The Jesuits' strategy became clear to us when we discovered Father Barruel. Between 1797 and 1798, in response to the French Revolution, he writes his Memoires pour servir a l'histoire du jacobinisme, a real dime novel that begins, surprise surprise, with the Templars. After the burning of Molay, they transform themselves into a secret society to destroy monarchy and papacy and to create a world republic. In the eighteenth century they take..
Umberto Eco |
I didn't like being his dear friend, but I went on listening to him. Giulio/Giulia,
Umberto Eco |
He raised the leather curtain and showed us into the next room. "Little study" is not how I would have described it; it was spacious, with walls of exquisite antique shelving crammed with handsomely bound books all of venerable age. What impressed me more than the books were some small glass cases filled with objects hard to identify--they looked like stones. And there were little animals, whether stuffed, mummified, or delicately reproduce..
Umberto Eco |
We always have to blame our failures on somebody else, and dictatorships always need an external enemy to bind their followers together. As the man said, for every complex problem there's a simple solution, and it's wrong.
Umberto Eco |
All'universita (allora, ma credo ancor oggi) le cose vanno all'opposto del mondo normale, non sono i figli che odiano i padri ma i padri che odiano i figli.
Umberto Eco |
Poetry... it consumed Sappho's young years, it nourished Goethe's old age. Drug, the Greeks called it, both poison and medicine.
Umberto Eco |
It's quite possible that mortality is simply the result of poor education.
Umberto Eco |
there's nothing in this world that demands more caution than the truth. To tell the truth is like leeching one's own heart...
Umberto Eco |
Whatever the rhythm was, luck rewarded us, because, wanting connections, we found connections -- always, everywhere, and between everything. The world exploded in a whirling network of kinships, where everything pointed to everything else, everything explained everything else...
Umberto Eco |
How clear everything becomes when you look from the darkness of a dungeon!
Umberto Eco |
because one who knows not how to seek will never find...
Umberto Eco |
The trouble is," I said, "I can no longer distinguish the accidental difference among Waldensians, Catharists, the poor of Lyons, the Umiliati, the Beghards, Joachimites, Patarines, Apostles, Poor Lombards, Arnoldists, Williamites, Followers of the Free Spirit, and Luciferines. What"
Umberto Eco |
Any fact becomes important when it's connected to another. The connection changes the perspective; it leads you to think that every detail of the world, every voice, every word written or spoken has more than its literal meaning, that it tells us a Secret.
Umberto Eco |
Haven't you grasped the significance of this discovery? In the Telluric Navel you place the most powerful valve, which enables you to foresee rain and drought, to release hurricanes, tidal waves, earthquakes, to split continents, sink islands (no doubt Atlantis disappeared in some such reckless experiment), raise mountain chains ...You realize the atomic bomb is nothing in comparison? Besides
Umberto Eco |
He contado en varias ocasiones como deje de hacer fotografias en 1960, tras una visita a distintas catedrales francesas que fotografiaba enloquecido. De regreso, me encontre con que tenia una serie de fotografias mediocres y no recordaba nada de lo que habia visto. Tire la camara fotografica y en los sucesivos viajes me limite a registrar mentalmente lo que veia. Como recuerdo, mas para los demas que para mi, compraba excelentes postales.
Umberto Eco |
Is this possible? To spend a life punishing people who will never know they have been punished? So
Umberto Eco |
He offers what is no longer a map, but a strange projection of the entire globe from the point of view of the Pole, the mystic Pole, naturally, and therefore from the point of view of an ideal Pendulum suspended from an ideal keystone. This is a map specially conceived to be placed beneath a Pendulum! It's obvious, undeniable; I can't imagine why somebody hasn't already seen--
Umberto Eco |
He looked around circumspectly, then introduced himself: Professor Camestres. At the question "Professor of what?" he made a vague gesture, as if urging us to exercise greater discretion."
Umberto Eco |
Variante. Tu sei un autore, non sai ancora quanto grande, colei che amavi ti ha tradito, la vita per te non ha piu senso e un giorno, per dimenticare, fai un viaggio sul Titanic e naufraghi nei mari del sud, ti raccoglie (unico superstite) una piroga di indigeni e passi lunghi anni ignorato da tutti, su di un'isola abitata solo da papuasi, con le ragazze che ti cantano canzoni di intenso languore, agitando i seni appena coperti dalla collan..
Umberto Eco |
The language of Europe is translation.
Umberto Eco |
I don't miss my youth. I'm glad I had one, but I wouldn't like to start over.
Umberto Eco |
We live for books.
Umberto Eco |
The hand of God creates; it does not conceal.
Umberto Eco |