We treat each other with exceeding courtesy; we says, it's great to see you after all these years. Our tigers drink milk. Our hawks tread the ground. Our sharks have all drowned. Our wolves yawn beyond the open cage. Our snakes have shed their lightning, our apes their flights of fancy, our peacocks have renounced their plumes. The bats flew out of our hair long ago. We fall silent in mid-sentence, all smiles, past help. Our humans don't kn..
Wisława Szymborska |
LA ESTACION DE FERROCARRIL. Mi no llegada a la ciudad de N tuvo lugar puntualmente. Fuiste avisado con una carta no enviada. Lograste no llegar a la hora prevista. El tren llego al anden numero tres. Bajo mucha gente. Entre la muchedumbre se dirigio a la salida la ausencia de mi persona. Varias mujeres me sustituyeron rapidamente en aquella prisa. A una de ellas se acerco corriendo alguien desconocido para mi pero ella lo reconocio al ins..
Wisława Szymborska |
Nothing Twice Nothing can ever happen twice. In consequence, the sorry fact is that we arrive here improvised and leave without the chance to practice. Even if there is no one dumber, if you're the planet's biggest dunce, you can't repeat the class in summer: this course is only offered once. No day copies yesterday, no two nights will teach what bliss is in precisely the same way, with exactly the same kisses. One day, perhaps, s..
Wisława Szymborska |
Devo molto a quelli che non amo. Il sollievo con cui accetto che siano piu vicini a un altro. La gioia di non essere io il lupo dei loro agnelli. Mi sento in pace con loro e in liberta con loro, e questo l'amore non puo darlo, ne riesce a toglierlo. Non li aspetto dalla porta alla finestra. Paziente quasi come una meridiana, capisco cio che l'amore non capisce, perdono cio che l'amore mai perdonerebbe. Da un incontro a una lettera passa non..
Wisława Szymborska |
Me parece que solo sera a partir de la proxima generacion cuando caminar se convierta en algo vanguardista.
Wisława Szymborska |
Would we really be driven to darkest despair by the news that life doesn't exist beyond Earth? (...) But let's stop and think about such a revelation. Would that really be the worst of all possible news? Perhaps just the opposite--it would sober us, brace us, teach us mutual respect, point us toward a slightly more human way of life? Perhaps we wouldn't talk so much nonsense, tell so many lies, if we knew that they were echoing throughout t..
Wisława Szymborska |
Dimenticano che la vita non e qui. Altre leggi, nero su bianco, vigono qui. Un batter d'occhio durera quanto dico io, si lascera dividere in piccole eternita piene di pallottole fermate in volo. Non una cosa avverra qui se non voglio. Senza il mio assenso non cadra foglia, ne si pieghera stelo sotto il punto del piccolo zoccolo. C'e dunque un mondo di cui reggo le sorti indipendenti? Un tempo che lego con catene di segni? Un esistere a mio ..
Wisława Szymborska |
Buscar sinceridad en unas memorias carece de sentido. Mejor seria preguntarse que version de uno mismo y del mundo ha escogido el autor, dado que siempre hay posibilidad de elegir.
Wisława Szymborska |
DESPEDIDA DE UN PAISAJE No le reprocho a la primavera que llegue de nuevo. No me quejo de que cumpla como todos los anos con sus obligaciones. Comprendo que mi tristeza no frenara la hierba. Si los tallos vacilan sera solo por el viento. No me causa dolor que los sotos de alisos recuperen su murmullo. Me doy por enterada de que, como si vivieras, la orilla de cierto lago es tan bella como era. No le guardo rencor a la vista por la vista..
Wisława Szymborska |
No carece de encantos un mundo tan terrible, no carece de madrugadas que merecen un despertar.
Wisława Szymborska |
How many, after a shorter or longer life (if they still see a difference), good, because it's beginning, bad, because it's over (if they don't prefer the reverse),
Wisława Szymborska |
Merciless song, you leave me with my lone, nonconvertible, unmetamorphic body: I'm one-time-only to the marrow of my bones. Four A.M. The hour between night and day. The hour between toss and turn. The hour of thirty-year-olds. The hour swept clean for roosters' crowing. The hour when the earth takes back its warm embrace. The hour of cool drafts from extinguished stars. The hour of do-we-vanish-too-without-a-trace. Empty hour. Hollow. Vain..
Wisława Szymborska |
Funny little thing. How could she know that even despair can work for you if you're lucky enough to outlive it. I'd
Wisława Szymborska |
Po kazdej wojnie ktos musi posprzatac.
Wisława Szymborska |
Eve from the rib, Venus from foam, Minerva from Jupiter's head - All three were more real than me. When he isn't looking at me, I try to catch my reflection on the wall. And I see the nail where a picture used to be.
Wisława Szymborska |
NISTA DVAPUT Dvaput se nista ne dogada niti ce se dogoditi. Zbog toga neuvezbani smo se rodili i nerutinski pomrecemo. Makar ucenici najgluplji u skoli sveta bili, nijednu zimu ni leto necemo ponavljati. Nijedan dan se nece ponoviti, dve slicne noci ne postoje, ni dva ista poljupca, ni dva jednaka pogleda u oci. Juce, kada ime tvoje neko kraj mene glasno izgovori, bi mi kao da ruza kroz otvoren prozor pade. Danas, kada smo zajedno, okrenula..
Wisława Szymborska |
So poets keep on trying, and sooner or later the consecutive results of their self-dissatisfaction are clipped together with a giant paperclip by literary historians and called their "oeuvres."
Wisława Szymborska |
The track's all yours. We won't get in your way: by then we will have set off chasing ourselves rather than you.
Wisława Szymborska |
Letters to the Dead" We read the letters of the dead like puzzled gods -- gods nevertheless, because we know what happened later. We know what money wasn't repaid, the widows who rushed to remarry. Poor, unseeing dead, deceived, fallible, toiling in solemn foolery. We see the signs made behind their backs, catch the rustle of ripped-up wills. They sit there before us, ridiculous as things perched on buttered bread, or fling themselves after..
Wisława Szymborska |
SHrym vSHb` `TSmvt, SHlSHym vHmySHh SHryrym ySH bKHl KHryt SHl ATSb`vtynv hHmSH. hry zh dy vhvtr,
Wisława Szymborska |
Memory Finally Memory's finally found what it was after. My mother has turned up, my father has been spotted. I dreamed up a table and two chairs. They sat. They were mine again, alive again for me. The two lamps of their faces gleamed at dusk as if for Rembrandt. Only now can I begin to tell in how many dreams they've wandered, in how many crowds I dragged them out from underneath the wheels, in how many deathbeds they moaned with me at th..
Wisława Szymborska |
Niakoi obichat poeziiata Niakoi - obache ne vsichki. Dazhe ne povecheto, a po-malko. Bez uchilishchata, k'deto ia uchat, i bez samite poeti, takiva shche sa edno na khiliada.
Wisława Szymborska |
The Three Oddest Words" When I pronounce the word Future, the first syllable already belongs to the past. When I pronounce the word Silence, I destroy it. When I pronounce the word Nothing, I make something no nonbeing can hold." --
Wisława Szymborska |
They'll reenter their lives' cages, where love's tiger sometimes rages, but the beast's too tame to bite. We'll
Wisława Szymborska |
So poets keep on trying, and sooner or later the consecutive results of their self-dissatisfaction are clipped together with a giant paperclip by literary historians and called their "oeuvres." I"
Wisława Szymborska |
I let myself be invented, modeled on my own reflection in his eyes. I dance, dance, dance in the stir of sudden wings. The
Wisława Szymborska |
When they said he didn't exist, he couldn't die of grief, so he had to be born. He's already out there living somewhere; he blinks his little eyes and grows.
Wisława Szymborska |
M'zhko stopanstvo Toi e ot tezi m'zhe, deto vsichko si v'rshat samichki. Triabva da go obichash s's vse shkafcheta i polichki. S onova, koeto e v tiakh ili nav'n se podava. Niama veshch, koiato s'khranenie ne zasluzhava. Chukcheta, kleshchi, dleta i svredeli, i epruvetki, gvozdei, shnurcheta, diubeli razni, niakakvi chetki, tubichki ot lepilo, kolektsiia kam'ni rechni, mengeme i nakovalnia, burkanche s tainstvena technost, star budilnik, k..
Wisława Szymborska |
Tuve yo razon. Pero la razon no da fruto. Y estas son mis vestimentas chamuscadas por el fuego. Y estos son mis trebejos de vidente. Y este es mi rostro desfigurado. Un rostro que pudo ser hermoso y no lo supo.
Wisława Szymborska |
O sofrimento (capitulo tres) nao insulta o corpo. A morte chega com o sono. E vais sonhar que nem e preciso respirar, que o silencio sem ar nao e uma musica ma, pequeno como uma fagulha, a um toque te apagaras.
Wisława Szymborska |
No existe vida que, aun por un instante, no sea inmortal. La muerte siempre llega con ese instante de retraso. En vano golpea con la aldaba en la puerta invisible. Lo ya vivido no se lo puede llevar.
Wisława Szymborska |
En el tercer planeta del sol la conciencia limpia y tranquila es sintoma primordial de animalidad.
Wisława Szymborska |
Y helo aqui: en un estado indeporable, el escarabajo muerto en el sendero resplandece bajo el sol. El tiempo de una mirada basta para pensar en el: no le ha ocurrido nada importante, parece. Lo importante, dicen, es lo que nos atane a nosotros. La vida, pero solo nuestra, o la muerte, pero tambien solo nuestra, una muerte que asi goza de su obligada primacia.
Wisława Szymborska |
Niceg darovanog, sve posudeno. Tonem u dugovima preko glave. Bit cu primorana sobom platiti za sebe, za zivot dati zivot. Tako je to vec udeseno, da je srce za vracanje i jetra za vracanje i svaki prst posebno. Prekasno je za raskid uvjeta ugovora. Dugovi ce biti svuceni s mene zajedno s kozom. Idem po svijetu u mnostvu ostalih duznika. Jedne opterecuje isplata krila. Drugi, htjeli ne htjeli, razduzit ce se od lisca. Na strani Duguje svaka ..
Wisława Szymborska |
Mineli sie jak obcy, bez gestu i slowa, ona w drodze do sklepu, on do samochodu. Moze w poplochu albo roztargnieniu albo niepamietaniu, ze przez krotki czas kochali sie na zawsze. [...]
Wisława Szymborska |
Y si todo esto sucede en un laboratorio? ?Bajo solo una lampara de dia y miles de millones por la noche?
Wisława Szymborska |
No he vivido mas que tu, sino solo lo bastante para pensar de lejos.
Wisława Szymborska |
Asi, por obra del azar, soy y miro. Una mariposa blanca aletea en el aire con alas que solo a ella pertenecen, y una sombra sobrevuela mi mano, la suya, no otra, no de cualquiera. Ante hechos semejantes me abandona la certeza de que lo importante es mas importante que lo que no importa.
Wisława Szymborska |
El cielo esta en todas partes, incluso en la oscuridad bajo la piel. Me alimento de cielo, evacuo cielo. Soy una trampa en la trampa, un habitante habitado, un brazo abrazado, una pregunta en respuesta a una pregunta.
Wisława Szymborska |
Un milagro tan adicional como adicional es todo: lo impensable se puede pensar.
Wisława Szymborska |
The Three Oddest Words When I pronounce the word Future, the first syllable already belongs to the past. When I pronounce the word Silence, I destroy it. When I pronounce the word Nothing, I make something no nonbeing can hold.
Wisława Szymborska |
Kucam na vrata kamena. -To sam ja, pusti me. Hocu da udem u tvoju unutrasnjost, da pogledam uokolo, da te upijem kao dah. -Odlazi! - kaze kamen - Cvrsto sam zatvoren. Cak razbijeni na komade bicemo cvrsto zatvoreni. Cak smrvljeni u prah necemo nikoga pustiti. Kucam na vrata kamena. -To sam ja, pusti me. Dolazim iz ciste radoznalosti. Za nju je zivot jedina prilika. Zelim da prodem tvojim dvorcem zatim da posjetim list i kaplju vode. Malo vr..
Wisława Szymborska |
E vero, taccio - ma taccio solo per timore che il mio canto in futuro mi dia dolore, che verra giorno e d'un tratto smentira le parole, resteranno ritmi e rime, se ne andra l'amore,
Wisława Szymborska |
Czemu ty sie, zla godzino, z niepotrzebnym mieszasz lekiem? Jestes - a wiec musisz minac. Miniesz - a wiec to jest piekne
Wisława Szymborska |