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f11a72a you must not worry if they do not yet exist, because that does not mean they will not exist later. And I say to you that God wishes them to be, and certainly they already are in His mind, even if my friend from Occam denies that ideas exist in such a way; and I do not say this because we can determine the divine nature but precisely because we cannot set any limit to it. god-s-nature occam the-future ideas Umberto Eco
8c6bbf4 I have never encountered, not even in witchcraft trials, a dead man whom God or the Devil allowed to climb up from the abyss to erase the evidence of his misdeed--then investigation Umberto Eco
3702f7e Because if the Masters of the World exist, they can only be underground: this is a truth that all sense but few dare utter. Perhaps Umberto Eco
0bdce3a A lunatic is easily recognized. He is a moron who doesn't know the ropes. The moron proves his thesis; he has a logic, however twisted it may be. The lunatic, on the other hand, doesn't concern himself at all with logic; he works by short circuits. For him, everything proves everything else. The lunatic is all idee fixe, and whatever he comes across confirms his lunacy. You can tell him by the liberties he takes with common sense, by his fl.. Umberto Eco
b86c621 He had perhaps seen fifty springs and was therefore already very old, but his tireless body moved with an agility I myself often lacked. fifty-years-old old-age Umberto Eco
88623c9 In omnibus requiem quaesivi, et nusquam inveni nisi in angulo cum libro. Umberto Eco
e81d4b9 Alchemy, however, is a chaste prostitute, who has many lovers but disappoints all and grants her favors to none. She transforms the haughty into fools, the rich into paupers, the philosophers into dolts, and the deceived into loquacious deceivers.... --Trithemius, Annalmm Hirsaugensium Tomi II, S. Gallo, 1690, 141 Umberto Eco
569d639 Never trust originality. Umberto Eco
c225798 Our cause is a secret within a secret, a secret that only another secret can explain; it is a secret about a secret that is veiled by a secret. --Jafar as-adiq, sixth Imam Umberto Eco
f7a2f3b Io non vi dico di prepararvi all'altra vita, ma di usare bene quest'unica vita che vi e data, per affrontare quando verra, l'unica morte di cui avrete mai esperienza. E' necessario meditare prima, e molte volte, sull'arte del morire, per riuscire a farlo bene una sola volta morte Umberto Eco
d161f8f We don't see them, but, invisible, they act all around us. Umberto Eco
4e7658c Dissimulation is not fraud. It is an effort not to show things as they are. And it is a difficult effort: when we excel, others must not recognize our excellence. If someone were to become famous for his ability to disguise himself, as actors do, all would know that he is what he pretends to be. But concerning the true, excellent dissimulators, who have existed and exist still, we have no information. dissimulation Umberto Eco
ba162c5 Hitler's one genuine obsession was the underground currents. He believed in the theory of the hollow earth, Hohlweltlehre. Umberto Eco
86d84d8 The Great White Fraternity--whether you call them Rosicrucians or the spiritual knighthood of which the Templars are a temporary incarnation--is a cohort of a few, a very few, elect wise men who journey through human history in order to preserve a core of eternal knowledge. History does not happen randomly. It is the work of the Masters of the World, whom nothing escapes. Naturally, the Masters of the World protect themselves through secrec.. Umberto Eco
8c8957f La letteratura, contribuendo a formare la lingua, crea identita e comunita. Umberto Eco
e67a256 Sviashchenna viina - se odnakovo viina. Tomu, mabut', sviashchennikh viin buti ne povinno Umberto Eco
6b6f9d9 n`m, twjd Sbw@ ll'lm, km twjd Sbw@ ll`bd@, wHt~ Sbw@ llkhshw`. Umberto Eco
c2b2814 Adios muneca, ha sido muy hermoso, pero eras un automata sin alma. love umberto-eco Umberto Eco
70a9db5 Los libros no se han hecho para que creamos lo que dicen, sino para que los analicemos. Cuando cogemos un libro, no debemos preguntarnos que dice, sino que quiere decir, Umberto Eco
6ed1d3a para no acabar haciendo el necio, prefiero no empezar haciendo el listo. Umberto Eco
31cdfab Do not expect too much of the end of the world. --Stanislaw J. Lec, Aforyzmy. Fraszki, Krakow, Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1977, "Mysli nieuczesane" Umberto Eco
4e85d7e Juan XXIII y Benigno Zaccagnini hacian simplemente lo que se esperaba de ellos, y no hay razon para que hubiera que felicitarlos por eso. Umberto Eco
233d623 Nadie nos exige que sepamos, Adso. Hay que saber, eso es todo, aun a riesgo de equivocarse. Umberto Eco
a9a08c1 But then, apart from politicians and the pope, why does anyone else use Twitter? Perhaps to feel important. Umberto Eco
75d08bb Huye, Adso, de los profetas y de los que estan dispuestos a morir por la verdad, porque suelen provocar tambien la muerte de muchos otros, a menudo antes que la propia, y a veces en lugar de la propia. Umberto Eco
98e42ea Es un circulo diabolico en el que el contestatario potencia aquello que cree destruir. Umberto Eco
dc3c14a Having come from the light and from the gods, here I am in exile, separated from them. --Fragment of Turfa'n M7 Umberto Eco
5ec1ffa I work for a publishing company. We deal with both lunatics and nonlunatics. After a while an editor can pick out the lunatics right away. If somebody brings up the Templars, he's almost always a lunatic. Umberto Eco
78502ed Ce ne sont pas les informations qui font le journal, mais le journal qui fait l'information. Et savoir rassembler quatre nouvelles differentes signifie en proposer au lecteur une cinquieme. Umberto Eco
be1750b Ve dep cua than the chi den lop da la het. Neu dan ong nhin thay duoc duoi lop da ay la gi, nhu voi con linh mieu xu Boeotia, ho se rung minh khi thay dan ba. Moi ve yeu kieu ay chi gom toan dom dai, mau me, the dich va mat. Nghi den nhung gi an trong lo mui, co hong va bung, con se thay toan thu nho ban. Neu con tom lom khi cham ngon tay vao dom dai hay phan, sao lai co the khao khat om cai bao dung thu phan do? Umberto Eco
616ed1b It's true," Benno said, smiling for the first time, his face growing almost radiant. "We live for books. A sweet mission in this world dominated by disorder and decay." Umberto Eco
dacd0d3 Os perdedores, assim como os autodidatas, sempre tem conhecimentos mais vastos que os vencedores, e quem quiser vencer devera saber uma unica coisa e nao perder tempo sabendo todas, o prazer da erudicao e reservado aos perdedores. Quanto mais coisas uma pessoa sabe, menos coisas deram certo para ela. Umberto Eco
9038785 Do not laugh too much at your fellows. Those whom you cannot love you should, rather, fear. love fellows laugh Umberto Eco
9bfc156 because one who knows not how to seek will never find. . . . Umberto Eco
7268342 Se por acaso se espalhasse a ideia de que a poluicao no mundo compromete nao so as baleias mas tambem (desculpem o tecnicismo) os perus, acho que teriamos subitas conversoes ao ecologismo. Umberto Eco
e054d8e Superstition brings bad luck. --Raymond Smullyan, 5000 B.C., 1.3.8 Umberto Eco
5a50b67 A questao e que os jornais nao sao feitos para divulgar, mas para encobrir as noticias. Ocorre o fato X, voce nao pode deixar de falar dele, mas cria problemas para gente demais, entao no mesmo numero voce poe umas manchetes de arrepiar o cabelo, mae degola os quatro filhos, a nossa poupanca talvez vire po, descoberta uma carta de insultos de Garibaldi a Nino Bixio e assim por diante, a sua noticia se afoga no grande mar da informacao. Umberto Eco
f0c25c0 You cannot escape one infinite, I told myself, by fleeing to another; you cannot escape the revelation of the identical by taking refuge in the illusion of the multiple. Umberto Eco
6ecc9d5 traicion. Y es que siempre pasa lo mismo, cuando fracasas en algo, buscas siempre alguien a quien acusar de tu incapacidad. Pero que traicion, me decia, es que no sabeis como se combate, pues anda que hacer la revolucion... Umberto Eco
fd42b97 kaldi ki, onunla yok olup gitmeyeceksek bir kurmaca yaratmak niye? Umberto Eco
480d2cf hay que valerse de la risa para desarmar la seriedad de los oponentes, y a la risa, en cambio, oponer la seriedad. Umberto Eco
6ac54c5 In the past men were handsome and great (now they are children and dwarfs), but this is merely one of the many facts that demonstrate the disaster of an aging world. Umberto Eco
a8586cb That was when I saw the Pendulum. Umberto Eco
3058613 An unhappy land, then, is one whose citizens no longer know where duty lies, and seek a charismatic leader who tells them what to do. Which, if I remember correctly, is what Hitler promulgated in Mein Kampf. heroism land Umberto Eco