Xander looked toward the ceiling. "I love you." "Thanks, man," Josy said happily. "I love you too." "But I don't like you very much right now." "Oh. That's a bummer to hear so soon after the whole love thing." --
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I'm now utterly convinced that this is part of some master scheme by the psychotic villain known as Kori and her sidekick, Sandy.
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Since it wasn't polite to ask someone if he could keep them in his pocket, he didn't.
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He bumped Casey's shoulder. "Thanks, dude." "For what?" "Letting me be filmed naked in your bed-and-breakfast." "You know what? I honestly thought I'd hear that sentence from you sooner or later. No big deal, man."
T.J. Klune |
So turtles, right?" "Right." "They exist." Casey was so smart. "Yes." "And they move really slow." "So slow," Josy agreed. "But they don't know that. To them, that's their normal speed, and everyone else moves superfast." "That must be really weird." "Totally. But the point is you're a turtle. You don't know any different because you don't need to. It's just who you are. You do things your own way. You take your time. And turtles have their..
T.J. Klune |
Also, we would accept donations in our name to Planned Parenthood, because the male Republicans who wish to dismantle it should have their testicles hooked up to a car battery. Maybe then they would understand what it feels like to be a woman in America.
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Being gay is so hard," he muttered. "Not only do you have to admit that, but then you have to find out what kind of gay you are. It's all very confusing. It was so much easier when we played with Legos instead of dressing like leather cubs and pedo-bait."
T.J. Klune |
Two minutes later, my bedroom door flew open and Paul Auster entered. And then stopped. He stared at the naked man in my bed. He then looked over at me collapsed dramatically in my closet buried in a pile of clothes and screaming into a scarf. "I don't know what it says about my life," he said, "that nothing about this situation is surprising."
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Gustavo Tiberius?" I asked. "That's the name you come up with?" He shrugged. "There has to be someone in the world with that name. He's probably badass and does things like gunplay and is into BDSM or something."
T.J. Klune |
He's a bit of a dick," I said, flailing for something. Paul rolled his eyes. "Well it's a good thing you're a bottom, because you're an asshole, so the two of you fit together just fine." "Wow," I said. "That was a thing of beauty." Paul looked rather pleased with himself. "Thank you. Wordplay is just like foreplay. You have to just ease into it a little--" "Yeah, you're losing me now."
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Is it your lovah?" "No," I said. "It's my pastor. I'm having an existential crisis and need guidance." "Sure. Guidance right into your butthole." "Corey," I said, appalled. "Apologize to God and Jesus. You know how they get when you talk about gay sex. Offended. Offended is how they get. My word. Guard your mortal soul, boy."
T.J. Klune |
I was very convincing. If there was an award for best he-she performance in front of a government official, I would have won it hands down.
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you're some creepy-ass Twilight fan fiction?" I shrugged. "I don't know what most of that means." "I do," Rico said. "And I'll admit that's not something I'm very proud of right now."
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I'd always heard that your twenties were for partying until all hours of the night, and then your thirties were pajamas at eight. I couldn't wait until I turned thirty because I was already there in spirit.
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both of us sniffling and wiping our faces. "Jesus Christ," Tanner muttered. "It smells like feelings in here," Rico said."
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I'm fine." "Sure you are. But it's okay not to be. You know that, right?"
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Kelly is kind of cute.
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I'm not crazy." "Never said you were. Therapy isn't necessarily for crazy, though it's ableist to think that way."
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Calling me a freak doesn't say anything about me, but it says all you need to know about the person hurling it like a grenade.
T.J. Klune |
Estan en una pandilla. Son vendedores de drogas. Tuvieron que abandonar su otra escuela por que mataron a su maestra.
T.J. Klune |
Eres increible y hermoso, y a veces, quiero poner mis dientes en ti, solo para verte sangrar. Quiero saber a lo que sabes. Quiero dejar mis marcas en tu piel. Quiero cubrirte con mi olor hasta que huelas como yo. No quiero que nadie te toque alguna vez de nuevo. Te quiero. Cada parte de ti.
T.J. Klune |
Estas vivo. Si puedes tomar otro aliento, si puedes dar un paso mas, entonces, no estas roto. Maltratado, tal vez. Magullado. Agrietado. Pero nunca roto.
T.J. Klune |
I felt aroused and confused. It was like I was twelve again and standing in front of the men's underwear section at Kmart, looking at the headless torsos on the Hanes packages and wondering why I was getting sweaty.
T.J. Klune |
The Internet is a that is full of Tumbling and children who write explicit fan fiction pornography based upon my boyfriend's books. They should be outside playing with pinecones or hula hoops or whatever it is children do these days, talking about a fictional threesome that will never happen.
T.J. Klune |
Mi papa me habia dicho una vez que la gente me iba a dar mierda toda mi vida. El monstruo le habia dicho a Joe que su familia ya no lo queria. Tendriamos que vivir con eso, con esas cosas que fueron susurradas en nuestros oidos. Tal vez nunca seria libre de esas sombras. No completamente. Pero aun asi, luchariamos como el infierno. Y tal vez eso era todo lo que importaba.
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He'll introduce himself as something ridiculous, like Gustavo Tiberius, because everyone has idiotic names these days,
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They must have been listening," Art said, shrugging slightly. "The sun is shining, and maybe they just needed some encouragment. The earth is like that, you know. It needs to hear that someone is waiting for it. People are like that too, I think."
T.J. Klune |
Se puede planificar la vida, pero la vida siempre tiene sus propios planes.
T.J. Klune |
Mi papa me habia dicho una vez que la gente haria que mi vida fuera una mierda, el monstruo le habia dicho a Joe que su familia no lo queria mas. Teniamos que vivir con eso, con aquellas cosas que nos susurraron al oido. Tal vez nunca nos liberariamos de esas sombras, no del todo,pero seguiriamos luchando con ferocidad. Y tal vez eso era todo lo que importaba.
T.J. Klune |
Carter? ?Quien es el?-pregunto Gordo-.Quiero conocerlo, en mi oficina asi puedo hacerlo cagar de susto. Maldicion, Ox. Mas vale que estes usando los malditos condones. -Si. Asegurate de que sean los malditoscondones en ves de los normales- Dijo Chris-.Son mejores ya sabes para que.
T.J. Klune |
Darle? Amigo, eres asqueroso-dijo Kelly con incredulidad. -Oh, lo siento si ofendi tu delicada sensibilidad. Quise decir hacerle el amor.
T.J. Klune |