However this future evolves, we will have to answer a pressing question: How will writers (or anyone else who creates content that can be digitized, from movies to music to apps to journalism) make a living in an era in which digital content can be freely replicated? That is now my greatest worry as I contemplate the so-called writing life that I hope to continue--and that I hope my daughter and all future generations will continue. For thr..
Walter Isaacson |
August 2001, when the stock price was just under $18. The problem was that he worried about his image, especially after the Fortune article. He did not want
Walter Isaacson |
Lower Manhattan
Walter Isaacson |
megagrants--granting huge bundles of options to buy Apple stock at a preset price--that were not subject to the usual good compensation practices of board committee reviews and performance criteria. When he dropped the "interim" in his title and officially became CEO, he was"
Walter Isaacson |
August 2001,
Walter Isaacson |
I had known him since 1984, when he came to Manhattan to have lunch with Time's editors and extol his new Macintosh. He was petulant even then, attacking a Time correspondent for having wounded him with a story that was too revealing. But talking to him afterward, I found myself rather captivated, as so many others have been over the years, by his engaging intensity. We stayed in touch, even after he was ousted from Apple. When he had somet..
Walter Isaacson |
toward the pushy kid who had talked his way in by calling the CEO. "I"
Walter Isaacson |
At the official signing of the parchment copy on August 2, John Hancock, the president of the Congress, penned his name with his famous flourish. "There must be no pulling different ways," he declared. "We must all hang together." According to the early American historian Jared Sparks, Franklin replied, "Yes, we must, indeed, all hang together or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."
Walter Isaacson |
Wentworth arrived in Paris in mid-December, just as the Americans were meeting with Vergennes, and sent a missive worthy of a British spy: a gentleman who wished to meet him, it said, could be found the next morning in a coach at a specified place on the road to Passy, or later at an exhibition in the Luxembourg Gallery, or at the public baths on the Seine, where Deane would find a note giving the room number to use. Deane sent a reply wort..
Walter Isaacson |
By the summer of 1996 Amelio realized that he had a serious problem.
Walter Isaacson |
CLARA HAGOPIAN JOBS. Hija de unos inmigrantes armenios. Se caso con Paul Jobs en 1946 y juntos adoptaron a Steve
Walter Isaacson |
Long live impudence! It is my guardian angel in this world." That"
Walter Isaacson |
More than anyone else of his time, he made products that were completely innovative, combining the power of poetry and processors. With a ferocity that could make working with him as unsettling as it was inspiring, he also built the world's most creative company. And he was able to infuse into its DNA the design sensibilities, perfectionism, and imagination that make it likely to be, even decades from now, the company that thrives best at t..
Walter Isaacson |
Some people say, "Give the customers what they want." But that's not my approach. Our job is to figure out what they're going to want before they do."
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The reason Apple resonates with people is that there's a deep current of humanity in our innovation. I think great artists and great engineers are similar, in that they both have a desire to express themselves. In fact some of the best people working on the original Mac were poets and musicians on the side.
Walter Isaacson |
I have my own theory about why decline happens at companies like IBM or Microsoft. The company does a great job, innovates and becomes a monopoly or close to it in some field, and then the quality of the product becomes less important.
Walter Isaacson |
I hate it when people call themselves "entrepreneurs" when what they're really trying to do is launch a startup and then sell or go public, so they can cash in and move on."
Walter Isaacson |
Una de las premisas basicas de la innovacion es mantenerse centrado.
Walter Isaacson |
better negotiating position in a year, after Pixar finished Finding Nemo. "Yesterday we saw for the second time the new Pixar movie, Finding Nemo, that comes out next May," he wrote. "This will be a reality check for those guys. It's okay,"
Walter Isaacson |
That Tuesday afternoon, he kept staring into his children's eyes. At one point he looked at Patty and his children for a long time, then at Laurene, and finally gazed past them into the distance. "Oh wow," he said. "Oh wow. Oh wow." Those were his final words before he drifted into unconsciousness sometime around two that afternoon."
Walter Isaacson |
ninguna maquina ha superado el test de Turing, una prueba bastante sencilla y, posiblemente, no demasiado significativa. Y, desde luego, ninguna ha superado el liston de Ada --aun mas alto-- de ser capaz de <> cualquier pensamiento propio.
Walter Isaacson |
In his Apple office, 1982: Asked if he wanted to do market research, he said, "No, because customers don't know what they want until we've shown them."
Walter Isaacson |
The juxtaposition highlighted the shift from the interests of his father's generation. "Mr. McCollum felt that electronics class was the new auto shop." McCollum" --
Walter Isaacson |
The thrust of his parent's views, at least when applied to the situation of Mileva Maric rather than Marie Winteler, was that a wife was a luxury, affordable only when a man was making a comfortable living. "I have a low opinion of that view of a relationship between a man and wife," he [Einstein] told Maric, "Because it makes the wife and the prostitute distinguishable only insofar as the former is able to secure a life-long contract."
Walter Isaacson |
He never trusted Jobs with a key to the stockroom.
Walter Isaacson |
It was a grand triumph but not one easily understood. The skeptical Silverstein came up to Eddington and said that people believed that only three scientists in the world understood general relativity. He had been told that Eddington was one of them. The shy Quaker said nothing. "Don't be modest, Eddington," said Silverstein. Replied Eddington, "On the contrary, I'm just wondering who the third might be."
Walter Isaacson |
It was by all accounts a pleasant Atlantic crossing, during which Einstein tried to explain relativity to Weissmann. Asked upon their arrival whether he understood the theory, Weissmann gave a delightful reply. "During the crossing, Einstein explained his theory to me every day, and by the time we arrived I was fully convinced that he really understands it."
Walter Isaacson |
The satisfaction of getting paid and saving up for something, that was very exciting.
Walter Isaacson |
At a reception at the National Academy of Sciences on Constitution Avenue, which now boasts the world's most interesting statue of Einstein, a twelve foot high, full-length bronze figure of him reclining, he listened to long speeches from honorees, including Prince Albert I of Monaco, who was an avid oceanographer, a North Carolina scholar of hookworms, and a man who had invented a solar stove. As the evening droned on Einstein turned to a ..
Walter Isaacson |
At the behest of Princeton's President, all of Einstein's lectures were very technical. They included more than one hundred and twenty-five complex equations that he scribbled on the blackboard while speaking in German. As one student admitted to a reporter, "I sat in the balcony but he talked right over my head anyway."
Walter Isaacson |
I always thought of myself as a humanities person as a kid, but I liked electronics,"he said. "Then I read something that one of my heroes, Edwin Land of Polaroid, said about the importance of people who could stand at the intersection of humanities and sciences, and I decided that's what I wanted to do."It was as if he were suggesting themes for his biography (and in this instance, at least, the theme turned out to be valid). The creativit..
Walter Isaacson |
changed its name from frogdesign to frog design in 2000 and moved to San Francisco. Esslinger picked the original name not merely because frogs have the ability to metamorphose, but as a salute to its roots in the (f)ederal (r)epublic (o)f (g)ermany. He said that "the lowercase letters offered a nod to the Bauhaus notion"
Walter Isaacson |
Sealing the Microsoft deal by phone with Gates: "Bill, thank you for your support of this company. I think the world's a better place for it."
Walter Isaacson |
The best thing ever to happen to Steve is when we fired him, told him to get lost," Arthur Rock later said. The theory, shared by many, is that the tough love made him wiser and more mature. But it's not that simple. At the company he founded after being ousted from Apple, Jobs was able to indulge all of his instincts, both good and bad. He was unbound. The result was a series of spectacular products that were dazzling market flops. This wa..
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eventually resigned to form a new company to make software
Walter Isaacson |
Woz spent a lot of time at home reading his father's electronics journals, and he became enthralled by stories about new computers,
Walter Isaacson |
Lost time is never found again."27"
Walter Isaacson |
He that has once done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another, than he whom you yourself have obliged."14"
Walter Isaacson |
Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards."24"
Walter Isaacson |
If you would keep your secret from an enemy, tell it not to a friend." This"
Walter Isaacson |
The first instinct that he indulged was his passion for design. The name he chose for his new company was rather straightforward: Next. In order to make it more distinctive, he decided he needed a world-class logo. So he courted the dean
Walter Isaacson |
Franklin and, by extension, the Junto were particularly fond of things that could help the public as well as themselves.)
Walter Isaacson |
The lesson Jobs learned from his Buddhist days was that material possessions often cluttered life rather than enriched it.
Walter Isaacson |
Physicists are not used to trimming or compromising their equations in order to get them accepted. Which is why they do not make good politicians. At
Walter Isaacson |