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00b87a5 The pig reached the assembly of servants, and the maids shrieked, running in every possible direction. Stunned by the sudden movement, the pig stopped, raised its snout; and let out a hellish squeal--and then another, and another, and... "Will you shut up!" Dunford commanded. The pig, sensing authority, didn't just shut up--it actually laid down." Julia Quinn
0f365e5 Mr. Bridgerton?" she asked softly. "Mr. Bridgerton!" Benedict's head jerked up violently. "What? What?" "You fell asleep." He blinked confusedly. "Is there a reason that's bad?" "You can't fall asleep in your clothing." -- Julia Quinn
779d11f He rolled his eyes. Why was he surprised about anything having to do with her? Of course she'd be able to lift a large stone. She was Henry. She could probably lift him. humor Julia Quinn
7a91395 She was married now, and suddenly she understood what it was her mother had been trying so hard to tell her on her wedding night. Marriage was about compromise, and she and Phillip were very different people. They might be perfect for one another, but that didn't mean they were the same. And if Julia Quinn
62022ea Two hours later he was ready to kill her. Even his outraged mind, however, recognized that murder was not a viable option, and so he contented himself with devising various plans to make her suffer. Torture was probably too trite, he decided, and he didn't have the stomach to use it on a female. Although ... He looked over at the person in the baggy breeches. She appeared to be smiling as she lugged the stones. She was no ordinary female. H.. Julia Quinn
f7df8ca He was no fool; he knew that love existed. But he also believed in the power of the mind, and perhaps even more importantly, the power of the will. Frankly, he saw no reason why love should be an involuntary thing. If he didn't want to fall in love, then by damn, he wasn't going to. It was as simple as that. Ithad to be as simple as that. Julia Quinn
92d5516 In this light your eyes look almost purple. Like black raspberries.' Belle laughed softly. 'You must be in a state of perpetual hunger. You keep likening me to fruit. Julia Quinn
dee751a She looked up at him, wondering when it was that this man, her brother, had become so wise. If he'd yelled one more word, spent one more minute speaking to her in that mocking voice, she would have broke. She would have broke, or she would have hardened, but either way, something between them would have been ruined. But here he was, Anthony of all people, who was arrogant and proud and every inch the arch nobleman he'd been born to be, knee.. Julia Quinn
b6b8a54 She grimaced. Her mother and father were probably giggling and whispering and ducking into a darkened corner. Good heavens. It was downright embarrassing. Julia Quinn
8fc6360 If he heard her, he gave no indication, just went on about "men who take advantage" and "helpless women" and "fates worse than death." Sophie wasn't positive, but she thought she even heard the phrase "roast beef and pudding"." Julia Quinn
df1722a ket osszebekithetetlen csoport van Londonban, akik orokre eles szembenallasban maradnak, mert elsimithatatlan erdekellentet all fenn kozottuk: az ambiciozus anyak es a megrogzott agglegenyek. Az ambiciozus anyaknak ferjhez adando lanyaik vannak. A megrogzott agglegenyek nem akarnak megnosulni. A konfliktus lenyeget mindenki megerti, akinek egy csopp esze is van (...) Julia Quinn
c8cf84f He yawned again, this time very loudly, and lazily opened his eyes. "I'm sorry I woke you up," she said quickly. "Was I sleeping?" She nodded. "So there really is a God," he muttered." Julia Quinn
96de60d And you, Lord Bridgerton," she replied in a tone that could have frozen champagne, "are almost as handsome as your brother." Colin snorted again, only this time it sounded as if he were being strangled. "Are you all right?" Miss Sheffield asked. "He's fine," Anthony barked. She ignored him, keeping her attention on Colin. "Are you certain?" Colin nodded furiously. 'Tickle in my throat." "Or perhaps a guilty conscience?" Anthony suggested. funny humor the-viscount-who-loved-me Julia Quinn
ddcd3e9 I'm glad you liked the journal,' he said. 'It was lovely,' she said in soft, faraway kind of voice. 'Very lovely, and...' She looked away, blushing. 'You're going to think I'm silly.' 'Never,' he promised. 'Well, I think one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much is that I could somehow feel that *you'd* enjoyed writing it. Julia Quinn
d82220a It was strange, to find a woman who could make him happy just with her mere presence. He didn't even have to see her, or hear her voice, or even smell her scent. He just had to know that she was there. Julia Quinn
86156bd It is really quite remarkable," Sarah said, "that the two of you are sisters." "I marvel at it every day," Iris said flatly." Julia Quinn
2643791 Tarryton did so, but not before saying, "I wouldn't be surprised if Billington came up to scratch on this gel." "Billington, Farnsworth, and a few others," Alex said with his most affable smile. "Ashbourne?" Dunford's voice was colder than ice. "Dunford?" "Shut up." Julia Quinn
d2b8718 She looked out over the crowd, murmuring, "I wonder if there are any gentlemen here who might be willing to marry me before Wednesday" Julia Quinn
3ee4324 Unrequited love was never easy, but at least Penelope Featherington was used to it. Julia Quinn
4398244 As far as bad ideas went, this stole the prize. sarcastic-humor Julia Quinn
39daa75 Four brothers," Daphne said, shoving the wicket into the ground, "provide quite a marvelous education." "The things you must have learned," Kate said, quite impressed. "Can you give a man a black eye? Knock him to the ground?" Daphne grinned wickedly. "Ask my husband." "Ask me what?" the duke called out from where he and Colin were placing a wicket on a tree root on the opposite side of the tree. "Nothing," the duchess called out innoce.. Julia Quinn
f49d030 Bridgerton," he grunted. Damn damn damn. Colin Bridgerton was the last person he wanted to see right now. Even the ghost of Napoleon, come down to slice a rapier through his gullet, would have been preferable." Julia Quinn
1967ebf Do you live here?" Sophie asked dryly. "No," he said, plopping down into the chair next to her, "although my mother is constantly telling me to make myself right at home." Julia Quinn
b1f4402 They all turned to the dark-haired woman standing quietly to the side and slightly behind Aunt Charlotte. She was, in a word, gorgeous. Everything about her was perfection, from her shiny hair to her milky-white skin. Her face was heart-shaped, her lips full and pink, and her eyelashes were so long that Honoria thought they must touch her brows if she opened her eyes too wide. "Well," Honoria murmured to Iris, "at least no one will be looki.. honoria just-like-heaven julia-quinn iris Julia Quinn
2d9c8f3 Do you here?" Sophie asked dryly. "No," he said, plopping down into the chair next to her, "although my mother is constantly telling me to make myself right at home." She could think of no witty rejoinder, so she merely "hmmphed" and stuck her nose back in her book. He plunked his feet on the small table in front. "And what are we reading today?" "That question," she said, snapping the book shut but leaving her finger in to mark her place.. Julia Quinn
bc8052c Do you know what is nice about friendships as longstanding as ours?" Hyacinth interrupted. Felicity shook her head. "You won't take permanent offense when I turn my back and walk away." And then Hyacinth did just that." Julia Quinn
81dda6f Ellie fought the urge to stamp her foot. "I meant it this time. Do you accept my apology?" "It appears," he said, raising his eyebrows, "that you might do me bodily harm if I do not." "Ungracious prig," she muttered. "I am trying to apologize." "And I," he said, "am trying to accept." Julia Quinn
a86c64f Lucy nodded dutifully, all the while making a mental list of all the places she would rather be. Paris, Venice, Greece, although weren't they at war? No matter. She would still rather be in Greece. (On the Way to the Wedding, Bridgertons #8, by Julia Quinn) Julia Quinn
0b7fad5 I thought that I needed a church and hundreds of guests and music that actually sounded like music, but I was wrong. What I needed was a drunken priest, irreverent guests, and a companion who learned to play piano from a goat." "Then you got exactly what you needed." "I suppose so. But then again, all I really needed was you." Julia Quinn
4b85396 Miss Burns needs air," the duke announced and before anyone could offer an opinion, he scooped her up in his arms and said, "I'm taking her inside." And just like that, all the chill left the air. Catriona allowed herself the indulgence of resting her cheek against Bretton's chest, and as she lay there, listening to the steady beat of his heart, she could not help but think that this was where she was meant to be. But then, of course, Lord .. Julia Quinn
d8787e5 Alex strode through a doorway and kicked the door shut, finally dumping Emma down upon a large four-poster bed. She immediately made a mad dash for the door, but Alex ably blocked her, redeposited her on the bed, crossed the room, and locked the door with a resounding click. "Why you-" Alex tossed the key out the window." romance Julia Quinn
99a0970 If you do not apologize to Lady Honoria," Marcus said, his voice so mild as to be terrifying, "I will kill you." There was a collective gasp, and Daisy faked a swoon, sliding elegantly into Iris, who promptly stepped aside and let her hit the floor." Julia Quinn
a6941d4 He raked his hand through his hair. 'This is more difficult than I'd anticipated.' Good, she thought. If he was going to break her heart, she didn't want it to be easy for him. 'What I'm trying to say is that I had it all wrong. I don't want a wife who...' 'You don't want a wife?' she choked. 'No!' he practically yelled. Then he continued in a more normal tone, 'I don't want a wife who will look the other way if I stray.' 'You want me to /w.. Julia Quinn
5fd8930 All I meant to say is that a rake's humor has its basis in cruelty. He needs a victim, for he cannot imagine ever laughing at himself. You, your grace, are rather clever with the self-deprecating remark. Julia Quinn
d184d82 Oh, go right ahead,' she replied. 'You seem to have such an affinity for canines.' 'Clearly,' he shot back, keeping his voice low so that Mary could not hear, 'they are not so different from women. Both breeds hang on my every word. humor Julia Quinn
34d5116 He knew that her eyes were made up of dozens of shades of brown, with that one enchanting circle of green constantly daring him to take a closer look, to see if it was really there or just a figment of his imagination. Julia Quinn
4a05ec4 She'd spent seven long years without so much as a hug, and she was starved for physical affection. She had known what it was like to be touched and kissed, and she had no idea how much she'd missed it until that very moment. Julia Quinn
fff946e Everything tastes better with quite a lot of butter." "We" Julia Quinn
98efd39 Billie laughed at that, full and throaty, and once again she became so incandescently beautiful that George was half-tempted to throw a blanket over her, just to stop anyone else from wanting her. jealousy love hide laugh Julia Quinn
a3c8ad6 A person should read a book because it speaks to something in his heart. reading Julia Quinn
fb744a8 You are a Bridgerton. I don't care who you marry or what your name becomes when you stand up before a priest and say your vows. You will always be a Bridgerton, and we behave with honor and honesty, not because it is expected of us, but because that is what we are." Eloise" Julia Quinn
8fffbed Yes?" "When you said you weren't angry..." "Yes?" "Were you?" "I was rather annoyed," he admitted. "But not angry?" She sounded as if she didn't believe him. "Believe me, Henry, when I get angry, you'll know." "What happens?" His eyes clouded over slightly before he answered. "You don't want to know." She believed him." dunford Julia Quinn
4a6200d I would be pleased to participate in this conversation to a greater degree," he drawled, "except that you have not seen fit to share with me of the details of your life." "It was not an oversight on my part." He clucked disapprovingly. "So hostile." Her eyes bugged out. "You abducted me-" Coerced," he reminded her. "Do you me to hit you?" "I wouldn't mind it," he said mildly. "And besides, now that you're here, was it really so very ter.. Julia Quinn
c5dd967 You are a treasure, Iris Kenworthy, Julia Quinn