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b7dd1be Tohr shrugged. "Assuming he's kept the same ones on, they're a total of five. Three cousins. That porn star Zypher--" Rhage harrumphed at that. Clearly, even though he was now very happily mated, he felt like the race had one, and only one, sex legend--and it was him." J.R. Ward
b6b0fa8 And I'll wash your other clothes. Shall I also order you a new set of leathers?" "Don't-" Wrath shut his mouth. "Sure. That'd be great. And, ah, could you get me some boxers? Black? XXL?" J.R. Ward
7cbd38a His stare shifted back over to Qhuinn. The guy's huge body was arching into the human woman, his broad shoulders and his tight hips and his long, powerful legs guaranteeing her one hell of a ride. He was amazing at sex. Not that Blay would know firsthand. He'd seen it and he'd heard it...and he'd imagined what it would be like. But when the opportunity had arisen, he'd been relegated to a small, special class: denied. Actually, it was more .. qhuinn-and-blay blay qhuinn black-dagger-brotherhood J.R. Ward
5c02333 It was a universal truth among males that anytime you saw a guy get it in the nuts, you experienced a shot of phantom pain in your own croquet set. J.R. Ward
351c2a6 Wrath what do you say" "Fuck' came the reply "Appropriate word choice, my lord, but not really an answer"." J.R. Ward
39fab02 Qhuinn got down on one knee. Just dropped right on to the depiction of an apple tree in full bloom. "I don't have a ring. I don't have anything fancy in my mind or on my tongue." Qhuinn swallowed hard. "I know this is too early, and that it's out of the blue, but I love you and I want us to--" For once in his life, Blay had to agree with the guy--enough with the fucking talking. With a decisive shift of his body, he leaned down and kissed a.. J.R. Ward
fc0b870 The pair of them were staring at the computer screen like two dogs watching animal planet: very focused, but incapable of turning up the volume or changing the channel. -Manny and Butch manny j-r-ward butch J.R. Ward
d4bfc28 This is going to be a really long couple of months if we worry about ever little twinge." "You just tried to throw up your liver." "I did not." So you were working on your pancreas?" J.R. Ward
58fe883 She is . . . the moon in my night sky. And that is the beginning, middle, and end of it. There is no more to be told than that, and never shall I speak of her again. J.R. Ward
2e0d9f9 Vishous came up onto the dais, his eyes down. He accepted the silver glove from Z and slipped it over the black leather he already wore on his hand. Then he scored himself with a quick flash of the black blade and stared at the skull as his blood dripped down into the basin, joining the others'. "My flesh," he whispered. He seemed to hesitate before turning to Butch. Then he pivoted and their eyes met. As candlelight flickered over V's hard.. J.R. Ward
71f31ea As the syringe was filled, Butch stepped up into the surgeon's grille. Even as incapacitated as the cop was from the inhaling, he was straight-up deadly as he spoke. "I don't need to tell you not to f*ck my buddy. Right." The surgeon looked around his little-glass-bottle-and-needle routine. "I'm not thinking about sex at the moment, thank you very much. But if I was, it sure as shit wouldn't be with him. So instead of worrying about who I'.. manny J.R. Ward
0fc5590 The true measure of courage was still waiting for him, however. After way too many years, he'd finally told Blay he was sorry. And then after way too much drama, he'd finally told the guy he was grateful. But coming forward and being real about the fact that he was in love? Even if Blay was with someone else? That was the true divide. And goddamn him, he was going to do it. Not to break the pair of them up, no, that wasn't it. And not to bu.. J.R. Ward
a32a3a3 When were you going to tell me?" He demanded. "Tell you what? That you can be a real asshole? How about right now." J.R. Ward
3bf6d10 Man, life was complicated. But the truth was simple. He was her home. He was where she belonged. J.R. Ward
9674331 But every once in a while, from out of the blue, someone reaches the quiet place where you spend your private time and changes the way you see yourself J.R. Ward
763a55d And as he held his first true lover against him, feeling that familiar difference in their heights and smelling that wonderful cologne, part of him wanted to debate this break up until they both gave in and kept trying. But that wasn't fair. J.R. Ward
4c23b4a Xhex couldn't stop herself from torturing them both. She sent him a mental scene, drilling the image right into his head : the two of them in a private bathroom, him up on the sink and leaning back, her with one foot planted on the counter, his sex deep in hers, the two of them panting. While he stared accross the crowded room, John's mouth parted, and the flush on his cheeks had nothing to do with embarrassment and everything to do with th.. J.R. Ward
da3422c Hey" V said into the darkness. "Hey" V went forward, rounding the foot of the bed, using the wall to navigate. Lowering his ass onto the mattress, he sat beside his best friend." jr-ward vishous butch J.R. Ward
95cde29 Rule number four for me as a writer? Plotlines are like sharks: They either keep moving or they die. ~J.R. Ward writing tips J.R. Ward
86a93cd I thought symphaths didn't have a conscience." "I'm half my mother's boy, too. So I have a little." "Aren't you lucky." The Reverend's chin dipped down, and his eyes flashed pure, purple evil for a split second. Then he smiled. "No... all the rest of you are fortunate." J.R. Ward
392d74e You have given me something ... I didn't even know I needed. It's the greatest gift I will ever receive--it's, like, completing me already in places I wasn't aware were empty. And yet ... in spite of all that? I don't love you one bit more. You are as important to me as you've always been." He curled down and pressed a kiss to the loose shirt she was wearing--it was one of his, actually, and wasn't that great. "I was wholly bonded to you be.. pregnancy J.R. Ward
d9f29fe Our boy looks impressed." "Should be," Rhage muttered as he jacked the belt on his robe. "We are awesome." Multiple groans at that point. Rolled eyes. "At least he didn't pull out the 'totes amazeballs,'" somebody muttered. "That's Lassiter," came an answer. "Man, that son of a bitch has got to stop watching Nickel-fucking-odeon." J.R. Ward
c2ee700 Too bad the freedom seemed like a prison. As his boots hit the mosaic floor at the bottom of the stairs, John Mellencamp's old-school, bic-lighter anthem echoed in his head-and though he'd always like the song okay, he'd never truly understood what it meant. Kind of wished that were still the case. Life goes on...long after the thrill of living is gone... J.R. Ward
bd76cb1 I ejaculated about ten minutes ago and the stuff was black. So everything is not normal." Silence greeted that happy little announcement. Man, if he had hauled off and sucker-punched V, he would have gotten less of a shocked-out reaction." sex humor friendships J.R. Ward
89b6dd6 Trust me, son. The pair of you are going to do this from time to time, and you might as well start to deal with it rationally now. Took me a good fifty years of making shit worse till I figured out a better way to handle arguments. Learn from my mistakes." John's head cranked over, and he started to mouth, I love her so much. I'd die if anything happened to h-- When he stopped short, Tohr took a deep breath through the pain in his chest. "I.. J.R. Ward
2a6cbc4 Time keeps on... slippin'... slippin'... slippin' into the future. J.R. Ward
584276e I always root for the monster. J.R. Ward
bd0ccb8 Oddly, she felt safe... as if the patient would protect her because of the vow he'd given her, and Red Sox would do the same because of his bond with the patient. Where the hell was the logic in that, she wondered. Gimme an S! A T! An O! A C! Followed by a K-H-O-L-M! What's it spell? HEAD FUCK. The patient leaned down to her ear. "I can't see you as the cheerleader type. But you're right, we both would slaughter anything that so much as sta.. J.R. Ward
032bd5c He could feel V's eyes sharpen, the vampire's fierce intellect churning over the situation. Among the brothers, Vishous had the most raw brainpower, but he paid for the privilage. Man, Wrath sure had his own demons, and they were no walk in the park, but he wouldn't have wanted Vishous's cross to bear. Seeing what had yet to come was a terrible burden. -Wrath's thoughts J.R. Ward
3e06f55 He stared right back at Blaylock and let everything he had in his heart show in his face. He just let that shit fly. Because there was a lesson in this Fade ceremony tonight: You could lose the ones you loved in the blink of an eye - and he was willing to bet, when it happened, you weren't thinking about all the reasons that could have kept you apart. You thought of all the reasons that kept you together. And, no doubt, how you wished you'd.. J.R. Ward
aa1aaa9 In the context of the English language, there were many more important words than "in." There were fancy words, historic words, words that meant life or death. There were multi-syllabic tongue-twisters that required a sort out before speaking, and mission-critical pivotals that started wars or ended wars...and even poetic nonsensicals that were like a symphony as they left the lips. Generally speaking, "in" did not play with the big boys. I.. blaylock J.R. Ward
1d2cdd5 but her eyes had had too much in them and his heart way too little for things to keep going. lovesickness sad-but-true J.R. Ward
e852bb0 Man, you cannot be real," the human said softly. "Why not?" "You just can't." She laughed a little. "Well, I am." He cleared his throat again. Offered her a lopsided grin. "Mind if I ask you to prove it?" "How?" "Can I touch your hair?" J.R. Ward
b2e5e56 No Last Meal for you guys, either. Guess we have that in common." Someone bust out the pom-poms and cheer for the team. Yay." qhuay qhuinn-and-blay qhuinn J.R. Ward
3b1a6f9 Whither thou know'est thy ass from thy elbow J.R. Ward
727003d Butch put his hand on his roommate's nape and murmured, "I'll do the saving until you get your head back, how about that? I'll keep you safe." butch-vishous black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-revealed vishous butch J.R. Ward
66da0aa The quick and the dead are all the same. Everyone's just looking for home. J.R. Ward
57f6050 We're vampires," he said. "Not fairies." "Sometimes I'm not so sure about that. You see that study your king hangs out in?" "He's nearly blind." "Which explains why he hasn't hanged himself in that pastel train wreck." "I thought you were bitching about the gloom-and-doom decorating?" "I free-associate." J.R. Ward
03e4c70 In an earlier life, were you a pair of brakes?" "Try a brick wall." J.R. Ward
3318463 There was a soft chiming sound, which meant, tragedy of tragedies, the angel had just popped himself up onto the countertop. "So, what are we doing tonight? Wait, let me guess, sitting in morose silence. Or,'re mixing it up. Brooding with soulful intensity, right? What a fucking wild child you are. Whoo. Hoo. Next thing you know, you'll be opening for Slipknot." With a curse, Tohr stood up and went over to turn on the shower, hopin.. slipknot lassiter tohr tohrment j-r-ward lover-avenged J.R. Ward
4f69d31 Uh-huh, uh-huh, ohhhh, yeeeeeeeaaaah, who's your daddy... J.R. Ward
8abf15a I didn't know it would be black," she murmured with a little smile. Horror flooded his face. "Oh, Christ!" J.R. Ward
77dd73b Zsadist: I didn't make up the rules of this scenario Wrath: You'll die if you go by yourself. Zsadist: Well... I'm kind of ready to get off the ride. Phury felt his skin get tight all over. zsadist wrath J.R. Ward
2f89930 It was a universal truth among males that anytime you saw a guy get it in the nuts, you experienced a shot of phantom pain in your own croquet set. As Lassiter crouched beside the Brother's pretzel of a body, he was feeling a little nauseous himself, and he took a moment to cup what hung between his legs--just to reassure the boys downstairs that however much of an iconoclast he was, some things were sacred. J.R. Ward