dienos miegas yra lyg kuno nuodeme: kuo daugiau jos esi patyres, tuo daugiau jos troksti, bet jautiesi nelaimingas, kartu sotus ir alkanas.
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Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state (attributed to James Jesus Angleton)
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Kas tai yra meile? Nieko nera pasaulyje, nei zmogaus, nei velnio, nei kito dalyko, kuris man atrodytu toks pat itartinas, kaip meile, nes ji isilauzia i siela giliau nei kas kitas, ir nera nieko kito, kas taip pripildytu ir supanciotu sirdi, kaip meile. Todel per meile siela nugarma i giliausius pragarus, nebent jei turi ginklu, kuriais gali jai atsispirti.
Umberto Eco |
Graecum est, non legitur," I finished his sentence, humiliated. "It is Greek to me." "Exactly;"
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There's nothing worse than illustrating a chapter on space travel with a photograph of the latest American satellite. Signor Garamond had taught me that it needs, at the very least, an angel by Dore.
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If our eye could penetrate the earth and see its interior from pole to pole, from where we stand to the antipodes, we would glimpse with horror a mass terrifyingly riddled with fissures and caverns. --Thomas Burnet, Telluris Theoria Sacra, Amsterdam, Wolters, 1694, p. 38
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You mean the Grail also comes into this?" Belbo asked. "Naturally. And I'm not the only one who says so. You are educated men; there is no need for me to go into the legend of the Grail. The Knights of the Round Table, the mystical quest for this miraculous object, which some believe was the chalice in which the blood of Jesus was collected. The Grail taken to France by Joseph of Arimathea. Others say it is a stone that possesses mysterious..
Umberto Eco |
There are secrets that kill. But
Umberto Eco |
'n nHsW bllh nwran, fy 'sh`@ lshms, fy lSwr lty t`ksh lmry , fy ntshr l'lwn fwq 'jz lmd@ lmntZm@
Umberto Eco |
All the world's follies," he replied, "turn up in publishing houses sooner or later. But the world's follies may also contain flashes of the wisdom of the Most High, so the wise man observes folly with humility." Then"
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Here, on the one hand, nobody respects silence any more. On the other, it is respected too much. Here, instead of talking or remaining silent, we should act.
Umberto Eco |
el individuo pasa de un consumo a otro en una especie de bulimia sin objetivo (el nuevo telefono movil nos ofrece poquisimas prestaciones nuevas respecto al viejo, pero el viejo tiene que ir al desguace para participar en esta orgia del deseo).
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The sun is good because it does the body good, and because it has the sense to reappear every day; therefore, whatever returns is good, not what passes and is done with.
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enanos --admitio Guillermo--, pero enanos subidos sobre los hombros de aquellos gigantes y, aunque pequenos, a veces logramos ver mas alla de su horizonte.
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Perhaps if this abbey exists and if we still speak of the Holy Roman Empire, we owe it to the Irish. At that time, the rest of Europe was reduced to a heap of ruins; one day they declared invalid all baptisms imparted by certain priests in Gaul because they baptized 'in nomine patris et filae' [In the name of the Father and of the Daughter]--and not because they practiced a new heresy and considered Jesus a woman, but because they no longer..
Umberto Eco |
Si un pastor falla, hay que separarlo de los otros pastores, pero, !ay si las ovejas empezaran a desconfiar de los pastores!
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Le nouveau royaume de Jerusalem est un peu la Californie de l'epoque, on peut y faire fortune.
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Does it make sense to choose the wrong Opportunity just to convince yourself that you would have chosen the right one--had you had the Opportunity? I
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You have to seize Opportunity instinctively, without knowing at the time that it is the Opportunity. Is
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No son las noticias las que hacen el periodico sino el periodico el que hace las noticias.
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marginalia we were discussing today,
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Carino, buscaremos un pais donde no haya secretos y todo se desarrolle a la luz del sol. Entre Centroamerica y Sudamerica hay un monton. Nada esta oculto: se sabe quien pertenece al cartel de la droga, quien dirige las bandas revolucionarias; te sientas en un restaurante, pasa un grupo de amigos y te presentan a uno como el jefe del contrabando de armas, bien puesto, afeitado y perfumado, con esa camisa blanca almidonada que se lleva por fu..
Umberto Eco |
perche aveva scritto che alla stazione di Torino "due treni diretti s'incrociavano: l'uno in partenza, e l'altro in arrivo". La sua descrizione pareva stolidamente ridondante. Ma, a ripensarci bene, l'annotazione non e cosi ridondante come appare a prima vista. Dov'e che due treni che s'incrociano non ripartono entrambi dopo essere arrivati?"
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Dov'e che due treni che s'incrociano non ripartono entrambi dopo essere arrivati?
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Una guerra santa sigue siendo una guerra.
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I belong to a lost generation and am comfortable only in the company of others who are lost and lonely.
Umberto Eco |
Wherever you put it, Foucault's Pendulum swings from a motionless point while the earth rotates beneath it. Every point of the universe is a fixed point: all you have to do is hang the Pendulum from it.
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The ways of the Antichrist are slow and tortuous. He arrives when we do not expect him: not because the calculation suggested by the apostle was mistaken, but because we have not learned the art.
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Non conta la fede che un movimento propone, conta la speranza che offre. Gratta l'eresia, troverai il lebbroso. E ogni battaglia contro l'eresia vuole solo che il lebbroso rimanga lebbroso.
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If you accuse a man of murder, you might be believed, but if you accuse him of eating children for lunch and dinner like Gilles de Rais, no one will take you seriously.
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Boethius says, nothing is more fleeting than external form, which withers and alters like the flowers of the field at the appearance of autumn;
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the beauty of the cosmos derives not only from unity in variety, but also from variety in unity.
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Neutral territory, therefore, this abbey where the two groups could meet.
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El caso es que los periodicos no estan hechos para difundir sino para encubrir noticias. Sucede el hecho X, no puedes obviarlo, pero, como pone en apuros a demasiada gente, en ese mismo numero te marcas unos titulones que le ponen a uno los pelos de punta: madre deguella a sus cuatro hijos, quiza nuestros ahorros acaben en cenizas,
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Parten del concepto de que el bien debe realizarse aqui, y no mas alla de la tumba. Por lo cual, obran solo para la conquista de este mundo.
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esa desproporcion monstruosa entre el enanismo de su complexion y la dimension
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He is, or has been, in many ways a great man. But for this very reason he is odd. It is only petty men who seem normal.
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Gustaba a napolitanos y sicilianos, mestizos tambien ellos, no por error de una madre pelleja sino por historia de generaciones, nacidos de cruces de levantinos desleales, arabes sudorientos y ostrogodos degenerados, que tomaron lo peor de cada uno de sus hibridos antepasados: de los sarracenos, la indolencia; de los suabos, la ferocidad; de los griegos, la infructuosidad y el gusto de perderse en charlas con tal de dividir un pelo en cuatr..
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Porque la ciencia no consiste solo en saber lo que debe o puede hacerse, sino tambien en saber lo que podria hacerse aunque quiza no debiera hacerse.
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Seria atroz --comento Guillermo-- matar a un hombre para decir Credo in unum Deum...
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Ya te he dicho que el limite entre el veneno y la medicina es bastante tenue, los griegos usaban la misma palabra, pharmacon, para referirse a los dos.
Umberto Eco |
Querido Adso, no conviene multiplicar las explicaciones y las causas mientras no haya estricta necesidad de hacerlo.
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