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ccafc6b What great malice there could be in allowing something to live. Markus Zusak
d8da893 Words are so heavy. Markus Zusak
dd682d5 War clearly blurred the distinction between logic and superstition Markus Zusak
ae008e8 you need life in your life. Markus Zusak
4d77e26 All that remained was to get to camp, learn English better, find a job and a place to live. Then, most importantly, buy a bookshelf. And a piano. Markus Zusak
5677298 Never leave anything out to dry as the sun comes up for the new year. new-beginnings new-year Markus Zusak
97681b5 Stars of David were plastered to their shirts, and misery was attached to them as if assigned. "Don't forget your misery..." In some cases, it grew on them like a vine." Markus Zusak
02f8b18 He, as much as anyone, knows who and why and what we are: A family of ramshackle tragedy. A comic book kapow of boys and blood and beasts. Markus Zusak
83786be Could she smell my breath? Could she hear my cursed circular heart beat revolving like the crime it is in my deathly chest? Markus Zusak
3711cba They ignore the reality that a new version of the same old problem will be waiting at the end of the trip--the relative you cringe to kiss. Markus Zusak
ef6c2f7 HAY ALGO PEOR QUE UN CHICO QUE TE ODIE? Un chico que te quiera. Markus Zusak
7740658 Those souls are always light because more of them have been put out. More of them have already found their way to other places. This one was sent out by the breath of an accordion, the odd taste of champagne in summer, and the art of promise-keeping. Markus Zusak
dcdcf19 The words. Why did they have to exist? Without words, the Fuhrer was nothing. Markus Zusak
38a67ac I'm sorry. I shouldn't be asking such things...' She let the sentence die its own death Markus Zusak
9597421 The sky was white but deteriorating fast. As always, it was becoming an enormous drop sheet. Blood was bleeding through, and in patches, the clouds were dirty, like footprints in melting snow. Footprints? you ask. Well, I wonder whose those could be. Markus Zusak
80e38cf Just give hime five more minutes and he would surely fall into the German gutter and die. They would all let him, and they would all watch. Markus Zusak
ed3270e What I like best is walking with my hands in my pockets, having the Doorman next to me, and imagining that Audrey's on my other side. I always picture us from behind. Markus Zusak
86f4f7f The happening that happened was that I met this girl ... happening Markus Zusak
aeffa84 Very suddenly. Yes, quite suddenly, I didn't feel like I could handle my feeling of aloneness. suddenly Markus Zusak
c8537ac When Liesel left that day, she said something with great uneasiness. In translation, two giant words were struggled with, carried on her shoulder, and dropped as a bungling pair at Ilsa Hermann's feet. They fell off sideways as the girl veered with them and could no longer sustain their weight. Together, they sat on the floor, large and loud and clumsy. Two giant words...I'm sorry. Markus Zusak
c398bfa She was the book thief without the words. Trust me, though, the words were on their way, and when they arrived, Liesel would hold them in her hands like the clouds, and she would wring them out like the rain. Markus Zusak
4f70bfd I don't want to hope for anything anymore. I don't want to pray that Max is alive and safe. Or Alex Steiner. Because the world did not deserve them. world-war-ii Markus Zusak
0f6bb30 The world is an ugly stew, she thought. It's so ugly I can't stand it. Markus Zusak
eb3a755 For some reason, dying men always ask questions they know the answer to. Perhaps it's so they can die being right. Markus Zusak
6d825a1 But neither of us knows, because a fight's worth nothing if you know from the beginning that you're going to win. It's the ones in between that test you. They're the ones that bring questions with them. Markus Zusak
d005285 Best friends one, and now we have almost nothing to say to each other. It was interesting, how he had joined those guys and I just stayed on my own. I didn't like it or dislike it. It was just funny that things had turned out that way. friends funny interesting like the-way-things-turn-out Markus Zusak
e24ef5b You ever hear a dog cry, Steve? You know, howling so loud it's almost unbearable?' He nodded. 'I reckon they howl like that because they're so hungry it hurts, and that's what I feel in me every day of my life. I'm so hungry to be somethin' - to be somebody. You hear me?' He did. 'I'm not lyin' down ever. Not for you. Not for anyone.' I ended it. 'I'm hungry, Steve.' Sometimes I think they're the best words I've ever said. 'I'm hungry. dog howl hungry Markus Zusak
e77d791 Make sure you live,' she said. 'As decent as you can. I know you'll make mistakes, but sometimes you're meant to, okay? live make-mistakes Markus Zusak
3f9c537 As I make my way through, I feel okayness reaching through me. The funny thing is that okayness is not a real word. It's not in the dictionary. But it's in me. it-s-in-me okayness real-word Markus Zusak
a58e99c Jesus, Mary and Joseph Markus Zusak
1c28d3d Her wrinkles were like slander. Her voice was akin to a beating with a stick. Markus Zusak
efa1bf9 She didn't see him watching as he played, having no idea that Hans Hubermann's accordion was a story. In the times ahead, that story would arrive at 33 Himmel Street in the early hours of morning, wearing ruffled shoulders and a shivering jacket. It would carry a suitcase, a book, and two questions. A story. Story after story. Story within story. Markus Zusak
de50b75 Somewhere in all the snow, she could see her broken heart, in two pieces. Each half was glowing, and beating under all that white. She realized her mother had come back for her only when she felt the boniness of a hand on her shoulder. She was being dragged away. A warm scream filled her throat. Markus Zusak
df51396 Thank you. For Max Vandenburg, those were the two most pitiful words he could possibly say, rivaled only by I'm sorry. There was a constant urge to speak both expressions, spurred on by the affliction of guilt. Markus Zusak
f4d88da The commitment had disappeared, and although he still watched the imagined glory of stealing, she could see now he was not believing. He was trying to believe it, and that's never a good sign. Markus Zusak
ea12e72 The only people we want to blame are ourselves, because it will be ourselves that we rely upon. independence independent-thought self-awareness self-awareness-honesty-self self-realization Markus Zusak
981da1a As if sensing the oncoming theatre, the pigeons arrived from nowhere, and dug in close on the powerlines. They were perched on TV aerials, and, God forbid, on the trees. There was also a single crow, fat-feathered and plump, like a pigeon disguised in a trench coat. Markus Zusak
4b9f5bd They were glued down, every last one of them. A packet of souls. Was it fate? Misfortune? Is that what glued them down like that? Of course not. Let's not be stupid. It probably had more to do with the hurled bombs, thrown down by humans hiding in the clouds. Markus Zusak
2d75aa9 There are pieces of me on the ground. emotions Markus Zusak
0c77038 A happening was looming. It was out there somewhere beyond the regular enclosed life that I had been living. It was out there, not waiting, but existing. Being. Perhaps it was only slightly wondering if I would come to it. happening life waiting Markus Zusak
2bdeae1 But when they laugh, you can see the world in their eyes. Markus Zusak
7f138c4 Tomare tu alma en mis manos, un color se posara sobre mi hombro y te llevare conmigo con suma delicadeza. Markus Zusak
fbd5643 Certainly war meant dying, but it always shifted the ground beneath a person's feet when it was someone who had once lived and breathed in close proximity. Markus Zusak
bbe26a0 I am stupid. And kind. Which makes the biggest idiot in the world. Markus Zusak