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dc39285 Hush up, minx. You're a funny one, but you're certainly more likable than unlikable. Julia Quinn
5f599fb Anthony Bridgerton hatradolt bor karosszekeben, elgondolkodva kortyolta a whiskyt; lotykolte, korbe aramoltatta a poharban, majd megszolalt: - Arra gondoltam, hogy megnosulok. Benedict Bridgerton, aki eppen azon szokasat gyakorolta, amit anyja annyira megvetett, nevezetesen szeket ket hatso labara billentve kisse kapatosan hintazott, erre lehuppant. Colin Bridgerton felrenyelt. Colin szerencsejere Benedict eppen idoben nyerte vissza egyensu.. Julia Quinn
a1b0596 I can't help but think that if she was going to kill herself, she might as well have done it earlier. Perhaps when I was a toddler. Or better yet, an infant. It certainly would have made my life easier. I asked my uncle Hugh (who is not really my uncle, but he is married to the stepsister of my current mother's brother's wife and he lives quite closeand he's a vicar) if I would be going to hell for such a thought. He said no, that frankly, .. suicide irony fun Julia Quinn
c4fb64a Benedict suddenly had to get away. It was either that or kill the twittering ninnyhammer, and with so many witnesses, he didn't think he could get away with it. Julia Quinn
44a41d3 she was looking at him as if he'd just dropped fully formed from the sky. Julia Quinn
3c0374b And could it even really be called a kiss? It had been very, very short. And did it mean anything if the kisser (him) had been feeling terribly grateful to the kissee (her) and possibly even indebted, in the most elemental of ways? She'd saved his life, after all. A kiss was not entirely out of order. Plus, he had said, "Forgive me." Did it count as a kiss if the kisser had asked for forgiveness? Honoria thought not." Julia Quinn
4dcbe0f Will you leave my companion alone!" the dowager barked. He sighed and shook his head toward Miss Eversleigh. "She"s so domineering, don"t you think?" Miss Eversleigh blushed. Truly, it was the prettiest pink he"d ever seen. "Pity about these bindings," he continued. "We do seem to be caught in a romantic moment, your employer"s acidic presence aside, and it would be far easier to drop one exquisite kiss on the back of your hand were I able .. Julia Quinn
5441c25 Daisy said boldly. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." "Yes, but it is a wise man who understands his limits." "Who said that?" Daisy asked. "I did," Honoria answered impatiently" Julia Quinn
91db8de It was going to be embarrassing regardless of what music they chose, but Honoria didn't have the heart to say it to her face. On the other hand, whichever piece they performed, they would surely butcher it past recognition. Could a difficult piece played badly be that much worse than a slightly less difficult piece played badly? Julia Quinn
18b1a82 Consanguinity has never seemed to be one of your prerequisites for plain speaking." "Touche," she returned, giving him a single nod of approval. "I was merely pointing out that you are quite stealthy in your good humor. This I applaud wholeheartedly." "I am aquiver with glee." Julia Quinn
5dd11a0 But if he had indeed blushed-and his cheeks did feel a touch warm-neither of his brothers saw it, because they didn't say anything, and if there was anything in life as certain as, say, the sun rising in the east,it was that a Bridgerton never passed up the opportunity to tease and torment another Bridgerton. "She's been talking about Penelope Featherington nonstop," Colin said with a scowl. "I tell you, I've known the girl since we were bo.. Julia Quinn
6f54910 He wasn't sure how he ought to feel about this. On the other hand . . . boiled meat! Julia Quinn
8126c51 He was trying not to grin, but it was exceedingly difficult with Lady Penwood gasping like a fish on land. Julia Quinn
9df3446 An awkward pause fell across the conversation. Daphne was shifting from foot to foot, not at all certain what to say to the duke, when Nigel exhibited stellar timing for the first time in his life, and sat up. "Daphne?" he said, blinking as if he couldn't see straight. "Daphne, is that you?" "Good God, Miss Bridgerton," the duke swore, "how hard did you hit him?" "Hard enough to knock him down, but no worse than that, I swear!" Her brow .. Julia Quinn
8a0e5fe What are you doing here?"Lady Vickers asked, turning her frosty glare to Sebastian. "Exactly what you think, my lady," he said." bevelstoke sebastian-grey ten-things-i-love-about-you julia-quinn Julia Quinn
bc0abab Ti amo - le disse a voce bassa e ardente - Ti amo con tutto quello che sono, con tutto quello che sono stato e con tutto quello che spero di essere. - Colin... - Ti amo con il mio passato e ti amo per il mio futuro. - La bacio dolcemente sulle labbra - Ti amo per i figli che avremo e per gli anni che vivremo insieme. Ti amo con tutto me stesso e per ognuno dei miei sorrisi e, piu ancora, per tutto cio che sei e per ogni tuo sorriso. Julia Quinn
7deb38b Maybe she was a wallflower. There was no shame in that. Especially not if one enjoyed being a wallflower. love sir-richard wallflower julia-quinn pride Julia Quinn
5f7572b So now you're jumping out at me from ?" "Of course not." He looked affronted. "That was a staircase." Sophie peered around him. It was the side staircase. The staircase. Certainly not anyplace a family member would just to be walking. "Do you often creep down the side staircase?" she asked, crossing her arms. He leaned forward, just close enough to make her slightly ucomfortable, and, although she would never admit it to anyone, barely.. Julia Quinn
a684b33 What did one say when a gentleman confessed to a shortcoming? She couldn't recall ever hearing one do so before, but surely, sometime in the course of history, some gentleman had. (Lucy about Gregory, On the Way to the Wedding, Bridgertons #8, by Julia Quinn). Julia Quinn
2f7db12 I'd wager you have a vengeful streak a mile wide," he muttered. "I am the least vengeful person I know," she said with a sniff. "And if you think otherwise, then perhaps you ought not to marry me." "You're marrying me," he ground out, "if I have to drag you to the altar bound and gagged." Ellie smiled waspishly. "You could try," she taunted, "but in your condition you couldn't drag a flea." "And you say you're not vengeful." "I seem to be d.. Julia Quinn
506274b You can't fix this,' she ground out. 'That is not true. There is nothing anyone could hold over you that could not be overcome.' 'By what?' she demanded. 'Rainbows and sprites and the everlasting good wishes of your family? It won't work, Gregory. It won't. The Bridgertons may be powerful, but you cannot change the past, and you cannot bend the future to suit your whims ... You don't understand. You can't possibly. You are all so happy, so .. Julia Quinn
c399d5f I'm home'', he said against her skin, and she realized it was the truth. ''I'm home, too''. love Julia Quinn
0bf53c9 Eloise, whose mouth was as sharp as Hyacinth's (though thankfully tempered by some discretion), had remarked that they had best get Hyacinth married off quickly or their mother was going to become an alcoholic. Lady Bridgerton had not appreciated the comment, although she privately thought it might be true. Julia Quinn
41751b7 Would you care to dance?" he blurted. "Now?" She smiled adorably. "Is there music?" There wasn't. It was some testament to how foolish in love he'd become that he did not even feel embarrassed." music love embarrassed foolish Julia Quinn
ec6a8cf Daphne turned to Simon with an amused expression. "I can't quite decide if she is being terribly polite or exquisitely rude." "Exquisitely polite, perhaps?" Simon asked mildly. She shook her head. "Oh, definitely not that." "The alternative, of course, is--" "Terribly rude?" Daphne grinned and watched as her mother looped her arm through Lord Railmont's, pointed him toward Daphne so that he could nod his good-bye, and led him from the r.. Julia Quinn
71a1741 There were rules among friends, commandments, really, and the most important one was Thou Shalt Not Lust After Thy Friend's Sister. rules Julia Quinn
d0aab88 But you have told me," Elizabeth protested, "time and again, that the hallmark of civilization is routine." Lady D shrugged and made a fussy little chirping sound. "A lady cannot take it upon herself to occasionally change her routine? All routines need periodic readjustment." Julia Quinn
3593fc1 You don't know," Anthony said, his voice low and nearly shaking with rage. "You don't know what he has done." "No more than what you have done, I'm sure," Violet said slyly. "Precisely!" Anthony roared. "Good God, I know what is going on in his brain right now, and it has nothing to do with poetry and roses." Simon pictured laying Daphne down on a bed of rose petals. "Well, maybe roses," he murmured. "I'm going to kill him," Anthony a.. Julia Quinn
2b22810 Have you noticed how [Lady Whistledown] describes me?' 'Er, it's almost always favorable, isn't it?' His hand began to wave again - rather dismissively, in her opinion. 'Yes, yes, that's not the point,' he said in a distracted voice. 'You might think it more the point,' Penelope replied testily, 'if you'd ever been likened to an overripe citrus fruit.' He winced, and he opened and closed his mouth twice before finally saying, 'If it makes y.. Julia Quinn
70ac290 He didn't know what he felt. For the first time in his life, his thoughts were a jumble, tossing and turning and writing over each other like an endlessly edited story. Julia Quinn
38b3451 I simply refuse to deal with idiots...It has cut my social obligations in half. idiots social-commentary Julia Quinn
e4cd3e9 I never thought I would be left behind." He chuckled. "Eloise Bridgerton, I don't think anyone wouldever make the mistake of leaving you behind." Julia Quinn
464b22d At any rate," she prattled on, awkwardness making her words run together, "I really can't get up to get my clothing, and my dressing gown appears to be just out of reach. I'm not exactly certain how this is so, but it is, so perhaps you ought to get up first, as I've already seen you--" "Henry?" "Yes?" "Shut up." Julia Quinn
46fb90d He poked her shoulder. 'Ellie? Ellie?' 'What? Oh, I'm sorry.' Her face colored, even though she knew he couldn't possibly read her thoughts. 'Just woolgathering.' 'Darling, you were practically hugging a sheep. Julia Quinn
d174c77 Good choice dancing with this one...I've always liked her. More brains than the rest of her family put together. ~ Lady Danbury to Colin Bridgerton Julia Quinn
2d3ba45 You know all of the young gentlemen better than I do," Lady Manston continued. "Are there any we should avoid?" All of them, George wanted to say. ''What about Ashbourne's son?'' "No." "No?" his mother echoed. "No, as in you don't have an opinion?" "No, as in no. He is not for Billie." Who, George could not help but note, was watching the mother-son exchange with an odd mix of curiosity and alarm. "Any particular reason?" Lady Mansto.. jealousy lies marriage men love Julia Quinn
edbf5fe Something important is always about to happen, my dear girl," Lady Danbury said. "And if not, you'd do well to act as if it were. You'll enjoy life better that way." Julia Quinn
483bc9b On the way over, however, it slid off the shovel and onto Henry's shoes. Pity, that. She whirled around. He waited for her to burst out with, "You did that on purpose!" but she kept silent, motionless except for a slight narrowing of her eyes. Then, with a flick of her ankle, the slop spattered onto his trousers. She smirked, waiting for him to say, "You did that on purpose!" but he also remained silent. Then he smiled at her, and she knew .. Julia Quinn
2f27a65 I never thought I would be left behind." He chuckled. "Eloise Bridgerton, I don't think anyone wouldever make the mistake of leaving you behind." -- Julia Quinn
1ab3042 Phillip muttered something under his breath. "What did you say?" she asked. "Nothing." "You said something." He gave her an impatient look. "If I'd meant for you to hear it, I would have said it out loud." She sucked in her breath. "Then you shouldn't have said it at all." "Some things," Phillip muttered, "are impossible to keep inside." "What did yousay?" she demanded. Phillip raked his hand through his hair. "Eloise--" "Did you insult me?.. Julia Quinn
d06eae6 If this morning wasn't enjoyable, at least it was...shall we say...interesting, and my clothing was worth the sacrifice if it means we've reached a truce of sorts. I have no wish to be awakened before dawn next week only to be informed I have to single-handedly slaughter a cow." Her eyes widened. How did he know?" Julia Quinn
a577269 They marched back to the kitchen in silence, the only sound being Rufus's growl when Dunford tried to pet him. "Can a rabbit growl?" he asked, unable to believe his ears. "Obviously he can." Julia Quinn
b2627c6 and he stopped going to church entirely, because there seemed no point now in even contemplating prayer for his soul. Besides, the parish church near Kilmartin dated to 1432, and the crumbling stones certainly couldn"t takea direct strike of lightning. And if God ever wanted to smite a sinner, he couldn"t do better than Michael Stirling. Michael Stirling, Sinner. He could see it on a calling card. He"d have had it printed up, even--his was .. Julia Quinn
d58c7fe At present, however, with his aching head and queasy stomach, Sebastian was feeling exceedingly resistible. Or if not that, then resistant. Aphrodite herself could descend from the ceiling, floating on a bloody clamshell, naked but for a few well-placed flowers, and he'd likely puke at her feet. No, no, she ought to be completely naked. If he was going to prove the existence of a goddess, right here in this room, she was damned well going t.. naked hilarious Julia Quinn