I couldn't help but feel grateful that he was taking charge. It was like he knew I was tired of keeping my shoulders squared and my head high. I was tired of being strong and doing what was right. I didn't want that now. I wanted to be told what to do by someone who loved me, who only cared about making me feel good.
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We have places to go, people to yell at us and break our hearts, in case you forgot.
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he stormed out in the way only a drag queen could: in a cloud of glitter, sass, and an air of completely deserved superiority.
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If I ever catch you performing 'Let It Go' from Frozen, I'll castrate you and feed your dicks to some horses.
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Ehi!" sbotta lui. "Non puoi continuare a darmi il tormento solo perche non sapevo cosa fosse una diga dentale! Neanche tu lo sapevi." "Mi hai detto che secondo te era una specie di filo interdentale sexy che la gente usava per scene di bondage nel sadomaso! Per un anno intero, dopo quella spiegazione, non sono riuscito a essere serio col dottor Kao perche me lo immaginavo sempre come una specie di eccentrico Dominatore." E non mi aveva per ..
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I'm a sucker for earnestness. And bike shorts. Put those things together, and watch the fuck out.
T.J. Klune |
Take a shower. You smell like what sad dreams are made of.
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With the fans, you smile and nod and take selfies and then hope they don't follow you back to your house and murder you by shoving their underwear down your throat.
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I want to court your son." "What does that mean?" she asked. "It means I want to provide for him to prove my worth," Joe said. "And then, once he agrees to be mine, I'll mount him and then bite him and everyone will see that we belong to each other."
T.J. Klune |
Gustavo! Stop shaking your fists at that mermaid! You'll scare away potential customers!
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I'm so chill, people think I'm Alaskan. - Gustavo Tiberius
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It's going to be like a cracked-out queer version of the Avengers.
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We're going out and getting drunk. I'm tired of being sixteen years old and never having gotten intoxicated. It's like I'm doing nothing with my life.
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You know you live in America when people can hate who you love, but then can turn around and hug a damn racist. Fuck them. You go out and show them just how stupid they are.
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Gus thought maybe this is what normal people did, but he couldn't quite figure out how normal could be so goddamn terrifying. When he had been abnormal, weird, and strange, he had never had to worry about anything like this.
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Truth time, boys," Dad said. "Life is all about chances. It's all about these little moments that add up to greatness. And there are times when you have to grab greatness by the balls and say, 'Hey! Greatness! I've got your nuts and you can't do a single godsdamn thing about it!"
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Why do you hide?" Because it was easier. Because I'd done it for as long as I could remember. Because it was safer than being out in the sun and letting people in. It was better to hide and wonder than reveal and know the truth."
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I wanted to kill him. I wanted to fuck him. I wanted him to tear me apart.
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Oh my god, Ox, your life is like those shitty sparkly vampire movies. That I've never seen and don't like at all, shut up.
T.J. Klune |
Current panic aside, Gus felt happy and at peace with a large portion of exasperation mixed in and topped off with just a hint of fond annoyance. Gus wasn't really sure what that said about him (or Casey for that matter), but he thought maybe he was on the right track.
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Dates usually meant expectations. And expectations led to situations that Josy wasn't comfortable with. It was easier to just avoid it entirely.
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Mama! Mama, !tienes que olfatearlo! Es como... como... !Ni siquiera lo se! Estaba caminando en el bosque para ver los limites de nuestro territorio asi podria ser como papa y luego estaba como... guau. Luego estaba alli de pie y no me vio al principio porque estoy volviendome muy bueno para las cacerias. Estaba como rawr y grr pero entonces olfatee y era el y todo fue !kaboom! !Aun no lo se! !Aun no lo se! Tienes que olfatearlo y luego deci..
T.J. Klune |
You're the only one I trust to help me with my love life." "That was the worst thing a human being has ever said to me. Don't do it again."
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I was going to be the best friend Jeremy ever had, even if it meant death by blue balls.
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He stares off into the distance sometimes," Chris added helpfully. "With his quiet strength. And his angst."
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He sighed. "Chin up, kitten. We'll get through this just like everyone else does. You're not the first one to be stuck in a crapshoot. Pretty soon, you'll look back on all this and wonder what all the fuss was about and say Ryan who? And then you'll--holy mother of crap cakes in a shit storm, you will never get over him because of the sheer magnitude of all his perfections." --
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There are moments in your life so profound, so extraordinarily crystal clear that even the remembrance of them is enough to feel like you're being consumed by fire. Moments that might not mean much to anyone else, but mean the world to you.
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I was all like rawr and grr but then I smelled it again and it was him and it was all kaboom! I don't even know! I don't even know! You gotta smell him and then tell me why it's all candy canes and pinecones and epic and awesome.
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Human, eh? Well, I guess to each their own." His eyes flashed orange. And then he left and I seriously considered throwing my mug of tea at the back of his head."
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Everything always changes," he said quietly. "And you wake up one day and don't recognize the life you had before you went to sleep."
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I'm not a prize to be won," he gasped out. "That was so awesome. You go, girl. Get down with your bad self and preach. We don't need no mens. We are fierce and hear Sam of Wilds roar." He puffed out his chest and pranced in place in his fairy ring."
T.J. Klune |
There is beauty in the written word.
T.J. Klune |
Josy was certain of a few things in his life. He wanted to be an actor. He had an agent who cared about his future. He had friends he'd somehow managed to carve into a family. He liked weed and funky socks with animals on them. He was good at radio trivia (which for some reason didn't translate so well to bar trivia). He had a bong named Vlad the Inhaler, and maybe his parents would never come around to seeing that while his life would neve..
T.J. Klune |
The King sighed. "Sam, ever since the day Morgan brought you to the castle, I knew there was something special about you. It had nothing to do with your magic or whatever Morgan thought you would one day be. It had to do with the size of your heart. You have so much to give to people and I think you sometimes hide it behind your wit and words. I want you to find that someone who makes you feel complete, who allows you to let your guard down..
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One of the great travesties of life is finding out porn is unrealistic.
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You spit your drink over the balcony. It landed on someone. That means you have to marry them. It's tradition.
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THAT NIGHT as I lay in bed waiting for sleep, I heard a howl from deep in the woods. It rose like a song until I was sure it was all I could ever want to sing. It went on and on and all I could think of was home, home, home.
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It should have been obvious. It should have been obvious what they were, but then I wasn't looking for the incredible buried in the ordinary.
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And he jumped into my arms then, wrapping himself around me and crying into my neck. I held him tightly and I guess I wasn't a man yet because my eyes leaked too. I told him I was so sorry I hadn't been there for Sunday dinner and that it would never happen again because he was Joe and I was Ox and that was how things went.
T.J. Klune |
I said, "Regrets are hard to live with." "Especially when they're from chances lost,"
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I'm a Rubik's Cube," Josy said honestly. ,,I'm made up of rainbow colors, but they're all out of order, and you need to spin me around until I start making sense."
T.J. Klune |
There's the idolatry I know and avoid.
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I would let you stay the night and then have you for breakfast," Gary said. "That is... strangely nice," I admitted. "Thank you. I would also have you for breakfast as well." He sighed. "Too bad you're like my older sister. We could have been something special."
T.J. Klune |
Where Tyson Meets the Man Who Becomes Helena Handbasket
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