!" Another b.. Julia Quinn
89972a1 And your eyes . . . ," she continued, emboldened by his reaction. "Women would kill for eyes that color, did you know?" He shook his head, and something about his expression--so baffled, so overcome--made her smile with pure joy." the-sum-of-all-kisses Julia Quinn
896c2be The two of you together are a menace," Penelope remarked. "My aim in life," Lady Danbury announced, "is to be a menace to as great a number of people as possible, so I shall take that as the highest of compliments, Mrs. Bridgerton." "Why is it," Penelope wondered, "that you only call me Mrs. Bridgerton when you are opining in a grand fashion?" "Sounds better that way," Lady D said, punctuating her remark with a loud thump of her cane." Julia Quinn
a11bc67 People will think you're courting me.' 'Nonsense, everyone knows I don't court respectable women. hyacinth-bridgerton Julia Quinn
cc89cf6 I love you, too," she said. He took her face in his hands and kissed her, once, deeply, on the mouth. "I mean," he said, "I really love you." She quirked a brow. "Is this a contest?" "It is anything you want," he promised. She grinned, that enchanting, perfect smile that was so quintessentially hers. "I feel I must warn you, then," she said, cocking her head to the side. "When it comes to contests and games, I always win." "Always?" Her eye.. Julia Quinn
2c7775e What?" "You're so neat," she said, looking almost embarrassed. He glanced pointedly over his shoulder. "There are four hundred on the other side of this door." "But you're ruining me." "I can't do it neatly?" Julia Quinn
ec26d8d Society is capricious and rewards the bad as often as the good. But it never rewards the quiet. Julia Quinn
2da9ce1 It was one of those things that had to be experienced to be understood Julia Quinn
3e19217 Perriwickturned to Penelope as he set the tray down on a table. "If I might be so bold, my lady-" "Perriwick!" Blake roared. "If I hear the phrase 'if I might be so bold' one more time, as God is my witness, I'm going to toss you into the channel!" "Oh dear," Penelope said. "Perhaps he does have the fever, after all.Perriwick , what do you think?" The butler reached for Blake's forehead, only to have his hand nearly bitten off. "Touch me an.. humor comedy Julia Quinn
c330a98 Why do you joke about such things?" she snapped. He let his gaze land rather intently on hers. "When the alternative is despair, I generally prefer humor. Even if it is of the gallows variety." humor sarah-pleinsworth Julia Quinn
cfd6d4a Then Elizabeth came, bearing a tray of cakes and sweets, and finally Harriet, who carried with her a small sheaf of paper--her current opus, Henry VIII and the Unicorn of Doom . "I'm not certain Frances is going to be appeased by an evil unicorn," Anne told her. Harriet looked up with one arched brow. "She did not specify that it must be a good unicorn." Anne grimaced. "You're going to have a battle on your hands, that's all I'm going to sa.. dont-even-ask julia-quinn Julia Quinn
231e7d8 It's very bad form to spy on one's host," he said, planting his hands on his hips and somehow managing to look both authoritative and relaxed at the same time. "It was an accident," she grumbled. "Oh, I believe you there," he said. "But even if you didn't intend to spy on me, the fact remains that when the opportunity arose, you took it." "Do you blame me?" He grinned. "Not at all. I would have done precisely the same thing." Her mouth fell.. Julia Quinn
c5d0aa6 And so Harry became proficient in the task of cleaning up vomit. humor skills Julia Quinn
335ac91 That was very rude of me." "Think nothing of it. You've done worse." Julia Quinn
ca11ebe There are moments in a woman's life when her heart flips in her chest, when the world suddenly seems uncommonly pink and perfect, when a symphony can be heard in the tinkle of a doorbell. Julia Quinn
de78a5e She could not bear the thought. She simply could not bear the thought that she might somehow prove to her grandfather that her mother had indeed been a fool and her father had been a damned fool and that she was the damnedest fool of them all. Julia Quinn
27f6bbb She was petite, small in that way that made a man want to slay dragons. Julia Quinn
d35c109 Darling," he said distractedly,"about the moon..." "Yes?" "I don't think it matters whether you want it or not." "What are you talking about?" "The moon. I think it's yours." Victoria yawned, not bothering to open her eyes. "Fine. i'm glad to have it." "But--" Robert shook his head. He was growing fanciful. the moon didn't belong to his wife. It didn't follow her, protect her. It certainly didn't wink at anybody. But he stared out the wind.. love moon wink home night Julia Quinn
645f3c2 Just curious,she mouthed. "What? I didn't catch that." Jjuussttccuurriioouuss.She drew it out this time, hoping he'd be able to read her lips. "If you spoke out loud," he drawled, "I might understand what you're saying." Caroline stamped her foot in frustration, but when it landed, it landed on something considerably less 'flat than the floor. "Owww!" he yelled. Oh! His foot!Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry , she mouthed.I didn't mean it. "If.. julia-quinn humourous-situations Julia Quinn
065f733 James started to laugh. His chin hurt where she'd smacked him twice, his foot throbbed where she'd stepped on it, and his entire body felt as if he'd swum through a rosebush, which wasn't as far off the truth as it sounded. Yet still he started to laugh. rose smack Julia Quinn
5c655a3 Miranda was nineteen. Her experience with men consisted of Winston and himself. Both of whom had heretofore been brotherly figures. The poor girl must be confused as hell. Winston had suddenly decided that she was Venus, Queen Elizabeth, and the Virgin Mary all rolled into one,and Turner had all but forced himself on her. Not exactly an average day in the life of a young country miss humor lady Julia Quinn
7eb79c7 I don't want to destroy your dreams.' 'They were never my dreams until I met you ... a dream you gave me.' 'That doesn't mean I can take it away. Julia Quinn
fe9cd8b The only words I'll allow from your mouth are, 'Oh, Gareth,' and 'Yes, Gareth.'" "What about 'More, Gareth'?" "He almost kept a straith face. "That will be acceptable." hyacinth-bridgerton Julia Quinn
9d98330 In his heart, she'd been smiling for him. But now she was smiling at Colin Bridgerton, he of the famous charm and sparkling green eyes. humor Julia Quinn
7cbbfdd Miss Wynter, I think you should be the evil queen," Harriet said. "There's an evil queen?" Daniel echoed. With obvious delight. "Of course," Harriet replied. "Every good play has an evil queen." Frances actually raised her hand. "And a un--" "Don't say it," Elizabeth growled. Frances crossed her eyes, put her knife to her forehead in an approximation of a horn, and neighed." don-t-even-ask julia-quinn Julia Quinn
bf93f3e When you smile it takes up half your face.' 'Simon!' she exclaimed. 'That sounds horrible.' 'It's enchanting.' 'Distorted.' 'Desirable. Julia Quinn
c5baf74 Annabel stared at the door, then turned to Sebastian, feeling quite dazed. "I think my grandmother may have just given me permission to ruin myself." "I'll do all the ruining tonight," he said with a grin. "If you don't mind." bevelstoke sebastian-grey ten-things-i-love-about-you julia-quinn Julia Quinn
011c47b Do you miss a parent you never knew?" he whispered. Kate considered his question for some time. His voice had held a hoarse urgency that told her there was something critical about her reply. Why, she couldn't imagine, but something about her childhood clearly rang a chord within his heart. "Yes," she finally answered, "but not in the way you would think. You can't really miss her, because you didn't know her, but there's still a hole in yo.. Julia Quinn
921699e Annabel looked down. Her hands were shaking. She couldn't do this. Not yet. She couldn't face the man she'd kissed who happened to be the heir to the man she didn't want to kiss but whos she probably was going to marry. Oh yes, and she could not forget that if she did marry the man she didn't want to kiss, she was likely to provide him with a new heir, thus cutting off the man she did want to kiss. Julia Quinn
ff2e27c I just -- I know my own heart and I love you, Turner. And if you have even the tiniest shred of decency, you'll say something because I've said everything I possibly can, and I can't bear the silence, and -- oh for heaven's sake! Will you at least blink?" He couldn't even manage that." miranda-cheever nigel-bevelstoke viscount-turner julia-quinn Julia Quinn
156bf45 I do love it when I am right," Hyacinth said triumphantly. "Which is fortunate, since I so often am." Penelope just looked at her. "You do know that you are insufferable." "Of course." Hyacinth leaned toward Penelope with a devilish smile. "But you love me, anyway, admit it." "I admit nothing until the end of the evening." "After we have both gone deaf?" "After we see if you behave yourself." Hyacinth laughed. "You married into the family. .. Julia Quinn
f1e2f7c I've already instructed the others to keep their mouths shut." "Even Hyacinth?" Penelope asked doubtfully. "Especially Hyacinth." "Did you bribe her?" Violet asked. "Because it won't work unless you bribe her." "Good Lord," Colin muttered. "One would think I'd joined this family yesterday. Of course I bribed her." He turned to Penelope. "No offense to recent additions." "Oh, none taken." Julia Quinn
9c1a078 He'd been waiting for a love fraught with passion and drama; it hadn't even occurred to him that true love might be something that was utterly comfortable and just plain easy. Julia Quinn
33dd4fa Oh, Elizabeth," he murmured, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on her mouth, "I love you so much. You must believe me." "I believe you," she said softly, "because in your eyes, I see what I feel in my heart." Julia Quinn
05bc321 She glared at him. "I'm not asking you to apologize." "Well, that's a relief.I doubt I could find the words." Julia Quinn
45f895f And then what would she say? Julia Quinn
e3ef5a9 Eloise," Penelope said, somewhat breathless from trying to shake off Hyacinth. "Penelope." But Eloise's voice sounded curious. Which did not surprise Penelope; Eloise was no fool, and she was well aware that her brother's normal modes of behavior did not include beatific smiles in her direction. "Eloise," Hyacinth said, for no reason Penelope could deduce. "Hyacinth." Penelope turned to her husband. "Colin." He looked amused. "Penelope. Hya.. Julia Quinn
02bcfc1 Why do you have to make it so difficult to apologize?' she burst out, dogging his heels as he crossed the room to gather the rest of his things. 'And why, pray tell, should I make it easy?' he returned. Julia Quinn
6060b26 It was funny, he reflected later, how one's life could alter in an instant, how one minute everything could be a certain way, and the next it's simply ... not Julia Quinn
0fa6f5b Well, for one thing, about whether you'll make a good husband," she snapped back, finally goaded into anger. He drew back. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" "Your past behavior, to start with," she replied, narrowing her eyes. "You haven't exactly been the model of Christian rectitude." "This, coming from the woman who ordered me to strip off my clothing earlier this afternoon?" he taunted. "Don't be ugly," she said in a low voice. .. Julia Quinn