Todo se explica utilizando menor numero de causas.
Umberto Eco |
unico problema serio para el buen ciudadano es no pagar los impuestos, y luego que los que mandan hagan lo que quieran;
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If the eye could see the demons that people the universe, existence would be impossible. --Talmud, Berakhot, 6
Umberto Eco |
De fabula narratur
Umberto Eco |
The world's a nightmare, my love. I'd like to get off, but they tell me we can't, we're on an express train.
Umberto Eco |
Como embriagado, gozaba de la presencia de la muchacha en las cosas que veia, y, al desearla en ellas, viendolas, mi deseo se colmaba. Y, sin embargo, en medio de tanta dicha, sentia una especie de dolor, en medio de todos aquellos fantasmas de una presencia, la penosa marca de una ausencia.
Umberto Eco |
Il sonno diurno e come il peccato della carne: piu se ne e avuto piu se ne vorrebbe, eppure ci si sente infelici, sazi e insaziati allo stesso tempo.
Umberto Eco |
Je recapitule. Entrez dans une salle de cine : si pour aller de A a B, les protagonistes mettent plus de temps que vous ne le souhaiteriez, alors c'est un film porno.
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he would learn--truth is brief (afterward, it is all commentary). So
Umberto Eco |
On sober reflection, I find few reasons for publishing my Italian version of the obscure, neo-Gothic French version of a seventeenth-century Latin edition of a work written in Latin by a German monk toward the end of the fourteenth century.
Umberto Eco |
nW lhwtfa ljwWal@ l ymknh 'n tdwm , 'wWlan , l'nWh tklWif thrw@ wl yqdr `lyh l lqlylwn. wa thnyan , syktshf lns b`d qlyl 'nWh lys mn lDrwry HqWan ltSl bklW lns wa fy klW wqt , w syftqdwn lkhSwSyW@ w ltHdth wjhan lwjh , zyd@an `l~ 'nWhm syktshfwn fy nhy@ lshhr 'nW qy'm@ lHsb blGt 'rqman fdH@
Umberto Eco |
wa lknWy lan fy maHfal lrqS w `lyWa 'n 'rqSa , HtW~ min 'jl biHri ljnwb , Hythm wujidt , HtW~ n knt fy <> , fhy tkfy lfshlin mthly
Umberto Eco |
klWu shyin lh dy'man `lq@ bklWi shyin dh `rf lmru kyf yqr' fnjna lqhw@
Umberto Eco |
Poor idiot! Are you so foolish as to believe we will openly teach you the greatest and most important of secrets? I assure you that anyone who attempts to study, according to the ordinary and literal sense of their words, what the Hermetic Philosophers write, will soon find himself in the twists of a labyrinth from which he will be unable to escape, having no Ariadne's thread to lead him out. --Artephius
Umberto Eco |
ltlmyH lnj` hw dhlk ldhy ydhkr 'shy fy HdW dhth `dym@ lqym@ , wa m` dhlk hy Gyr qbl@ lltkdhyb l'nWh HqyqyW@
Umberto Eco |
min lm`rwf jyWdan 'nW Gsla l'mwl ywjibu 'n tqbla khsar@a khmsyn min my'@ mnh , wa bhdhh lTryq@ tkhsaru 'qlW bkthyrin min dhlk
Umberto Eco |
l ynbGy 'n yuql nW lknys@ rj`t mwqfh lqdym@ bsh'n dwrn l'rD , bl nW lbb y`tdhr lGlylyw
Umberto Eco |
Lampedusa, Bassani y Cassola. Por mi parte, hoy
Umberto Eco |
He fell in love with his golem, found it a source of consolation. Life
Umberto Eco |
What is the hidden influence behind the press, behind all the sub-versive movements going on around us? Are there several Powers at work? Or is there one Power, one invisible group directing all the rest--the circle of the real Initiates? --Nesta Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, London, Boswell, 1924, p. 348
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The prince of darkness is a gentleman. --Shakespeare, King Lear, III, iv
Umberto Eco |
Alamut could be reached only astride eagles.
Umberto Eco |
Impassioned in his gesticulation, his voice persuasive, his smile fascinating, his reasoning clear and consequential, he held his listeners fast for all the time he spoke. He
Umberto Eco |
We live inside a hollow earth, enclosed by the terrestrial surface. Hitler realized this.
Umberto Eco |
Unable to control destinies on earth openly because governments would resist, this mystic alliance can act only through secret societies.... These, gradually created as the need for them arises, are divided into distinct groups, groups seemingly in opposition, sometimes advocating the most contradictory policies in religion, politics, economics, and literature; but they are all connected, all directed by the invisible center that hides its ..
Umberto Eco |
To All the World: I declare the earth is hollow and habitable within; containing a number of solid, concentric spheres; one within the other, and that it is open at the poles twelve or sixteen degrees. --J. Cleves Symmes of Ohio, late Captain of Infantry, April 10, 1818; quoted in Sprague de Camp and Ley, Lands Beyond, New York, Rinehart, 1952, x
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The thing whose address I lost is not the End, it's the Beginning. Not the object to be possessed but the subject that possesses me. Misery
Umberto Eco |
Nothing can dispel from my mind the most reassuring thought that this world is the creation of a shadowy god whose shadow I prolong. Faith leads to Absolute Optimism.
Umberto Eco |
To die with style, live in the Baroque.
Umberto Eco |
Peki ama neden ozellikle Yahudileri hedef aliyorsunuz?" "Cunku Rusya Yahudi dolu. Turkiye'de olsaydim, Ermenileri hedef alirdim." "Yani siz yahudilerin yok edilmelerini istiyorsunuz aynen-belki tanirsiniz-Osman Bey gibi." "Osman Bey fanatiktir, ustelik kendi de Yahudidir. Ondan uzak durmak iyi olur. Ben yahudileri yok etmek istemiyorum, curetimi mazur gorun ama Yahudilerin en iyi muttefiklerim oldugnu soyleyebilirim. Ben Rus halkinin moral..
Umberto Eco |
q`@ lktb@ brd@ wbhmy yw'lmny. 'trk hdhh lktb@, l 'dry lmn, wlm '`d 'dry Hwl mdh: "knt lwrd sman, wnHn l nmlk l l'sm"
Umberto Eco |
Menk` ch`ors koghmits` shrjapatvats enk` tgitowt`yamb, ore hachakh lpirsh e ow havaknot: Nowynisk noranor koghmnakits`ner e dzerhk` berowm: Ink`navstah e ew ir gerishkhanowt`yownn e azdararowm mer neghmit k`aghak`akan gortsich`neri showrt`erits`:
Umberto Eco |
lkhyr blnsb@ l~ ktb hw 'n yqr'. lktb mSnw` mn `lmt ttklm `n `lmt 'khr~ ttklm bdwrh `n l'shy. wbdwn l`yn lty tqr'h ybq~ lktb Hml l`lmt l tntj mfhym fyZl dhn 'khrs
Umberto Eco |
lHlm ktb@, wlkthyr mn lktbt m hy l 'Hlm
Umberto Eco |
se trata de un consumismo que no tiende a la posesion de objetos de deseo con los que contentarse, sino que inmediatamente los vuelve obsoletos, y el individuo pasa de un consumo a otro en una especie de bulimia sin objetivo (el nuevo telefono movil nos ofrece poquisimas prestaciones nuevas respecto al viejo, pero el viejo tiene que ir al desguace para participar en esta orgia del deseo). Crisis
Umberto Eco |
l shy 'rw` mn lltq ljmyl lfshlyn
Umberto Eco |
Do not fear the darkness; it does not threaten, but protects us.
Umberto Eco |
There's a difference between the 'moderate' overwhelm of a great bookshop and the infinite overwhelm of the Internet.
Umberto Eco |
From the story he told me, I pictured him among those bands of vagrants that in the years that followed I saw more and more often roaming about Europe: false monks, charlatans, swindlers, cheats, tramps and tatterdemalions, lepers and cripples, jugglers, invalid mercenaries, wandering Jews escaped from the infidels with their spirit broken, lunatics, fugitives under banishment, malefactors with an ear cut off, sodomites, and along with them..
Umberto Eco |
Bayts` nshets`ink` naew, or eghel en tekhnikayi aypisi norowyt`ner, ima, girk`e, oronk` ch`en p`okhvel: Kareli e avelats`nel hetsanivn ow nowyisk aknots`e: El ch`em khosowm aybbenaranayin growt`yan masin: Erb hasnowm es katarelowt`yan, aveli herhow ch`es gna:
Umberto Eco |
Umberto Eco |
Cand intra in joc stapanirea lucrurilor pamantesti, e foarte greu ca oamenii sa gandeasca asa cum cere dreptatea.
Umberto Eco |
Sabemos muy bien como destruir una ciudad y como transportar informacion a bajo costo, pero todavia no tenemos ideas precisas sobre como conciliar el bienestar colectivo, el porvenir de los jovenes, la superpoblacion del mundo y la prolongacion de la vida..
Umberto Eco |
l'Anticristo e veramente vicino perche nessuna sapienza gli fara piu da barriera.
Umberto Eco |